View Full Version : Is Luka a narcissist or was it necessary that Carlisle and Nelly left?

06-17-2021, 07:02 PM
I don't know honestly.

Could be either one or even both.

I think Luka has that anti-social streak like MJ, Kobe, Lebron, that is probably necessary to be the most famous ballplayer in the world.

On the other hand, Nelly was a dumbass and Carlisle was too much of a system guy who couldn't teach defense at all.

Probably I think we will get our answer with the next coach.

If it is a Tye Lue/Nash type of coach, then Luke is a narcissist and if it is someone like Nate McMillan then it isn't.

06-17-2021, 08:14 PM
Almost every great player in NBA history is a massive narcissist.

Kobe was a massive narcissist that was accused of raping women and then he did the Black Mamba BS afterwards to distance himself from the case.

Jordan had a massive gambling problem and was known to fight with his teammates.

Magic got his coach fired and he was also accused of being gay on the side which lead to him getting HIV.

Bird refuses to even acknowledge his daughter Corrie Bird despite her wanting to get into contact with him.

Lebron is a massive narcissist that backstabs his teammates and throws them under the bus when things don't go his way.

Tom Heinsohn felt that Russell resented him because the former was named the 1957 NBA Rookie of the Year

Russell also ignored Heinsohn's request for an autograph on behalf of his cousin and openly said to Heinsohn that he deserved half of his $300 Rookie of the Year check.

06-17-2021, 08:22 PM
The only player in the top ten of all-time.

That isn't a complete narcissist is Tim Duncan and that is the key reason the Spurs were so successful for over 20 years before they then collapsed once Duncan retired.

06-17-2021, 08:24 PM
Almost every great player in NBA history is a massive narcissist.

Kobe was a massive narcissist that was accused of raping women and then he did the Black Mamba BS afterwards to distance himself from the case.

Jordan had a massive gambling problem and was known to fight with his teammates.

Magic got his coach fired and he was also accused of being gay on the side which lead to him getting HIV.

Bird refuses to even acknowledge his daughter Corrie Bird despite her wanting to get into contact with him.

Lebron is a massive narcissist that backstabs his teammates and throws them under the bus when things don't go his way.

Tom Heinsohn felt that Russell resented him because the former was named the 1957 NBA Rookie of the Year

Russell also ignored Heinsohn's request for an autograph on behalf of his cousin and openly said to Heinsohn that he deserved half of his $300 Rookie of the Year check.

:kobe: what does Kobe being accused of rape by a trashy white whore (who had sex with multiple men that same night) have anything to do with basketball?

06-17-2021, 08:26 PM
No one here knows anything about the Mavs situation. But sure, lets all begin slandering Luka for no good reason at all.

06-17-2021, 08:26 PM
:kobe: what does Kobe being accused of rape by a trashy white whore (who had sex with multiple men that same night) have anything to do with basketball?

He cheated on his pregnant wife which along with the stress of the rape case against him caused her to have a miscarriage.

Kobe was an utter narcissist and there are countless stories of him being a horrible teammate and being a nightmare to deal with on and off the court.

06-17-2021, 08:30 PM
Tim Grover, who trained both Jordan and Bryant, recently appeared on The Complex Sports Podcast to discuss his new book, and he shared a Kobe story no one had ever heard before. (Transcript here and below.)

“We finished a game, Kobe and I decide to go out to eat in a restaurant … and he goes, ‘I need a table for four.’ I’m like, ‘It’s just the two of us.’ I didn’t ask. I didn’t ask,” Grover said on the May 18 episode.

Grover then said that two men came up and asked if they could sit with them since there were two free seats, but Bryant wouldn’t let them.

“Kobe said, ‘These seats are taken,’” Grover said to Complex. “I’m like, ‘Man, am I working this guy out too hard? He’s starting to hallucinate a little bit.’”

Bryant’s former trainer then added that the two men probably thought Kobe was just being a jerk, so he finally decided to ask about the two open seats.

“I said, ‘Kobe, who are those seats filled with?’” Grover said. “He goes, ‘Wherever I go’ … where they say, ‘everyone tries to hide their skeletons,’ he goes, ‘I bring everything and all of me with me. The good, the bad, the indifferent. And those seats are for those individuals because they make me who I am.’ So, he’s talking about his alter ego, the mamba mentality.”

Grover then also said that there were even drinks for the other two empty seats.

“There were drinks sitting all the way around,” he added. “And then those other two drinks, they were sitting there before he was getting ready to leave; I just kind of looked at him. There was two shots of tequila. He walked out, and I took the two shots real quick. You can’t leave good tequila on the table.”

Good lord this story shows what a complete narcissist Kobe was.

06-17-2021, 08:34 PM
A few of the unflattering incidents depicted in Three-Ring Circus involve Bryant’s treatment of his peers. In 2003, Eric Chenowith, who played collegiately at the University of Kansas, was in Lakers training camp in Hawaii, trying to make the team. Pearlman reports in the book that during an off-day outing, Chenowith felt a palm push into the back of his head. “Rook, you better get me my mother-****ing ice cream,” Bryant told him.

But Chenowith, drafted by the New York Knicks two years earlier, wasn’t fresh out of college: he had played in the NBA Developmental League the two seasons before. He felt Bryant was just trying to humiliate him, and yet he also felt like he had no choice but to walk over to an ice cream truck and fetch Bryant, already a three-time champ, some dessert. “You better f-cking run!” Bryant said. “Don’t walk. Run.”

“Kobe was a complete prick,” Chenowith told Pearlman in an interview for the book before Bryant’s death. “Not only is he a douchebag, but he’s also a douchebag who’s a prick. If he knows he can get something from you, he’ll treat you with respect. If there’s nothing in it for him, he can’t give a sh-t.”

The book highlights the critical opinions of those around Bryant at the time. Jackson is quoted as calling Bryant a “juvenile narcissist.” Over the years, O’Neal has tried to downplay his feuding with Bryant during their Lakers days. And while the two superstars did go a long way toward patching things up as the years went by, Pearlman reports that O’Neal, at times, abhorred his younger teammate.

“The truth is nobody wanted to play with Kobe,” O’Neal says in the book, describing the dynamics of the late-1990s Lakers, who struggled to establish themselves in the Western Conference. During one off-season pickup game, they came to blows.

Former NBA center Olden Polynice told Pearlman he grabbed O’Neal in an attempt to keep the peace. “And I’m telling you, if Shaq got loose he would have killed Kobe Bryant,” Polynice says in Three-Ring Circus. “I am not exaggerating… He wanted to end Kobe’s life in that moment

O’Neal despised Bryant so much, according to Three-Ring Circus, that during one team flight from Hawaii where Bryant was not present, O’Neal produced a facetious rap verse about Bryant’s involvement in the case, shocking a few teammates who heard his freestyle lyrics.

06-17-2021, 08:41 PM
Anyone taking the greatest narcissist in NBA history in Kobe Bryant over the most selfless teammate in NBA history in Duncan is on drugs and this is a clear reason along with many others on why Duncan is always ranked above Kobe all time on every single list.

06-17-2021, 09:00 PM
:kobe: what does Kobe being accused of rape by a trashy white whore (who had sex with multiple men that same night) have anything to do with basketball?

How many women haven't stepped forward regarding Kobe?

06-17-2021, 09:04 PM
:kobe: what does Kobe being accused of rape by a trashy white whore (who had sex with multiple men that same night) have anything to do with basketball?

Kobe said he let her leave IMMEDIATELY when she said no. What a gentleman:


So he was clearly innocent. Of course this is after he recanted that she did not enter his room. Which itself was after he recanted that he never met her.

06-17-2021, 09:05 PM
Jordan and Kobe are not really narcissists, fit the description of sub-clinical psychopaths more.

Jordan in particular is an obvious sub-clinical psychopath, with all the stories of him deliberately bullying people over a long period. Very obvious psychopath trait. Jordan didn't need to dominate the ball, only to win. He wanted status and victory, not attention. Diagnosis: Subclinical Psychopath, but close to being an actual sociopath.

Kobe is also not attention seeking enough to be a narcissist, also more of a subclinical psychopath, but less than Jordan. On the other hand, his more ball dominant style than Jordan speaks towards being a narcissist, but overall not. Diagnosis: High in dark tried traits, but not an actual subclinical psychopath.

Lebron is a textbook narcissist though with his need for drama and constant admiration. Has all the traits of the narcissist, including the need to be loved and admired, more than winning. Diagnosis: Clinical Narcissist.

The jury is still out on Doncic, but judging from his need to dominate the ball and his unwillingness to focus share the ball, it seems more likely to be narcissist.

06-17-2021, 09:19 PM
Jordan and Kobe are not really narcissists, fit the description of sub-clinical psychopaths more.

Jordan in particular is an obvious sub-clinical psychopath, with all the stories of him deliberately bullying people over a long period. Very obvious psychopath trait. Jordan didn't need to dominate the ball, only to win. He wanted status and victory, not attention. Diagnosis: Subclinical Psychopath, but close to being an actual sociopath.

Kobe is also not attention seeking enough to be a narcissist, also more of a subclinical psychopath, but less than Jordan. On the other hand, his more ball dominant style than Jordan speaks towards being a narcissist, but overall not. Diagnosis: High in dark tried traits, but not an actual subclinical psychopath.

Lebron is a textbook narcissist though with his need for drama and constant admiration. Has all the traits of the narcissist, including the need to be loved and admired, more than winning. Diagnosis: Clinical Narcissist.

The jury is still out on Doncic, but judging from his need to dominate the ball and his unwillingness to focus share the ball, it seems more likely to be narcissist.
This is...exactly how I've seen it for years.

(I am not a psychologist this is just how I see it and could be way off base. But I do have a unique insight into psychopathy)
Lebron feeds off of attention and wants to be liked. He appears to be the same person publicly and privately which is also why he can come off as tone deaf.
Kobe and MJ have a fake public persona surrounding their selfish and exploitative tendencies. With Kobe(perhaps due to the increase in media coverage) over time you can really see how he became better at faking it. From awkward to affable.

06-17-2021, 09:21 PM
Kobe said he let her leave IMMEDIATELY when she said no. What a gentleman:


So he was clearly innocent. Of course this is after he recanted that she did not enter his room. Which itself was after he recanted that he never met her.

This is some super autistic logic right here. :lol

06-17-2021, 09:29 PM
This is...exactly how I've seen it for years.

(I am not a psychologist this is just how I see it and could be way off base. But I do have a unique insight into psychopathy)
Lebron feeds off of attention and wants to be liked. He appears to be the same person publicly and privately which is also why he can come off as tone deaf.
Kobe and MJ have a fake public persona surrounding their selfish and exploitative tendencies. With Kobe(perhaps due to the increase in media coverage) over time you can really see how he became better at faking it. From awkward to affable.

I must admit I lost a lot for MJ after "The Last Dance". The bullying he did. That wasn't cool. It was anti-social.

I have had experiences with actual psychopaths and there is nothing cool about them, they're dangerous. On the other hand, narcissists are almost as bad, just not as dangerous.

Kobe didn't seem that bad. Probably manipulative, if you were a naive person like Pau. On the other hand, I doubt anyone wakes up in terror remembering Kobe. I do think Kevin Love and Kwame Brown have that problem.

06-17-2021, 09:31 PM
Almost every great player in NBA history is a massive narcissist.

Kobe was a massive narcissist that was accused of raping women and then he did the Black Mamba BS afterwards to distance himself from the case.

Jordan had a massive gambling problem and was known to fight with his teammates.

Magic got his coach fired and he was also accused of being gay on the side which lead to him getting HIV.

Bird refuses to even acknowledge his daughter Corrie Bird despite her wanting to get into contact with him.

Lebron is a massive narcissist that backstabs his teammates and throws them under the bus when things don't go his way.

Tom Heinsohn felt that Russell resented him because the former was named the 1957 NBA Rookie of the Year

Russell also ignored Heinsohn's request for an autograph on behalf of his cousin and openly said to Heinsohn that he deserved half of his $300 Rookie of the Year check.

This is true in general. Most extremely success people in any field have huge egos and driven to be the best. They are a little off.

06-17-2021, 10:03 PM
This is true in general. Most extremely success people in any field have huge egos and driven to be the best. They are a little off.

Wilt is a rare case in NBA history as after I talked with his sister Barbara Lewis.

She honestly said that Wilt if he could have done his life again would have stayed with the Globetrotters or gone to Europe instead of playing in the NBA or he would have done track and field which was the sport he loved the most in his life.

Wilt was a deeply insecure person who suffered from a serious case of goliath complex for most of his life because if he wins everybody says, 'Well, look at him, he's that big.' If he loses then, everybody says, 'How could he lose, a guy that size?

In fact, Chamberlain frequently joined the Globetrotters in the off-season and fondly recalled his time there before he died because he was no longer jeered at or asked to break records, but just one of several artists who loved to entertain the crowd

06-17-2021, 10:38 PM
I don't think it was a coach/GM problem... I just don't. The Mavs had a 7foot3 sized hole in their offense... If you fill that MASSIVE HOLE with an 18/8reb player who gets those stats in that series... The Mavs win.

06-18-2021, 01:41 PM
The only player in the top ten of all-time.

That isn't a complete narcissist is Tim Duncan and that is the key reason the Spurs were so successful for over 20 years before they then collapsed once Duncan retired.

Dirk seems pretty down-to-earth from the stories I've read and the interviews I've listened to. Maybe he's not top 10, but he's not too far away.

I think Carlisle probably had to go. Don't get me wrong, he's a great coach. But he is by no means a "players coach". He's had run-ins with some pretty good players... Rondo and Odom spring immediately to mind. I suspect that he is a big part of the reason that the Mavs can never seem to attract any of the premier free agents. Word has probably gotten out among the players that you shouldn't play for Carlisle unless you have no other options.

hold this L
06-18-2021, 01:44 PM
Luka got a new name on reddit

Luka PrimaDoncic


06-18-2021, 01:50 PM
He cheated on his pregnant wife which along with the stress of the rape case against him caused her to have a miscarriage.

Kobe was an utter narcissist and there are countless stories of him being a horrible teammate and being a nightmare to deal with on and off the court.

There are a ton of stories of Kobe motivating and teaching people in practice. He fought with shaq because shaq was notoriously lazy, but almost every other teammate and young player he mentored loved him. Kobe wasn't as viciously cruel and mean as MJ.

And that case was bullshit. That woman was sticking him for his paper.

06-18-2021, 01:50 PM
He's young with a bigass ego. With what athletes make now, most of them are.

Thing is Luka's a competitor just like Dirk was. More outspoken and flamboyant, ya. But shit like 'sociopathy' and 'narcissism' are thrown out too casually.

Patrick Chewing
06-18-2021, 02:31 PM
Luka is annoying, but I'd still take him on the Knicks.