View Full Version : Does KD have a point when he said Championships aren't everything?

Walk on Water
04-17-2021, 12:02 AM
He said he's working on personal development. When he won, he wasn't completely happy. But we're living in an era where people are speaking their minds more. It used to be the unwritten rule that championships were what you were supposed to value and nothing else. Even Westbrook said a championship wouldn't change him. He says some people have championships and are miserable.

Maybe we shouldn't treat championships as the be-all, end-all? But just a big accomplishment. Something nice. You want it, but it's not everything. The reason why we see so many people are joining each other is that they're pressured into thinking that a championship ring is everything.

Pat Riley said that sometimes it's not about winning, but how you feel. People were disagreeing with KD, saying he should care about the championship. But many times when a team wins, they don't even get validated. There are often excuses from the other side. Maybe injuries, folding under pressure, refs, not good enough luck or just not playing well.

04-17-2021, 12:07 AM

04-17-2021, 12:12 AM
you raise valid points. ya titles do matter but they're circumstantial. take 2 superstars for example. if "star a" plays for a successful team, and every year that team is EXPECTED to compete for championships - but they lose? that player will be judged which means championships (or lack thereof) matter. if "star b" is on a garbage squad and every year that team has NO EXPECTATIONS - then titles don't really matter. why would they?

a lot of stars fall into the "b" category. they're comfortable never winning anything. you could argue some don't want that added pressure, which is a big reason they don't ring chase until they're washed.

04-17-2021, 06:19 AM
He said he's working on personal development. When he won, he wasn't completely happy. But we're living in an era where people are speaking their minds more. It used to be the unwritten rule that championships were what you were supposed to value and nothing else. Even Westbrook said a championship wouldn't change him. He says some people have championships and are miserable.

Maybe we shouldn't treat championships as the be-all, end-all? But just a big accomplishment. Something nice. You want it, but it's not everything. The reason why we see so many people are joining each other is that they're pressured into thinking that a championship ring is everything.

Pat Riley said that sometimes it's not about winning, but how you feel. People were disagreeing with KD, saying he should care about the championship. But many times when a team wins, they don't even get validated. There are often excuses from the other side. Maybe injuries, folding under pressure, refs, not good enough luck or just not playing well.

I want KD to be a happy person and succeed. Chasing LeBron isn't going to work for him.

04-17-2021, 06:28 AM
He said he's working on personal development. When he won, he wasn't completely happy. But we're living in an era where people are speaking their minds more. It used to be the unwritten rule that championships were what you were supposed to value and nothing else. Even Westbrook said a championship wouldn't change him. He says some people have championships and are miserable.

Maybe we shouldn't treat championships as the be-all, end-all? But just a big accomplishment. Something nice. You want it, but it's not everything. The reason why we see so many people are joining each other is that they're pressured into thinking that a championship ring is everything.

Pat Riley said that sometimes it's not about winning, but how you feel. People were disagreeing with KD, saying he should care about the championship. But many times when a team wins, they don't even get validated. There are often excuses from the other side. Maybe injuries, folding under pressure, refs, not good enough luck or just not playing well.

no shit he wasnt.

Guess why it wasnt a fulfilling experience?

Cause he took a shortcut. He took the easiest possible road. It was a hand-out.

Make-a-wish ring.

04-17-2021, 07:37 AM
Of course he has a point, and he is the most appropriate person to say it. KD thought that somehow everything would be alright if he won a ring. He did it twice, but he realized that it wasn't what he expected. Therefore, I am happy that Durant has evolved as a person and that he doesn't place too much emphasis on rings as other players, GM's or fans do.

04-17-2021, 08:28 AM
Championships are everything from a TEAM and COACHING perspective.

But championships AREN'T everything from an individual player's perspective. We know guys like Barkley and Malone are better than guys like Derek Fisher and Robert Horry.

04-17-2021, 09:23 PM
Championships are everything from a TEAM and COACHING perspective.

But championships AREN'T everything from an individual player's perspective. We know guys like Barkley and Malone are better than guys like Derek Fisher and Robert Horry.

But for great players who like to brag, it tends to be the tie breaker. Like Shaq and MJ wouldn't roast Barkley on his lack of rings. It seems like they are half way joking, and know that he is a great player, but still. Y'know it burns inside him.

Same thing with Jerry West. Even though he won a ring, that lost in 69 still hurts him till this very day. He never really got over it.

If Bird won more than Magic, he might've brag a little bit about it. He'll probably still be humble and respectful, but a little jab here and there.

Kobe took pride in his chips. Kobe was happy he got more than Shaq. Shaq said in the interview they both had, that it pissed him off that he won. So, it definitely matters. But it ain't everything like you said

04-17-2021, 09:32 PM
He's absolutely right. The idea that a guy like Dame Lillard could have all-nba selections, all star appearances, countless historic moments but be maligned for never winning a ring is bogus IMO. that mentality is why all these players leave to go to stacked teams or big markets, because the media puts "title or bust" pressure on their careers

04-17-2021, 09:35 PM
Giannis has been the mvp for twice in a row but i'm sure the greek freak wants to have a taste of what it's like to play in the finals.

04-17-2021, 09:47 PM
Yes because his championships are a joke. A championship with substance behind it like 2019 kawhi, 2011 dirk are everything.

04-17-2021, 11:22 PM
no shit he wasnt.

Guess why it wasnt a fulfilling experience?

Cause he took a shortcut. He took the easiest possible road. It was a hand-out.

Make-a-wish ring.

Thats not really his fault, in a sense. It was an extraordinarily uncommon coincidence that the best team also happened to have a max salary spot.

Players wanna win. Stars locked in a contract often go to management and demand the team bring in new players around them. What’s really the difference between that and leaving as a free agent? Either way youre not trying to win with the team around you. If the team goes out and trades its bad players for good players, youre weakening the competition as well as boosting your own team. It’s all the same goal, winning.

Obv nothing you said is incorrect, it definitely was the easiest road possible. And Im sure it wasnt super fulfilling, but still probably felt better than losing every year. But it’s not like other stars out there turn down these opportunities on principle, they just dont get them. It was a really unique situation which the CBA is supposed to, and usually does prevent.

Players have one job, and thats to try and win. The competitive integrity of the league is not Kevin Durant’s job. I never understood people blaming him for taking the best opportunity available to him when it’s completely within the rules, and in fact it’s how the league is SUPPOSED to work. Teams update their facilities, hire the best trainers, etc etc to attract the best talent. It’s been that way for decades. Kevin Durant literally did what people have been doing for years, there just happened to be an unlikely quirk in the system that resulted in an unusual competitive disparity. It was no fault of his own tho.

And I say this as someone who doesnt even really like the guy :lol But it is what it is.

04-18-2021, 12:54 AM
He just wants to dominate Lebron like here:


04-18-2021, 01:10 AM
They aren't everything, but Durant is only saying that because of the backlash. :lol Chips were everything to him when he jumped ship.

Ring counting and an undefeated finals record are overrated though.

04-18-2021, 01:25 AM
He means to say the only thing he can say and that's championships aren't everything TO HIM.

He sounds like someone who is thinking about retirement.