View Full Version : 3Ball is Actually a LeBron Stan - Evidence Inside

08-18-2021, 06:12 PM
When 3ball wasn't a troll and had honest basketball discussions, this is what he really thought. He was smarter back then.


Bump this thread every time 3ball makes a new thread about LeBron :lol

08-18-2021, 06:18 PM
When 3ball wasn't a troll and had honest basketball discussions, this is what he really thought. He was smarter back then.


Bump this thread every time 3ball makes a new thread about LeBron :lol

Just think... that's how shook I have you guys - you're willing to search and threaten my family, delete and fabricate posts, or just meltdown completely and take an afternoon off your 9 to 5 to post about me.

That's how shook the truth has you

But know this - you will NEVER silence me. All your attempts to subvert me only embolden me and assure me that I'm on the right path of exposing this fraud that has been forced upon us.

So carry on... But know that your efforts are futile and reveal low character.

08-18-2021, 06:21 PM
Just think... that's how shook I have you guys - you're willing to search and threaten my family, delete and fabricate posts, or just meltdown completely and take an afternoon off your 9 to 5 to post about me.

That's how shook the truth has you

But know this - you will NEVER silence me. All your attempts to subvert me only embolden me and assure me that I'm on the right path of exposing this fraud that has been forced upon us.

So carry on... But know that your efforts are futile and reveal low character.


08-18-2021, 06:24 PM
Notice the time on that 3ball post back in 2013. That was after game 5 of ECF and LeBron had crushed it that night.

His career as a troll began but we will always know that 3ball was sure LeBron was the GOAT that night. A belief he still holds to this day.

08-18-2021, 06:26 PM
Notice the time on that 3ball post back in 2013. That was after game 5 of ECF and LeBron had crushed it that night.

His career as a troll began but we will always know that 3ball was sure LeBron was the GOAT that night. A belief he still holds to this day.

Yes after Lebron won Game 5 of the ECF and scored 30 points, I proclaimed that he was goat in a several posts.... :rolleyes:... and was curiously banned after that... yes, everything about that seems logical.. just like the posts themselves.. they sound exactly like me


08-18-2021, 06:27 PM
Yes after Lebron won Game 5 of the ECF and scored 30 points, I proclaimed that he was goat in a several posts.... :rolleyes:... and was curiously banned after that... yes, everything about that seems logical.. just like the posts themselves.. they sound exactly like me


08-18-2021, 06:29 PM
Oh man, you went back there? How many times they kick you from there 3ball? I remember quite a few.....

08-18-2021, 06:30 PM
Oh man, you went back there? How many times they kick you from there 3ball? I remember quite a few.....
Wait where is “there”? So he’s been doing this shtick on that board too? Or was he a normal poster there like the screenshots imply

08-18-2021, 06:31 PM
Wait where is “there”? So he’s been doing this shtick on that board too? Or was he a normal poster there like the screenshots imply

After he got banned on that account he must have made about 20 new accounts that kept getting nuked and post deleted. That's the only original account where the mods didn't nuke his posts.

He became a full time troll after that finals. Lost his marbles.

08-18-2021, 06:33 PM
Just think... that's how shook I have you guys - you're willing to search and threaten my family, delete and fabricate posts, or just meltdown completely and take an afternoon off your 9 to 5 to post about me.

That's how shook the truth has you

But know this - you will NEVER silence me. All your attempts to subvert me only embolden me and assure me that I'm on the right path of exposing this fraud that has been forced upon us.

So carry on... But know that your efforts are futile and reveal low character.


08-18-2021, 06:34 PM
3ball say it ain't so...

08-18-2021, 06:36 PM
After he got banned on that account he must have made about 20 new accounts that kept getting nuked and post deleted. That's the only original account where the mods didn't nuke his posts.

The reason they hated me so bad over there is because that forum is supposed to be a bunch of intellectuals and smart guys - guys that supposedly know their shit.. But I exposed them as a bunch of know-nothings and they were conflicted whether to accept the insight I was providing, or despise me entirely...

08-18-2021, 06:37 PM
The reason they hated me so bad over there is because that forum is supposed to be a bunch of intellectuals and smart guys - guys that supposedly know their shit.. But I exposed them as a bunch of know-nothings and they were conflicted whether to accept the insight I was providing, or despise me entirely... My cocky approach made them choose the latter... I was pissed too because I like that forum in general, so I came back with dozens of alts that were subsequently banned.. So it's no surprise that they decided to delete maybe 10,000 posts, then fabricate a few posts and call it a day... "f*ck that guy"... that's how they feel about me... can't handle the truth without shitting their panties just like you guys.
Interesting. So what made you realize LeBron was GOAT way back in 2013?

08-18-2021, 06:39 PM
Interesting. So what made you realize LeBron was GOAT way back in 2013?

Sorry guys - Santa ain't real - your idol is a fraud.. like Madoff or something... I guess that's what makes you all so mad about it that you do crazy things and reveal your low character

it's fun making people do that by simply telling the truth and presenting facts... MJ is truly the GOAT

08-18-2021, 06:40 PM
Yeah they fabricated posts made 8 years ago. Why didn't they just ban you instead?

Oh they did, nearly 20 times. A mod that keeps banning you will also spend the time to doctor you posts!



08-18-2021, 06:45 PM
Yeah they fabricated posts made 8 years ago. Why didn't they just ban you instead?

Oh they did, nearly 20 times. A mod that keeps banning you will also spend the time to doctor you posts!



People get mad when they find out their idol is really Bernie Madoff of the sportsworld

Apparently it's maddening enough to search and threaten family members, take a day off work to cry in a post, or make obviously-fabricated posts and ban someone for no reason at all

So you guys are nuts and care too much about a fraud... I'm sorry to be the one to tell you that Santa ain't real... But that doesn't mean you have to reveal your low character over it.. That's just sad

08-18-2021, 06:46 PM
Interesting. So what made you realize LeBron was GOAT way back in 2013?

I KNEW HE WAS A LEBRON STAN !!!! This whole damn time.

08-18-2021, 06:48 PM
When 3ball wasn't a troll and had honest basketball discussions, this is what he really thought. He was smarter back then.


Bump this thread every time 3ball makes a new thread about LeBron :lol


08-18-2021, 06:52 PM
How do you guys find this shit? Imagine searching for aliases of a person you disagree with on basketball opinion from EIGHT years ago?


Y'all are some scary psychopaths. But only from a distance. You wouldn't talk or act like this in person.

08-18-2021, 06:52 PM
Sorry guys - Santa ain't real - your idol is a fraud.. like Madoff or something... I guess that's what makes you all so mad about it that you do crazy things and reveal your low character

it's fun making people do that by simply telling the truth and presenting facts... MJ is truly the GOAT
I have MJ as the GOAT as well not sure why you think I care about that. You’re a Kobe stan anyways. Too scared to compare your guy to LeBron because he doesn’t measure up so you use MJ

08-18-2021, 06:54 PM
How do you guys find this shit? Imagine searching for aliases of a person you disagree with on basketball opinion from EIGHT years ago?


Y'all are some scary psychopaths. But only from a distance. You wouldn't talk or act like this in person.

Imagine acting disgusted by this behavior while ignoring years of 3ball exhibiting obvious mental illness.

08-18-2021, 06:57 PM
Imagine acting disgusted by this behavior while ignoring years of 3ball exhibiting obvious mental illness.

Mental illness is hunting down peoples names, aliases and family members.... from a distance of course. The guy is definitely obsessive, but I've never heard him levy personal assaults or doxxing or digged up info from many years ago. Just basketball talk 99.999% of the time.... You guys make it personal because you get owned talking ball.

08-18-2021, 07:02 PM
Mental illness is hunting down peoples names, aliases and family members.... from a distance of course. The guy is definitely obsessive, but I've never heard him levy personal assaults or doxxing or digged up info from many years ago. Just basketball talk 99.999% of the time.... You guys make it personal because you get owned talking ball.

I'm not sure why you are shocked, do you know what site you are on? Anyone can google and find something from years ago, yes, this place can be full of negativity and I agree for the most part 3ball doesn't really attack other posters, but when someone just spams the same nonsense 24/7 year in and year out what do you expect? Posters will get tired of it and troll him, because we know the mods aren't doing anything about it.

08-18-2021, 07:28 PM
I'm not sure why you are shocked, do you know what site you are on? Anyone can google and find something from years ago, yes, this place can be full of negativity and I agree for the most part 3ball doesn't really attack other posters, but when someone just spams the same nonsense 24/7 year in and year out what do you expect? Posters will get tired of it and troll him, because we know the mods aren't doing anything about it.

There are just as many trolls who post even more obessessively than him. OP has dozens of names and posts all day. You know that.

I understand it gets tiring but if they wanted to beat him at a basketball debate they would. But they don't. Its all emojis, dumb slogans, alts :roll: with each other and a bunch of other crap. Guys like you and OP are the gasoline to his tank.

If you owned him he'd feel defeated and do something else. But you empower him with your ignorance. You are the fuel in 3balls gas tank and then you complain about him keep driving.

08-18-2021, 07:36 PM
Imagine acting disgusted by this behavior while ignoring years of 3ball exhibiting obvious mental illness.

He's a hypocrite and his anti leBron poster got exposed. So he doesn't feel happy about it. :lol

08-18-2021, 07:38 PM
How do you guys find this shit? Imagine searching for aliases of a person you disagree with on basketball opinion from EIGHT years ago?


Y'all are some scary psychopaths. But only from a distance. You wouldn't talk or act like this in person.

I've known about this for a while now. Never searched for it. Was always at back of my mind.

08-18-2021, 07:41 PM
There are just as many trolls who post even more obessessively than him. OP has dozens of names and posts all day. You know that.

I understand it gets tiring but if they wanted to beat him at a basketball debate they would. But they don't. Its all emojis, dumb slogans, alts :roll: with each other and a bunch of other crap. Guys like you and OP are the gasoline to his tank.

If you owned him he'd feel defeated and do something else. But you empower him with your ignorance. You are the fuel in 3balls gas tank and then you complain about him keep driving.

No, he'll just move the goalposts or ignore it all together and then make another thread saying the same thing a couple weeks later.

He gets owned all the time.

Full Court
08-18-2021, 07:41 PM
It's kind of amusing how much 3ball gets under the skin of you Lebum fanbois.

08-18-2021, 07:43 PM
When 3ball wasn't a troll and had honest basketball discussions, this is what he really thought. He was smarter back then.


Bump this thread every time 3ball makes a new thread about LeBron :lol

As usual your delusional. I'm not one to defend 3ball because his stance on pip is ridiculous but nowhere in those posts does it suggest 3ball is a bron stan. If anything he was just more honest about brons talent and place historically. Somewhere after that he changed his stance and became a hater which is weird but that's 3ball. His a weird dude. Sometimes he makes alot of sense Sometimes he sounds like an idiot

08-18-2021, 07:58 PM
they made up that middle post 8ball; added a line to that last post. And maybe more, certainly more on other posts before they banned that name

08-18-2021, 08:26 PM
they made up that middle post 8ball; added a line to that last post. And maybe more, certainly more on other posts before they banned that name

Ehh I don't believe they made up anything, you just were on the fence and it kinda goes against your shtick, it's ok to have a change of heart. But I told you way back this wasn't a winnable battle lol.

08-18-2021, 09:20 PM
Prisoner of the moment perhaps? Who knows and who cares. Respect for being able to change his mind on something.

MJ GOAT FOREVER you shirtless rubes

08-18-2021, 09:47 PM
they made up that middle post 8ball; added a line to that last post. And maybe more, certainly more on other posts before they banned that name
You said LeBron was better in the first post :lol

08-18-2021, 09:52 PM
Trainwreck and OG. Two of the goat strains.

08-18-2021, 10:10 PM
When 3ball wasn't a troll and had honest basketball discussions, this is what he really thought. He was smarter back then.

Bump this thread every time 3ball makes a new thread about LeBron :lol





08-18-2021, 10:12 PM
lock this one down


08-18-2021, 10:18 PM
When 3ball wasn't a troll and had honest basketball discussions, this is what he really thought. He was smarter back then.

Bump this thread every time 3ball makes a new thread about LeBron :lol





3ball is a gifted basketball mind but he still fell victim to being a prisoner of the moment. He’s had near a decade to revisit and analyze all factors and has come to a much more evidence backed conclusion rather than an emotionally based one.

08-18-2021, 10:19 PM
3ball is a gifted basketball mind but he still fell victim to being a prisoner of the moment. He’s had near a decade to revisit and analyze all factors and has come to a much more evidence backed conclusion rather than an emotionally based one.

prisoner of the moment....

for ten years :oldlol:

08-18-2021, 10:25 PM
3ball is a gifted basketball mind but he still fell victim to being a prisoner of the moment. He’s had near a decade to revisit and analyze all factors and has come to a much more evidence backed conclusion rather than an emotionally based one.
You know he thinks your favorite player sucks right? :lol

08-18-2021, 10:30 PM
You know he thinks your favorite player sucks right? :lol

Even the greatest minds are not correct 100 percent of the time. His opinion on Steph Curry is way off base compared to his analysis on MJ and LeBron. You are the one in the minority here…and everywhere with your views of LeBron.

08-18-2021, 10:34 PM
You know he thinks your favorite player sucks right? :lol

:roll: welfare fan is part of the stockholm syndrome where he falls in love with his abuser :oldlol:

08-18-2021, 11:25 PM
3ball is a gifted basketball mind but he still fell victim to being a prisoner of the moment. He’s had near a decade to revisit and analyze all factors and has come to a much more evidence backed conclusion rather than an emotionally based one.

Gifted basketball mind says Curry can't play in 90s. Evidence based conclusion?

hold this L
08-19-2021, 12:23 AM
2ball has the Skip Lebron boner. Claims to hate him and insult but the guy has been living rent free in his head for over a decade. It's just so sad at this point. He thinks about Lebron more than his own family.

08-19-2021, 01:01 AM
It's kind of amusing how much 3ball gets under the skin of you Lebum fanbois.
honestly :lol

08-19-2021, 01:45 AM
Gifted basketball mind says Curry can't play in 90s. Evidence based conclusion?
Ouch. How can he have an iconic playoff moment then if such statement was true? :ohwell:

08-19-2021, 02:01 AM
2ball has the Skip Lebron boner. Claims to hate him and insult but the guy has been living rent free in his head for over a decade. It's just so sad at this point. He thinks about Lebron more than his own family.

At least Skip gets paid millions to troll, the yahoos on here do it for free

08-19-2021, 03:18 AM
At least Skip gets paid millions to troll, the yahoos on here do it for free

Agreed but it seems like 3ball and kenny's threads get most of the traffic. Not sure what a lot of posters are gonna do if they both left. As much as they hate them they are always in their threads

08-19-2021, 07:09 PM
Ehh I don't believe they made up anything, you just were on the fence and it kinda goes against your shtick, it's ok to have a change of heart. But I told you way back this wasn't a winnable battle lol.

They allowed most of my handles to make dozens, hundreds or thousands of posts, and then they would ban/delete it.. Rinse repeat with another handle.. They would allow me to post and then delete, modify, or fabricate posts after banning me.

No one that matters escapes the revision of history

08-19-2021, 07:22 PM
Why would they alter 1 post after deleting 20 handles?

They would just delete your trainwreckog account.

Your lies are awful and anyone can see through it.

08-25-2021, 07:44 PM
Good thread to remind the folks for reference purposes.

08-25-2021, 08:10 PM
So where's the evidence

Honor Boost
08-25-2021, 09:53 PM
When 3ball wasn't a troll and had honest basketball discussions, this is what he really thought. He was smarter back then.


Bump this thread every time 3ball makes a new thread about LeBron :lol

What is ahead of the world to come I thought he was a major Mj fan

08-25-2021, 11:58 PM
Just think... that's how shook I have you guys - you're willing to search and threaten my family, delete and fabricate posts, or just meltdown completely and take an afternoon off your 9 to 5 to post about me.

That's how shook the truth has you

But know this - you will NEVER silence me. All your attempts to subvert me only embolden me and assure me that I'm on the right path of exposing this fraud that has been forced upon us.

So carry on... But know that your efforts are futile and reveal low character.

Does Jordan need to shoot you in the head to relieve you of duty? What are you talking about?

08-26-2021, 07:17 AM
What is ahead of the world to come I thought he was a major Mj fan

He isn't a MJ fan at all.

He is just a troll that spews bullshit every day.

Flip flops on everything.

Says AD is bird fed loser.
Says Bron is a fraud
Says Giannis can't win.
Kelly Oubre is as good as Klay.

Doesn't believe anything he says.

08-26-2021, 03:31 PM
Does Jordan need to shoot you in the head to relieve you of duty? What are you talking about?


08-26-2021, 04:17 PM
Why would they alter 1 post after deleting 20 handles?

They would just delete your trainwreckog account.

Your lies are awful and anyone can see through it.


The truth comes out

3ball = LeBron stan

08-26-2021, 09:19 PM
2ball has the Skip Lebron boner. Claims to hate him and insult but the guy has been living rent free in his head for over a decade. It's just so sad at this point. He thinks about Lebron more than his own family.I bet Skip loves Lebron. Every time he cashes a 7 figure check he has Lebron to thank.

08-26-2021, 09:22 PM
I've known about this for a while now. Never searched for it. Was always at back of my mind.My dude, you literally made an alt with a name dedicated to make fun of 3ball. And something he said 8 years ago has always been at the back of your mind? Come on. You need to let this go, just put 3ball on ignore and post about shit that makes you happy.

08-26-2021, 09:32 PM
I never made an alt.

This is the only account I've ever made on insidehoops.

08-26-2021, 09:33 PM
Just think... that's how shook I have you guys - you're willing to search and threaten my family, delete and fabricate posts, or just meltdown completely and take an afternoon off your 9 to 5 to post about me.

That's how shook the truth has you

But know this - you will NEVER silence me. All your attempts to subvert me only embolden me and assure me that I'm on the right path of exposing this fraud that has been forced upon us.

So carry on... But know that your efforts are futile and reveal low character.

So where's the evidence


Your own words.

I didn't even have to post followup evidence.

08-26-2021, 10:22 PM

Your own words.

I didn't even have to post followup evidence.

Those words don't say Lebron is goat - show me - you're just lying and making stuff up.. posting random stuff from years ago that says nothing

08-26-2021, 10:45 PM
I never made an alt.

This is the only account I've ever made on insidehoops.
Somebody told us before that you're Daheezy. Is it true?

08-26-2021, 10:55 PM
When 3ball wasn't a troll and had honest basketball discussions, this is what he really thought. He was smarter back then.


Bump this thread every time 3ball makes a new thread about LeBron :lol

Those words don't say Lebron is goat - show me - you're just lying and making stuff up.. posting random stuff from years ago that says nothing

Bron is better.

You said so.

So Bron is the GOAT if he is better.

08-26-2021, 10:56 PM
Somebody told us before that you're Daheezy. Is it true?

Nope. I am not Daheezy.

08-26-2021, 10:57 PM
Those words don't say Lebron is goat - show me - you're just lying and making stuff up.. posting random stuff from years ago that says nothing

This thread will never go away. It will be bumped every time to educate the public about your true thoughts.