View Full Version : Article on people still terrified of covid, even after getting vaccinated

05-22-2021, 09:50 AM
I honestly don't understand it. A virus that has a 99.8% survival rate, has a vaccine that's available and been taken by hundreds of millions of Americans, and even now has the CDC relaxing mask guidelines, these people, almost all of them far from being elderly, are still petrified of the virus and admit they'll continue to live in fear and isolation from it. Some gems from the article

A 35 year old, who for some reason had to disclose he was black, gay and deaf :lol

I worked at Whole Foods Market. But with the pandemic, I didn't feel comfortable with people being in my space or in my proximity. Some of the customers would take down their masks and speak at me — that just freaked me out. I had to resign because I was still afraid of walking in the store.

During the pandemic, there were periods where I would not leave my apartment for almost a week or a week and a half.

For example, large gatherings are something that I will not be returning to. It's because of the current climate with people choosing not to be vaccinated and they disclose that they refuse to be vaccinated. That makes me uncomfortable, and I know that I'm not in a position of asking if they've been vaccinated.

Am I ready to be maskless? Not anytime soon.

A 49 year old

But now with the threat of a pandemic and serious illness, do I want to be around that many people? I usually get like a horrible cold every winter. For my health, I don't think I'll ever go back to it even if things got back to normal.

Walking around seeing people in masks is disheartening. I suffer from claustrophobia and anxiety, which got worse during the pandemic. I cannot have anything near my face, so when masks came out, I thought "I'm screwed." I don't like the world that I see when I go outside my house. Inside my house, I can shut it all out.

And a lady who literally sounds like a Walk on Water post

I think it's crazy that they are loosening these restrictions so wildly. I don't see myself giving up the mask in public for a long while. I know most people are eager to shed them, but I enjoy the protection it has given me from others. People are so gross. It amazes me. Recently, I saw a man take off his mask to sneeze in the supermarket, and then put it back on. I was standing in the aisle going, "What?" You're supposed to keep them on.

I have become a little bit of a germaphobe. My children hate when the second they walk in the door, and I'm like, "Wash your hands, wash your hands." I won't let them sit on my bed in street clothes. I have them change because they've been out and exposed.

Full article


05-22-2021, 09:52 AM

Long Duck Dong
05-22-2021, 10:56 AM
Nobody seems to care anymore around here. For the moment it seems all but over but I still see some people wearing them mostly women and east Asians. The fact that I have 3 contacts on my phone dead from Covid will be a reminder it was more serious than just a flu though

05-22-2021, 11:10 AM
People are retarded... Pretty simple. I have a friend who is still scared after getting both shots. And constantly going on about masks and shit. If it didn't put me in jail I would slap the **** out of him if I hear him whining about covid again.

05-22-2021, 11:14 AM
Same people were terrified of middle east terrorism. Same people were terrified of mass shootings. Now they are terrified of the common cold. The media has done a number on these poor souls.

05-22-2021, 12:00 PM
Same people were terrified of middle east terrorism. Same people were terrified of mass shootings. Now they are terrified of the common cold. The media has done a number on these poor souls.

It’s amazing there’s still 380,000,000 people walkin around out there.

There are so many things guaranteed to kill us immediately

if we dont do what the government tells us...

05-22-2021, 12:49 PM
Perfect stuff lol.

Really hammers home all the points.

05-22-2021, 12:51 PM
Nobody seems to care anymore around here. For the moment it seems all but over but I still see some people wearing them mostly women and east Asians. The fact that I have 3 contacts on my phone dead from Covid will be a reminder it was more serious than just a flu though

This for real tho :roll:

I see these two groups STILL walking outside all the time with masks on, not a soul around them. The differences in psychology among humans is just so fascinating.

Tho to be fair I think I saw rufuspaul doin it too.

05-22-2021, 07:29 PM
Poor Blade still hiding in his basement from big bad Covid whilst the rest of us have gone back to normal :oldlol:

Haven't wore a mask since April

05-22-2021, 07:35 PM
Same people were terrified of middle east terrorism. Same people were terrified of mass shootings. Now they are terrified of the common cold. The media has done a number on these poor souls.
This to a degree, but also Covid just puts the weirdness of people on full, glaring display. See the Howie Mandel types that go their whole life too scared to shake hands. There are a lot of mistaken, naive, stupid, quirky, or bizarre people out there.

05-22-2021, 08:57 PM
These are the people that voted for biden

05-22-2021, 08:58 PM
Poor Blade still hiding in his basement from big bad Covid whilst the rest of us have gone back to normal :oldlol:

Haven't wore a mask since April

April? I havent worn one since october excpet only to get into buildings

05-22-2021, 10:35 PM

05-24-2021, 11:42 AM
MYSOPHOBIA: A pathological fear of contamination and germs. It was a thing way before Covid. I've had a couple of coworkers who obsessively washed their hands, used hand sanitizer every half hour and sprayed down their desk with Lysol two or three times a day. They were perfectly healthy, at least physically. They just had a phobia and they couldn't help themselves. I have a feeling that a lot of the people who are still terrified of Covid were borderline phobic before the pandemic started. The constant warnings and daily death count totals and all the rest just brought those latent fears out, and to some extent justified them. Now they can't go back to normal. It's like a person who's afraid of flying. They can tell themselves that they're being silly, that flying is safer than driving.... but their monkey brain refuses to listen.