View Full Version : "Shaq was a spot up shooter in LeBron ball"

08-13-2021, 07:09 PM
2010 Shaq was far superior to any center that Jordan ever had - he averaged 12/7 and 1.5 blocks, while the best center Jordan had was 89' Cartwright (12/7 and 0.5 blocks)... Jordan had zero rim protection in his career, while Lebron always had tons (Zydrunas, Mosgov, Shaq, Birdman, Chandler, AD, McGee, and more)

Shaq averaged 18/9 in 2009 with all-star MVP, but was reduced to spot-up shooter in Lebron-ball.. Imagine reducing shaq to a spot-up shooter... :facepalm:... that's how unskilled Lebron is - Lebron employs the simple ball-dominator brand, aka the same brand used by every playground king in America.. it's literally the easiest, least sophisticated way to play

Hey Spurs M8, remember how you said that all this guy does is spit facts?

08-13-2021, 07:15 PM
It was obvious trolling.

One Lebron buzz word after another

08-13-2021, 07:17 PM
It was obvious trolling.

One Lebron buzz word after another

[X] Doubt

08-13-2021, 07:29 PM
It was obvious trolling.

One Lebron buzz word after another


08-13-2021, 07:58 PM
It was obvious trolling.

One Lebron buzz word after another

This. Massive L for OP posting this. I'm sure the bran fam will show up later to spam laughing emojis

08-13-2021, 10:14 PM
Hey Spurs M8, remember how you said that all this guy does is spit facts?

Everything he posts is troll and he doesn't believe any of it like manny98.

Haven't you learned?

3ball has admitted that Bron is the GOAT.

08-13-2021, 11:30 PM
He actually "shot" a higher percentage of his balls from within 10 feet with LeBron then in years prior.

So he WENT from a spot up shooter to the exact opposite with LeGOAT


08-14-2021, 03:44 AM
A spot up shooter huh?