View Full Version : Lebron wasn’t pulling for CP3 he just didn’t ….

07-21-2021, 01:09 AM
Lebron wasn’t pulling for CP3 he just didn’t want Giannis to win a title without forming a super team and without leaving the franchise that drafted him.

07-21-2021, 01:10 AM
OP is incapable of posting about something besides LeBron.

07-21-2021, 09:38 AM
What I mentioned is a fact!

07-21-2021, 09:50 AM
No, he was just getting his league favoritism, being allowed to bring a whole glass bottle of his personal brand of tequila and sit courtside. It was marketing. It had nothing to do with anything else. More shameless self promotion. And it came the weekend of his movies release.

07-21-2021, 09:52 AM
Lebron wasn’t pulling for CP3 he just didn’t want Giannis to win a title without forming a super team and without leaving the franchise that drafted him.

Says the retard Kawhi stan that never played on a non super team.

Was begging everyone to come join him in summer of 2019 and look at him now.

Kawhi stans melting down.

07-21-2021, 10:42 AM
Lebron wasn’t pulling for CP3 he just didn’t want Giannis to win a title without forming a super team and without leaving the franchise that drafted him.

for sure. LeCoward doesn't care about anything but himself.

07-21-2021, 10:49 AM
for sure. LeCoward doesn't care about anything but himself.
Nah he’s a libtard … social justice warrior … standing up for nonexistent racial issues fabricated by the media.

But has no problem bending over and spreading cheeks for Communist China, who miss treat their own citizens in a very cruel inhuman way, has no problem with Nike sweat shops he profiteers off actual slave labor. And supports a communist country that unleashed a pandemic on the entire world for the last year and a half.

Too faced. He only pretends and pander to care about people. Or teammates. Like when he’s visually throwing them under the bus, or trying to have them traded publicly

07-21-2021, 10:51 AM
Nah he’s a libtard … social justice warrior … standing up for nonexistent racial issues fabricated by the media.

But has no problem bending over and spreading cheeks for Communist China, who miss treat their own citizens in a very cruel inhuman way, has no problem with Nike sweat shops he profiteers off actual slave labor. And supports a communist country that unleashed a pandemic on the entire world for the last year and a half.

Too faced. He only pretends and pander to care about people. Or teammates. Like when he’s visually throwing them under the bus, or trying to have them traded publicly


LeBron is gonna grab some millions from the China market for his Space Jam 2 movie. Had to take a shit on that stupid ass Daryl Morey.

07-21-2021, 10:52 AM

LeBron is gonna grab some millions from the China market for his Space Jam 2 movie. Had to take a shit on that stupid ass Daryl Morey.

the only reason the movie might do well in China is because they won't understand it.

07-21-2021, 10:58 AM
Says the retard Kawhi stan that never played on a non super team.

The 2013 & '14 Spurs were not a superteam. It's been proven you don't watch basketball.

07-21-2021, 11:43 AM
The 2013 & '14 Spurs were not a superteam. It's been proven you don't watch basketball.
