View Full Version : Very intriguing video that shows there's an evil vaccine scam, corruption

09-14-2021, 08:49 PM

He was a media darling, doing hundreds of interviews, including with people like Rachel Maddow, and all the other fakers. And the reason why he was a media darling was for no other reason than he was losing very little patients to the Sars CoVid 2.

There was one little unknown problem at the time. Part of his treatment involved Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Nobody cared about Ivermectin back then, but the fact that he was using Hydroxychloroquine was forbidden from being mentioned. Even by FOX. Secretly taped phone calls, you cannot mention Hydroxychloroquine.

It's not just about the viewers. It's about what out CEO reads. It's about what our GM reads.

So the two people at the top decide, and who knows how they were influenced by more powerful entities that control the fake news media. But it effectively stopped Fox in this case from giving information to people.

Remember, if there was an effective treatment for this Virus, then the vaccines become illegal.

His peer review research about Ivermectin was deleted by Facebook. And this former media Darling is still doing lots of interviews due to how effective he still is in preventing Covid deaths. He's still very popular for that reason. But not in the United States where he must not be heard.

Look at the chart that shows the states in India using Ivermectin, versus the one lone state that didn't.

09-14-2021, 08:55 PM
interesting, can you expand further on the topic?

09-15-2021, 02:56 AM
interesting, can you expand further on the topic?

09-15-2021, 03:17 AM
That is what I call real reporting.

09-15-2021, 08:02 PM
interesting, can you expand further on the topic?

New Covid pills are being developed, so expect a complete censorship on Ivermectin.

People under the age of 18 have an almost zero percent chance of dying from the China Virus, so clinical trials are not worth it. Because you risk potential side effects, such as with Maddie de Garay (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?497429-I-m-trying-to-discern-Why-does-Pfizer-says-this-girl-is-just-suffering-from-anxiety). The risk of having a child's life ruined is much higher than dying from the Corona. But more importantly for the vaccine company is the profit of vaccinating millions of children, plus booster shots. It's just too much profits on the table, so again, expect any cheap alternatives to be censored at all cost. Ala Hunter Biden's laptop censorship by all major news media, and big tech.

That is what I call real reporting.

Thank you. I try my best. Jk

09-15-2021, 08:13 PM
Vax cucks avoiding this thread like the plague :roll:

09-15-2021, 08:50 PM

09-15-2021, 08:50 PM
New Covid pills are being developed, so expect a complete censorship on Ivermectin.

People under the age of 18 have an almost zero percent chance of dying from the China Virus, so clinical trials are not worth it. Because you risk potential side effects, such as with Maddie de Garay (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?497429-I-m-trying-to-discern-Why-does-Pfizer-says-this-girl-is-just-suffering-from-anxiety). The risk of having a child's life ruined is much higher than dying from the Corona. But more importantly for the vaccine company is the profit of vaccinating millions of children, plus booster shots. It's just too much profits on the table, so again, expect any cheap alternatives to be censored at all cost. Ala Hunter Biden's laptop censorship by all major news media, and big tech.

interesting. is it possible for you to elaborate further on this subject?

09-16-2021, 03:40 AM
Vax cucks avoiding this thread like the plague :roll:

Yes they are. It's a shame, I was really hoping to see how they turned it into a negative. Reduce the doctor's credibility. Maybe say that he's using horse dewormer and lol. Maybe talk about the CDC, the WHO. Maybe say he's trying to get rich.

09-16-2021, 04:02 AM
Good stuff.

09-16-2021, 05:05 AM
"The death rate from COVID-19 is dramatically low at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, TX compared to other hospitals across the nation and the world. Despite Dr. Joseph Varon's popularity on TV, news personalities avoid questions of why he's having success treating his patients. As it turns out, he's using drugs the WHO and CDC recommend against."

09-16-2021, 08:55 AM
I actually tried to watch it a couple of times but the audio wasn't working on my phone. Still isn't.

However it is working on my Chromebook so i just watched some of it. Does anyone find it odd that this guy knows the exact number if interviews he has done?

Anyway at the 4:15 he talks about throwing the kitchen sink at his patients so he wasn't sure what was actually making a difference. They also mention the MATH+ protocol which includes a lot of things.

Let's not pretend that he is some miracle worker with 86 deaths. Yes his death rate is lower than average but that could easily be a sample size issue.

Chick Stern
09-16-2021, 02:17 PM
It’s interesting that anti-vaxx clowns will ignore documented, empirical evidence from millions, but will glom on to anecdotal, undocumented evidence from a couple hundred.

09-16-2021, 02:19 PM
Corruption by governments and private interests?

That has NEVER happened. Fake news y'all.

09-18-2021, 03:41 AM

He was a media darling, doing hundreds of interviews, including with people like Rachel Maddow, and all the other fakers. And the reason why he was a media darling was for no other reason than he was losing very little patients to the Sars CoVid 2.

There was one little unknown problem at the time. Part of his treatment involved Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Nobody cared about Ivermectin back then, but the fact that he was using Hydroxychloroquine was forbidden from being mentioned. Even by FOX. Secretly taped phone calls, you cannot mention Hydroxychloroquine.

So the two people at the top decide, and who knows how they were influenced by more powerful entities that control the fake news media. But it effectively stopped Fox in this case from giving information to people.

Remember, if there was an effective treatment for this Virus, then the vaccines become illegal.

His peer review research about Ivermectin was deleted by Facebook. And this former media Darling is still doing lots of interviews due to how effective he still is in preventing Covid deaths. He's still very popular for that reason. But not in the United States where he must not be heard.

Look at the chart that shows the states in India using Ivermectin, versus the one lone state that didn't.

Powerful video - thank you

09-20-2021, 10:31 PM

In a sense this video is powerful. I believe this is the guy that testified in front of the US Senate. I think early in the Corona days. A real doctor who actually treats Covid patients, testifying about what works. But since he spoke of Ivermectin, YouTube actually deleted the hearings.

But that's not that point. I found it interesting because you see a regular person, realizing without a shadow of a doubt what's going up. An awakening of sort.

It's a good video, he also talks about the review journals scam. For a lack of a better word.

Powerful video - thank you

You're welcome.

Ryoka Narusawa
09-21-2021, 12:39 AM
Vax cucks avoiding this thread like the plague :roll:


09-22-2021, 01:57 PM

In a sense this video is powerful. I believe this is the guy that testified in front of the US Senate. I think early in the Corona days. A real doctor who actually treats Covid patients, testifying about what works. But since he spoke of Ivermectin, YouTube actually deleted the hearings.

But that's not that point. I found it interesting because you see a regular person, realizing without a shadow of a doubt what's going up. An awakening of sort.

It's a good video, he also talks about the review journals scam. For a lack of a better word.

You're welcome.

Great vid! Pierre Kory is more qualified than most doctors when it comes to Covid and treatment yet he is never invited on big news stations to talk about it.

09-22-2021, 02:05 PM
It’s interesting that anti-vaxx clowns will ignore documented, empirical evidence from millions, but will glom on to anecdotal, undocumented evidence from a couple hundred.

Certain group of people are taught to live in their own little far right fish bowl. And there are plenty of trolls keep on feeding them for their own amusement and profit. :ohwell:

09-22-2021, 02:19 PM
Certain group of people are taught to live in their own little far right fish bowl. And there are plenty of trolls keep on feeding them for their own amusement and profit. :ohwell:

And they are in the same boat with low income democrats who also aren't getting vaccinated. This virus has created strange bedfellows.

09-22-2021, 05:59 PM
And they are in the same boat with low income democrats who also aren't getting vaccinated. This virus has created strange bedfellows.

Did you watch the video in the post #16 of this thread explaining how the media is censoring and misinforming the general public on Ivermectin? You admitted yourself that the vaccine isn't as effective against the new Delta variant but Ivermectin still remained highly effective in all the countries with all the different variants. Therefore the FDA is directly responsible for all the people dying right now because unvaxxed people would do just fine with the right prophylaxis measures and treatments.

09-22-2021, 06:10 PM
Did you watch the video in the post #16 of this thread explaining how the media is censoring and misinforming the general public on Ivermectin? You admitted yourself that the vaccine isn't as effective against the new Delta variant but Ivermectin still remained highly effective in all the countries with all the different variants. Therefore the FDA is directly responsible for all the people dying right now because unvaxxed people would do just fine with the right prophylaxis measures and treatments.

No didn't watch the second vid. However I also don't think ivermectin use is as much of a slam dunk as you do. That doctor in OP who treated over 1k patients with ivermectin had 86 deaths.

He said himself he wasn't sure what exactly was working for the patients who recovered. If I remember right he was also using steroids and blood thinners.

I seriously doubt doctors are paying a lot of attention to the media when deciding how to treat their patients. I am sure some are using ivermectin among other things but there is no way to know really.

Haven't looked at India.

The vaccines are still protecting reasonably well against Delta. However the effectiveness is wearing off. A lot of our older people got vaxed in March and April.

10-15-2022, 09:18 AM
So, who was that / it?

The video is gone since the account was deleted.

10-15-2022, 10:12 AM
So, who was that / it?

The video is gone since the account was deleted.

You responded to the vid in page 1.

10-15-2022, 10:14 AM
You responded to the vid in page 1.

Thanks and?

10-15-2022, 10:32 AM
Thanks and?

It means you watched it.

I have a fuzzy memory, but I think it was an undercover reporter who interviewed a bunch of workers from pfizer, johnson & johnson etc, and they stated everything that was wrong with the vaccine. It was a really in depth video, not surprised it was taken down by these censoring morons.

10-15-2022, 10:35 AM
It means you watched it.

I have a fuzzy memory, but I think it was an undercover reporter who interviewed a bunch of workers from pfizer, johnson & johnson etc, and they stated everything that was wrong with the vaccine. It was a really in depth video, not surprised it was taken down by these censoring morons.

Yeah but it's been over a year lol.

It was Pierre Kory apparently (PistonsFan said so here).

Doomsday Dallas
10-15-2022, 12:16 PM
not surprised it was taken down by these censoring morons.

the video was probably making too much sense... that's too bad.

10-15-2022, 01:48 PM
The video was deleted. Here's a copy. https://mega.nz/file/fnBgTZAI#t8Z9w-VIY8vcZfMPBTAvg5KQ9QidsyYy9QvklQkOW3U

Doomsday Dallas
10-15-2022, 01:58 PM
The video was deleted.

yea... deleted by Youtube.

Off the Court
10-15-2022, 09:30 PM
Ah I remember this video. It showed how the evil vaccine from Pfizer is going to kill everyone and give them SADS. :(

YouTube is in on the plot that's why they removed it, it was definitely the truth and not misinformation.

10-16-2022, 08:15 AM
Ah I remember this video. It showed how the evil vaccine from Pfizer is going to kill everyone and give them SADS. :(

YouTube is in on the plot that's why they removed it, it was definitely the truth and not misinformation.

You believe in censoring people for "misinformation" ? :lol

10-17-2022, 07:07 AM

black guy in suit is a few posters here Off the Court

10-20-2022, 12:54 AM
You believe in censoring people for "misinformation" ? :lol

If we are going to censor people for spreading so-called "misinformation", the CDC and pfizers marketing team should be the ones getting censored.

I got banned on twitter for "misinformation" when I posted the 100% true statement that theres no evidence that the vaccine reduces transmission of the virus. Just last week a pfizer VP admitted in EU parliament that there has never even been a study to attempt to determine whether or not their shot reduces transmission of the virus, yet for the past 1.5 years pfizer executives, the MSM, and governments worldwide have all been telling people that not only does the vax stop transmission but its the only option we have to "stop the spread".

Look at the other instances of widespread censorship due to "misinformation" in recent years - Russiagate, Crossfire Hurricane (spygate), Hunter Bidens Laptop... When they talk about "censoring misinformation", what they really mean is silencing discussions/opinions that are inconvenient for the deep state uniparty.