View Full Version : How good would Lakers be if everyone played like their 2012 selves?

Pip' N Rodman
08-03-2021, 03:15 PM
Dwight Howard
Rookie Anthony Davis
Marc Gasol
Trevor Ariza

08-03-2021, 03:21 PM
The thing is all these guys were great players in their prime, most HOF bound. So even a shadow of their former HOF level selves is still very good for role players. Everyone acts like they are geriatrics, but 2012 wasn't THAT long ago, i.e. it's not enough time that it has significantly limited their playing ability. It all just depends if lebron can stay healthy, and how westbrook chooses to fit in on the court. AD is their best player heading into 2021-2022. If the big 3 hold up, then you don't really need guys like melo, dwight and gasol to do much outside limited roles.

08-03-2021, 03:25 PM
The thing is all these guys were great players in their prime, most HOF bound. So even a shadow of their former HOF level selves is still very good for role players. Everyone acts like they are geriatrics, but 2012 wasn't THAT long ago, i.e. it's not enough time that it has significantly limited their playing ability. It all just depends if lebron can stay healthy, and how westbrook chooses to fit in on the court. AD is their best player heading into 2021-2022. If the big 3 hold up, then you don't really need guys like melo, dwight and gasol to do much outside limited roles.

2012 was indeed that long ago.

Over the course of human history? Obviously nothing. As far as our mortal experiences go? That was ages ago. That was a long ****ing time bruh, we were all wildly different people... well... except the same crippled miserable trolls that have nothing going on in their personal lives. :)

08-03-2021, 03:27 PM
2012 Lebron and anybody else are title contenders.

Code Breaker
08-03-2021, 03:29 PM
I mean 2007 Lebron carried bums to the finals. So he’ll at least do the same with that roster.

08-03-2021, 03:30 PM
The thing is all these guys were great players in their prime, most HOF bound. So even a shadow of their former HOF level selves is still very good for role players. Everyone acts like they are geriatrics, but 2012 wasn't THAT long ago, i.e. it's not enough time that it has significantly limited their playing ability. It all just depends if lebron can stay healthy, and how westbrook chooses to fit in on the court. AD is their best player heading into 2021-2022. If the big 3 hold up, then you don't really need guys like melo, dwight and gasol to do much outside limited roles.
Lmao a lot can happen in 9 years. For example, chewing might not be as obese back then unlike today.

08-03-2021, 03:33 PM
I mean 2007 Lebron carried bums to the finals. So he’ll at least do the same with that roster.
That would be viable if he's still playing in the east.

Pip' N Rodman
08-04-2021, 09:27 PM

08-04-2021, 09:41 PM
This team would be vetoed like the previous Lakers team with Kobe and CP3.