View Full Version : My apology to insidehoops

07-21-2021, 03:35 AM
today i was exposed as a fraud like LeBron James. i duped everyone into thinking i ditched Kobe and jumped ship to the leRoid fam to become their leader. i broke character and it was screen shot by Mrfonzworth. which is ironic because i had done the same to him 2 years prior and exposed him. what goes around comes around i guess. luckily most people here are oblivious or retarded so nobody really took notice. but this one won't go unnoticed because i'm making a thread about it.


i am kenneth griffin and i have a problem. i put on these skits and personas online because i like to stir up controversy. its not because i lack excitement in real life because my best trolling years came when i was in my prime having lots of unprotected sex with many dirty women. to which i have paid the price for. especially with a possible offspring i've yet to meet after 9 years of its existence. and my last 2 years have been REALLY boring since i stopped partying and just hurt all over from being 37 years old.

nope. i do this because i have an anti authoritarian complex. i can't be told what to do. i'm a narcissist sort of like lebron and feel i should have special rules for myself like how he can bring his own tequila into arenas and sex traffic women without repercussion. i used to work at these convenient stores and other places a decade+ ago and would go patrick bateman mode thieving daily and even with working cameras i never got caught. i tried as hard as i could but they just wouldn't do anything. one day i just opened a whole book of scratch tickets and scratched all of them... nothing... then a chick does it and she gets fired the next day. i even had sex on my bosses muslim prayer carpet in the back after closing. i drank and drove daily for years up until just like 3 or 4 years ago. spun out twice. i can't fail for some reason. when i got that free money i just said "wow.. f*ck it. this is my life. i'm patrick bateman. i lick strippers a**holes when they bend over and never once got kicked out. posted pics of naked girlfriends on facebook and no charges or even a terms of service warning

i just don't get it. and even now i keep evading being banned permanently due to a dynamic IP. and i actually think jeff finds me amusing or believes i help the traffic

but regardless. i'm gonna try and take a break. maybe return in 2 months and just talk hoops. try and piss people off less and stop seeking out negative responses. this giannis ring was like a breath of fresh air for the nba. for the first time in a decade i don't have a bad taste in my mouth after a finals. even when lebron lost all the time i never enjoyed the other teams success cause they were all either stacking the deck or playing the wrong way too. even sanantonio with pay cuts to load up 10 deep.

anyway sorry again.


adios muchachos

07-21-2021, 03:45 AM

You didnt dupe anyone. It wasnt called out because we thought you switched teams. It was called out because it was lame as fukk and sad to watch.

07-21-2021, 03:46 AM
Meltdown from the Patrick Bateman of ISH

07-21-2021, 03:49 AM

You didnt dupe anyone. It wasnt called out because we thought you switched teams. It was called out because it was lame as fukk and sad to watch.

you just don't get it do you...

"this ends when i say it ends" doesn't just apply to my active status on here.

you thought i was finished?

only 80% of that post is true. and other parts are half truths. some are spot on. i'l let you decide which are which. i'm gonna go play fall guys

07-21-2021, 03:49 AM

07-21-2021, 03:54 AM
you just don't get it do you...

"this ends when i say it ends" doesn't just apply to my active status on here.

you thought i was finished?

only 80% of that post is true. and other parts are half truths. some are spot on. i'l let you decide which are which. i'm gonna go play fall guys

I dont care enough which is which. You're a sad human being with minimum real life contact and this provides you with somewhere to call home. Nobody with their shit even remotely together would make this post. Let me guess 'all part of the act'? Yeah, you need to be locked away and the key thrown into the Atlantic.

07-21-2021, 03:57 AM
You scratched not one, not two, but ALL the scratch tickets. Holy shit.:eek:

07-21-2021, 03:59 AM

You didnt dupe anyone. It wasnt called out because we thought you switched teams. It was called out because it was lame as fukk and sad to watch.

This . He went full retard. Never go full retard. He sounded like them at the start.lol

07-21-2021, 04:05 AM
I dont care enough which is which. You're a sad human being with minimum real life contact and this provides you with somewhere to call home. Nobody with their shit even remotely together would make this post. Let me guess 'all part of the act'? Yeah, you need to be locked away and the key thrown into the Atlantic.

i was a sad ( not really.. but pathetic ) human being with minimal real life contact for the past 2 years and never once thought about returning until i noticed bran was about to be knocked out of the first round so i checked a few forums to see your reactions to it and noticed the registration was open.

i'm actually quite happy and content with my small group of friends. after you get old you don't need hundreds of acquaintances on facebook to feel important anymore. after your primes over you're sort of content with life

i actually feel bad for people in their 20's having to go through this covid sh*t. these lockdowns and mask mandates are just murdering peoples social lives and costing people the best times of their life.

i've already had my fun. if this was about me needing online friends/approval would i try pissing everyone off so much? na this is way more deep seeded than that. i'm a sick individual. i do this because it turns me on when people like you get triggered like this. i'm actually feeding off your hatred and spite. you legit had no idea i was faking my transition to bran. you were like the only one left out of the joke. i broke character legit cause i felt sorry for you. your responses to me became so playful after i let you in on the worst kept secret going so i know your response saying "yeah yeah i knew all along" was total bs

i almost wanna stick around to ridicule you more but i'm getting tired. i'm on the east coast and its 4am

we'l broach this subject another time if i remember who you are. most of the time i just memorize peoples avatars and dont even look at their name. your doncic guy. don't change it k

07-21-2021, 04:09 AM
One toke over the line.

07-21-2021, 04:13 AM
i was a sad ( not really.. but pathetic ) human being with minimal real life contact for the past 2 years and never once thought about returning until i noticed bran was about to be knocked out of the first round so i checked a few forums to see your reactions to it and noticed the registration was open.

i'm actually quite happy and content with my small group of friends. after you get old you don't need hundreds of acquaintances on facebook to feel important anymore. after your primes over you're sort of content with life

i actually feel bad for people in their 20's having to go through this covid sh*t. these lockdowns and mask mandates are just murdering peoples social lives and costing people the best times of their life.

i've already had my fun. if this was about me needing online friends/approval would i try pissing everyone off so much? na this is way more deep seeded than that. i'm a sick individual. i do this because it turns me on when people like you get triggered like this. i'm actually feeding off your hatred and spite. you legit had no idea i was faking my transition to bran. you were like the only one left out of the joke. i broke character legit cause i felt sorry for you. your responses to me became so playful after i let you in on the worst kept secret going so i know your response saying "yeah yeah i knew all along" was total bs

i almost wanna stick around to ridicule you more but i'm getting tired. i'm on the east coast and its 4am

we'l broach this subject another time if i remember who you are. most of the time i just memorize peoples avatars and dont even look at their name. your doncic guy. don't change it k

Didnt read, like any of it. Thanks for your time.

07-21-2021, 04:15 AM
Kenneth's 37th year without kissing a girl must be really hurting his mental health. Be kind everyone.

07-21-2021, 04:21 AM

Any reaction OP? Is your groin sticking out an extra 2 inches?

07-21-2021, 04:33 AM
Kenneth's 37th year without kissing a girl must be really hurting his mental health. Be kind everyone.

i had to cut an HPV wart off the base of my shaft with a pair of nail clippers i disinfected with a lighter and it flared up like a porcupine after i cut off its blood supply like an alien gasping for its lath breath. i've seen sh*t you wouldn't f*cking believe bud. wear condoms

07-21-2021, 04:44 AM
today i was exposed as a fraud like LeBron James. i duped everyone into thinking i ditched Kobe and jumped ship to the leRoid fam to become their leader. i broke character and it was screen shot by Mrfonzworth. which is ironic because i had done the same to him 2 years prior and exposed him. what goes around comes around i guess. luckily most people here are oblivious or retarded so nobody really took notice. but this one won't go unnoticed because i'm making a thread about it.


i am kenneth griffin and i have a problem. i put on these skits and personas online because i like to stir up controversy. its not because i lack excitement in real life because my best trolling years came when i was in my prime having lots of unprotected sex with many dirty women. to which i have paid the price for. especially with a possible offspring i've yet to meet after 9 years of its existence. and my last 2 years have been REALLY boring since i stopped partying and just hurt all over from being 37 years old.

nope. i do this because i have an anti authoritarian complex. i can't be told what to do. i'm a narcissist sort of like lebron and feel i should have special rules for myself like how he can bring his own tequila into arenas and sex traffic women without repercussion. i used to work at these convenient stores and other places a decade+ ago and would go patrick bateman mode thieving daily and even with working cameras i never got caught. i tried as hard as i could but they just wouldn't do anything. one day i just opened a whole book of scratch tickets and scratched all of them... nothing... then a chick does it and she gets fired the next day. i even had sex on my bosses muslim prayer carpet in the back after closing. i drank and drove daily for years up until just like 3 or 4 years ago. spun out twice. i can't fail for some reason. when i got that free money i just said "wow.. f*ck it. this is my life. i'm patrick bateman. i lick strippers a**holes when they bend over and never once got kicked out. posted pics of naked girlfriends on facebook and no charges or even a terms of service warning

i just don't get it. and even now i keep evading being banned permanently due to a dynamic IP. and i actually think jeff finds me amusing or believes i help the traffic

but regardless. i'm gonna try and take a break. maybe return in 2 months and just talk hoops. try and piss people off less and stop seeking out negative responses. this giannis ring was like a breath of fresh air for the nba. for the first time in a decade i don't have a bad taste in my mouth after a finals. even when lebron lost all the time i never enjoyed the other teams success cause they were all either stacking the deck or playing the wrong way too. even sanantonio with pay cuts to load up 10 deep.

anyway sorry again.


adios muchachos

Delete this and come back with another bran Stan fam account. That was 5 * , they were shook


07-21-2021, 06:25 AM
i had to cut an HPV wart off the base of my shaft with a pair of nail clippers i disinfected with a lighter and it flared up like a porcupine after i cut off its blood supply like an alien gasping for its lath breath. i've seen sh*t you wouldn't f*cking believe bud. wear condoms

So far fetched it can't possibly be true. You'll get your daddy's attention one day champ.

07-21-2021, 06:39 AM
So far fetched it can't possibly be true. You'll get your daddy's attention one day champ.

It's not .lol. this dude is funny in a weird way

07-21-2021, 07:07 AM
op is a loser

07-21-2021, 08:01 AM
Bronsexuals or trollsexuals sound so similar that it's hard to distinguish them :oldlol:

07-21-2021, 08:03 AM
OP why the obsession with James Spader?

07-21-2021, 08:34 AM
OP why the obsession with James Spader?

I asked that once and he never answered. Maybe he is James Spader.

07-21-2021, 08:40 AM
Who's more sick in the head, OP, or Charlie Z?

07-21-2021, 09:05 AM

Any reaction OP? Is your groin sticking out an extra 2 inches?
Name …

Dr. Zooback
07-21-2021, 09:13 AM
Kenneth the Menace

Dr. Zooback
07-21-2021, 09:13 AM
Name …

Giggly Puff Ass

07-21-2021, 09:49 AM
op is a loser

Op is a loser.

Imagine writing up all that garbage at 1-2am.