View Full Version : super star name tag vs all - star

08-05-2021, 09:55 AM
Over the last 4 months I am sure you have seen this as well as I.
When it comes down to crunch time , the cream comes to the top.
In other words guys start carrying his whole team on his back.

I remember when Kevin Durant was playing for Oak City and Westbrook took a horrible shoot and their playoff hopes went down the drain.
Kevin was royally pissed the pass was not made to him.. that was the sign for me he was a legit Super star.
Fast forward to this years playoffs KD put the Nets on his back in a lose to the Bucks.
Bucks in the championship game , Giannis put the bucks on his back.
Booker as a very good player was unable to do as Giannis had done.
Olympics vs Aussies once again a star studded US team and KD comes to the top and beats the Aussies.

Lets talk about money - many franchises are putting the tag 'Super Star' on players that in reality (THE COURT)
are just quality all-stars.
The league is getting saturated with the term super stars , but yet when the chips are down - these guys don't show up.

Lets face it Super Star tag is over used.