View Full Version : Affirmative Action for men in college?

Long Duck Dong
09-07-2021, 01:43 PM
Universities are actually implementing affirmative action for men since the gap between male and female college and university applicants is now at 1 million (2.8m vs 3.8m) and expected to continue growing.

Men are now an oppressed minority!

College and university enrollment is down massive in the US in the last 5 years but 71% of that decline has been among men. But

At Baylor University, for example, admissions this year offered seven percentage points more places to men than women, who make up 60 per cent of undergraduates.

It comes even as women outstripped men in college applications by 3,805,978 to 2,815,810 in the 2021-22 school year - and with the gap expected to continue widening.

Female students are aided by more than 500 centers at schools across the country set up to help women access higher education - but no counterpart exists for men.

And women are outstripping men in nearly every area of college life - with female students making up 80 of honors graduates from the University of Vermont's college of arts and sciences.

Women also made up 59 per cent of student body presidents in 2019-20, with that figure rising to 74 per cent of vice presidents.


09-07-2021, 01:48 PM
It sounds satirical, but a lot of young men are making decent livings these days doing things like streaming, investing in crypto etc. and probably dont see a need to go to college. They can just get coding certs etc if/when they want and be job eligible at that point.

College has always been unnecessary for a large amount of the population. Its value got exaggerated for a couple generations due to profit incentives but Im not surprised a natural correction is happening.

Women and liberals tend to be more obedient and submissive, which is why theyll likely be the last to abandon the “college or bust” approach to life.

Lakers Legend#32
09-07-2021, 10:33 PM
Poor down and out white males.

09-09-2021, 01:27 PM
Poor down and out white males.
Poor down and out white males.Asian males are actually the ones getting ****ed over the most. Requiring an Asian male to have 'x' higher unweighted GPA's and SAT scores vs say a black female is the literal definition of racism.


Here's Mindy Kaling's brother's story about getting into med school with a shitty GPA posing as african american, because he couldn't cut it as an Indian American... trying to do the same damn thing. After posing as black he:

I became a serious contender at some of America’s greatest schools, including Harvard, Wash U, UPenn, Case Western, George Washington, Pitt, Yale, Rochester, Nebraska, and Columbia. I interviewed at 11 schools while posing as a black man. After all that, I finally got accepted into medical school.

It wasn't all roses though. He also attested to everyday struggles a black man faces:

Cops harassed me. Store clerks accused me of shoplifting. Women were either scared of me or found my bald black dude look sexually mesmerizing. What started as a scam to get into med school turned into a twisted social experiment, teaching me lessons I would never have learned in the classroom.

And no, I'm not Indian and I'm not trying to demonize black people. And i'm not trying to act like having to get better grades for an asian is at all comparable to what Jews went through during WW2 or what black and brown people went through during Jim Crow America... or hell, even today. But for racism to stop we need to stop ALL racism, not just racism for people who stand up and shout the loudest. Because the 'model minority' asians don't riot and just keep their heads down and study hard/work hard, we think Affirmative action is okay.

09-10-2021, 06:37 PM
Came in here expecting the article to discuss typical racial demography. OP, I think you might have fake news.

From Wall Street Journal, no less, huh?

09-10-2021, 09:15 PM
It sounds satirical, but a lot of young men are making decent livings these days doing things like streaming, investing in crypto etc. and probably dont see a need to go to college. They can just get coding certs etc if/when they want and be job eligible at that point.

College has always been unnecessary for a large amount of the population. Its value got exaggerated for a couple generations due to profit incentives but Im not surprised a natural correction is happening.

Women and liberals tend to be more obedient and submissive, which is why theyll likely be the last to abandon the “college or bust” approach to life.

Women aren't making decent livings doing streaming?

And anyone can invest in crypto. Buy the hardware, set it up and boom, you're good to go.

Problem is that young women can't often can't make a decent living doing what are traditionally male jobs. Plumbing, welding, A/C installation and repair. Car and airplane mechanics. Heck, even more mundane jobs like trash pickup. A female shows up for that job and she's immediately looked at as the weak link. Like she doesn't really know what she's doing.

So a smart guy might become a plumbers apprentice and in 10 years have his own business and be making upwards of $100K a year. A smart woman... old plumber probably isn't going to take her on as an apprentice. University degree is really her only chance of moving up in life.

09-10-2021, 09:47 PM
Women aren't making decent livings doing streaming?

And anyone can invest in crypto. Buy the hardware, set it up and boom, you're good to go.

Problem is that young women can't often can't make a decent living doing what are traditionally male jobs. Plumbing, welding, A/C installation and repair. Car and airplane mechanics. Heck, even more mundane jobs like trash pickup. A female shows up for that job and she's immediately looked at as the weak link. Like she doesn't really know what she's doing.

Certainly they can, Captain PC. But these are inherently riskier and less stable "career" choices than conventional schooling, and women are TYPICALLY more risk averse than men. The number of full-time, professional Twitch streamers as well as day trading investors and so on, almost certainly skews at least 2:1 male.

And now with OnlyFans being taken out of the mix, college attendance among women is probably gonna spike even higher :lol

09-10-2021, 10:49 PM
Women aren't making decent livings doing streaming?

And anyone can invest in crypto. Buy the hardware, set it up and boom, you're good to go.

Problem is that young women can't often can't make a decent living doing what are traditionally male jobs. Plumbing, welding, A/C installation and repair. Car and airplane mechanics. Heck, even more mundane jobs like trash pickup. A female shows up for that job and she's immediately looked at as the weak link. Like she doesn't really know what she's doing.

So a smart guy might become a plumbers apprentice and in 10 years have his own business and be making upwards of $100K a year. A smart woman... old plumber probably isn't going to take her on as an apprentice. University degree is really her only chance of moving up in life.
false. women make up 10% of the construction industry because not too many of them have the inclination to join the industry. especially nowadays, with a labor shortage...anyone with a pulse can get a job in construction. and i've seen plenty of women on construction job sites, any male that would treat them bad would be removed from the jobsite. especially the bigger jobsites. the larger contractors are very PC, they won't tolerate any gender prejudice. that individual would be banned from the job site for any incident like that. i've seen guys get removed for being rude/talking back to a superior...:oldlol: