View Full Version : Kwame Brown BROKE the woke media machine

05-21-2021, 04:45 AM
This dude just changed culture. Hell with watching these effeminates (other than my effeminate Celtics) in the playoffs.

I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow, see Kwame in his truck, burying fake intellectuals like LeFraud, Jemele, Jack and other woke celebs with truth.

what a pioneer.

Kwame is their boogeyman.

05-21-2021, 04:58 AM
'Matt barnes act like he was a hell of a player. He average 8 points just like me'


05-21-2021, 12:16 PM
Kwame serving up red pills in this Matrix.

05-21-2021, 12:21 PM
Kwame is owning a lot of the frauds, and I agree with his overall message. At the same time though he is doing too much.

Bringing up race, their families and personal life is blurring the line. Some of the dudes he went at are paid to talk basketball, which is what they did. Broussard literally called him a bad basketball player and Kwame responds by talking about his skin color :lol

05-21-2021, 12:28 PM
Kwame is owning a lot of the frauds, and I agree with his overall message. At the same time though he is doing too much.

Bringing up race, their families and personal life is blurring the line. Some of the dudes he went at are paid to talk basketball, which is what they did. Broussard literally called him a bad basketball player and Kwame responds by talking about his skin color :lol

Totally. It was hilarious for a couple days but it's going to get old fast. Making everything about race and personal shit when he got called out for his game is corny as ****. He definitely was a bust for a #1 pick and didn't put in the work to improve his game, which is why MJ and Kobe hated his ass.

05-21-2021, 12:30 PM
Only white people don’t understand what Kwame is doing

05-21-2021, 12:39 PM
What in the **** does this have to do with woke anything? Goddamn yall are so mad.

05-21-2021, 01:02 PM
What in the **** does this have to do with woke anything? Goddamn yall are so mad.

they all represent woke

are you retarded?

these guys preach that shit

Kwame is owning a lot of the frauds, and I agree with his overall message. At the same time though he is doing too much.

Bringing up race, their families and personal life is blurring the line. Some of the dudes he went at are paid to talk basketball, which is what they did. Broussard literally called him a bad basketball player and Kwame responds by talking about his skin color :lol


05-21-2021, 01:46 PM
Kwame throwing middle school insults in large volume

I'm not impressed or amused. He's not intelligent at all

Just a very bitter fellow

05-21-2021, 01:50 PM
Kwame has small hands. Guy couldn’t even catch a tennis ball

05-21-2021, 03:09 PM
Kwame throwing middle school insults in large volume

I'm not impressed or amused. He's not intelligent at all

Just a very bitter fellow

What do you base his intelligence off of? Considering he was all academics as a HS compared to his peers. His insults are no more middle school than what we heard (and you laughed at) the past 20 years. Kwame in spite of some off the rail comments has made very valid points and revealed info that shits on narratives. One being Kwame was never MJ pick.

05-21-2021, 06:35 PM
I dont like any of it. The people that are gassing Kwame up just like the drama. They are the same people that were laughing at him when others were calling him a bust and a bum. I get defending yourself from what you perceive to be unwarranted criticism. However, I think Kwame's constant personal vicious verbal assaults is slowly crossing the lines of self defense to becoming the bully himself. He's becoming the thing he seems to hate the most a black guy tearing down other black people.

Also, let's not act like this guy is the only professional athlete that's been criticized for years on end. I hate to break it to Kwame but being criticized comes with the territory.

He talked about Lebron James and how if he was truly an activist he would quit the NBA and stop doing business with Nike.

I do have a question for Kwame in that regard. If he could turn back time and not become an NBA player and never have to worry about being called a bust or a bum, would he? As he said about Lebron quitting the NBA, would Kwame turn down that multi-million dollar contract to never endure all the criticism? As he also said, "I was able to buy my mom a house on a golf course at 17." To me, it would seem Kwame wanted all the glory and treasures of a number 1 draft pick, but he couldn't handle what comes with it. There's always a price that must be paid. At 17, he probably wasn't aware of said price. But, if he could turn back time with his current wisdom, I highly doubt he's turning down that check just so he doesn't have to endure the critics.

For a guy that claims he has so much wisdom, he seems somewhat misguided. Hopefully he finds his way, before it's truly too late.

05-21-2021, 08:42 PM
i say, keep it going. it's his reputation and face behind the words and accusations.

and he's right, as abrasive as he is ocming off, he's 100% right. idiots like stephen a smith made a career from calling dudes like him scrubs. "bUt He GeTs PaId FoR iT", and? lol, he can still be respectful when talking about teens/kids. he doesn't have to draw all emotion in his body and call him a certified scrub. guys like SAS made Kwame the poster child for busts even though KJwame was still an NBA player, never lived up to the hype but he could play. "they're entertainers", well so is Kwame (now), but he's spilling the truth. the other faggt charlamagne just filed a cease and desist because kwame is calling him a rapist, lil fakit can't stand being called a rapist but he loves to dish it. it's hilarious watching these people fuming for being called out. and the race part IS warranted because the majority of these idiots stand there in front of millions of people and claim to champion black's rights when they are hurting their own people on the daily.

05-21-2021, 10:33 PM
i think he's entertaining af

05-21-2021, 10:37 PM
i say, keep it going. it's his reputation and face behind the words and accusations.

and he's right, as abrasive as he is ocming off, he's 100% right. idiots like stephen a smith made a career from calling dudes like him scrubs. "bUt He GeTs PaId FoR iT", and? lol, he can still be respectful when talking about teens/kids. he doesn't have to draw all emotion in his body and call him a certified scrub. guys like SAS made Kwame the poster child for busts even though KJwame was still an NBA player, never lived up to the hype but he could play. "they're entertainers", well so is Kwame (now), but he's spilling the truth. the other faggt charlamagne just filed a cease and desist because kwame is calling him a rapist, lil fakit can't stand being called a rapist but he loves to dish it. it's hilarious watching these people fuming for being called out. and the race part IS warranted because the majority of these idiots stand there in front of millions of people and claim to champion black's rights when they are hurting their own people on the daily.


well said.

05-21-2021, 10:44 PM
Barnes is challenging him to a boxing fight. I hope he accepts it.

05-22-2021, 06:25 AM
Can someone please provide some context about this I'm not American thank you :confusedshrug:

Mr. Woke
05-22-2021, 10:36 AM
No he didn't lol.

I guess conservatards like Kwame now.

05-22-2021, 11:06 AM
I've been marathon watching his videos. Some of the funniest shit I've ever seen.

05-22-2021, 11:31 AM
Barnes is challenging him to a boxing fight. I hope he accepts it.

He won't accept because he won't kiss the ring

The reason everyone is watching him is because he's railing AGAINST the media and ISN'T going on their shows

The instant he goes on their show - he loses the juice that he has now.. They would love him to come on the show, which gives them the power and makes him uninteresting and takes away the juice he has going..

It won't happen.. Kwame is smarter than that.

05-22-2021, 12:00 PM
This is actually sad. We don't know what really caused this guy to all of a sudden snap. I mean, he's been quiet all these years and out of nowhere he starts snapping at media talking heads. Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of his tractor. Maybe mama's cooking was cold when it should have been hot. Hell, maybe he put his durag on too tight. Either way, I have no idea what caused this guy to just start going full snapping turtle mode and start a verbal warfare against talking heads on various networks.

Kwame Brown's NBA career didn't live up to expectations for various reasons. He was labeled a bust and became the butt of jokes by various people in the media. Is he the only person that this has happen to? Of course not. Will he be the last? Of course not. What he will be, is known as the one so called bust that all of a sudden snapped and started ranting and challenging anyone in the media for days on end.

Unfortunately, for Kwame, there will always be a Steven Jackson, a Becky with the good hair(lol), a Charlamagne tha God, a Steven A. Smith, etc. In other words, he's fighting a losing battle. Sure, he could somewhat hurt the ratings of these said individuals by some minute factor or maybe even a big factor, which I doubt. Even if that factor is so big to force those guys off the air, again which I doubt, another similar figure would simply take their place.

What Kwame is really fighting against is the heart of media and entertainment. People like to watch train wrecks. There is a reason his name was the butt of jokes. It's because it's what the people wanted to hear. They wanted someone to laugh at or say this player was a bust, etc. Why? To humans, that's entertainment. Steven A Smith's first rant about Kwame Brown being a bust was a huge success. It gathered over millions of views and likes.

In the end, we can't feel too bad for Kwame. He was able to play in the NBA and make millions of dollars. In his own words, he said he was able to buy his mom a house on a golf course at the age of 17.

I'm sorry, but I have little sympathy for a multi-millionaire who played a child's game and got butt hurt over being called a bust for years.

He clapped back at the media. Now, he should chill. I hope he doesn't let the internet keep gassing him up to where he drives himself off a cliff. I hope he remembers these people aren't his friends or care anything about him. At the end of the day, they're here to see the train wreck.


05-22-2021, 12:09 PM
This is actually sad. We don't know what really caused this guy to all of a sudden snap. I mean, he's been quiet all these years and out of nowhere he starts snapping at media talking heads. Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of his tractor. Maybe mama's cooking was cold when it should have been hot. Hell, maybe he put his durag on too tight. Either way, I have no idea what caused this guy to just start going full snapping turtle mode and start a verbal warfare against talking heads on various networks.

Kwame Brown's NBA career didn't live up to expectations for various reasons. He was labeled a bust and became the butt of jokes by various people in the media. Is he the only person that this has happen to? Of course not. Will he be the last? Of course not. What he will be, is known as the one so called bust that all of a sudden snapped and started ranting and challenging anyone in the media for days on end.

Unfortunately, for Kwame, there will always be a Steven Jackson, a Becky with the good hair(lol), a Charlamagne tha God, a Steven A. Smith, etc. In other words, he's fighting a losing battle. Sure, he could somewhat hurt the ratings of these said individuals by some minute factor or maybe even a big factor, which I doubt. Even if that factor is so big to force those guys off the air, again which I doubt, another similar figure would simply take their place.

What Kwame is really fighting against is the heart of media and entertainment. People like to watch train wrecks. There is a reason his name was the butt of jokes. It's because it's what the people wanted to hear. They wanted someone to laugh at or say this player was a bust, etc. Why? To humans, that's entertainment. Steven A Smith's first rant about Kwame Brown being a bust was a huge success. It gathered over millions of views and likes.

In the end, we can't feel too bad for Kwame. He was able to play in the NBA and make millions of dollars. In his own words, he said he was able to buy his mom a house on a golf course at the age of 17.

I'm sorry, but I have little sympathy for a multi-millionaire who played a child's game and got butt hurt over being called a bust for years.

He clapped back at the media. Now, he should chill. I hope he doesn't let the internet keep gassing him up to where he drives himself off a cliff. I hope he remembers these people aren't his friends or care anything about him. At the end of the day, they're here to see the train wreck.


You've got it all wrong. Hes pointing out that these guys all made careers and their whole livelihood off hating on other people. He's making a lot of good points. Why do you think he snapped? Because he talked back for once? Get the **** out of here lol

05-22-2021, 12:24 PM
This is actually sad. We don't know what really caused this guy to all of a sudden snap. I mean, he's been quiet all these years and out of nowhere he starts snapping at media talking heads. Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of his tractor. Maybe mama's cooking was cold when it should have been hot. Hell, maybe he put his durag on too tight. Either way, I have no idea what caused this guy to just start going full snapping turtle mode and start a verbal warfare against talking heads on various networks.

Kwame Brown's NBA career didn't live up to expectations for various reasons. He was labeled a bust and became the butt of jokes by various people in the media. Is he the only person that this has happen to? Of course not. Will he be the last? Of course not. What he will be, is known as the one so called bust that all of a sudden snapped and started ranting and challenging anyone in the media for days on end.

Unfortunately, for Kwame, there will always be a Steven Jackson, a Becky with the good hair(lol), a Charlamagne tha God, a Steven A. Smith, etc. In other words, he's fighting a losing battle. Sure, he could somewhat hurt the ratings of these said individuals by some minute factor or maybe even a big factor, which I doubt. Even if that factor is so big to force those guys off the air, again which I doubt, another similar figure would simply take their place.

What Kwame is really fighting against is the heart of media and entertainment. People like to watch train wrecks. There is a reason his name was the butt of jokes. It's because it's what the people wanted to hear. They wanted someone to laugh at or say this player was a bust, etc. Why? To humans, that's entertainment. Steven A Smith's first rant about Kwame Brown being a bust was a huge success. It gathered over millions of views and likes.

In the end, we can't feel too bad for Kwame. He was able to play in the NBA and make millions of dollars. In his own words, he said he was able to buy his mom a house on a golf course at the age of 17.

I'm sorry, but I have little sympathy for a multi-millionaire who played a child's game and got butt hurt over being called a bust for years.

He clapped back at the media. Now, he should chill. I hope he doesn't let the internet keep gassing him up to where he drives himself off a cliff. I hope he remembers these people aren't his friends or care anything about him. At the end of the day, they're here to see the train wreck.


Darko,Bennett, Oden, and some of his fellow draft busts weren't butt hurt.

05-22-2021, 12:24 PM
You've got it all wrong. Hes pointing out that these guys all made careers and their whole livelihood off hating on other people.

This statement is wrong in and of itself. Captain Jack and Becky with the good hair didn't make their entire livelihoods off hating on other people. They did play in the NBA(lol). They also usually don't launch personal hatred towards any particular person in sports. If it's sports related, they mostly call it like they see it and keep to sports and performance on the court. They made a joke about him being a bust, as did many people throughout the years in the media. Again, it is sports related.

As for Steven A. Smith and some of the other talking heads he was launching attacks against, as I said, he clapped back and now he needs to chill. I just hope he doesn't let the internet keep gassing him up until he eventually does something he regrets or this story goes from sad to tragic.

He's making a lot of good points. Why do you think he snapped? Because he talked back for once? Get the **** out of here lol

He obviously snapped. He's quiet for 20 years and now comes out the woodwork guns blazing at talking heads in the media. No one knows this guys personal life. Anything could have happen to him to make him start snapping. I do wish him the best and hope he finds peace. He seems unstable and unpeaceful at the moment. I mean he's been doing hour long rants for days on end at this point. He needs help in my honest opinion.

05-22-2021, 12:42 PM
This statement is wrong in and of itself. Captain Jack and Becky with the good hair didn't make their entire livelihoods off hating on other people. They did play in the NBA(lol). They also usually don't launch personal hatred towards any particular person in sports. If it's sports related, they mostly call it like they see it and keep to sports and performance on the court. They made a joke about him being a bust, as did many people throughout the years in the media. Again, it is sports related.

As for Steven A. Smith and some of the other talking heads he was launching attacks against, as I said, he clapped back and now he needs to chill. I just hope he doesn't let the internet keep gassing him up until he eventually does something he regrets or this story goes from sad to tragic.

He obviously snapped. He's quiet for 20 years and now comes out the woodwork guns blazing at talking heads in the media. No one knows this guys personal life. Anything could have happen to him to make him start snapping. I do wish him the best and hope he finds peace. He seems unstable and unpeaceful at the moment. I mean he's been doing hour long rants for days on end at this point. He needs help in my honest opinion.

He needs Dr. Phil.

05-22-2021, 01:09 PM
This statement is wrong in and of itself. Captain Jack and Becky with the good hair didn't make their entire livelihoods off hating on other people. They did play in the NBA(lol). They also usually don't launch personal hatred towards any particular person in sports. If it's sports related, they mostly call it like they see it and keep to sports and performance on the court. They made a joke about him being a bust, as did many people throughout the years in the media. Again, it is sports related.

As for Steven A. Smith and some of the other talking heads he was launching attacks against, as I said, he clapped back and now he needs to chill. I just hope he doesn't let the internet keep gassing him up until he eventually does something he regrets or this story goes from sad to tragic.

He obviously snapped. He's quiet for 20 years and now comes out the woodwork guns blazing at talking heads in the media. No one knows this guys personal life. Anything could have happen to him to make him start snapping. I do wish him the best and hope he finds peace. He seems unstable and unpeaceful at the moment. I mean he's been doing hour long rants for days on end at this point. He needs help in my honest opinion.

You're lying. Stephen Jackson said Kwames life is "dirt". A man who made 60 million dollars and supported his family. Dirt. What are you talking about bro? Just basketball?

Matt Barnes also wasn't any better than Kwame. He was a role player too. So yea... Its absurdly hypocritical for him to rag on somebody he wasn't even better than. If I were Kwame id light his bitch cuck ass up too.

It honestly isn't Kwames fault that scouts overrated him. They do it all the time. Sam Bowie was picked over Michael Jordan because he was an athletic 7 footer. Did he get clowned on for decades? Social media has allowed this type of bullying. Its incredibly common for top 5 picks to bust. We could name 100s of guys. If I were kwame and had to hear fake ass clowns like Matt Barnes talk shit on me, id probably lose my freedom real quick. And I don't want to say what would happen to him.

05-22-2021, 01:12 PM
This is actually sad. We don't know what really caused this guy to all of a sudden snap. I mean, he's been quiet all these years and out of nowhere he starts snapping at media talking heads. Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of his tractor. Maybe mama's cooking was cold when it should have been hot. Hell, maybe he put his durag on too tight. Either way, I have no idea what caused this guy to just start going full snapping turtle mode and start a verbal warfare against talking heads on various networks.

Kwame Brown's NBA career didn't live up to expectations for various reasons. He was labeled a bust and became the butt of jokes by various people in the media. Is he the only person that this has happen to? Of course not. Will he be the last? Of course not. What he will be, is known as the one so called bust that all of a sudden snapped and started ranting and challenging anyone in the media for days on end.

Unfortunately, for Kwame, there will always be a Steven Jackson, a Becky with the good hair(lol), a Charlamagne tha God, a Steven A. Smith, etc. In other words, he's fighting a losing battle. Sure, he could somewhat hurt the ratings of these said individuals by some minute factor or maybe even a big factor, which I doubt. Even if that factor is so big to force those guys off the air, again which I doubt, another similar figure would simply take their place.

What Kwame is really fighting against is the heart of media and entertainment. People like to watch train wrecks. There is a reason his name was the butt of jokes. It's because it's what the people wanted to hear. They wanted someone to laugh at or say this player was a bust, etc. Why? To humans, that's entertainment. Steven A Smith's first rant about Kwame Brown being a bust was a huge success. It gathered over millions of views and likes.

In the end, we can't feel too bad for Kwame. He was able to play in the NBA and make millions of dollars. In his own words, he said he was able to buy his mom a house on a golf course at the age of 17.

I'm sorry, but I have little sympathy for a multi-millionaire who played a child's game and got butt hurt over being called a bust for years.

He clapped back at the media. Now, he should chill. I hope he doesn't let the internet keep gassing him up to where he drives himself off a cliff. I hope he remembers these people aren't his friends or care anything about him. At the end of the day, they're here to see the train wreck.


you're on the wrong side of the fence, buddy.

he's winning.

he has won.

and he's maybe even installing some sense into them, for the better of us viewers.

05-22-2021, 01:13 PM
matt barnes act like he was a hell of a player

he average 8 pts just like me

05-22-2021, 01:38 PM
You're lying. Stephen Jackson said Kwames life is "dirt". A man who made 60 million dollars and supported his family. Dirt. What are you talking about bro? Just basketball?

You have your timeline mixed up. Stephen Jackson said his life was dirt only after Kwame launched a verbal assault on him and Matt Barnes. To refresh your memory, the timeline goes a little like this:

1- Beginning - Unknown person in the media is the first person to call Kwame a bust. This person is unknown due to the fact there were various and numerous media talking heads calling Kwame a bust for many years.

2- Beginning to 2021 - Who knows what happened throughout Kwame's life from the beginning to 2021. No one really knows what was going on in his personal life at those times, etc.

3- All The Smoke podcast - There is a joke made about Kwame Brown being a bust.

4- Kwame Brown finally snaps and launches verbal warefare against media talking heads mainly Steven Jackson and Matt Barnes.

5- Steven Jackson launches a counter verbal attack(the your life is dirt line among other insults) against Kwame Brown.

Steven Jackson kept it about basketball and there was a joke about Kwame's basketball performance. The bust joke. Only after Stephen Jackson was verbally assaulted, did he launch a personal verbal attack against Kwame Brown. To be honest, both didn't really need to take it to that level. Kwame wanted to clap back and he clapped back against a guy who is known to counter attack. Kwame should have just kept it about basketball and leave out the personal stuff. What did he expect Steven Jackson to say? He had to know the personal attack was coming. Again, wish he just clapped back with basketball.

Either way, Kwame snapped and got whatever he wanted to say off his chest. The deed is done. He needs to let it rest. The internet has seen this story play out before. It usually ends bad for the one that gets deeper and deeper in the rabbit hole.

I wish Kwame Brown the best. I think he needs some help. If I'm being honest, I also don't have much sympathy for multi-millionaires who were the butt of a joke due to performance. With that being said, hopefully he chills and goes on living his best life and doing positive things. I hope this doesn't end bad for him or anyone involved in this seemingly internet gassed mole hill.

05-22-2021, 01:55 PM
You have your timeline mixed up. Stephen Jackson said his life was dirt only after Kwame launched a verbal assault on him and Matt Barnes. To refresh your memory, the timeline goes a little like this:

1- Beginning - Unknown person in the media is the first person to call Kwame a bust. This person is unknown due to the fact there were various and numerous media talking heads calling Kwame a bust for many years.

2- Beginning to 2021 - Who knows what happened throughout Kwame's life from the beginning to 2021. No one really knows what was going on in his personal life at those times, etc.

3- All The Smoke podcast - There is a joke made about Kwame Brown being a bust.

4- Kwame Brown finally snaps and launches verbal warefare against media talking heads mainly Steven Jackson and Matt Barnes.

5- Steven Jackson launches a counter verbal attack(the your life is dirt line among other insults) against Kwame Brown.

Steven Jackson kept it about basketball and there was a joke about Kwame's basketball performance. The bust joke. Only after Stephen Jackson was verbally assaulted, did he launch a personal verbal attack against Kwame Brown. To be honest, both didn't really need to take it to that level. Kwame wanted to clap back and he clapped back against a guy who is known to counter attack. Kwame should have just kept it about basketball and leave out the personal stuff. What did he expect Steven Jackson to say? He had to know the personal attack was coming. Again, wish he just clapped back with basketball.

Either way, Kwame snapped and got whatever he wanted to say off his chest. The deed is done. He needs to let it rest. The internet has seen this story play out before. It usually ends bad for the one that gets deeper and deeper in the rabbit hole.

I wish Kwame Brown the best. I think he needs some help. If I'm being honest, I also don't have much sympathy for multi-millionaires who were the butt of a joke due to performance. With that being said, hopefully he chills and goes on living his best life and doing positive things. I hope this doesn't end bad for him or anyone involved in this seemingly internet gassed mole hill.

Youre investing way too much into dissecting NBA internet gossip.

05-22-2021, 02:02 PM
Youre investing way too much into dissecting NBA internet gossip.


05-22-2021, 02:19 PM
Youre investing way too much into dissecting NBA internet gossip.


You're more than likely right. I actually haven't posted in a long time. However, this story for some reason caught my attention. It's not a particularly new story. As I said, the internet has seen this sort of thing play out many times in history. However, for some reason this one intrigued me a little.

Also, as I said, I don't have much sympathy for multi-millionaires who play a child's game. Even so, there is still a human element that makes me wish the best for Kwame, Captain Jack, and even Becky with the good hair lol. I guess I just like all the people tied up in this thing. Kwame seems like a cool guy. Steven Jackson and Matt Barnes seem for the most part chill. I would never have expected these three to be in this sort of mix up. I guess that's the intriguing part for me. Well, it's somewhat intriguing but getting old fast though. I hope Kwame puts it to rest and everyone just chills. No need to keep prolonging this out. It should be over. Let bygones be bygones.

05-22-2021, 02:51 PM

You're more than likely right. I actually haven't posted in a long time. However, this story for some reason caught my attention. It's not a particularly new story. As I said, the internet has seen this sort of thing play out many times in history. However, for some reason this one intrigued me a little.

Also, as I said, I don't have much sympathy for multi-millionaires who play a child's game. Even so, there is still a human element that makes me wish the best for Kwame, Captain Jack, and even Becky with the good hair lol. I guess I just like all the people tied up in this thing. Kwame seems like a cool guy. Steven Jackson and Matt Barnes seem for the most part chill. I would never have expected these three to be in this sort of mix up. I guess that's the intriguing part for me. Well, it's somewhat intriguing but getting old fast though. I hope Kwame puts it to rest and everyone just chills. No need to keep prolonging this out. It should be over. Let bygones be bygones.

Man watch out. Why are these kind of posts made when Kwame is having his turn at talking about people who talked about him for years? He only lashed out after Gilbert went on all the smoke show and had his name in his mouth. Where were you and all these long ass posts getting on him about that? Or when Jeanie Buss mentioned Kwame as far as the trade. And Matt/Sjax clowned Kwame. And when Jeanie didn’t take their bait they kept repeating themselves. Where were you?

How about SAS famous Kwame Brown rant that til this day gets played once in awhile. Everyone laughs at it. Where are your long posts about that? Lol

Come on man. Bygones can be bygones but we are not about to stop the fight because the bully got punched back in their mouth. Everyone let Biff give McFly noogies. The moment McFly fights back? “Cmon guys knock it off. McFly is there something deep that’s troubling u? Hope u find peace.”.

05-22-2021, 02:51 PM
barnes offered kwame to box and sign the wavers, but he declined lol. kwame keeps saying he would beat "fingerwave" into a pulp YET wont accept matt's challenge. kwame is just flapping his gums at this point lol. mr bust is funny and speaks a lot of truth though. i'll give him that.

05-22-2021, 02:55 PM
barnes offered kwame to box and sign the wavers, but he declined lol. kwame keeps saying he would beat "fingerwave" into a pulp YET wont accept matt's challenge. kwame is just flapping his gums at this point lol

Are you remedial? Kwame is milking this. He’s enjoying every moment. He’s not going to let Matt dictate anything here. Kwame is country boy strong. Let’s stop acting like Matt is a boxer. Who knows what a fight between the two would resemble. Kwame not scared. Neither is Matt. Kwame is enjoying giving them a taste of their own medicine and look who is resorting to resolving it physically. It was all giggles before now it’s “fight me or shut up”.

05-22-2021, 02:59 PM
Are you remedial? Kwame is milking this. He’s enjoying every moment. He’s not going to let Matt dictate anything here. Kwame is country boy strong. Let’s stop acting like Matt is a boxer. Who knows what a fight between the two would resemble. Kwame not scared. Neither is Matt. Kwame is enjoying giving them a taste of their own medicine and look who is resorting to resolving it physically. It was all giggles before now it’s “fight me or shut up”.

of course he's milking it. that's my point goofy. kwame made it personal bringing up barnes kids, while barnes was clowning his basketball ability. big difference. only way to get his hands on kwame, legally, is for him to sign a waver. and kwame declined.

mr. bust is a big barney looking and slow talking dummy. he's on the internet flapping his gums. he isn't with the smoke.

05-22-2021, 03:17 PM
Man watch out. Why are these kind of posts made when Kwame is having his turn at talking about people who talked about him for years? He only lashed out after Gilbert went on all the smoke show and had his name in his mouth. Where were you and all these long ass posts getting on him about that? Or when Jeanie Buss mentioned Kwame as far as the trade. And Matt/Sjax clowned Kwame. And when Jeanie didnÂ’t take their bait they kept repeating themselves. Where were you?

How about SAS famous Kwame Brown rant that til this day gets played once in awhile. Everyone laughs at it. Where are your long posts about that? Lol

Come on man. Bygones can be bygones but we are not about to stop the fight because the bully got punched back in their mouth. Everyone let Biff give McFly noogies. The moment McFly fights back? “Cmon guys knock it off. McFly is there something deep that’s troubling u? Hope u find peace.”.

I don't have a dog in the fight. I like all those guys for the most part. Kwame seems like a cool guy. Steven Jackson and Matt Barnes also seem to be pretty chill.

Kwame went in pretty hard on Steven Jackson and Matt Barnes. I think that should have been the end of it. Stephen Jackson being Stephen Jackson responded, Becky with the good hair did the same, and things kept rolling. I just think it's time to end it. At this point, Kwame is just ranting for hours and for days on end. It's simply unproductive and mentally destructive. There isn't some great insight or virtuous endgame. This is a story as old as time and more times than not ends bad for the one that keeps the needle moving.

Kwame aired out his frustrations for being called a bust for many years. Time for the so called giant to go back to sleep before he goes too deep in the rabbit hole. All three need to just chill and enjoy life. To prolong this nonsense and keep engaging in this verbal warfare, ain't it.

05-22-2021, 03:31 PM
I don't have a dog in the fight. I like all those guys for the most part. Kwame seems like a cool guy. Steven Jackson and Matt Barnes also seem to be pretty chill.

Kwame went in pretty hard on Steven Jackson and Matt Barnes. I think that should have been the end of it. Stephen Jackson being Stephen Jackson responded, Becky with the good hair did the same, and things kept rolling. I just think it's time to end it. At this point, Kwame is just ranting for hours and for days on end. It's simply unproductive and mentally destructive. There isn't some great insight or virtuous endgame. This is story as old as time and more times than not ends bad for the one that keeps the needle moving.

Kwame aired out his frustrations for being called a bust for many years. Time for the so called giant to go back to sleep before he goes too deep in the rabbit hole. All three need to just chill and enjoy life. To prolong this nonsense and keep engaging in this verbal warfare, ain't it.

It’s a rally not though. In all his rants, off the rail comments he makes valid points. He’s live right now. He said “if those two would have apologized for disrespecting me I wouldn’t go on and on.”. He doesn’t care that’s he’s considered a bust. What he cares about is the narrative that he ain’t worth shit. Because all people do when they speak on him is talk about how bad he was, how he cried because MJ was too tough on him etc No one speaks on how intelligence he was (not a dumb jock). No one talks about the good he’s done. Kwame actually speaks on things he’s done, still doing. He reveals things people don’t know. He said he did one interview when he retired. 30-40mins and they edited it and only posted 3 minutes and titled it in a way to make him look bad. No one has ever said Kwame despite not living up to #1 pick expectations has done good for himself. The fact Matt and Sjax didn’t even acknowledge him as a player during the Jeanie Buss interview screams his point.

I’m not going to say he doesn’t go off the rails. But he’s enjoying this. And people are saying “man you keep going. Give it a break”. To which he says “no one said give the a kwame Brown a bum” jokes a break. 20 years vs what 1 maybe 2 weeks of clips from him?

Like charlemange the god proved his point. He went from “leave kwame brown alone” to implying Kwame comes from a violent family so watch out. Most likely said in jest but he exposed kwame father criminal history along with his brothers. Yet kwame doesn’t acknowledge his father who left him at age 8. And doesn’t even KNOW the brother charlamange mentioned because his father had kids on the side. So why did he introduce this irrelevant information?

People are donating money to kwame who goes live on YouTube. He also is selling mercy there and on IG. All proceeds are going to foundations he’s been with for years in the cities he played for. And none of this was spoke on in the 30min interview where he talked about it. How he’s helping the unfortunate. How he’s helping you get guys make the right decisions in life. How he managed his finances wisely and works for himself. He’s his own boss and hires people to do work. I think that’s why I’m on kwame side and don’t mind him going in. Because he’s revealing a lot of shit other people know but don’t speak on. Some of the players know about this but they rather say noting or keep with the butt of the joke stuff.

05-22-2021, 03:34 PM

You're more than likely right. I actually haven't posted in a long time. However, this story for some reason caught my attention. It's not a particularly new story. As I said, the internet has seen this sort of thing play out many times in history. However, for some reason this one intrigued me a little.

Also, as I said, I don't have much sympathy for multi-millionaires who play a child's game. Even so, there is still a human element that makes me wish the best for Kwame, Captain Jack, and even Becky with the good hair lol. I guess I just like all the people tied up in this thing. Kwame seems like a cool guy. Steven Jackson and Matt Barnes seem for the most part chill. I would never have expected these three to be in this sort of mix up. I guess that's the intriguing part for me. Well, it's somewhat intriguing but getting old fast though. I hope Kwame puts it to rest and everyone just chills. No need to keep prolonging this out. It should be over. Let bygones be bygones.

Yeah, I know.

I remember you from like 10 years ago. I made a politically incorrect comment here, and you told me I should essentially “get woke” and pick up a copy of Guns, Germs, and Steel.

I had to inform you that I bought that book the day it came out, when I was TWELVE, when I saw it on the shelf of an airport bookstore while traveling with my parents. But that I also had the capacity to challenge its more ambiguous or confounded assertions.

But I think you mainly just wanted to cringefully signal to everyone on the NBA board that you had read and mindlessly inculcated a fancy science book.

Yeah. I remember you, Foster5k.

05-22-2021, 03:44 PM
.Yeah. I remember you, Foster5k.

Your memory is shot then. I've read the book you're referring to but never mentioned to anyone on this forum to read it. I would bet any amount of money on that. If you would be so kind to find the post, please do. I would love to see it. No idea who you are or why you trying to confront me.

05-22-2021, 03:54 PM
Your memory is shot then. I've read the book you're referring to but never mentioned to anyone on this forum to read it. I would bet any amount of money on that. If you would be so kind to find the post, please do. I would love to see it. No idea who you are or why you trying to confront me.

I have no idea where the thread is, or if it even still exists.

But trust me, it was you. I remember it clearly. And I wouldnt make it up.

05-22-2021, 03:54 PM
barnes offered kwame to box and sign the wavers, but he declined lol. kwame keeps saying he would beat "fingerwave" into a pulp YET wont accept matt's challenge. kwame is just flapping his gums at this point lol. mr bust is funny and speaks a lot of truth though. i'll give him that.

because it looks ****ing silly to get on air and fight like a clown, like a puppet...

thats why.

he'd be playing their game then.

05-22-2021, 03:59 PM
I have no idea where the thread is, or if it even still exists.

But trust me, it was you. I remember it clearly. And I wouldnt make it up.

Like I said, your memory shot. Not saying you making it up, but your memory is bad. You're confusing me for another user. I do remember there was a guy on here that referred to that book a lot though. You probably thinking of him.

05-22-2021, 04:01 PM
because it looks ****ing silly to get on air and fight like a clown, like a puppet...

thats why.

he'd be playing their game then.

i agree, but it looks more silly to claim you can beat someones ass. and repeatedly beat them down, at will, but then decline a fight lol. kwame is hurt for bringing up barnes' kids. matt and sjax only talked about his basketball career. they were disrespectful about it, sure, but kwame was trash. that isn't new.

05-22-2021, 04:16 PM
also, when kwame tries to defend himself, he keeps saying "look at the analytics!" does this peabrain understand he was a CAREER net negative in box plus minus? and a CAREER net negative in REAL plus minus. so what "analytics" is he yapping about? :oldlol: going in on stephen a smith and skip bayless for not knowing what they're talking about. this scrub is in hard denial.

05-22-2021, 04:28 PM
barnes offered kwame to box and sign the wavers, but he declined lol. kwame keeps saying he would beat "fingerwave" into a pulp YET wont accept matt's challenge. kwame is just flapping his gums at this point lol. mr bust is funny and speaks a lot of truth though. i'll give him that.

Can't really blame kwame. A man is only gonna take so much and he's pretty much been spot on with everything he's saying.

And if they did actually fight my money is on kwame all day. Yeah He's talking alot of shit but that's barns has ever done. I've never actually seen him fight anyone. Just alot of woofin

05-22-2021, 04:30 PM
also, when kwame tries to defend himself, he keeps saying "look at the analytics!" does this peabrain understand he was a CAREER net negative in box plus minus? and a CAREER net negative in REAL plus minus. so what "analytics" is he yapping about? :oldlol: going in on stephen a smith and skip bayless for not knowing what they're talking about. this scrub is in hard denial.

Kwame just needs to fall back and relax. He's clearly running out of steam. He went in super hard the first few shots and pretty much blew his entire load. Sooner rather than later, the bandwagon going to start fading. Then, he'll be left with just a handful of viewers still barely listening to his ramblings. At that point, a fear Kwame might go into a deep depression. For his sake and well being, he needs to fall back now and make peace not war. I'm strictly speaking for his own health in the long run. This short term fame and dick riders ain't it. It's a fast high with a hell of a low.

05-22-2021, 04:38 PM
Can't really blame kwame. A man is only gonna take so much and he's pretty much been spot on with everything he's saying.

And if they did actually fight my money is on kwame all day. Yeah He's talking alot of shit but that's barns has ever done. I've never actually seen him fight anyone. Just alot of woofin

ya i don't blame kwame for responding either. in fact, i agree with many of his views. i can appreciate the way he went at ctg & even stephen a. to a certain degree, sjax too. he went over the top with barnes though. then doubled down, emasculated matt and claimed he would've beat that ass, repeatedly. but in the end, kwame refused to scrap. it is what it is.

i gotta agree with foster5k. kwame's got a lot of fanboys who enjoy drama, but those people are dead inside. they don't care about kwame and will get tired of this guy rambling & clout chasing.

05-22-2021, 04:58 PM
Matt Barnes is a stick figure bitch lol. Kwame is built like deontay wilder. (Looks like him too) Matty ice would get his skull caved in in a fight.

05-22-2021, 05:02 PM
Matt Barnes is a stick figure bitch lol. Kwame is built like deontay wilder. (Looks like him too) Matty ice would get his skull caved in in a fight.

maybe. maybe not. but matt is willing to throw down. kwame just keeps talking, like a scorned hoe :oldlol:

05-22-2021, 05:03 PM
I think I've figured out what caused Kwame to snap. I was just thinking about what he said during one of his rants. It's truly sad. I really feel bad for Kwame and hope he finds peace within himself.

What I think happened is that he was actually a fan of the All The Smoke podcast. I think he was at his house watching one of his favorite shows, All The Smoke, during the Jeanie Buss episode. In this episode, Jeanie Buss was discussing a trade involving Kwame Brown and that's when the bust joke was made. I think this moment triggered something inside Kwame. I think it was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. One of his favorite shows, during an episode with his former team's owner, was making him the butt of yet another bust joke. Also, who knows whatever other personal problems this guy has gone through since this time. It's just a very sad story, and I feel for the guy.

That being said, I just hope he finds peace and calmness in himself. Stop all the rants and ramblings. Stop all the personal attacks and negative shit. Just get on the phone with these dudes and hash it out privately. Steven Jackson and Matt Barnes been through some shit themselves. I know they can relate to a guy like Kwame and whatever he's dealing with on the inside. In the end, I think these three guys just coming together and being chill and cool with each other is the best outcome for Kwame's mental health. This going live and ranting for hours while dick riders gas you up is hella unproductive and destructive in the long run. Wish this guy the best, but he has got to chill out on this shit. He's made his point and expressed his thoughts. It's time to move on.

05-22-2021, 05:06 PM
I think I've figured out what caused Kwame to snap. I was just thinking about what he said during one of his rants. It's truly sad. I really feel bad for Kwame and hope he finds peace within himself.

What I think happened is that he was actually a fan of All The Smoke podcast. I think he was at his house watching one of his favorite shows, All The Smoke, during the Jeanie Buss episode. In this episode, Jeanie Buss was discussing a trade involving Kwame Brown and that's when the bust joke was made. I think this moment triggered something inside Kwame. I think it was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. One of his favorite shows, during an episode with his former team's owner, was making him the butt of yet another bust joke. Also, who knows whatever other personal problems this guy has gone through since this time. It's just a very sad story, and I feel for the guy.

That being said, I just hope he finds peace and calmness in himself. Stop all the rants and ramblings. Stop all the personal attacks and negative shit. Just get on the phone with these dudes and hash it out privately. Steven Jackson and Matt Barnes been through some shit themselves. I know they can relate to a guy like Kwame and whatever he dealing with on the inside. In the end, I think these three guys just coming together and being chill and cool with each other is the best outcome for Kwame mental health. This going live and ranting for hours while dick riders gas you up is hella unproductive and destructive in the long run. Wish this guy the best, but he has got to chill out on this shit. He's made his point and expressed his thoughts. It's time to move on.


You different.

05-22-2021, 05:34 PM
maybe. maybe not. but matt is willing to throw down. kwame just keeps talking, like a scorned hoe :oldlol:

This isn't middle school dude. Challenging kids to fight like that is literal 7 th grade material especially as a 1st response. Kwame has a family to take care of. Matt has Derek Fisher to take care of his.

05-22-2021, 06:40 PM
This isn't middle school dude. Challenging kids to fight like that is literal 7 th grade material especially as a 1st response. Kwame has a family to take care of. Matt has Derek Fisher to take care of his.

kwame got kids to take care of, and yet he's crying on social media 24/7 lol. somehow you think that's mature, but settling shit like a grown man, and legally, is not.

that wasn't matt's first response either.but you probably revel in the drama. just sitting there waiting for that hillbilly to drop another video. :oldlol:

05-22-2021, 07:05 PM
Why does kwame have to be the bigger man, be “mature” after being dissed for 20 years? My guy can’t have his get back? Y’all weird as hell. Lol Dudes clown Kwame and u continue eating your sandwich. Kwame replies “chill man.”. Dudes keep clowning Kwame. No one says anything. Kwame gives them days of work. “Cmon man that’s enough. Stop.”.

05-22-2021, 07:09 PM
Why does kwame have to be the bigger man, be “mature” after being dissed for 20 years? My guy can’t have his get back? Y’all weird as hell. Lol Dudes clown Kwame and u continue eating your sandwich. Kwame replies “chill man.”. Dudes keep clowning Kwame. No one says anything. Kwame gives them days of work. “Cmon man that’s enough. Stop.”.

you think bringing matt's family into it is cool? kwame went at gilbert arenas personal life too. it wasn't until he watched the clip again, realizing gil was actually talking him up in that interview. and then apologized. kwame is an emotional wreck and lightweights iike you are cheering him on. bunch of dead souls in the world.

05-22-2021, 07:37 PM
you think bringing matt's family into it is cool? kwame went at gilbert arenas personal life too. it wasn't until he watched the clip again, realizing gil was actually talking him up in that interview. and then apologized. kwame is an emotional wreck and lightweights iike you are cheering him on. bunch of dead souls in the world.

it just seems like his ghettoish demeanor is getting to you, who cares if he didnt accept matt barnes invitation? you as well as i know kwame would beat the brakes off of barnes

05-22-2021, 07:46 PM
it just seems like his ghettoish demeanor is getting to you, who cares if he didnt accept matt barnes invitation? you as well as i know kwame would beat the brakes off of barnes

why would that get to me? besides, kwame sounds country not ghetto. idk what happens if they actually fought, but kwame keeps saying he'd whoop matt barnes ass. said it again today too. so why not sign the waver and backup his talk? the reason is because kwame wants to build an internet platform. the more sheeple eat his words, the better.

05-22-2021, 08:23 PM
kwame got kids to take care of, and yet he's crying on social media 24/7 lol. somehow you think that's mature, but settling shit like a grown man, and legally, is not.

that wasn't matt's first response either.but you probably revel in the drama. just sitting there waiting for that hillbilly to drop another video. :oldlol:


Look. Boxing isn't settling anything like a grown man. Its actually a ***** move because you want padded gloves on to scrap. A real fight involves fists... and grappling... and kicks. A lot of things. But you're missing the point. Matt Barnes... skinny twig ass dealt the first verbal blow. Kwame ended him and made his name into a meme.



At that point Kwame doesnt have to inconvenience himself at all. Let a bitch be a bitch. He's not going to disrupt his daily routine to line up with a ho. Matt Barnes is a ******. He's not Ben Wallace. Nobody is scared of Matt Barnes.

05-22-2021, 08:23 PM
you think bringing matt's family into it is cool? kwame went at gilbert arenas personal life too. it wasn't until he watched the clip again, realizing gil was actually talking him up in that interview. and then apologized. kwame is an emotional wreck and lightweights iike you are cheering him on. bunch of dead souls in the world.

You’re a soft person. There’s no rules when the lines of disrespect are crossed. You don’t make the rules. You don’t get to disrespect me then tell me how I can respond. You’re the type who gets their jaw broke for calling someone a b*tch. Then replying (in written form) the person overreacted and didn’t have to do all that. Could have just called me one back and that be that. And I also feel you sucker punched me because you didn’t let me know you would take it there.

That’s how you sound hahahaha

And Gil gave back handed compliments. While he gave Kwame props he also disguised it with clowning him. And feeding into the narrative of Kwame being the butt of all jokes. He didn’t have to mention Kwame at all. Which is why he called Kwame and apologized. Why would he apologize if he did nothing wrong? Since you have all the answers.

Moral of story keep my name out your mouth. It’s been 20 years and you still on my d*ck. Episode is about YOU and here it is you are mentioning me. No need. Just like there was no need for Matt and Sjax to attack Kwame when Jeanie Buss spoke on trade. Notice she didn’t play along laughing making jokes. So they or you get to choose how Kwame responds. That’s not how it works. In life when you log off from the net. You’ll learn one day what I’m saying can help you in life. There’s no written rule on how one responds, reacts to disrespect. Everyone’s different and their tolerance for disrespect is as well. At some point you got to shut the **** up.

05-22-2021, 08:27 PM

Look. Boxing isn't settling anything like a grown man. Its actually a ***** move because you want padded gloves on to scrap. A real fight involves fists... and grappling... and kicks. A lot of things. But you're missing the point. Matt Barnes... skinny twig ass dealt the first verbal blow. Kwame ended him and made his name into a meme.



At that point Kwame doesnt have to inconvenience himself at all. Let a bitch be a bitch. He's not going to disrupt his daily routine to line up with a ho. Matt Barnes is a ******. He's not Ben Wallace. Nobody is scared of Matt Barnes.

you think crying on the internet is grown man shit. stop it lol

05-22-2021, 08:52 PM
You’re a soft person. There’s no rules when the lines of disrespect are crossed. You don’t make the rules. You don’t get to disrespect me then tell me how I can respond. You’re the type who gets their jaw broke for calling someone a b*tch. Then replying (in written form) the person overreacted and didn’t have to do all that. Could have just called me one back and that be that. And I also feel you sucker punched me because you didn’t let me know you would take it there.

That’s how you sound hahahaha

And Gil gave back handed compliments. While he gave Kwame props he also disguised it with clowning him. And feeding into the narrative of Kwame being the butt of all jokes. He didn’t have to mention Kwame at all. Which is why he called Kwame and apologized. Why would he apologize if he did nothing wrong? Since you have all the answers.

Moral of story keep my name out your mouth. It’s been 20 years and you still on my d*ck. Episode is about YOU and here it is you are mentioning me. No need. Just like there was no need for Matt and Sjax to attack Kwame when Jeanie Buss spoke on trade. Notice she didn’t play along laughing making jokes. So they or you get to choose how Kwame responds. That’s not how it works. In life when you log off from the net. You’ll learn one day what I’m saying can help you in life. There’s no written rule on how one responds, reacts to disrespect. Everyone’s different and their tolerance for disrespect is as well. At done point you got to shut the **** up.

i can tell you're a effeminate bitch who never played sports lol. talking shit about a scrubs game is the norm. happens all the time in competition. kwame wont be the first or last bust. obviously that isn't the same as involving someones kids, or their families who got nothing to do with it.

again, the worst players are talked about ALL THE TIME. in every sport. matt and Jackson were dismissive of him, sure, but they kept it strictly basketball. the pau trade jeanie buss mentioned involved kwame brown, and they laughed it off because he was terrible. so how the hell does sports turn into what matt barnes does with his kids? people who talk wreckless like that end up eating their words. or worse. of course, a sorry ass mother****er like you wouldn't know anything about that. you're too busy keeping it "real" behind a computer screen. you're probably one of those imp wristed trolls who sits behind the keyboard all day, donating to the black internet community. i bet you donated to kwame's channel too :oldlol:

05-22-2021, 09:39 PM
i can tell you're a effeminate bitch who never played sports lol. talking shit about a scrubs game is the norm. happens all the time in competition. kwame wont be the first or last bust. obviously that isn't the same as involving someones kids, or their families who got nothing to do with it.

again, the worst players are talked about ALL THE TIME. in every sport. matt and Jackson were dismissive of him, sure, but they kept it strictly basketball. the pau trade jeanie buss mentioned involved kwame brown, and they laughed it off because he was terrible. so how the hell does sports turn into what matt barnes does with his kids? people who talk wreckless like that end up eating their words. or worse. of course, a sorry ass mother****er like you wouldn't know anything about that. you're too busy keeping it "real" behind a computer screen. you're probably one of those imp wristed trolls who sits behind the keyboard all day, donating to the black internet community. i bet you donated to kwame's channel too :oldlol:

How was kwame terible in LA when that was one of his best years? You make no sense. This has NOTHING to do with how he played. Even kwame acknowledges you can call him a bust, bum. But for the narrative to be just that and NOTHING else is the problem. 20 years of Kwame being a bum yet he kept a job in the league for over a decade. It’s 20 years of tearing someone down with nothing positive to say. Yet Kwame has done a lot of good in the world using his basketball platform. Kwame has a story that could be told to younger athletes coming up. What has Matt Barnes done in the NBA besides play a tough guy, be a tough defender and well.

He avg 8ppg. He was a below average 3pt shooter. No accolades. No all defensive teams. His post season was dog shit. He produced less there than regular season which was minimal. So how the hell Becky with the good hair going to talk shit about Kwame career and his was no better? Lol

But the narrative around Matt Barnes is he’s a tough guy with the shit. No nonsense doesn’t tolerate disrespect. Goon. When has Matt career ever been crapped on? I can’t recall many instances where people called Matt a bum. Because he really didn’t do any better in the Nba than Kwame. Yet it’s SAS sound bites, yet it’s “u only traded one player Jeanie” jokes. When Matt Barnes was ass. But no one says that.

Kwame whole thing is dudes talking shit got a lot of nerve. Sjax is this black activist. Black first. And yet you saw nothing positive with Kwame Brown.

Like I said kwame did a 30min interview for an LA paper. They didn’t even release the full video. They cut the juicy troll part, went with the narrative and cropped out all the good Kwame has done. There’s got to be a balance.

And once again he didn’t say shit for 20 years. Now he’s saying something guys like you wanna shut him up. Hilarious. “Why get personal?” Again you don’t make the rules here. Gloves are off. You’re soft dude.

05-22-2021, 09:48 PM
It was funny for a while but he's a big time hypocrite making himself look kinda stupid now. All the fake laughing n shit doesn't help.

05-22-2021, 09:51 PM
It was funny for a while but he's a big time hypocrite making himself look kinda stupid now. All the fake laughing n shit doesn't help.

Hypocrite? No one has said anything nice about Kwame. He’s supposed to be the bigger person and diss them in a mature way? Lol They still play SAS Kwame Brown rant. Yet Kwame is ranting too much now. Solid

05-22-2021, 10:01 PM
How was kwame terible in LA when that was one of his best years? You make no sense. This has NOTHING to do with how he played. Even kwame acknowledges you can call him a bust, bum. But for the narrative to be just that and NOTHING else is the problem. 20 years of Kwame being a bum yet he kept a job in the league for over a decade. It’s 20 years of tearing someone down with nothing positive to say. Yet Kwame has done a lot of good in the world using his basketball platform. Kwame has a story that could be told to younger athletes coming up. What has Matt Barnes done in the NBA besides play a tough guy, be a tough defender and well.

He avg 8ppg. He was a below average 3pt shooter. No accolades. No all defensive teams. His post season was dog shit. He produced less there than regular season which was minimal. So how the hell Becky with the good hair going to talk shit about Kwame career and his was no better? Lol

But the narrative around Matt Barnes is he’s a tough guy with the shit. No nonsense doesn’t tolerate disrespect. Goon. When has Matt career ever been crapped on? I can’t recall many instances where people called Matt a bum. Because he really didn’t do any better in the Nba than Kwame. Yet it’s SAS sound bites, yet it’s “u only traded one player Jeanie” jokes. When Matt Barnes was ass. But no one says that.

Kwame whole thing is dudes talking shit got a lot of nerve. Sjax is this black activist. Black first. And yet you saw nothing positive with Kwame Brown.

Like I said kwame did a 30min interview for an LA paper. They didn’t even release the full video. They cut the juicy troll part, went with the narrative and cropped out all the good Kwame has done. There’s got to be a balance.

And once again he didn’t say shit for 20 years. Now he’s saying something guys like you wanna shut him up. Hilarious. “Why get personal?” Again you don’t make the rules here. Gloves are off. You’re soft dude.

you're capping for kwame now. what a joke. now the narrative is kwame wasn't a bad basketball player? :roll: and that he wasn't terrible with kobe? you're proving my point keyboard warrior lol. kobe once said this clumsy, small handed scrub told him that he didn't want the basketball and never to pass it his way. kwame added that he was nervous and would screw up the play lol. kobe never respected that guy's ability. neither did mj. dude was a unconfident scrub.

again sports trash talk is the norm. its called being competitive, nerd. replying and making it about another dudes kids is ****boy shit. and is dealt with accordingly. but again you wouldn't know anything about that cuz you're sheltered.

05-22-2021, 10:11 PM
fools eating up all that BS from kwame. and you know its working with peons arguing he had a "good" peak lol

Mr. Woke
05-22-2021, 10:24 PM
Kwame was objectively a bust relative to his draft position.

It's also hilarious how he is trying to pander to retards who are "anti-woke."

05-22-2021, 10:25 PM
you're capping for kwame now. what a joke. now the narrative is kwame wasn't a bad basketball player? :roll: and that he wasn't terrible with kobe? you're proving my point keyboard warrior lol. kobe once said this clumsy, small handed scrub told him that he didn't want the basketball and never to pass it his way. kwame added that he was nervous and would screw up the play lol. kobe never respected that guy's ability. neither did mj. dude was a unconfident scrub.

again sports trash talk is the norm. its called being competitive, nerd. replying and making it about another dudes kids is ****boy shit. and is dealt with accordingly. but again you wouldn't know anything about that cuz you're sheltered.

You have a comprehension issue. Sucks to be you. 1. I said Kwame has his best year from his bust career with LA. Nothing more nothing less. Never defended his game. Never said anything positive about his game. Only thing I said is for a bum he was able to play a long time. 2. Kobe said everything to Kwame face not behind his back. 3. Matt Barnes career was not better than Kwame Brown. Yet Matt’s skill level and career are never shitted on. Interesting u skipped that part.

You’re acting emotional all butt hurt over Kwame personal disses. If you don’t like them watch what you say. You’re soft bro. I told you. You’re so stuck in the matrix you are used to no repercussions when one talks about another person. In the real world if you insult someone skill in a game the reaction/response isn’t to talk about their skill back. In your fairy tale world it is. In the real world? Anything can be said or done to you for that statement. Plenty of times an insult of someone’s skill has lead to a counter of suck my d*ck. And from there it is what it is. That’s real life. Learn life. Disconnect from the internet and safety net you have. Go out in the real world and talk shit about someone game for an extensive period of time. Then cry about what happens when that person has enough of you talkin shit. The end result is probably you filing a police report clown

05-22-2021, 11:06 PM
You have a comprehension issue. Sucks to be you. 1. I said Kwame has his best year from his bust career with LA. Nothing more nothing less. Never defended his game. Never said anything positive about his game. Only thing I said is for a bum he was able to play a long time. 2. Kobe said everything to Kwame face not behind his back. 3. Matt Barnes career was not better than Kwame Brown. Yet Matt’s skill level and career are never shitted on. Interesting u skipped that part.

You’re acting emotional all butt hurt over Kwame personal disses. If you don’t like them watch what you say. You’re soft bro. I told you. You’re so stuck in the matrix you are used to no repercussions when one talks about another person. In the real world if you insult someone skill in a game the reaction/response isn’t to talk about their skill back. In your fairy tale world it is. In the real world? Anything can be said or done to you for that statement. Plenty of times an insult of someone’s skill has lead to a counter of suck my d*ck. And from there it is what it is. That’s real life. Learn life. Disconnect from the internet and safety net you have. Go out in the real world and talk shit about someone game for an extensive period of time. Then cry about what happens when that person has enough of you talkin shit. The end result is probably you filing a police report clown

now you’re running from own words lol. how lame are you? you literally asked how kwame was terrible in LA. aka his “best” years. read that kobe story again and tell me with a straight face he wasn’t terrible. exactly. shut up. matt was a better basketball player than the cornball you worship. had better overall numbers and analytics too. the same “analytics” kwame keeps telling us to look at, but doesn’t realize he comes out looking worse off. :oldlol:

not acting like anything either. i'm calling a spade a spade. until kwame started clout chasing on the internet. you never said a damn thing about this shit being "unfair". pipsqueak. now, all of the sudden, he isn’t a scrub and the media tried to bury him. of course he was downplayed. the mother****er was ass, you don’t play sports and never have. its flatout obvious. you keep saying how this shit "escalates" yet Kwame says all his bullshit on the internet. he would never say this to matt. in the same room and face to face. kwame doesn’t wanna back it up either, even after an invite.

the examples you gave are shit and don’t apply to what goes on, outside your basement. you’re that snowflake whining about social justice, while another dude is taking your girl out. and plowing her in the parking lot.

05-23-2021, 01:05 AM
kwame is funny af.

his humor is insidehoops level. silly, immature, over the line, mean, whatever, all that.

and if you aint down with that silly stuff, what are you doing here on ish???

that bit on matt barnes had me spitting out food.

"becky, you are inadequate thats why you talk about real men. you got issues, boy. are you mad at your white grand daddy or your black grand daddy, you confused mothafukka. another man texted and took your lady when you was right there."

come on now. :oldlol:

05-23-2021, 01:48 AM
Regardless of his playing ability at the pro level he still won at life as a multi-millionaire that could say (whether he enjoyed it or not) that he was teammates with both MJ and Kobe

He had every thing to go at the Some of the Smoke Podcast for their recent comments about him while he was just minding his own business

Plus it's good for him to mention the real reason he was picked #1 as that was lost in history up until now

05-23-2021, 02:25 AM


05-23-2021, 03:13 AM
He's mostly just saying the same shit over and over again and making himself look insecure.

Maybe he should have written a book.

05-23-2021, 04:40 AM

This was 6 months ago? He's been posting clips for a while now. So it's not like he just "woke up" like you bronsexuals claim.

05-23-2021, 04:40 AM
He's mostly just saying the same shit over and over again and making himself look insecure.

Maybe he should have written a book.

Ofcourse you don't like him, silly boy.

05-23-2021, 08:42 AM
Alright, this shit is starting to get out of hand now. Kwame Brown just went on a close to 40min expletive laden no holds bars rant, on Roy Hibbert, because of an interview he did 13 years ago? He's no longer so called standing up for himself. Now, he's just targeting and harassing people from shit made 13 years ago. He needs to stop this shit ASAP. It's not going to end well. Please, Kwame just stop it already. Sooner or later, one of the guys he's targeting might just be another sleeping giant. If you live by the sword, sooner or later, you will surely die by it. At this point, it seems Kwame is highly toxic and highly unpredictable. It's the dangerous combination. I dont know what his endgame is. However, I do know this is a guy that is right on the edge and ready to dive...

I'm praying for this dude. I hope someone gets to him fast and talks some sense into him before it's too late.

05-23-2021, 08:48 AM
Alright, this shit is starting to get out of hand now. Kwame Brown just went on a close to 40min expletive laden no holds bars rant, on Roy Hibbert, because of an interview he did 13 years ago? He's no longer so called standing up for himself. Now, he's just targeting and harassing people from shit made 13 years ago. He needs to stop this shit ASAP. It's not going to end well. Please, Kwame just stop it already. Sooner or later, one of the guys he's targeting might just be another sleeping giant. If you live by the sword, sooner or later, you will surely die by it. At this point, it seems Kwame is highly toxic and highly unpredictable. It's the dangerous combination. I dont know what his endgame is. However, I do know this is a guy that is right on the edge and ready to dive...

I'm praying for this dude. I hope someone gets to him fast and talks some sense into him before it's too late.

lol, too late for what?

05-23-2021, 09:01 AM
lol, too late for what?

Before he goes after the wrong person and things end up tragically or before he just self-destructs entirely.

Right now, Kwame Brown is looking for trouble. As I said, he just went on a close to 40min expletive laden no holds bars rant, on Roy Hibbert, because of an interview he did 13 years ago. He needs to let this shit go and just fall back. It's not going to end well if he keeps down this path.

One has to be insane to think this will end well for Kwame. You can't just go around targeting and verbally assaulting people without repercussions. I get it. He was the butt of a bust joke for many years. To be honest, that's light compared to the stuff he's now doing and saying about other people. He's personally attacking and harassing people. At least the bust joke was about purely basketball ability. It wasn't about his kids, his family, his girl, his past personal transgressions, etc. This shit is getting out of hand. He needs to back down.

It doesn't matter how tough you think you are. It doesn't matter how invincible you believe yourself to be. It doesn't matter if you think you're untouchable or unapproachable. It doesn't matter if you think you can win every fight and every war. If you keep down such a path, you will sooner or later die by the sword. The thing is, I think Kwame also knows this. I just think he doesn't care. As I said, I'm not sure what his endgame is, but he seems to be on the edge and ready to jump.

Praying someone talks some sense into him fast. I would hate to see anything happen to him, etc. He needs help ASAP!

05-23-2021, 09:07 AM
Before he goes after the wrong person and things end up tragically or before he just self-destructs entirely.

Right now, Kwame Brown is looking for trouble. As I said, he just went on a close to 40min expletive laden no holds bars rant, on Roy Hibbert, because of an interview he did 13 years ago. He needs to let this shit go and just fall back. It's not going to end well if he keeps down this path.

One has to be insane to think this will end well for Kwame. You can't just go around targeting and verbally assaulting people without repercussions. I get it. He was the butt of a bust joke for many years. To be honest, that's light compared to the stuff he's now doing and saying about other people. He's personally attacking and harassing people. At least the bust joke was about purely basketball ability. It wasn't about his kids, his family, his girl, his past personal transgressions, etc. This shit is getting out of hand. He needs to back down.

It doesn't matter how tough you think you are. It doesn't matter how invincible you believe yourself to be. It doesn't matter if you think you're untouchable or unapproachable. It doesn't matter if you think you can win every fight and every war. If you keep down such a path, you will sooner or later die by the sword. The thing is, I think Kwame also knows this. I just think he doesn't care. As I said, I'm not sure what his endgame is, but he seems to be on the edge and ready to jump.

Praying someone talks some sense into him fast. I would hate to see anything happen to him, etc. He needs help ASAP!

Not sure whats gotten into you, but it seems like you need help asap.

Writing novels and acting like his life is in danger.

There are different ways of disagreeing with someone.

05-23-2021, 09:14 AM
Not sure whats gotten into you, but it seems like you need help asap.

Writing novels and acting like his life is in danger.

There are different ways of disagreeing with someone.

You would have to be insane to think this guy doesn't need help. He's off his rocker at this point. He's targeting and harassing someone for something they said 13 years ago. The people agreeing with him and gassing him up could careless about him. Someone with some sense needs to talk to him and tell him to back down and chill.

There's always another big bad. I think Kwame knows this but he just doesn't care. That's what worries me. I think he's on the edge and needs help. It's no longer funny. It's serious and he needs to stop. Hoping he gets the help he needs.

05-23-2021, 09:17 AM
You would have to be insane to think this guy doesn't need help. He's off his rocker at this point. He's targeting and harassing someone for something they said 13 years ago. The people agreeing with him and gassing him up could careless about him. Someone with some sense needs to talk to him and tell him to back down and chill.

There's always another big bad. I think Kwame knows this but he just doesn't care. That's what worries me. I think he's on the edge and needs help. It's no longer funny. It's serious and he needs to stop. Hoping he gets the help he needs.

dude stop it lol this whole drama is fake as **** he just punks all the ppl and enjoying life.

05-23-2021, 09:35 AM
You would have to be insane to think this guy doesn't need help. He's off his rocker at this point. He's targeting and harassing someone for something they said 13 years ago. The people agreeing with him and gassing him up could careless about him. Someone with some sense needs to talk to him and tell him to back down and chill.

There's always another big bad. I think Kwame knows this but he just doesn't care. That's what worries me. I think he's on the edge and needs help. It's no longer funny. It's serious and he needs to stop. Hoping he gets the help he needs.


05-23-2021, 09:53 AM
Talking to some of you posters is like talking to a brick wall. Yikes. You have people who literally think Matt Barnes was a better basketball player than Kwame Brown. You literally bought into this narrative of Kwame being such an awful player that it has you thinking this nonsense. If Kwame is drafted pick 28 how good of a player he was isn’t brought up nearly as much as now. Listen there were things about Kwame as a basketball player that made you laugh, cringe. But he’s played over a decade in the NBA and didn’t fizzle out like an Anthony Bennett. Javale McGee is another guy. Kendrick Perkins. These guys while we laugh at their games have played a long time in the NBA. So while we clown their funny moments. Lack of stats. We have to acknowledge they stuck in the league consistency over time. It has to be acknowledged and mentioned. That’s my point. Kwame was a bust. But for a guy that was so bad given Kobe quotes you regurgitate? How the hell did he last so long in the game? And yes his career in LA was probably his best year regardless of what Kobe said. I don’t talk out my ass. Where else did he play that he performed better as a whole?

Again Matt Barnes did what as a basketball player better than Kwame Brown? Someone answer since the other jackass refuses too. The irony Matt laughs at Kwame career and his accolades read the same as Kwame Brown. There’s nothing about Matt game that stands out. He’s known for being a goon, physical player. Matt was just as much of a throw in for a trade as Kwame was. So to see him clown Kwame as “u mean one player not two” is hilarious.

Also if you remove the curse words, n word uses Kwame Brown makes great points. Dude is smart. He doesn’t need to seek help. The guy works for himself. He owns land. Has a farm. Grows his own food. Didn’t blow his money. He’s wise. He has a message that goes over people’s head because he’s speaking in videos like people post here (more irony). But if you had a brain you can decipher his message. He’s all about the community and uplifting younger people who come from situations he grew up in which was screwed up.

Kwame as a ball player? Don’t care too much about. Kwame as a person after basketball? I’m intrigued. The guy is brilliant, hilarious and I’m entertained and also informed to see his message being delivered in these rants. He’s exposing folks and yall can’t handle it. Makes you uncomfortable.

05-24-2021, 03:24 AM
Ofcourse you don't like him, silly boy.

I don't care about him enough to like or dislike him. And I don't disagree with everything he's saying. That said, he plays all "just leave me alone" then talks shit about people who actually do anyway. It's kinda weird.

05-24-2021, 03:59 AM
Kwame throwing middle school insults in large volume

I'm not impressed or amused. He's not intelligent at all

Just a very bitter fellow
He’s not intelligent? Really?

One of the wisest beyond his years I’ve ever heard speak.

05-24-2021, 04:01 AM
You would have to be insane to think this guy doesn't need help. He's off his rocker at this point. He's targeting and harassing someone for something they said 13 years ago. The people agreeing with him and gassing him up could careless about him. Someone with some sense needs to talk to him and tell him to back down and chill.

There's always another big bad. I think Kwame knows this but he just doesn't care. That's what worries me. I think he's on the edge and needs help. It's no longer funny. It's serious and he needs to stop. Hoping he gets the help he needs.

You’re wrong.

I watched his videos before they brought his name up.

His world views are really good - he sees things clearly. Realizes what the media, Democratic Party and establishment as well as everything screwy the NBA is up to.

After this settles down he’s got a very good message and goal he wants to accomplish in truly helping the black community unlike hypocrites in the nba and politics like the Dems.

You don’t have a clue, man.

05-25-2021, 08:49 PM
Now ironic would it be if Kwame was the man who got people to turn off the hive mind media and stop looking to them for their entertainment much less guidance.

God puts everyone here for a reason, Kwame is a much better internet celebrity than he was a basketball player. Kwame is right about calling these idiots out. He was peacefully retired living the simple farmlife until they awoken the giant.

Code Breaker
05-25-2021, 09:13 PM
I heard Kwame and Kevin Samuels are about to link up. That would be some shit :roll: