View Full Version : The first round ended up more watchable than I expected.

05-22-2021, 06:54 AM
I’d have watched it anyway....and yes Warriors/Jazz would have been better for tv....but at least 6 of these series are very watchable. I didn’t expect to be paying attention to this round as it played in the background of my day....but I may have to actually sit down and watch closely. Normally I sleep late these days(I quit working a 9-5 and travel the country bullshitting) but I’m up early specifically to get errands done so I can watch the nba all day.

If they let the gotdamn fans in everywhere(even vaccinated ones) it would feel almost like old times.

05-22-2021, 12:12 PM
Dallas mavericks are allowing 15k fans in and clippers only 5k fans, so that's kind of an advantage.