View Full Version : Phoenix suns aren't who people act like they are

06-27-2021, 03:18 AM
The bucks are going to beat them, sorry to let you know.

Phoenix has had a more fraudulent run than the lakers did during their Disney bubble chip. In the first round they procced to face the lakers with a hobbled LeBron and AD, off sheer willpower alone, AD was able to win the lakers 2 game, and the suns were on the verge of being down 3-1 to the lakers in the game 4 until they caught the first of their many lucky breaks as AD tears his groin and was pretty much out for the remainder of that series. Lebron gave up after that and the suns got an easy victory.

In the second round the sun face another injured team with horrific defence in the Denver nuggets, the nuggets were missing their all-star calibre combo guard in Jamal Murray, will barton didn't play for the first 3 games, Pj dozzier was also out, the suns essentially played jokic plus a G league team. The suns swept them with relative easy, the nuggets defence was so bad that everyone on the suns starting lineup shot atleast 50% from the field that series.

Now the suns are getting hyped, Devin booker is out here being compared to kobe because he's faced injured teams with bad defence. Devin Booker is a high volume choker, the level of efficiency he was displaying in the first two series wasn't him, in fact until AD went down in the lakers series he was showing the level of efficiency you'd expect from him from as a first-time playoff performer, game 2-4 he shot a combined 36% from the field and 14% from 3. But AD went down and the defence collapsed and he all of a sudden in the last 2 games of the series he shot 62% from the field and 62% from 3, wonder what causes the drastic surge in efficiency.

Now, forward to this clippers series, once again they're facing another injured team without their best player and arguably the best player remaining in these playoffs, kawhi. Then you have Marcus morris a player who was instrumental for the clippers beating the jazz and was scoring well, suffers a knee injury in game 1 against the phoenix and is now playing a limited minute. But yet somehow despite the clippers have made the series competitive with all these injured, if it wasn't for PG missing two late fts the series would be 2-2 rn and do you want to know why the series has been competitive? Cause devin is being exposed for the inefficient chucker he is now that he's facing a good wing defence. this series he's shooting 38% from the field 29% from 3. If it wasn't for the fact the clippers paint defence sucks allowing ayton to just get free putbacks and rebounds, the suns would be down these series even without kawhi.

Now we get on to the Milwaukee bucks, a lot has been said about the bucks these playoff run but i am sorry the bucks will absolutely butt **** the suns. Perimeter defence they have that in jrue and Middleton, interior defence (by far the best in the playoffs) they have that in Brook and Giannis. Buck has 3 players who have made an all-defensive team in the past two years in their starting lineup (Jrue, brook and Giannis), 2 others who are all defensive calibre (Middleton and PJ). If Devin booker and Cp3 are this inefficient against the clippers defence, they're going to have nightmares against the bucks number ranked defence in the playoffs and they have the best defence by a mile, they aren't going to let Ayton look like Shaq because they're too big for that. Don't act surprised when the eventual bucks v suns series is one-sided because for the first time (knock on wood) the suns will be facing a team that doesn't injuries to their star players (get well soon Donte).

One more thing that has been overlooked about the phoenix suns is how young they are, outside of Cp3 and crowder, none of their players who get meaningful minutes is above the age of 26 or has playoff experience. Booker is 24, Ayton 22, Bridges 24, Cam johnson 26, Cam payne 26. Young teams don't win championships because more often than not they're inexperience will get exposed at some point by a team that has experience under their belt but due to sheer luck of facing nothing but injury riddle teams, that inexperience has yet to be taken advantage of. The bucks will be the team to do that, don't be surprised when Booker shoots sub 40% from the field against the bucks, if they can make Kd struggle offensively in 5 out of the 7 games in the net series, wtf are they going to do to booker.

In conclusion, the phoenix suns are a second-round exit team that simply got lucky.

Spurs m8
06-27-2021, 03:20 AM

06-27-2021, 03:24 AM
Yeah, they're not that good. Could easily be down 1 - 3 to a Kawhi-less Clippers squad right now if a few calls/shots go the other way. Booker and CP0 as your 1st two options? Yikes.

Spurs m8
06-27-2021, 03:29 AM
So then it's even worse Bron couldn't win a single game against them without AD.

They're very reliant on CP3 and Bookers shooting...if those guys are on, they're probably home.

If they're not, they're still doing a decent job of grinding it out.

Bucks are probably more balanced and experienced all round...but suns have some fight and skill in them...they can do it

06-27-2021, 03:29 AM
Phoenix won their games vs the Bucks in the regular season. And that was with Divincenzo who's a solid player.

I think Bucks would be favored slightly, but to act like it's going to be an easy slaughter is just terrible take. Regardless if it comes true or not.

06-27-2021, 03:32 AM
Phoenix won their games vs the Bucks in the regular season. And that was with Divincenzo who's a solid player.

I think Bucks would be favored slightly, but to act like it's going to be an easy slaughter is just terrible take. Regardless if it comes true or not.

Phoenix won both games by 1 point, In game 1 they won against the bucks with the bucks having 6 players who are no longer on the roster (jrue didn't even play) and they were still tinkering with their defense. In-game 2 they won by one once more because Gianni's barely played and during OT Giannis got injured and had to sit out the rest of the game. When the bucks are playing their starters heavy minutes, they are the better team.

06-27-2021, 03:37 AM
Phoenix won both games by 1 point, game 1 they won against the bucks with the bucks having 6 players who are no longer on the roster and they were still playing with their defense. In-game 2 they won by one once more because Gianni's barely played and during OT Giannis got injured and had to sit out the rest of the game. When the bucks are playing their starters heavy minutes, they are the better team.
Sure, no one's saying Phoenix is the better team. I already said Bucks would be favored slightly. But to act like it's going to be an easy slaughter is just terrible take. Regardless if it comes true or not.

06-27-2021, 03:39 AM
Sun's would rape the Bucks, baby boi.

In the unlikely case the Bucks do get past the Hawks, Suns still have homecourt too.

06-27-2021, 03:40 AM
Sure, no one's saying Phoenix is the better team. I already said Bucks would be favored slightly. But to act like it's going to be an easy slaughter is just terrible take. Regardless if it comes true or not.

I personally think it's going to be, the clippers are showing rn if kawhi was healthy, they'd butt **** this suns team

06-27-2021, 03:41 AM
Sun's would rape the Bucks, baby boi.

In the unlikely case the Bucks do get past the Hawks, Suns still have homecourt too.

If there's anything these playoffs have shown so far, if that home court, doesn't mean jackshit, the better team will always win and the bucks are certainly the better team

06-27-2021, 03:43 AM
So then it's even worse Bron couldn't win a single game against them without AD.

They're very reliant on CP3 and Bookers shooting...if those guys are on, they're probably home.

If they're not, they're still doing a decent job of grinding it out.

Bucks are probably more balanced and experienced all round...but suns have some fight and skill in them...they can do it

That nikka gave up, KD went out guns blazing averaged 43 points on like 70ts% during the last 3 games of the series. Lebron legit just stopped trying, if lebron had did what KD did in the first round, the lakers would still be in the playoffs rn

Joey Turnbuckle
06-27-2021, 03:46 AM
I tend to agree Bucks will lay a beat down on Suns, assuming PG doesn't find a way to win 3 in a row. PG is almost beating the Suns by himself. If CP gets hurt like he has many times in his career during the playoffs, Suns probably don't win another game without him. Suns are pretty crappy without him. A bunch of clueless knuckleheads.

06-27-2021, 03:51 AM
I tend to agree Bucks will lay a beat down on Suns, assuming PG doesn't find a way to win 3 in a row. PG is almost beating the Suns by himself. If CP gets hurt like he has many times in his career during the playoffs, Suns probably don't win another game without him. Suns are pretty crappy without him. A bunch of clueless knuckleheads.

Because they're young and this has been their first playoff run, the fact this point hasn't been brought up more is astonishing because when Giannis was 24 and led the bucks to ECF and the bucks were everyone's favorites to win it all. I ****ing heard from the media was that the bucks were too young and young teams don't win chips but when it comes to the suns, who are far younger than the 2019 buck team, no one brings that up.

06-27-2021, 04:08 AM
i mean when you really think about it. the suns have 2 emerging stars with one aging star. that still makes 3 stars. and no other team has a big 3

i think people are just assuming its 2 kids and a hasbeen lmao.. its really not

that being said i think the bucks win if they don't build a wall for giannis

There's a big difference between emerging stars and established stars. Also, the suns don't have the personnel to build a wall, outside of maybe Ayton and crowder, no one they have is smart enough or a strong enough defender to consistently build a wall and rotate back to shooters consistently. That raptors team will never be replicated again

Spurs m8
06-27-2021, 04:11 AM
I tend to agree Bucks will lay a beat down on Suns, assuming PG doesn't find a way to win 3 in a row. PG is almost beating the Suns by himself. If CP gets hurt like he has many times in his career during the playoffs, Suns probably don't win another game without him. Suns are pretty crappy without him. A bunch of clueless knuckleheads.

I wouldn't say PG is doing it by himself...Reggie is averaging over 20ppg and hitting some pretty important shots at times.

06-27-2021, 04:32 AM
aytons averaging 20/14 in the clippers series
bookers averaging 25/6/5 in the clipper series

i mean... yeah.. they could do better i guess


stats without context are just random numbers. Booker is averaging 25 ppg on 37% shooting from the field, he's playing like trash, if it wasn't for paul george he'd be getting slandered rn. Ayton is playing against the worst frontcourt in the playoffs, they literally have no one in the interior, they're playing 6'7 Marcus morris at the 5, more than half his offence has been put backs, passes under the basket for an easy dunk. Those have more to do with the clippers weakness than Ayton strength, he won't be averaging 20ppg with 14 rebounds against the bucks, I can't stake my life on it. Bucks are the number one rebounding team in the playoffs with the best paint defense in the playoffs. That's the difference between an emerging star and an established one, they can be great against any team, these guys need certain matchups and the bucks certainly aren't the right matchup

06-27-2021, 04:46 AM
the suns will sweep the bucks.

06-27-2021, 05:14 AM
The sheer amount of basketball ignorance in this thread is legendary. well done lads.

Spurs m8
06-27-2021, 05:16 AM
The sheer amount of basketball ignorance in this thread is legendary. well done lads.

Please enlighten us with your take, Mr Albert

06-27-2021, 05:20 AM
The sheer amount of basketball ignorance in this thread is legendary. well done lads.

Enlighten us with your heightened superior intellect, Albert

06-27-2021, 10:59 AM
The bucks are going to beat them, sorry to let you know.

Phoenix has had a more fraudulent run than the lakers did during their Disney bubble chip. In the first round they procced to face the lakers with a hobbled LeBron and AD, off sheer willpower alone, AD was able to win the lakers 2 game, and the suns were on the verge of being down 3-1 to the lakers in the game 4 until they caught the first of their many lucky breaks as AD tears his groin and was pretty much out for the remainder of that series. Lebron gave up after that and the suns got an easy victory.

In the second round the sun face another injured team with horrific defence in the Denver nuggets, the nuggets were missing their all-star calibre combo guard in Jamal Murray, will barton didn't play for the first 3 games, Pj dozzier was also out, the suns essentially played jokic plus a G league team. The suns swept them with relative easy, the nuggets defence was so bad that everyone on the suns starting lineup shot atleast 50% from the field that series.

Now the suns are getting hyped, Devin booker is out here being compared to kobe because he's faced injured teams with bad defence. Devin Booker is a high volume choker, the level of efficiency he was displaying in the first two series wasn't him, in fact until AD went down in the lakers series he was showing the level of efficiency you'd expect from him from as a first-time playoff performer, game 2-4 he shot a combined 36% from the field and 14% from 3. But AD went down and the defence collapsed and he all of a sudden in the last 2 games of the series he shot 62% from the field and 62% from 3, wonder what causes the drastic surge in efficiency.

Now, forward to this clippers series, once again they're facing another injured team without their best player and arguably the best player remaining in these playoffs, kawhi. Then you have Marcus morris a player who was instrumental for the clippers beating the jazz and was scoring well, suffers a knee injury in game 1 against the phoenix and is now playing a limited minute. But yet somehow despite the clippers have made the series competitive with all these injured, if it wasn't for PG missing two late fts the series would be 2-2 rn and do you want to know why the series has been competitive? Cause devin is being exposed for the inefficient chucker he is now that he's facing a good wing defence. this series he's shooting 38% from the field 29% from 3. If it wasn't for the fact the clippers paint defence sucks allowing ayton to just get free putbacks and rebounds, the suns would be down these series even without kawhi.

Now we get on to the Milwaukee bucks, a lot has been said about the bucks these playoff run but i am sorry the bucks will absolutely butt **** the suns. Perimeter defence they have that in jrue and Middleton, interior defence (by far the best in the playoffs) they have that in Brook and Giannis. Buck has 3 players who have made an all-defensive team in the past two years in their starting lineup (Jrue, brook and Giannis), 2 others who are all defensive calibre (Middleton and PJ). If Devin booker and Cp3 are this inefficient against the clippers defence, they're going to have nightmares against the bucks number ranked defence in the playoffs and they have the best defence by a mile, they aren't going to let Ayton look like Shaq because they're too big for that. Don't act surprised when the eventual bucks v suns series is one-sided because for the first time (knock on wood) the suns will be facing a team that doesn't injuries to their star players (get well soon Donte).

One more thing that has been overlooked about the phoenix suns is how young they are, outside of Cp3 and crowder, none of their players who get meaningful minutes is above the age of 26 or has playoff experience. Booker is 24, Ayton 22, Bridges 24, Cam johnson 26, Cam payne 26. Young teams don't win championships because more often than not they're inexperience will get exposed at some point by a team that has experience under their belt but due to sheer luck of facing nothing but injury riddle teams, that inexperience has yet to be taken advantage of. The bucks will be the team to do that, don't be surprised when Booker shoots sub 40% from the field against the bucks, if they can make Kd struggle offensively in 5 out of the 7 games in the net series, wtf are they going to do to booker.

In conclusion, the phoenix suns are a second-round exit team that simply got lucky.

Nah man that's gonna be a tight series. Could go either way. Suns are for real. They don't have any weaknesses on either end. Offensively they have guys that can hit perimeter shots and get to hole and hit mids. Ayton is a legit threat down low. Defensively they're one of the few teams that have no weak links. They're one of the few teams that can switch everything which is key in this era where teams set a thousand screens a game. Most teams have a weak link or 2 so tgey can't swith. They'll usually double which leaves someone open for an easy look. Bucks often have this problem when lopez is on the floor. They need him for rebounds and down low defensive presence but he can't defend the pick and roll for shit.

06-27-2021, 12:03 PM
I think Ayton is one of the best guys possible to guard Giannis. He can move his feet on the perimeter, and muscle up in the paint. Crowder is a crazy smart defender. Playing Lopez gives you a place to hide Booker a lot on D, which they aren't as able to do against the Clippers playing 5 out or playing Zubac.

I think it's a pretty even match up, baring a major injury between now and then. The Bucks are very dependent on Brook Lopez providing legit rim protection and playing as a stretch big. That's a rare combination, and it really unlocks Giannis. Otherwise, Giannis would either have to play the 5, or play with a non-stretch 5 (which cramps the beautiful spacing the Bucks build around Giannis to maximize his driving). That's why the PJ Tucker pickup was so important. The Bucks could still have 4 (decent) shooters around Giannis without sacrificing defense. I think the play of Lopez and Tucker swing this series.

06-27-2021, 12:12 PM
Suns vs Bucks is going 6-7 games and I think the Bucks win it all.

Ain't gonna be a sweep.

Player rankings in that series:


06-27-2021, 12:13 PM
I think Ayton is one of the best guys possible to guard Giannis. He can move his feet on the perimeter, and muscle up in the paint. Crowder is a crazy smart defender. Playing Lopez gives you a place to hide Booker a lot on D, which they aren't as able to do against the Clippers playing 5 out or playing Zubac.

I think it's a pretty even match up, baring a major injury between now and then. The Bucks are very dependent on Brook Lopez providing legit rim protection and playing as a stretch big. That's a rare combination, and it really unlocks Giannis. Otherwise, Giannis would either have to play the 5, or play with a non-stretch 5 (which cramps the beautiful spacing the Bucks build around Giannis to maximize his driving). That's why the PJ Tucker pickup was so important. The Bucks could still have 4 (decent) shooters around Giannis without sacrificing defense. I think the play of Lopez and Tucker swing this series.


DA has proven to play good fundamental defense on Giannis.

Lopez is a good rim protector but he gets exploited with PnR's, so I'm hoping if the matchup happens that the Suns can spam pick n rolls against him.

The bucks do have a big advantage with their size though, suns outside of Ayton are relatively small. They don't even have a real back up center (unless you want to call Saric a center). Bucks also have a lot of length on defense and some suns players *cough* Booker *cough* have issues with clogged passing lanes that result in 5-10 turnovers a night.

I wouldn't say this would be a blowout unless an injury happens, but both teams are a good match up for each other.

Code Breaker
06-27-2021, 12:25 PM
Suns in 6 this is CP3 last shot and his teammates know it sorry Bucks y’all gotta wait.

06-27-2021, 12:41 PM
I hope so. They're easily my least favorite team of the remaining playoff teams

Full Court
06-27-2021, 12:54 PM
I don't know...the Bucks have been less than impressive in this playoffs as well. Sweeping the Nuggets was better than anything the Bucks have done.

06-27-2021, 01:03 PM
sorry to let you know.
It's OK. I forgive you.

06-27-2021, 02:59 PM
I think Ayton is one of the best guys possible to guard Giannis. He can move his feet on the perimeter, and muscle up in the paint. Crowder is a crazy smart defender. Playing Lopez gives you a place to hide Booker a lot on D, which they aren't as able to do against the Clippers playing 5 out or playing Zubac.

I think it's a pretty even match up, baring a major injury between now and then. The Bucks are very dependent on Brook Lopez providing legit rim protection and playing as a stretch big. That's a rare combination, and it really unlocks Giannis. Otherwise, Giannis would either have to play the 5, or play with a non-stretch 5 (which cramps the beautiful spacing the Bucks build around Giannis to maximize his driving). That's why the PJ Tucker pickup was so important. The Bucks could still have 4 (decent) shooters around Giannis without sacrificing defense. I think the play of Lopez and Tucker swing this series.

Ayton has given up 7 shooting fouls, 14 / 14 free throws. Giannis averages more than 1 point per possession on Ayton, higher than league - average scoring.

It's also the regular season - doesn't mean much anyway. Ayton and crowder can’t do shit against Giannis at all. They might have a possession or two but for a full ****ing series? Na

06-27-2021, 03:08 PM
I don't know...the Bucks have been less than impressive in this playoffs as well. Sweeping the Nuggets was better than anything the Bucks have done.

Sweeping the shitty G league nuggets is supposed to be impressive? The nuggets who were 2nd worst defensive team behind the blazers? The nuggets who had nothing but injuries apart from jokic? **** you

06-27-2021, 03:24 PM
Don’t know why people keep bringing up Brook Lopez, he’s never in his 3 playoff runs with the bucks been played off the floor. He’s too smart a defender for that and Giannis covers up for too much of his flaws for that too happen. KD couldn’t do it, no one can do it

06-27-2021, 03:56 PM
Suns vs Bucks is going 6-7 games and I think the Bucks win it all.

Ain't gonna be a sweep.

Player rankings in that series:



06-27-2021, 04:07 PM
Ayton has given up 7 shooting fouls, 14 / 14 free throws. Giannis averages more than 1 point per possession on Ayton, higher than league - average scoring.

It's also the regular season - doesn't mean much anyway. Ayton and crowder can’t do shit against Giannis at all. They might have a possession or two but for a full ****ing series? NaSo what are you trying to say? Ayton is a bad option to defend Giannis?

No one here said Ayton was going to stop Giannis.

06-27-2021, 04:10 PM
You’re damn right. For the whole entire season the Phoenix Suns haven’t been who people act like they are. Lol.

06-27-2021, 04:59 PM
It's OK. I forgive you.

So what are you trying to say? Ayton is a bad option to defend Giannis?

No one here said Ayton was going to stop Giannis.

They were very much implying it, if you think Ayton is some Giannis stopper, you’re on crack. The best you can hope is that he’ll have a good defensive possession against Giannis once in awhile but stop Giannis from dad dicking the suns for the entire series? Na

06-27-2021, 05:17 PM
It is true the suns are a 1st round exit if AD is healthy. They have a very good team but no true superstar. 2015 Hawks could easily beat the lineup they've beat so far, same type of team.

06-27-2021, 05:19 PM
It is true the suns are a 1st round exit if AD is healthy. They have a very good team but no true superstar. 2015 Hawks could easily beat the lineup they've beat so far, same type of team.
It's not like this team are also one that would have been swept in the losers bracket while they're healthy thurston.

06-27-2021, 05:37 PM
The tears in this thread are delicious.

06-27-2021, 06:06 PM
It is true the suns are a 1st round exit if AD is healthy. They have a very good team but no true superstar. 2015 Hawks could easily beat the lineup they've beat so far, same type of team.

If AD was ever healthy Suns don’t even play LA in the first round.

Spurs m8
06-27-2021, 06:18 PM
I'm enjoying lots of completely different views in this thread.

Will be very interesting if these teams end up lining up!

06-27-2021, 06:57 PM
Thread fixed.

Utah Jazz weren't who people act like they were.

Those were the frauds, the jazz.

06-27-2021, 07:04 PM
It is true the suns are a 1st round exit if AD is healthy. They have a very good team but no true superstar. 2015 Hawks could easily beat the lineup they've beat so far, same type of team.
This Suns team is much better than the Hawks :lol Though they've gotten more breaks from injuries than any team I can remember

06-27-2021, 07:10 PM
Thread fixed.

Utah Jazz weren't who people act like they were.

Those were the frauds, the jazz.
The clippers too are full of frauds

06-27-2021, 07:18 PM
This Suns team is much better than the Hawks :lol Though they've gotten more breaks from injuries than any team I can remember

Right. Booker is better than anyone on that team. Same with Chris Paul. Like you mentioned though they've been fortunate. If AD were healthy does anyone doubt the Lakers make the finals? Hard to imagine they dont murk a Kawhi-less Clippers team. I suppose you could say the same about them too. A healthy Kawhi also makes them a favorite.

Pip' N Rodman
06-27-2021, 07:27 PM
you preach context but then leave out paul George's struggles and bookers fractured face. it's a grind. theyre still up 3-1 with Paul sidelined half the series so it's not like Booker and ayton aren't getting the job done regardless

its like 2010 when people shit on kobes shooting in game 7. literally everyone struggled. I think pierce and Allen combined for like 8 for 28

who else shot 6/24 that game

06-27-2021, 07:47 PM
We’re talking about AD and Kawhi here. Lol. Two dudes who are notoriously fragile and always missing games injured or sitting out. If they can’t stay healthy that’s on them. Phoenix has been dealing with Chris Paul’s cursed injured ass too so it’s all even.

06-27-2021, 08:20 PM
The clippers too are full of frauds

No, They are a SUPER-team. Clippers are LOADED.

06-27-2021, 10:42 PM
Don’t know why people keep bringing up Brook Lopez, he’s never in his 3 playoff runs with the bucks been played off the floor. He’s too smart a defender for that and Giannis covers up for too much of his flaws for that too happen. KD couldn’t do it, no one can do it

If you knew the game you'd understand how much he hurts them. And I've been one of greeks biggest advocates on here but he's not progressing like i thought he would. He still has no mid or post game. He's stiff as hell and looks uncomfortable in the half-court. When he iso's in the half-court it's honestly one of the Grossest things I've ever seen. He has a long way to go before he's the best in the nba. I still believe he can be but he has alot of work to do over the next year or so.

06-28-2021, 03:40 AM
If you knew the game you'd understand how much he hurts them. And I've been one of greeks biggest advocates on here but he's not progressing like i thought he would. He still has no mid or post game. He's stiff as hell and looks uncomfortable in the half-court. When he iso's in the half-court it's honestly one of the Grossest things I've ever seen. He has a long way to go before he's the best in the nba. I still believe he can be but he has alot of work to do over the next year or so.

What a cop-out way to not explain your point, you might as well have said "real hoopers know". Brook will and always will get playing time during these playoffs, he's too good and smart not to and most importantly they don't have any other choice but to play him. They can't play Giannis at the 5 all series and portis is too small, is a bad defender, and a bad rebounder to play the 5 over brook. So brook as to play and hope the giannis/team covers up for any mishaps

06-28-2021, 08:21 AM
What a cop-out way to not explain your point, you might as well have said "real hoopers know". Brook will and always will get playing time during these playoffs, he's too good and smart not to and most importantly they don't have any other choice but to play him. They can't play Giannis at the 5 all series and portis is too small, is a bad defender, and a bad rebounder to play the 5 over brook. So brook as to play and hope the giannis/team covers up for any mishaps

I know he has to play bruh that's kind of the point. They need him for rebounds and for a post presence but he hurts him in the pick and roll at the same time. This is why it's a problem. Suns on the other hand don't have this problem. Not only is ayton better offensively he's also way better defensively. Mainly because he can gaurd the pick and roll. Plus the suns have less weak links defensively. They really don't have any bad defenders. This allows them to switch everything which in this era is huge because of all the screens. I'm telling you brooke lopez is gonna be the biggest factor in that series. Bucs are gonna have to decide what hurts them more. Having him on the floor and getting exposed in the pick and roll or having him off the floor and getting beat up inside and on th boards. It's been a problem even with the lowly hawks. Gonna be a huge problem with the suns.

06-28-2021, 11:56 PM
*sips tea* hahahaha, they're being exposed for the frauds they are, if pg wasnt such a choke artist the clips would be up 3-2 rn

06-29-2021, 02:55 AM
Yeah, they're not that good. Could easily be down 1 - 3 to a Kawhi-less Clippers squad right now if a few calls/shots go the other way. Booker and CP0 as your 1st two options? Yikes.

Both teams lack playoff experience, the Clippers are playing old school physical playoff baseball the Suns got rattled then settled down but the Ref's are letting them play physical basketball, Phoenix needs to settle down and bait the Clippers into technical's fouling out and play physical themselves use the Clippers aggression against them because they will beat themselves, talk major trash bump people and be aggressive, then they will win.

The Clippers need to keep playing physical basketball until the Ref's stop them but not to hurt someone because this is cheating to win a series but play legal physical basketball, you can't just play physical basketball to hurt someone on purpose so you can win a series but you can play tough aggressive physical basketball like tight defense hand checking rough rim protection is legal but undercutting head buts are not legal basketball.

06-29-2021, 03:32 AM
Nice to see this board is still full of neckbeards criticizing players about something they only wish they could do...

Spurs m8
06-29-2021, 03:47 AM
There were two pivotal moments that ruined the Suns playoff run...

1. Booker splitting his nose and needing the mask...he hasn't been the same since.

2. CP3 getting covid

Team hasn't been firing on the same cylinders

06-29-2021, 04:11 AM
There were two pivotal moments that ruined the Suns playoff run...

1. Booker splitting his nose and needing the mask...he hasn't been the same since.

2. CP3 getting covid

Team hasn't been firing on the same cylinders

Wrong! Booker was getting his ass handed to him by veverly before he broke his nose, he was shooting like shit way before that incident, enough with the excuses.

Also Cp3 had no covid symptoms and was vaccinated, he was out for a precautionary reason and was back relatively quickly when compared to other positive tests. Cp3 has been ass through this entire playoffs outside of the denver series where he was guarded by Austin rivers and 5'9 campazzo, like i said, this suns team aren't who people think they are. They're a second-round exit team who got to the ecf through sheer luck, if the clippers defence is doing this to the team, the bucks number 1 ranked D will make Cp3 retire

Spurs m8
06-29-2021, 04:26 AM
Wrong! Booker was getting his ass handed to him by veverly before he broke his nose, he was shooting like shit way before that incident, enough with the excuses.

Also Cp3 had no covid symptoms and was vaccinated, he was out for a precautionary reason and was back relatively quickly when compared to other positive tests. Cp3 has been ass through this entire playoffs outside of the denver series where he was guarded by Austin rivers and 5'9 campazzo, like i said, this suns team aren't who people think they are. They're a second-round exit team who got to the ecf through sheer luck, if the clippers defence is doing this to the team, the bucks number 1 ranked D will make Cp3 retire

I mean...the game before the nose - he put up 40 on over 50% shooting... with 11 assists and 13 rebounds.

He wasn't having as good of a game game 2 before the nose...but that's a small sample size when he killed it game 1...and was having a great rest of the playoffs.

I'm not blaming the covid itself for cp3....he just hasn't looked the same since...so far

07-04-2021, 07:05 AM
Giannis needs to be close to what he was before the injury, if he is bucks should take this series and what i wrote about should come true. Especially the devin booker one, he's an inefficient chucker, shot 38% against the clippers

07-04-2021, 08:29 AM
bucks are one of the more solid squads we've seen in some time that didn't include superstars teaming up

i'll be surprised if they don't bring it home, brook lopez is a super star..

07-04-2021, 03:30 PM
Lol another casual fan who doesn't know what to think when all the stupid shit the sports media has been feeding them all year doesn't pan out.

'But no one was jacking off the Suns all year as contenders, so they must be trash!'

Who gives a shit some super teams lost a good player. They're ****ing super teams! Losing a star when you have multiple shouldn't mean the season. Especially if the opposing team is supposedly only there because of lucky breaks:roll:

'The Lakers ONLY had one of the top 10 players of all time. They would have won though with another star!'

****ing clowns, man :roll:

07-10-2021, 01:31 PM
Bump. :D

07-10-2021, 01:47 PM
Bump. :D

I thought about bumping this a few days back, but decided to wait and see if the Suns manage to finish off the Bucks first as I'm an overly superstitious and emotional fan who believes in jinxing shit, as if anything I do has an effect on whether the team wins or loses. :lol Besides, I actually have respect for the Bucks as an opponent and have nothing against them or (most of) their fans.

But the Suns even being up 2-0 must have OP furious after making this thread. :roll:

07-10-2021, 03:26 PM
I thought about bumping this a few days back, but decided to wait and see if the Suns manage to finish off the Bucks first as I'm an overly superstitious and emotional fan who believes in jinxing shit, as if anything I do has an effect on whether the team wins or loses. :lol Besides, I actually have respect for the Bucks as an opponent and have nothing against them or (most of) their fans.

But the Suns even being up 2-0 must have OP furious after making this thread. :roll:

Op dosn't know the game. This series was easy as hell to call. At very worst it's a pick em series. No way anybody should of had bucks easily winning. Op is delusional

07-18-2021, 11:00 AM
I thought about bumping this a few days back, but decided to wait and see if the Suns manage to finish off the Bucks first as I'm an overly superstitious and emotional fan who believes in jinxing shit, as if anything I do has an effect on whether the team wins or loses. :lol Besides, I actually have respect for the Bucks as an opponent and have nothing against them or (most of) their fans.

But the Suns even being up 2-0 must have OP furious after making this thread. :roll:

Yeah, I might have seriously jinxed them :(

07-18-2021, 11:04 AM
yeah OP could come through with this one

07-18-2021, 11:14 AM
What's with all the premature bumps? I had the Bucks winning this series but people bumping this shit when Phoenix had the advantage and now they're bumping it when the Bucks do? The series could still go either way.

I'm not sure that either team has a prayer to even reach the Finals next year.

OP's prediction (the Bucks winning) may ultimately end up being correct but a lot of the details in his OP as to why that was going to happen have just been flat out false.

If there's anything that sports and fights and etc have taught me it's that... things aren't settled... until they're settled. Life happens, shit happens. Things don't always go how they're supposed to. Why do antelope and buffalo still continue to resist lions that are actively eating them? Shit happens. You never know.

07-18-2021, 11:16 AM
What's with all the premature bumps? I had the Bucks winning this series but people bumping this shit when Phoenix had the advantage and now they're bumping it when the Bucks do? The series could still go either way.

I'm not sure that either team has a prayer to even reach the Finals next year.

OP's prediction (the Bucks winning) may ultimately end up being correct but a lot of the details in his OP as to why that was going to happen have just been flat out false.

If there's anything that sports and fights and etc have taught me it's that... things aren't settled... until they're settled. Life happens, shit happens. Things don't always go how they're supposed to.


07-18-2021, 11:17 AM
What's with all the premature bumps? I had the Bucks winning this series but people bumping this shit when Phoenix had the advantage and now they're bumping it when the Bucks do? The series could still go either way.

I'm not sure that either team has a prayer to even reach the Finals next year.

OP's prediction (the Bucks winning) may ultimately end up being correct but a lot of the details in his OP as to why that was going to happen have just been flat out false.

If there's anything that sports and fights and etc have taught me it's that... things aren't settled... until they're settled. Life happens, shit happens. Things don't always go how they're supposed to. Why do antelope and buffalo still continue to resist lions that are actively eating them? Shit happens. You never know.

Spectrum meltdown

07-21-2021, 12:37 AM
****ing called it, those frauds finally played a healthy team, and guess what happened they lost. Bookers inconsistency showed and cp3 lacking being a leading scorer showed