View Full Version : Lamar Odom beat the piss out of Aaron Carter

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
06-12-2021, 02:38 PM

Aaron looks like one of those druggy tatted up Lil rappers now. What happened to that boy?


Dr Hawk
06-12-2021, 02:39 PM
How much did they earn for this?

06-12-2021, 02:45 PM
Good to know.

Keep us posted on the lives of washed up celebrities plz.

This is why society is so awesome.

Code Breaker
06-12-2021, 02:46 PM
Duh he’s 10 inches taller and 65 pounds heavier. Watched the fight on a YouTube stream pure comedy. :oldlol:

Joey Turnbuckle
06-12-2021, 02:52 PM


06-12-2021, 05:02 PM
Good to know.

Keep us posted on the lives of washed up celebrities plz.

This is why society is so awesome.


I fully expect a mouth breathing imbecile like Hamtardo to post something like this. Definitely in his low-lifed nature.

Hey Yo
06-12-2021, 05:56 PM
How much did they earn for this?

Odom got a half kilo of coke

06-12-2021, 06:19 PM
Then he walks in here and he brings him MORE meth? That's a brilliant plan ese

06-12-2021, 07:25 PM
A 7 foot heavyweight vs a 5 foot something lightweight. Word.