View Full Version : Paul should be fined for flopping

07-01-2021, 11:50 PM
At least when Ginobali flopped he didn't stop play, he flopped within the game. Chris Paul flops and acts like he's dead and forces the referee to stop the game and go to the film.

Chris Paul needs to be fined.

07-02-2021, 05:37 AM
Paul has made a mockery out of the sport, he flops 3-4 times a game at minimum and never gets fined for it.. People were so upset when Harden did it, but Paul ref baits more than any player in the league.

07-02-2021, 06:04 AM



Stanley Kobrick
07-02-2021, 06:51 AM
if you aren't flopping, you're not using every edge to your teams advantage.

07-02-2021, 06:57 AM
if you aren't flopping, you're not using every edge to your teams advantage.

Sadly, this is true. At least they're changing some of the rules. Flopping should be outlawed as much as possible, it has no place in the Playoffs, it just makes the sport as a whole look bad. Basketball has the advantage that soccer doesn't with all the timeouts and opportunities to review plays to keep this shit out of their sport.

Spurs m8
07-02-2021, 07:13 AM
if you aren't flopping, you're not using every edge to your teams advantage.

I'd expect a b1tch to say this.

I couldn't have been more right.

07-02-2021, 09:51 AM
if you aren't flopping, you're not using every edge to your teams advantage.

Unfortunately this alot of truth to this but at the same time as a man u should have some kind of pride.

07-02-2021, 11:52 AM

Does anyone know what CP said to Pat Bev as he walked by?

07-02-2021, 11:54 AM
One of cp3's teammates should have already known what was going to happen and just watched as it did.

07-02-2021, 12:00 PM
CP3 has been flopping for years and that's why I didn't like him, but that's that, he didn't flop these playoffs the Clippers got extremely physical and CP3 didn't resort to flopping and won fair and square, I respect that but I don't respect overboard Clippers physical play trying to injure someone so they could win the series, I can't respect physical Basketball that's actually injuring players but normal physical play is okay and I can't respect flopping just to win playoff series.

07-02-2021, 01:02 PM
CP3 has been flopping for years and that's why I didn't like him, but that's that, he didn't flop these playoffs the Clippers got extremely physical and CP3 didn't resort to flopping and won fair and square, I respect that but I don't respect overboard Clippers physical play trying to injure someone so they could win the series, I can't respect physical Basketball that's actually injuring players but normal physical play is okay and I can't respect flopping just to win playoff series.

the only thing worth watching the 2nd half was whether Boogie or Beverley was going to deliberately hurt or even kill one of the Suns

Full Court
07-02-2021, 11:32 PM
I'll go further than fining. Flopping should also incur a suspension. Get this p***Y crap out of the sport.

07-02-2021, 11:48 PM
Paul has made a mockery out of the sport, he flops 3-4 times a game at minimum and never gets fined for it.. People were so upset when Harden did it, but Paul ref baits more than any player in the league.

Ironic coming from a Lakers fan who benefits from the Flop-A-Thon put on by AD and Lebron. Sh*t, AD in this playoffs was yelling "AHHHHH" and flailing his arms every time someone breathed on him lmao. Shit was one of the most ridiculous flop fests I've watched.

07-03-2021, 12:43 AM
Unfortunately this alot of truth to this but at the same time as a man u should have some kind of pride.

I'll go further than fining. Flopping should also incur a suspension. Get this p***Y crap out of the sport.
This is just what competitive people do. Remember that article where Kobe talked about being aware of ref line of sight in regards to when he could get away with fouls? Players aren't going to be honorable about this kind of shit. Might as well not have refs and let players call their own fouls. It's the league's job to police this shit.

07-05-2021, 02:56 AM
I'll go further than fining. Flopping should also incur a suspension. Get this p***Y crap out of the sport.

THIS.Fines would put a complete end to this bullshit.