View Full Version : Giannis will do something Lebron couldn't do - win organically by changing his game

06-22-2021, 12:58 PM
Giannis stopped taking threes and went to the post, which allowed Middleton to play better and beat the Nets

People forget that Antawn Jamison averaged 32/10 against Lebron's Cavs in the 2007 Playoffs, and was averaging 21/9 right before joining Lebron - but Lebron failed to adjust his game to Jamison, so Jamison fell from a Middleton-caliber player to a trash player.

Unfortunately, Lebron's skill restriction to ball-domination reduces teammates to spot-up shooter, so he needs ready-made stars to win (team-hopping) and can't build a strong brand of ball that thrives on the championship level.

Lebron's inability to adjust to teammates destroyed players like Jamison, Bosh, Love, Hughes, Crowder, Rose, and Clarkson, which prevented organic rings... Even Ingram had a 1 year drop across the board alongside Lebron (PER, WS/48, VORP, BPM, 3-point efficiency), before resuming his upward trend after escaping LeCancer-ball.

Similar to Giannis, MJ adjusted his game to fit with Pippen and the triangle.. However, adjusting one's game and winning organically requires superior skill, which Lebron lacks.. His skill restriction to ball-domination and lack of elite jumpshooting reduces teammates to spot-up shooter and reduces brand of ball (can't win organically).

06-22-2021, 01:00 PM
Giannis stopped taking threes and went to the post, which allowed Middleton to play better and beat the Nets

People forget that Antawn Jamison averaged 32/10 against Lebron's Cavs in the 2007 Playoffs, and was averaging 21/9 right before joining Lebron - but Lebron failed to adjust his game to Jamison, so Jamison fell from a Middleton-caliber player to a trash player.

Lebron's inability to adjust to teammates (win organically) destroyed players like Jamison, Bosh, Love, Hughes, Crowder, Rose, and Clarkson.. Even Ingram had a 1 year drop across the board alongside Lebron (PER, WS/48, VORP, BPM, 3-point efficiency), before resuming his upward trend after escaping LeCancer-ball.

Similar to Giannis, MJ adjusted his game to fit with Pippen and the triangle.. However, adjusting one's game takes superior skill, which Lebron lacks - his skill restriction to ball-domination reduces teammates to spot-up shooter, so he needs ready-made stars to win (team-hopping) and can't build a strong brand of ball that thrives on the championship level.

Lefail had a top 5-ish defense and 2 allstars in mo williams and antawn jamison. His team was exactly as stacked as the current bucks or jazz. Maybe mitchell should quit on his team and collude with kawhi and curry. Or if giannis gets exposed again and scores something like 22 ppg on 43% fg and loses, he should just take his talents to a superteam while ppl blame his teammates

06-22-2021, 01:57 PM
Jamison was never a Middleton caliber player. IF he was it was earlier in his career with Golden State.

By the time he joined the Cavs he was an relatively inefficient volume scorer with a weak jumper and almost no value on the defensive end. He was only scoring 20 a game because he was on a 19 win team with a complete green light. Countless players in the NBA could do that.

Middelton, on top of not being a remotely similar player to Jamison in style, could average 25+ on a team like the Magic or Bulls.

When Jamison got to Cleveland his minutes and number of shots went down (as they should have) but his efficiency improved. This proves that he was utilized as he should have been.

06-22-2021, 02:12 PM
Jamison was never a Middleton caliber player. IF he was it was earlier in his career with Golden State.

By the time he joined the Cavs he was an relatively inefficient volume scorer with a weak jumper and almost no value on the defensive end. He was only scoring 20 a game because he was on a 19 win team with a complete green light. Countless players in the NBA could do that.

Middelton, on top of not being a remotely similar player to Jamison in style, could average 25+ on a team like the Magic or Bulls.

When Jamison got to Cleveland his minutes and number of shots went down (as they should have) but his efficiency improved. This proves that he was utilized as he should have been.

High IQ Factory


06-22-2021, 02:19 PM
Lebron's about winning orgasmically. You can take your organics back to the soy milk aisle phaggit.

06-22-2021, 02:29 PM
Sorry OP, Giannis has already been claimed by the Bron fam. Your boy Durant who you were sucking off during the Bucks series came up short, don't change the narrative.

06-22-2021, 02:31 PM
Sorry OP, Giannis has already been claimed by the Bron fam. Your boy Durant who you were sucking off during the Bucks series came up short, don't change the narrative.

:roll::roll: wrekt!

06-22-2021, 02:32 PM
Lebron's about winning orgasmically. You can take your organics back to the soy milk aisle phaggit.

You body baggin, toe taggin sunnuvabitch!

06-22-2021, 02:35 PM
Lebron's about winning orgasmically. You can take your organics back to the soy milk aisle phaggit.

He's a 1 and done guy. Ray Allen saved him

otoh, mj is getting them off 3 at a time

And Lebron needs 1b's and super-teams - literally the weakest quality rings possible - he never carried teams to Finals wins like Jordan

06-22-2021, 02:39 PM
Sorry OP, Giannis has already been claimed by the Bron fam. Your boy Durant who you were sucking off during the Bucks series came up short, don't change the narrative.

I don't like Giannis' game, but his win will prove that Lebron should've stayed in Cleveland, and that he failed in Cleveland.

06-22-2021, 02:47 PM
I don't like Giannis' game, but his win will prove that Lebron should've stayed in Cleveland, and that he failed in Cleveland.


06-22-2021, 02:50 PM
I don't like Giannis' game, but his win will prove that Lebron should've stayed in Cleveland, and that he failed in Cleveland.


OHHH!!! BLOCKED BY JAMES!!! :lebronamazed:

06-22-2021, 02:53 PM
Sorry OP, Giannis has already been claimed by the Bron fam. Your boy Durant who you were sucking off during the Bucks series came up short, don't change the narrative.

Giannis belongs to Bron family. Both are athletic phenoms. Both have muscles everywhere.

Durant belongs to Jordan family. Durant lost to Giannis.


06-22-2021, 02:59 PM
I don't like Giannis' game, but his win will prove that Lebron should've stayed in Cleveland, and that he failed in Cleveland.

Wrong. All of Cleveland accepts that LeBron kept his promise.



06-22-2021, 03:00 PM
Jamison was never a Middleton caliber player. IF he was it was earlier in his career with Golden State.

You're making up your own truth like a weak fanboy - Jamison was viewed as a player that scored quickly upon catching the ball and everyone thought he would fit better with Lebron than Amare's lengthy post-ups.

Here's Jamison's stats from his post-Warrior days and pre-Lebron, compared to Middleton's time as an all-star (peak):

05-09' Jamison'....... 20.8.. 8.9.. 1.9.. 44.7 fg.. 18.8 PER.. 2-time all-star
19-21' Middleton..... 19.8.. 6.0.. 4.7.. 47.0 fg.. 18.4 PER.. 2-time all-star

They were similar players, except Jamison was a much better rebounder and scorer - Jamison averaged 32/10 on 48% against the Cavs in the 07' Playoffs and could go off... and he could go off with QUICK scores, which everyone thought would fit great with Lebron..

This included me - I wasn't smart about Lebron's game back then, so I thought Jamison was a perfect fit and a much better choice than Amare.. Little did I know that forwards can't play with Lebron unless they're better than him (AD).

06-22-2021, 03:03 PM
You're making up your own truth like a weak fanboy - Jamison was viewed as a player that scored quickly upon catching the ball and everyone thought he would fit better with Lebron than Amare's lengthy post-ups.

Here's Jamison's stats from his post-Warrior days and pre-Lebron, compared to Middleton's time as an all-star (peak):

05-09' Jamison'....... 20.8.. 8.9.. 1.9.. 44.7 fg.. 18.8 PER.. 2-time all-star
19-21' Middleton..... 19.8.. 6.0.. 4.7.. 47.0 fg.. 18.4 PER.. 2-time all-star

They were similar players, except Jamison was a much better rebounder and scorer - Jamison averaged 32/10 on 48% against the Cavs in the 07' Playoffs and could go off... and he could go off with QUICK scores, which everyone thought would fit great with Lebron..

This included me - I wasn't smart about Lebron's game back then, so I thought Jamison was a perfect fit and a much better choice than Amare.. Little did I know that forwards can't play with Lebron unless they're better than him (AD).



06-22-2021, 03:04 PM
You're making up your own truth like a weak fanboy - Jamison was viewed as a player that scored quickly upon catching the ball and everyone thought he would fit better with Lebron than Amare's lengthy post-ups.

Here's Jamison's stats from his post-Warrior days and pre-Lebron, compared to Middleton's time as an all-star (peak):

05-09' Jamison'....... 20.8.. 8.9.. 1.9.. 44.7 fg.. 18.8 PER.. 2-time all-star
19-21' Middleton..... 19.8.. 6.0.. 4.7.. 47.0 fg.. 18.4 PER.. 2-time all-star

They were similar players, except Jamison was a much better rebounder and scorer - Jamison averaged 32/10 on 48% against the Cavs in the 07' Playoffs and could go off... and he could go off with QUICK scores, which everyone thought would fit great with Lebron..

This included me - I wasn't smart about Lebron's game back then, so I thought Jamison was a perfect fit and a much better choice than Amare.. Little did I know that forwards can't play with Lebron unless they're better than him (AD).

you're literally showing that Middleton was a much more efficient scorer. He is also a MUCH better 3-point shooter.

btw, Jamison had his most efficient scoring season ever next to LeBron. That 1 season next to LeBron, he never shot the ball better than then.

06-22-2021, 03:05 PM
Watching the series it is somewhat true. The first 2 games he was doing his typical ball dominance, back up and dribble routine, but in the last 4 games he was primarily setting screens amd being the roll man along with trying to get the ball in the low post. Playing like that instead of spam dribbling at the top of the key does make him way more effective offensively.

06-22-2021, 03:11 PM
you're literally showing that Middleton was a much more efficient scorer

btw, Jamison had his most efficient scoring season ever next to LeBron. That 1 season next to LeBron, he never shot the ball better than then.

Lebron increases everyone's efficiency because he lowers their PRODUCTION and reduces them to spot-up shooter... These lower roles/production prevent the TEAM from maximizing it's production - so his teams don't achieve expectation, ceiling or a brand that competes well on the championship level.

The 2014 Heat shot better against the Spurs than any other Spurs opponent, but they lost by more than anyone because their PRODUCTION was the lowest of any Spurs' opponent - brand of basketball trumps efficiency

06-22-2021, 03:11 PM
You're making up your own truth like a weak fanboy - Jamison was viewed as a player that scored quickly upon catching the ball and everyone thought he would fit better with Lebron than Amare's lengthy post-ups.

Here's Jamison's stats from his post-Warrior days and pre-Lebron, compared to Middleton's time as an all-star (peak):

05-09' Jamison....... 20.8.. 8.9.. 1.9.. 44.7 fg.. 18.8 PER.. 2-time all-star
19-21' Middleton.... 19.8.. 6.0.. 4.7.. 47.0 fg.. 18.4 PER.. 2-time all-star

They were similar players, except Jamison was a much better rebounder and scorer - Jamison averaged 32/10 on 48% against the Cavs in the 07' Playoffs and could go off... and he could go off with QUICK scores, which everyone thought would fit great with Lebron..

I wasn't smart about Lebron's game back then, so I thought Jamison was a perfect fit and a much better choice than Amare.. Little did I know that forwards can't play with Lebron unless they're better than him (AD).

Nothing you said changes anything.

In fact, you might be helping my argument, since Middleton in a 3 year span has the same number of all stars appearances as Jamison did in 6.

So you're comparing a guy who made two all star teams in 6 years (and zero in two years before joining Lebron) in that all time weak east you always talk about, to a perennial all star and 40/50/90 talent who plays excellent defense for his position.

A guy who can shoot like Middleton would have fit absolutely perfectly with Lebron in 09-10. I'm not sure why you're comparing him to Jamison. They aren't similar players at all. Jamison was a quick scorer as you said, Middleton is a shot-maker.

06-22-2021, 03:14 PM
Nothing you said changes anything.

In fact, you might be helping my argument, since Middleton in a 3 year span has the same number of all stars appearances as Jamison did in 6.

I showed that pre-Lebron Jamison produced more than peak Middleton.. it's quite simple and historical record - maybe you didn't see the stats so go re-read

06-22-2021, 03:24 PM
I showed that pre-Lebron Jamison produced more than peak Middleton.. it's quite simple and historical record - maybe you didn't see the stats so go re-read

How does this even make sense if peak Middleton plays with Giannis?

06-22-2021, 03:25 PM
I showed that pre-Lebron Jamison produced more than peak Middleton.. it's quite simple and historical record - maybe you didn't see the stats so go re-read

And this now doesn't change anything I said before. Again, Jamison only being a 2x all star in a weak east vs Middleton being a 2x all star in a stronger east and in half of the time helps proves my point that he is a better and more impactful player. Most of the numbers back this up.

A first option volume scorer on a bad tam is going to produce more points than a second option shot-maker and defender on a good team. This isn't exactly groundbreaking stuff.

06-22-2021, 03:34 PM
How does this even make sense if peak Middleton plays with Giannis?

Jamison and Hughes played with Arenas.

Both thrived alongside an elite jumpshooter like Arenas - an assist target like Arenas elevated the role of Hughes/Jamison, while Lebron's ball-dominance reduces players to spot-up roles - Lebron simply doesn't elevate teammates - he just teams up

06-22-2021, 03:34 PM
And this now doesn't change anything I said before. Again, Jamison only being a 2x all star in a weak east vs Middleton being a 2x all star in a stronger east and in half of the time helps proves my point that he is a better and more impactful player. Most of the numbers back this up.

A first option volume scorer on a bad tam is going to produce more points than a second option shot-maker and defender on a good team. This isn't exactly groundbreaking stuff.

Jamison was never really well liked as a player by fans before he joined the Cavs, I specifically remember me and my friends have a "meh" reaction when he got traded to Cleveland. Gasol coming to the Lakers was an obvious game changer to everyone, not Jamison. Also a thing lots of people are leaving out is Jamison was a horrific defender while Middleton is a good defender.

hold this L
06-22-2021, 03:47 PM
Didn't Giannis take 6 or 8 3s in game 7?

06-22-2021, 05:01 PM
Isn’t Giannis on steroids? That’s not organic

06-22-2021, 05:07 PM
Giannis belongs to Bron family. Both are athletic phenoms. Both have muscles everywhere.

Durant belongs to Jordan family. Durant lost to Giannis.



06-22-2021, 05:09 PM



06-22-2021, 06:53 PM
Lebron's about winning orgasmically. You can take your organics back to the soy milk aisle phaggit.


06-22-2021, 06:54 PM
In other words...The Bucks have a much more competent FO then LeBron ever had in Cleveland.

06-22-2021, 06:58 PM
no they dont they just dont want giannis to leave like bran so they'll do anything at this point

06-22-2021, 07:39 PM
Watching the series it is somewhat true. The first 2 games he was doing his typical ball dominance, back up and dribble routine, but in the last 4 games he was primarily setting screens amd being the roll man along with trying to get the ball in the low post. Playing like that instead of spam dribbling at the top of the key does make him way more effective offensively.

^^^ thread cliffs right there

Organic rings require that type of refinement and adjustments to teammates.

Jordan became more of a jumpshooter to allow Pippen and BJ to grow, while also inventing the footwork needed to produce a lot in the dribble-averse triangle... And per tpols above, the Bucks series turned when Giannis began primarily setting screens and being the roll man along with trying to get the ball in the low post. Playing like that instead of spam dribbling at the top of the key does make him way more effective offensively.

Otoh, Lebron doesn't like meticulous refinement of his personal skills or intricate aspects like off-ball movement, footwork or catch-and-shoot skill - he prefers to play the easier "playground king" style (ball-dominance)... Unfortunately, this skill restriction to ball-dominance imposes spot-up roles that can't develop young players or fit into an equitable system, so he needs ready-made stars to win (team-hopping).

In addition to his ball-dominant skillset, his lack of elite jumpshooting skill further hampers his ability to play in a system or fit with teammates.. So Lebron lacks sufficient skill to win organically.. He was actually learning to win that way but left Cleveland a year too early, thereby missing out on the organic, 1-star ring that Dirk grabbed in 2011.

Hey Yo
06-22-2021, 07:45 PM
Why is 3ball using that account when he's not even banned???

06-22-2021, 08:11 PM
Why is 3ball using that account when he's not even banned???

he has over 10 accts

06-22-2021, 08:13 PM
OP has a great point. Lebron's weaknesses were his lack of defense, footwork, low-post scoring, FT shooting and his very streaky mid-range/3PT shooting ability, he hasn't improved in ANY of these categories his entire career. Pathetic.

06-22-2021, 08:16 PM
OP has a great point. Lebron's weaknesses were his lack of defense, footwork, low-post scoring, FT shooting and his very streaky mid-range/3PT shooting ability, he hasn't improved in ANY of these categories his entire career. Pathetic.
He developed GM skill

06-23-2021, 10:25 AM
I have also thought that Lebron started sleeping with Stern and Silver sometime in the offseason in 2011. Turning point of his career.

06-23-2021, 10:33 AM
^^^ thread cliffs right there

Organic rings require that type of refinement and adjustments to teammates.

Jordan became more of a jumpshooter to allow Pippen and BJ to grow, while also inventing the footwork needed to produce a lot in the dribble-averse triangle... And per tpols above, the Bucks series turned when Giannis began primarily setting screens and being the roll man along with trying to get the ball in the low post. Playing like that instead of spam dribbling at the top of the key does make him way more effective offensively.

Otoh, Lebron doesn't like meticulous refinement of his personal skills or intricate aspects like off-ball movement, footwork or catch-and-shoot skill - he prefers to play the easier "playground king" style (ball-dominance)... Unfortunately, this skill restriction to ball-dominance imposes spot-up roles that can't develop young players or fit into an equitable system, so he needs ready-made stars to win (team-hopping).

In addition to his ball-dominant skillset, his lack of elite jumpshooting skill further hampers his ability to play in a system or fit with teammates.. So Lebron lacks sufficient skill to win organically.. He was actually learning to win that way but left Cleveland a year too early, thereby missing out on the organic, 1-star ring that Dirk grabbed in 2011.

So we're saying that Giannis having a complete inability to lead an offense and thus taking a step back (are we sure that's what happened? :lol) means he's > Lebron?

06-23-2021, 01:26 PM
In other words...The Bucks have a much more competent FO then LeBron ever had in Cleveland.

Pretty much. end thread

Hey Yo
06-23-2021, 01:33 PM
he has over 10 accts

But his main isnt banned. Makes zero sense

06-23-2021, 01:40 PM
But his main isnt banned. Makes zero sense

Apparently it logged out and he forgot the password lolol

06-23-2021, 01:41 PM
In other words...The Bucks have a much more competent FO then LeBron ever had in Cleveland.

Nope - Giannis adjusted his game, and Lebron didn't.

Organic chips require teammate and brand development, which requires major adjustments from the star player.. We already saw Giannis adjust his game in the last series - he learned that the winning formula is to play like a center on offense - this maximizes his team's offense and this know-how is transferrable to any team to win organically.

Lebron never learned how to WIN TITLES, only team-hop... It isn't the same thing.. Organic chips require teammate and system development, which Lebron and Durant never learned... Giannis is learning it, and if he wins organically with Middleton while overcoming Ayton, he'll be superior to Lebron or Durant, who only know how to team-up.

07-17-2021, 11:57 PM

07-18-2021, 12:01 AM


Timeout for you

Shaquille O'Neal
07-18-2021, 01:50 AM
Lot of wisdom from the OP - Lefraud was never the player to adjust his game - it's ball domination or bust. Giannis has been passing out since Phoenix is "building a wall" - something LeGED just never could figure out. How to adjust.

Shaquille O'Neal
07-18-2021, 01:52 AM


Timeout for you

Again, I made a $5k bet via Paypal with you that I am no one else on any boards, and welcome you to involve the mods. Stop with the nonsense that someone else is me / I am someone else. I will be reporting this to the mods.

07-18-2021, 04:23 AM


Timeout for you


07-18-2021, 06:14 AM
Again, I made a $5k bet via Paypal with you that I am no one else on any boards, and welcome you to involve the mods. Stop with the nonsense that someone else is me / I am someone else. I will be reporting this to the mods.

Mr. Woke
07-18-2021, 09:30 AM
LeBron has always been winning organically.

OP is a pathetic and mentally ill hater.

Mr. Woke
07-18-2021, 09:33 AM
In other words...The Bucks have a much more competent FO then LeBron ever had in Cleveland.

And the Bucks got extremely lucky in the playoffs this year.

Against the Nets they caught two lucky breaks (Harden got injured and then Kyrie). There was nothing impressive about beating a depleted Nets team.

Then they got lucky by playing ATL instead of PHI.

07-18-2021, 10:03 AM
this series is another huge L for OP.

OP scrambling to recover his narratives after being exposed as a closet pippen stan.

07-18-2021, 10:16 AM


Timeout for you



07-18-2021, 10:19 AM
Giannis is winning with LeBron ball.

Supreme athleticism and powering to the rim.

07-18-2021, 10:20 AM


Timeout for you


07-18-2021, 12:16 PM
Nope - Giannis adjusted his game, and Lebron didn't.

Organic chips require teammate and brand development, which requires major adjustments from the star player.. We already saw Giannis adjust his game in the last series - he learned that the winning formula is to play like a center on offense - this maximizes his team's offense and this know-how is transferrable to any team to win organically.

Lebron never learned how to WIN TITLES, only team-hop... It isn't the same thing.. Organic chips require teammate and system development, which Lebron and Durant never learned... Giannis is learning it, and if he wins organically with Middleton while overcoming Ayton, he'll be superior to Lebron or Durant, who only know how to team-up.

WTF are you talking about? Dude, he has 4 titles on 3 different franchises with multiple teammates, coaches, etc. He doesn't know how to win titles? Is that what the **** you just said?

Also, who the **** are you to say who won what what way? A win is a win. All these bullshit is to discredit players you don't like and/or players who are being in the same sentence as Jordan. These guys KD and LeBron never learned how to win LMAO. Team hop = going to a new team in free agency, which is their right just like you have a right to keep posting the dumbest shit I have ever read on ISH.

Giannis wishes he was half the player LeBron James is. KD is argubably the most skilled NBA player to ever play, but Giannis will be more superior. You are a piece of shit. "Win organically." Just making up bullshit. Every team that has ever won could be mangled this way and no one cares except media talking heads and those media talking heads has brainwashed people to think you need to win like this or the win isn't as great.

No one with a straight face will ever say Giannis is superior to KD and LeBron especially with one ring. This is complete nonsense and you know it. Are you even watching these games or just watching highlights? You are too busy jacking off to basketball-reference.com putting players with the same stats as comparisons, but stats need context. No one is going to put Ron Harper on Cleveland the year before he went to the Bulls and then compare his stats to Allen Iverson's rookie year or some stupid shit and say, "See? Ron Harper and Allen Iverson had the same numbers!" That's not how this shit works. You cherry pick more than a room full of virgins. The end goal is discrediting players any chance you get. **** you.

07-18-2021, 01:39 PM
WTF are you talking about? Dude, he has 4 titles on 3 different franchises with multiple teammates, coaches, etc. He doesn't know how to win titles? Is that what the **** you just said?

Also, who the **** are you to say who won what what way? A win is a win. All these bullshit is to discredit players you don't like and/or players who are being in the same sentence as Jordan. These guys KD and LeBron never learned how to win LMAO. Team hop = going to a new team in free agency, which is their right just like you have a right to keep posting the dumbest shit I have ever read on ISH.

Giannis wishes he was half the player LeBron James is. KD is argubably the most skilled NBA player to ever play, but Giannis will be more superior. You are a piece of shit. "Win organically." Just making up bullshit. Every team that has ever won could be mangled this way and no one cares except media talking heads and those media talking heads has brainwashed people to think you need to win like this or the win isn't as great.

No one with a straight face will ever say Giannis is superior to KD and LeBron especially with one ring. This is complete nonsense and you know it. Are you even watching these games or just watching highlights? You are too busy jacking off to basketball-reference.com putting players with the same stats as comparisons, but stats need context. No one is going to put Ron Harper on Cleveland the year before he went to the Bulls and then compare his stats to Allen Iverson's rookie year or some stupid shit and say, "See? Ron Harper and Allen Iverson had the same numbers!" That's not how this shit works. You cherry pick more than a room full of virgins. The end goal is discrediting players any chance you get. **** you.

OP is obsessed with NBA forums because he can post with anonymity.

He'd get knocked the f out if he talked to people in person with his incessant bullshit.

07-18-2021, 01:57 PM
how are kangs rangz not organic

heat were at the bottom of the league. leveiny joins. they win. lebron leaves. bottom of the league again

cavs at the bottom of the league. lemassive joins. they win. lebron leaves. bottom of the league again

lakers at the bottom of the league ( thanks to kobes contract and horrible draft selections ) leOscar joins and poof... nba champz

every team = zero help... how can you call the worst record in the nba help

how is saving a franchise from being dissolved not organic

leOrganic james spends 2 million dollars a year on keeping his body in tiptop shape.

he has his own farm with fresh grown produce that is injected with lebrons own dna




07-18-2021, 04:02 PM
Lot of wisdom from the OP - Lefraud was never the player to adjust his game - it's ball domination or bust. Giannis has been passing out since Phoenix is "building a wall" - something LeGED just never could figure out. How to adjust.


Spurs m8
07-18-2021, 04:19 PM
If he wins, this one Giannis ring is already more respectable than any of LeRoids

07-18-2021, 05:09 PM
WTF are you talking about? Dude, he has 4 titles on 3 different franchises with multiple teammates, coaches, etc. He doesn't know how to win titles? Is that what the **** you just said?

Also, who the **** are you to say who won what what way? A win is a win. All these bullshit is to discredit players you don't like and/or players who are being in the same sentence as Jordan. These guys KD and LeBron never learned how to win LMAO. Team hop = going to a new team in free agency, which is their right just like you have a right to keep posting the dumbest shit I have ever read on ISH.

Giannis wishes he was half the player LeBron James is. KD is argubably the most skilled NBA player to ever play, but Giannis will be more superior. You are a piece of shit. "Win organically." Just making up bullshit. Every team that has ever won could be mangled this way and no one cares except media talking heads and those media talking heads has brainwashed people to think you need to win like this or the win isn't as great.

No one with a straight face will ever say Giannis is superior to KD and LeBron especially with one ring. This is complete nonsense and you know it. Are you even watching these games or just watching highlights? You are too busy jacking off to basketball-reference.com putting players with the same stats as comparisons, but stats need context. No one is going to put Ron Harper on Cleveland the year before he went to the Bulls and then compare his stats to Allen Iverson's rookie year or some stupid shit and say, "See? Ron Harper and Allen Iverson had the same numbers!" That's not how this shit works. You cherry pick more than a room full of virgins. The end goal is discrediting players any chance you get. **** you.

https://media2.giphy.com/media/l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47zs9w2in0zz7xru1jdmh30fy6v6nj 8ooep6880a7c&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

07-18-2021, 05:10 PM
Koresh doesn't post much but is so incredibly intelligent. :bowdown:

07-18-2021, 05:12 PM
Lot of wisdom from the OP - Lefraud was never the player to adjust his game - it's ball domination or bust. Giannis has been passing out since Phoenix is "building a wall" - something LeGED just never could figure out. How to adjust.

All that and LeBron is still greater all time than Shaq and Jordan and Kobe and Bird and Kareem and Magic.

Adjust for that.

07-18-2021, 07:32 PM
WTF are you talking about? Dude, he has 4 titles on 3 different franchises with multiple teammates, coaches, etc. He doesn't know how to win titles? Is that what the **** you just said?

Also, who the **** are you to say who won what what way? A win is a win. All these bullshit is to discredit players you don't like and/or players who are being in the same sentence as Jordan. These guys KD and LeBron never learned how to win LMAO. Team hop = going to a new team in free agency, which is their right just like you have a right to keep posting the dumbest shit I have ever read on ISH.

Giannis wishes he was half the player LeBron James is. KD is argubably the most skilled NBA player to ever play, but Giannis will be more superior. You are a piece of shit. "Win organically." Just making up bullshit. Every team that has ever won could be mangled this way and no one cares except media talking heads and those media talking heads has brainwashed people to think you need to win like this or the win isn't as great.

No one with a straight face will ever say Giannis is superior to KD and LeBron especially with one ring. This is complete nonsense and you know it. Are you even watching these games or just watching highlights? You are too busy jacking off to basketball-reference.com putting players with the same stats as comparisons, but stats need context. No one is going to put Ron Harper on Cleveland the year before he went to the Bulls and then compare his stats to Allen Iverson's rookie year or some stupid shit and say, "See? Ron Harper and Allen Iverson had the same numbers!" That's not how this shit works. You cherry pick more than a room full of virgins. The end goal is discrediting players any chance you get. **** you.

You're praising Lebron for not losing every year and only losing ALMOST every year - he mostly lost on 3 different league favorites - he couldn't mostly win with ANY of them - that isn't impressive and a testament to how bad he is compared to what people think.

I don't expect any great player to lose every year with a super-team, but they shouldn't lose most years either, regardless of cast or coach.. That's a trend that no one wants because it means the guy mostly loses no matter what (and therefore sucks)..

Lebron is a loser because he loses all the big possessions with goat turnover ability and frequent deficiency outside 5 feet, while having low IQ in the clutch (deferring in weird moments, aka fear).. His fear rubs off on teammates, who brick in the clutch, while the fearlessness and aggressiveness of MJ/Giannis has the opposite effect (elevation).

And btw, teams crater when Lebron leaves because that's what team-hoppers do - they destroy teams - KD did the same thing to the Warriors - even without Klay getting hurt, the Warriors' roster had been gutted.. So it isn't Lebron's impact of leaving, it's the rest of the roster that also leaves because the team blows up - the 2011 Cavs lost their entire starting 5, not just Lebron.. The 15' Heat were actually pretty good despite Wade/Bosh missing 40 games, and Wade nearly made the ECF by himself in 16'.. Then Lebron ran off Kyrie and used up Love's prime, thus destroying his 3rd franchise - a 3-peat of franchise destruction - that's your boy - that's the guy you got all mad about.

Btw, Giannis is superior to Lebron and KD athletically and sheer-talent-wise.. And now he's learning the 5-man basketball that it takes to win organically.. Otoh, KD and Lebron only understand 2-man basketball - that AAU shit that they learned and coaches have always let them do.. That's why they can't build a championship brand and must team-hop for extra talent to win.

07-18-2021, 08:03 PM
WTF are you talking about? Dude, he has 4 titles on 3 different franchises with multiple teammates, coaches, etc. He doesn't know how to win titles? Is that what the **** you just said?

Also, who the **** are you to say who won what what way? A win is a win. All these bullshit is to discredit players you don't like and/or players who are being in the same sentence as Jordan. These guys KD and LeBron never learned how to win LMAO. Team hop = going to a new team in free agency, which is their right just like you have a right to keep posting the dumbest shit I have ever read on ISH.

Giannis wishes he was half the player LeBron James is. KD is argubably the most skilled NBA player to ever play, but Giannis will be more superior. You are a piece of shit. "Win organically." Just making up bullshit. Every team that has ever won could be mangled this way and no one cares except media talking heads and those media talking heads has brainwashed people to think you need to win like this or the win isn't as great.

No one with a straight face will ever say Giannis is superior to KD and LeBron especially with one ring. This is complete nonsense and you know it. Are you even watching these games or just watching highlights? You are too busy jacking off to basketball-reference.com putting players with the same stats as comparisons, but stats need context. No one is going to put Ron Harper on Cleveland the year before he went to the Bulls and then compare his stats to Allen Iverson's rookie year or some stupid shit and say, "See? Ron Harper and Allen Iverson had the same numbers!" That's not how this shit works. You cherry pick more than a room full of virgins. The end goal is discrediting players any chance you get. **** you.

https://media2.giphy.com/media/l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47zs9w2in0zz7xru1jdmh30fy6v6nj 8ooep6880a7c&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

Spurs m8
07-18-2021, 08:09 PM
Real winners win organically.

Literally hilarious Bron hasnt done it once.


07-18-2021, 08:10 PM
LEBRON!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Take it easy, cvnt.

07-18-2021, 08:12 PM
WTF are you talking about? Dude, he has 4 titles on 3 different franchises with multiple teammates, coaches, etc. He doesn't know how to win titles? Is that what the **** you just said?

Also, who the **** are you to say who won what what way? A win is a win. All these bullshit is to discredit players you don't like and/or players who are being in the same sentence as Jordan. These guys KD and LeBron never learned how to win LMAO. Team hop = going to a new team in free agency, which is their right just like you have a right to keep posting the dumbest shit I have ever read on ISH.

Giannis wishes he was half the player LeBron James is. KD is argubably the most skilled NBA player to ever play, but Giannis will be more superior. You are a piece of shit. "Win organically." Just making up bullshit. Every team that has ever won could be mangled this way and no one cares except media talking heads and those media talking heads has brainwashed people to think you need to win like this or the win isn't as great.

No one with a straight face will ever say Giannis is superior to KD and LeBron especially with one ring. This is complete nonsense and you know it. Are you even watching these games or just watching highlights? You are too busy jacking off to basketball-reference.com putting players with the same stats as comparisons, but stats need context. No one is going to put Ron Harper on Cleveland the year before he went to the Bulls and then compare his stats to Allen Iverson's rookie year or some stupid shit and say, "See? Ron Harper and Allen Iverson had the same numbers!" That's not how this shit works. You cherry pick more than a room full of virgins. The end goal is discrediting players any chance you get. **** you.


07-18-2021, 09:06 PM
WTF are you talking about? Dude, he has 4 titles on 3 different franchises with multiple teammates, coaches, etc. He doesn't know how to win titles? Is that what the **** you just said?

Also, who the **** are you to say who won what what way? A win is a win. All these bullshit is to discredit players you don't like and/or players who are being in the same sentence as Jordan. These guys KD and LeBron never learned how to win LMAO. Team hop = going to a new team in free agency, which is their right just like you have a right to keep posting the dumbest shit I have ever read on ISH.

Giannis wishes he was half the player LeBron James is. KD is argubably the most skilled NBA player to ever play, but Giannis will be more superior. You are a piece of shit. "Win organically." Just making up bullshit. Every team that has ever won could be mangled this way and no one cares except media talking heads and those media talking heads has brainwashed people to think you need to win like this or the win isn't as great.

No one with a straight face will ever say Giannis is superior to KD and LeBron especially with one ring. This is complete nonsense and you know it. Are you even watching these games or just watching highlights? You are too busy jacking off to basketball-reference.com putting players with the same stats as comparisons, but stats need context. No one is going to put Ron Harper on Cleveland the year before he went to the Bulls and then compare his stats to Allen Iverson's rookie year or some stupid shit and say, "See? Ron Harper and Allen Iverson had the same numbers!" That's not how this shit works. You cherry pick more than a room full of virgins. The end goal is discrediting players any chance you get. **** you.


07-18-2021, 10:27 PM
Giannis was trying to play like lebron and be the do it all SF perimeter guy. He realized at some point he has a legit guard in Holliday who's a better passer and a better offensive closer in Middleton.

Hey Yo
07-18-2021, 10:33 PM
Giannis avg. 30pts

Middleton 25

Holiday 17

1a and a 1b superteam?

07-19-2021, 01:48 AM
3ball bro you're like a Skip Bayless-level hater, except I think Skip is semi trolling for the sake of ratings and making money.

You just have these arbitrary cutoffs that suit whatever your needs are at the time. Giannis is getting this championship because LeBron and AD got injured, Kyrie got hurt against the Bucks in what was looking like a six game series *at best* with just KD and Kyrie. With Harden it would've been a 5-game series, tops.

Then the Nuggets also lost Jokic and most of will barton. Clipperzs lost Kawhi. The bucks' chip all comes down to luck and durability. This proves nothing. He played well.

07-19-2021, 04:13 AM
2011 finals legoat: 17.8 on 54% ts, 4 to/g
2011 finals terry: 18 on 61% ts, 1.3 to/g

07-19-2021, 04:41 AM
2011 finals legoat: 17.8 on 54% ts, 4 to/g
2011 finals terry: 18 on 61% ts, 1.3 to/g
Nice spam three eggs

07-19-2021, 09:41 AM
WTF are you talking about? Dude, he has 4 titles on 3 different franchises with multiple teammates, coaches, etc. He doesn't know how to win titles? Is that what the **** you just said?

Also, who the **** are you to say who won what what way? A win is a win. All these bullshit is to discredit players you don't like and/or players who are being in the same sentence as Jordan. These guys KD and LeBron never learned how to win LMAO. Team hop = going to a new team in free agency, which is their right just like you have a right to keep posting the dumbest shit I have ever read on ISH.

Giannis wishes he was half the player LeBron James is. KD is argubably the most skilled NBA player to ever play, but Giannis will be more superior. You are a piece of shit. "Win organically." Just making up bullshit. Every team that has ever won could be mangled this way and no one cares except media talking heads and those media talking heads has brainwashed people to think you need to win like this or the win isn't as great.

No one with a straight face will ever say Giannis is superior to KD and LeBron especially with one ring. This is complete nonsense and you know it. Are you even watching these games or just watching highlights? You are too busy jacking off to basketball-reference.com putting players with the same stats as comparisons, but stats need context. No one is going to put Ron Harper on Cleveland the year before he went to the Bulls and then compare his stats to Allen Iverson's rookie year or some stupid shit and say, "See? Ron Harper and Allen Iverson had the same numbers!" That's not how this shit works. You cherry pick more than a room full of virgins. The end goal is discrediting players any chance you get. **** you.





07-19-2021, 09:49 AM
WTF are you talking about? Dude, he has 4 titles on 3 different franchises with multiple teammates, coaches, etc. He doesn't know how to win titles? Is that what the **** you just said?

Also, who the **** are you to say who won what what way? A win is a win. All these bullshit is to discredit players you don't like and/or players who are being in the same sentence as Jordan. These guys KD and LeBron never learned how to win LMAO. Team hop = going to a new team in free agency, which is their right just like you have a right to keep posting the dumbest shit I have ever read on ISH.

Giannis wishes he was half the player LeBron James is. KD is argubably the most skilled NBA player to ever play, but Giannis will be more superior. You are a piece of shit. "Win organically." Just making up bullshit. Every team that has ever won could be mangled this way and no one cares except media talking heads and those media talking heads has brainwashed people to think you need to win like this or the win isn't as great.

No one with a straight face will ever say Giannis is superior to KD and LeBron especially with one ring. This is complete nonsense and you know it. Are you even watching these games or just watching highlights? You are too busy jacking off to basketball-reference.com putting players with the same stats as comparisons, but stats need context. No one is going to put Ron Harper on Cleveland the year before he went to the Bulls and then compare his stats to Allen Iverson's rookie year or some stupid shit and say, "See? Ron Harper and Allen Iverson had the same numbers!" That's not how this shit works. You cherry pick more than a room full of virgins. The end goal is discrediting players any chance you get. **** you.

Bodied. Great post.

07-19-2021, 09:55 AM
WTF are you talking about? Dude, he has 4 titles on 3 different franchises with multiple teammates, coaches, etc. He doesn't know how to win titles? Is that what the **** you just said?

Also, who the **** are you to say who won what what way? A win is a win. All these bullshit is to discredit players you don't like and/or players who are being in the same sentence as Jordan. These guys KD and LeBron never learned how to win LMAO. Team hop = going to a new team in free agency, which is their right just like you have a right to keep posting the dumbest shit I have ever read on ISH.

Giannis wishes he was half the player LeBron James is. KD is argubably the most skilled NBA player to ever play, but Giannis will be more superior. You are a piece of shit. "Win organically." Just making up bullshit. Every team that has ever won could be mangled this way and no one cares except media talking heads and those media talking heads has brainwashed people to think you need to win like this or the win isn't as great.

No one with a straight face will ever say Giannis is superior to KD and LeBron especially with one ring. This is complete nonsense and you know it. Are you even watching these games or just watching highlights? You are too busy jacking off to basketball-reference.com putting players with the same stats as comparisons, but stats need context. No one is going to put Ron Harper on Cleveland the year before he went to the Bulls and then compare his stats to Allen Iverson's rookie year or some stupid shit and say, "See? Ron Harper and Allen Iverson had the same numbers!" That's not how this shit works. You cherry pick more than a room full of virgins. The end goal is discrediting players any chance you get. **** you.


07-19-2021, 10:27 AM
You switch LeBron with Giannis during that age and LeBron is winning 6 titles in a row.

07-19-2021, 10:59 AM
Giannis had the option to leave but he didn't. Given the new era of leaving teams and superteaming to easy rings that Lebron ushered in, this will be greater than anything lebron has achieved should the Bucks win.

07-19-2021, 11:06 AM

Lol. Lebron with all the drama. He knew he fked up when he superteamed in MIA and left CLE high and dry. Him going back and making sure this time he brought with him his superteaming experience is a cover up for his fk up and tried to overdramatize the sht.

Lol at keeping the expectation to a minimum. Just one. Lol.

Hey Yo
07-19-2021, 11:08 AM
Giannis had the option to leave but he didn't. Given the new era of leaving teams and superteaming to easy rings that Lebron ushered in, this will be greater than anything lebron has achieved should the Bucks win.

Bucks are a superteam

Mr. Woke
07-19-2021, 11:52 AM
Lol. Lebron with all the drama. He knew he fked up when he superteamed in MIA and left CLE high and dry. Him going back and making sure this time he brought with him his superteaming experience is a cover up for his fk up and tried to overdramatize the sht.

Lol at keeping the expectation to a minimum. Just one. Lol.

You are a pathetic hater.

07-19-2021, 01:49 PM
You are a pathetic hater.

If the circumstances of him leaving CLE the first time was like how "maximus" left rome, forced out and not by his choice. Then by all means hail him as a saint and savior when he won them the ring when he came back to CLE. (Isn't this the corny analogy that Lebron, your idol, wants to make for himself?)

But that was not how it went. He left CLE high and dry. There was burning of jerseys. Homefans hated Lebron as he let a lot of people down. Worse, he superteamed and rubbed that sht off for the world to see. Do you not remember all the theatrics, dancing, the "not 1, not 2, not 7" quote and all the other cringe stuff? Well he did not do 7. He did 2/4. Fails his promise to MIA then leaves MIA high and dry (does similar thing he did in CLE) and goes back to CLE. Lol, cant make this shit up. Lol at the "The Promise Keeper". He sold out CLE the first time. It's more like just call it quits. 1 ring for all the BS you caused before.

07-19-2021, 01:55 PM
WTF are you talking about? Dude, he has 4 titles on 3 different franchises with multiple teammates, coaches, etc. He doesn't know how to win titles? Is that what the **** you just said?

Also, who the **** are you to say who won what what way? A win is a win. All these bullshit is to discredit players you don't like and/or players who are being in the same sentence as Jordan. These guys KD and LeBron never learned how to win LMAO. Team hop = going to a new team in free agency, which is their right just like you have a right to keep posting the dumbest shit I have ever read on ISH.

Giannis wishes he was half the player LeBron James is. KD is argubably the most skilled NBA player to ever play, but Giannis will be more superior. You are a piece of shit. "Win organically." Just making up bullshit. Every team that has ever won could be mangled this way and no one cares except media talking heads and those media talking heads has brainwashed people to think you need to win like this or the win isn't as great.

No one with a straight face will ever say Giannis is superior to KD and LeBron especially with one ring. This is complete nonsense and you know it. Are you even watching these games or just watching highlights? You are too busy jacking off to basketball-reference.com putting players with the same stats as comparisons, but stats need context. No one is going to put Ron Harper on Cleveland the year before he went to the Bulls and then compare his stats to Allen Iverson's rookie year or some stupid shit and say, "See? Ron Harper and Allen Iverson had the same numbers!" That's not how this shit works. You cherry pick more than a room full of virgins. The end goal is discrediting players any chance you get. **** you.

Koresh just ended the thread. And destroyed the posting career of 3ball.

Hey Yo
07-19-2021, 01:59 PM
1. Cavs were compensated with a sign and trade with Miami

2. What did he promise Miami?

3. Does every player who exercises their "opt out" option considered leaving the team high and dry?

07-20-2021, 03:14 AM
Koresh just ended the thread. And destroyed the posting career of 3ball.
That fool just never learns

Ne 1
07-20-2021, 08:45 PM
Giannis ain't change shit. He been scoring in the paint his whole career. His coach stopped giving him the ball at the top of the key and when Middleton and/or Holiday hit shots they win. When they don't, they lose.

07-20-2021, 09:08 PM
Koresh just ended the thread. And destroyed the posting career of 3ball.

He completely melted down and said nothing except drunken bar talk... I ended his posting career

07-20-2021, 09:09 PM
Giannis ain't change shit. He been scoring in the paint his whole career. His coach stopped giving him the ball at the top of the key and when Middleton and/or Holiday hit shots they win. When they don't, they lose.

He stopped getting the ball at the top of the key, like you said and other little things to help the team win.,

Most importantly, he PERSEVERED.. he's a man, not a team-hopping boy.

Imagine if Lebron was at war in Afghanistan - he'd team up with guys from the other side

07-20-2021, 09:10 PM
He completely melted down and said nothing except drunken bar talk... I ended his posting career

Bar talk > asylum talk

07-20-2021, 09:11 PM
Bar talk > asylum talk

Stats and facts > bar talk

Ne 1
07-20-2021, 09:32 PM
Not a big deal when your basketball people make moves for current all star caliber players and role players with pedigree. Also they brought in a coach with recent success. All organizations are not created equal, ask Zion he already talking about dipping from another terrible organization.

Ne 1
07-20-2021, 09:32 PM
He stopped getting the ball at the top of the key, like you said and other little things to help the team win.,

Most importantly, he PERSEVERED.. he's a man, not a team-hopping boy.

Imagine if Lebron was at war in Afghanistan - he'd team up with guys from the other side

Not a big deal when your basketball people make moves for current all star caliber players and role players with pedigree. Also they brought in a coach with recent success. All organizations are not created equal, ask Zion he already talking about dipping from another terrible organization.

07-20-2021, 09:40 PM
Bar talk > asylum talk


07-20-2021, 09:47 PM
Stats and facts > bar talk

Lots of facts exist. Doesn’t mean an argument is strong.

You know that tho

07-20-2021, 09:48 PM
4 organic rings >>> 6 pippen-led superteam rings.


07-21-2021, 06:13 PM

pre-Lebron Bosh... 6x all-star
pre-Kobe Pau'....... 1x all-star

2010 Wade... 28 PER... 9 BPM
2010 Kobe.... 21 PER... 4 BPM

^^^ Lebron teamed up with the rich man's version of Kobe-Pau, but went 2/4.

Lebron's super-teams from 2011 to 2016 were so unfair, that KD needed to team up with Curry/Klay to supercede them - yet the media says Lebron's colluded rings are legit, but KD's aren't.. This completely ignores that Lebron stacked the deck in the first place...

Ultimately, Lebron's Cavs were the pre-season favorite in 2015 and 2016 because Kyrie/Love were perennial all-stars, while Klay/Dray were 1st-timers.. So Lebron hand-picked the preseason favorite from 2011-2016 but fell to underdog or loser every year in the Finals, except the Ray Allen miracle...

07-21-2021, 06:15 PM

pre-Lebron Bosh... 6x all-star
pre-Kobe Pau'....... 1x all-star

2010 Wade... 28 PER... 9 BPM
2010 Kobe.... 21 PER... 4 BPM

^^^ Lebron teamed up with the rich man's version of Kobe-Pau, but went 2/4.

Lebron's super-teams from 2011 to 2016 were so unfair, that KD needed to team up with Curry/Klay to supercede them - yet the media says Lebron's colluded rings are legit, but KD's aren't.. This completely ignores that Lebron stacked the deck in the first place...

Ultimately, Lebron's Cavs were the pre-season favorite in 2015 and 2016 because Kyrie/Love were perennial all-stars, while Klay/Dray were 1st-timers.. So Lebron hand-picked the preseason favorite from 2011-2016 but fell to underdog or loser every year in the Finals, except the Ray Allen miracle...

pippen's bulls = 55 wins without baldan

went to game 7 with the knicks as well


07-21-2021, 07:17 PM
pippen's bulls = 55 wins without baldan

went to game 7 with the knicks as well


Yes a 2nd Round team that got destroyed was "stacked"... tell me more

Ultimately, Pippen had a .500 ballclub in 95' until MJ carried them to 13-4 and another 3-peat.. And those Bulls won in spite of Pippen's horrific showings in the 96-98' playoffs..

07-21-2021, 07:17 PM

Lebron stacked the deck with super-teams for 6 years (11-16') and KD stacked the deck for 4 years (17', 18', 19', 21'), while Giannis won by not stacking the deck (goat-caliber)

Lebron teamed up with the rich man's version of Kobe-Pau, while Durant joined a 1 seed (but not the league favorite - the Cavs were the league favorite until KD joined the Warriors).. Otoh, Giannis started with a 15-win team and persevered until he was champions.

07-21-2021, 07:20 PM
What a thread! What a prediction!

OP should be running this board

07-21-2021, 07:22 PM
Yes a 2nd Round team that got destroyed was "stacked"... tell me more

Ultimately, Pippen had a .500 ballclub in 95' until MJ carried them to 13-4 and another 3-peat.. And those Bulls won in spite of Pippen's horrific showings in the 96-98' playoffs..


Lebron stacked the deck with super-teams for 6 years (11-16') and KD stacked the deck for 4 years (17', 18', 19', 21'), while Giannis won by not stacking the deck (goat-caliber)

Lebron teamed up with the rich man's version of Kobe-Pau, while Durant joined a 1 seed (but not the league favorite - the Cavs were the league favorite until KD joined the Warriors).. Otoh, Giannis started with a 15-win team and persevered until he was champions.

my eyes are bleeding from how many times you reposted this.

listen to me you stupid sack of shit. pippen was able to lead the bulls without the bald one hanging off of his *******.

baldan would leave the cavs day one after dealing with kyrie and jr smith in the same practice.

baldan's greatest rival was karl malone - not the 73 win warriors PLUS kd :oldlol:

07-21-2021, 08:06 PM

pippen was able to lead the bulls without the bald one hanging off of his *******.

Pippen literally did NOT lead the Bulls because he had the biggest choke in playoff history with his "sit out" game, the "dumb foul" game (shown above), and Game 7.. This goat playoff collapse confirmed that he wasn't a #1 option.

After getting exposed in the 94' Playoffs and the 3-peat luster gone, the 95' Bulls were a .500 ballclub before MJ carried them to 13-4 and another 3-peat.. carry on,.. too easy

07-21-2021, 11:31 PM
Also for the team that drafted him without changing teams.