View Full Version : In light of Doc being exposed for what he is I must announce KG as top 10 all time

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
06-21-2021, 11:18 PM
Had the worst FO situation ever for a superstar (or at worst 2nd behind Hakeem post Sampson).

Doc has only been to the conference finals with KG and even a past prime KG was great for them. Was by far the best player on the only title team under Doc which Doc tried his hardest to sabotage but failed to.

KG top 10 all time. :applause:


06-21-2021, 11:28 PM
The amount of fights I got into with Celtic fans when I pointed out he was a garbage coach

06-21-2021, 11:46 PM
I would say the better argument is they were the best team of all time. Even Curry\Dray\Klay were not good enough to be led by Mark Jackson but celtics 08 were able to overcome Doc.

KG = Durant
Rondo = Dray
Pierce = Curry
Ray = Klay

They still choked in 2010 finals, blowing a 3-2 lead. Doc gonna Doc. If only this fu*kin moron would of took the color commentary job next to Mike Breen, he would of saved so much tears from teams. Handed generational talents like Chris Paul, Kawhi, Embiid and still can't do shit.

06-22-2021, 12:05 AM
Two different rosters, so not just on him, but under Doc Rivers:

Clippers' halfcourt O-Rating in Game 7 vs. Denver: 81.7

76ers' halfcourt O-Rating in Game 7 vs. Atlanta: 81.3

hahahaha this guy is the biggest scam artist in nba history. Giving his 10 day contract level talent son Austin like a 40 million contract when he was GM of clippers.

Going by doc's history, atlanta hawks about to get smoked 1-4 just like 2020 nuggets and 2015 rockets did after taking advantage of Doc's coaching.

elementally morale
06-22-2021, 01:24 AM
I would say the better argument is they were the best team of all time. Even Curry\Dray\Klay were not good enough to be led by Mark Jackson but celtics 08 were able to overcome Doc.

KG = Durant
Rondo = Dray
Pierce = Curry
Ray = Klay

They still choked in 2010 finals, blowing a 3-2 lead. Doc gonna Doc. If only this fu*kin moron would of took the color commentary job next to Mike Breen, he would of saved so much tears from teams. Handed generational talents like Chris Paul, Kawhi, Embiid and still can't do shit.

Garnett at that point was no Durant. Pierce was very far from being Curry. Rondo and Dray don't even resemble one another. How dd you come up with this nonsense?

That Celtics team was very good. They could've 3peated, yes. So could have the Kobe-Gasol Lakers. Neither team was as good as the Warriors with Curry, Durant and Klay.

06-22-2021, 01:34 AM
Garnett at that point was no Durant. Pierce was very far from being Curry. Rondo and Dray don't even resemble one another. How dd you come up with this nonsense?

That Celtics team was very good. They could've 3peated, yes. So could have the Kobe-Gasol Lakers. Neither team was as good as the Warriors with Curry, Durant and Klay.

Garnett in 2008 was still in his prime and was a top 3 MVP candidate that season, also won defensive player of the year. He was in his prime until he got injured in 2009 and had surgery.

Pierce won a finals MVP over curry

Rondo and draymond were the floor generals, passers and both elite defensively

elementally morale
06-22-2021, 01:51 AM
Garnett in 2008 was still in his prime and was a top 3 MVP candidate that season, also won defensive player of the year. He was in his prime until he got injured in 2009 and had surgery.

Pierce won a finals MVP over curry

Rondo and draymond were the floor generals, passers and both elite defensively

I saw those games. No. Pierce was not on Curry's level. Ever. Garnett had some years in Minny when he was as good or nearly as good as pre-injury Durant but in Boston he was not. In part due to his lesser role, sure. His defense was there but on offense him and Durant were never on the same level. Close in KG's MVP year and the year before and after... but not in 2008 (they won then, right?) and surely not after his injury.

Regardless, the Celtics team was great and could've won 3 in a row. They also could've lost to the Lakers that year the matchup was not one-sided. Both teams would've lost to the Curry-Durant warriors though.

06-22-2021, 03:16 AM
Not Doc's fault that KG got injured in '09..or that Rondo blew out his ACL in 2013, ending the Celtics' title hopes. The Clippers had untimely injuries to CP3 and Blake every year. That wasn't Doc choking in that OKC series in 2014, that was all on Chris Paul. You can give him shit for the 2015 comeback, but he had his starters out there while Chris Paul blew that lead to Josh Smith with Harden on the bench, now CP3 wasn't a 100% either because he played on a bad hammy that year and Blake had his health issues too.

Looking back on all the "chokes" his team had, the Magic losing to the Pistons up 3 - 1 in '03 is the same as the Lakers blowing theirs in '06, the better team did what they were supposed to do, it was an achievement to push a much better team to the brink of elimination. I'm not going to give him shit for losing to the Lakers up 3 - 2 (Lakers had Game 6 & 7 at home, HCA is a thing) in 2010, or to the Heat up 3 - 2 in 2012(Lebron ATG game) or this year's loss (Embiid on one leg, Danny Green injury, Ben Simmons mental injury).

Doc is a hell of a coach and perfect for Philly, their roster is just not good enough because Embiid has to be 100% and dominant for that team to win (he obviously wasn't this year) and they're forced to either play Simmons at PG (an offensive liability) or Hill/Maxey/Milton (defensive liabilities). It's Philly's fault that they let Jimmy Butler walk to appease Ben Simmons, they should have moved him right after the 2019 Playoffs.

06-22-2021, 09:17 AM
Garnett in 2008 was still in his prime and was a top 3 MVP candidate that season, also won defensive player of the year. He was in his prime until he got injured in 2009 and had surgery.

Pierce won a finals MVP over curry

Rondo and draymond were the floor generals, passers and both elite defensively

Pierce averaged 22/6/5 on 58TS for that FMVP.

2014 Kawhi averaged 18/6/2 and won it.

Curry has 4 Finals better than those two.

31/6/5 on 60TS
27/9/8 on 62TS
28/7/6 on 56 TS
26/6/5 on 59 TS

Shit... Curry dropped 23/5/4 on 58 TS in his worst playoff series ever and that still tops pierce and baby kawhi. :lol

Goes to show the award is just a joke.

06-22-2021, 10:24 AM
Garnett in 2008 was still in his prime and was a top 3 MVP candidate that season, also won defensive player of the year. He was in his prime until he got injured in 2009 and had surgery.

Pierce won a finals MVP over curry

Rondo and draymond were the floor generals, passers and both elite defensively

2008 Garnett was his prime?


You clearly never watched prime KG if you thought 2008 was his prime. It just goes to show how great KG really was if people still think a 2008 version of him was his prime.

06-22-2021, 10:26 AM
Not Doc's fault that KG got injured in '09..or that Rondo blew out his ACL in 2013, ending the Celtics' title hopes. The Clippers had untimely injuries to CP3 and Blake every year. That wasn't Doc choking in that OKC series in 2014, that was all on Chris Paul. You can give him shit for the 2015 comeback, but he had his starters out there while Chris Paul blew that lead to Josh Smith with Harden on the bench, now CP3 wasn't a 100% either because he played on a bad hammy that year and Blake had his health issues too.

Looking back on all the "chokes" his team had, the Magic losing to the Pistons up 3 - 1 in '03 is the same as the Lakers blowing theirs in '06, the better team did what they were supposed to do, it was an achievement to push a much better team to the brink of elimination. I'm not going to give him shit for losing to the Lakers up 3 - 2 (Lakers had Game 6 & 7 at home, HCA is a thing) in 2010, or to the Heat up 3 - 2 in 2012(Lebron ATG game) or this year's loss (Embiid on one leg, Danny Green injury, Ben Simmons mental injury).

Doc is a hell of a coach and perfect for Philly, their roster is just not good enough because Embiid has to be 100% and dominant for that team to win (he obviously wasn't this year) and they're forced to either play Simmons at PG (an offensive liability) or Hill/Maxey/Milton (defensive liabilities). It's Philly's fault that they let Jimmy Butler walk to appease Ben Simmons, they should have moved him right after the 2019 Playoffs.

Yikes sounds like a bunch of excuses.

WHy don't you share that same energy with the GOAT (LeGOAT)?

06-22-2021, 03:06 PM
No one slurps on KG harder than OP

06-22-2021, 03:11 PM
No one slurps on KG harder than OP
RealGM slurps him pretty hard, they had him 11th in both their latest all time ranking and their greatest peaks ranking

06-22-2021, 03:45 PM
The Clippers had untimely injuries to CP3 and Blake every year.
People seem to go out of their way to forget this fact.