View Full Version : Who will have bigger stats? Lebron or Westbrook?

Walk on Water
09-04-2021, 01:30 AM
Westbrook isn't going to give up his triple doubles. I would have to imagine that Lebron's rebounds and assists are going to go down. Will he just focus more on scoring? Or do you think Westbrook will become more passive? Gonna be hard for Lebron to keep up with Westbrook, Melo and AD all taking a piece of the action.

09-04-2021, 01:58 AM
It's Lebron's team. He's practically a player-coach. If he wants the stats he'll get them.

This year will be a true acid test on whether Lebron just wants to win, or if he wants stats. Big picture, I know that he's going to want Kareem's all time scoring record, so he's not going to sacrifice too much on that end. But, as a Lakers fan I hope he remains focused on winning the Championship, even if he has to preserve himself a bit for the post season.