View Full Version : There was NEVER a time in the NBA where you could indiscriminately FOUL other players

07-29-2021, 03:58 PM
Alot of you incels on this website who's never played organized basketball in your life, nor are you even a viewer of basketball but just a troll, love to spew this garbage about how in the previous years in the NBA much "harder it was to score" because of the "hand check rule".

I'll just get to the point, there was never a time in basketball where a player on defense, could just foul and grab the opposing player, making it impossible for him to score. The only difference is, when the offensive player is in the post, the defensive player could put his PALM/HAND on the offensive players back while the offensive player is backing him down. That's it.

Just because a player could flagrant foul other players and not get suspended doesn't mean that the defense was so tough.

Many of you insecure incels don't have a mind of your own and just repeat what other people say.

07-29-2021, 06:04 PM