View Full Version : Is Ben Simmons' wrath understandable?

09-24-2021, 08:54 AM
Imagine, you've been told all season long that we are a family. We don't air dirty laundry to the outside, much less to the media. If you got something to say you say it to the person. Then the ultimate betrayal came from your head coach and the team's star right at the moment you need their support the most. And none of your teammates would stand up for you. That sh!t cuts deep man.

09-24-2021, 08:59 AM
I've got 200 million reasons why it's not.

Chick Stern
09-24-2021, 09:05 AM

Real Men Wear Green
09-24-2021, 09:41 AM
"Ultimate betrayal?" Did someone sleep with his wife?

09-24-2021, 10:07 AM
They never should have maxed him in the first place. The problem is that he will never live up to that contract, not even close. He was mis-valued, because it's hard to quantify his negative impact on spacing. There was always going to be friction between him and the front office+fans when the expectations of a max player were put on him.

09-24-2021, 10:21 AM
Regardless of what people may do or have done, the onus is on simmons to get his shit together. No excuses. Just make the right decisions from this point.

09-24-2021, 10:30 AM

how a guy thats tons of money averaging 8 ppg - gets this

what friends would Simmons have ??? Dleaguer's ??

Mask the Embiid
09-24-2021, 04:26 PM
Of course it’s understandable….Now trade his ass

09-24-2021, 04:33 PM
"Ultimate betrayal?" Did someone sleep with his wife?


Lebron did.

09-24-2021, 04:51 PM
Imagine, you've been told all season long that we are a family. We don't air dirty laundry to the outside, much less to the media. If you got something to say you say it to the person. Then the ultimate betrayal came from your head coach and the team's star right at the moment you need their support the most. And none of your teammates would stand up for you. That sh!t cuts deep man.

He's a grown ass man on a 200 million dollar contract.

I don't give a shit about any of this. He's acting like a bitch and needs to grow up.

09-24-2021, 05:03 PM
Yes. Ben Simmons took some time off during the regular season and 76ers started going on a losing streak. Then Doc Rivers called him back desperately asking if he's ready to return. Then by the end of playoffs, that piece of shit Doc throws Simmons under the bus? You would be a f'n lottery team without Ben Simmons, he's like their Rudy Gobert.

Also Embiid putting the blame on simmons even though Embiid choked his ass off in the 2nd half of game 6 and literally didn't make a field goal.

Full Court
09-24-2021, 05:33 PM
They were just saying what was blatantly obvious to everyone.

All Simmons is doing is making himself less desirable to any team. He brought it all on himself.

09-24-2021, 05:53 PM
Yes. Ben Simmons took some time off during the regular season and 76ers started going on a losing streak. Then Doc Rivers called him back desperately asking if he's ready to return. Then by the end of playoffs, that piece of shit Doc throws Simmons under the bus? You would be a f'n lottery team without Ben Simmons, he's like their Rudy Gobert.

Also Embiid putting the blame on simmons even though Embiid choked his ass off in the 2nd half of game 6 and literally didn't make a field goal.

Lol the sixers make the playoffs last year Ben or not. What are you smoking? Especially if they have even half his salary to get even an average rotation guard.

They were 7-5 in games Embiid played and Simmons didn't. One game of the "losing streak" you mention(4 games) they didn't have Embiid, two of those games were against Milwaukee, and one of those MIL games was the second night of a back-2-back.

09-25-2021, 12:59 AM
"Ultimate betrayal?" Did someone sleep with his wife?

Not to that extent but he probably sees Doc and Embiid as hypocrites now and lost all respect for them.

Spurs m8
09-25-2021, 03:13 AM
He's a little prima donna and the most un-australian aussie I've ever seen

Such a pvssy little Klutch client....an absolute b1tch

09-25-2021, 04:16 PM
He's entitled to be pissed off. However, not reporting to training camp and all that is taking it too far.

09-26-2021, 01:29 AM
It's funny, I'm not even sure I would call it "wrath." It's just being real. The 76ers tried to trade him last year and, after Doc and Joel Embiid said what they said right after the 76ers were eliminated, he's really got no reason to think they truly want him there, so going back to the squad, etc., especially when he knows he won't take the needed steps to get better as a player and will be disliked by the 76ers fans forever, makes a ton of sense in my eyes. The Sixers can try whatever they want to, but the damage has been done, so I see no reason why Ben should pretend like there's a future for he and the squad. I also believe in kind of at least pretending to honor your contract. If he doesn't, they should take away his money. Things like this are getting out of hand. This is beyond player empowerment.

All of that said, Ben Simmons has to be one of the most aloof, mentally weak athletes I can remember. In December 2019, his then head coach said he wanted Ben to take at least one three a game. The idea was that if he was at least willing to take them, he could maybe improve his shot and eventually put more pressure on defenses to guard him at the three-point line. Really, even watching as a fan, psychologically, there's a big difference between never, ever shooting the ball and being afraid to shoot it, and being a bad shooter who will always take an open shot. I remember Marcus Smart was really inefficient early on, but he just kept shooting fearlessly and he improved—and he just became someone teams didn't feel as comfortable leaving open. That helps a lot. But getting back to the point—since that time, Ben has taken 20 three-pointers. He's taken 203 jumpers overall over his last 115 games, including the playoffs. He's made 75 of them. He's made 75 jumpers over the course of 115 games. That's just over half a jumper a game. Even beyond questions of whether he practices enough, etc., Ben has an absolutely staggering lack of confidence to even try to score outside the paint. It's actually astounding. And this is after being in the league for years and being told that his only weakness was his jumper. This is after coaches and probably teammates and less importantly, fans and the media at large have told him "hey man, you should at least try, it would help a lot." Ben seems to feel an abnormally low amount of pressure to improve as a player. I think at some point, he even said "I am what I am." It's like the anti-Kobe. It's anti-competitor. He sucks, and the 76ers are justified in saying and doing everything they have to date. They coddled him for years, and now it's coming to an end. Ben is great in a lot of ways, but he sucks.

09-27-2021, 01:41 PM
As reported, Ben Simmons is still not expected to be at Sixers training camp tomorrow.

09-27-2021, 01:44 PM
It's understandable—but he's being paid millions of dollars. He needs to suck it up, give a professional level of performance, then cash the checks.

09-27-2021, 01:52 PM
He plays in Philly which has one of the most passionate but crazy fanbase. He was also the #1 pick and he has always hyped himself up to the media. And now he has no interest playing in front of these fans because he's had enough of the criticism? I have always defended him since I think he gets a bad rap, but this is soft as hell from him.

09-28-2021, 10:58 AM
Reports coming out he doesn't want to play with Embiid anymore because his style "clogs the paint too much" which takes away his strengths. This makes sense at first glance until you remember about Simmons passing on wide open dunks and layups in the playoffs. He makes himself sound like Lebron when he's not even as good as Rondo was :lol

09-28-2021, 11:57 AM
One thing's for sure. He didn't take that wrath out on the rim during this situation:


But you can understand why, what with fierce 0.2 block per game career averaging Traekembe Youngtombo patrolling under the rim.

09-28-2021, 11:59 AM
One thing's for sure. He didn't take that wrath out on the rim during this situation:


But you can understand why, what with fierce 0.2 block per game career averaging Traekembe Youngtombo patrolling under the rim.


Charlie Sheen
09-28-2021, 11:59 AM
Imagine, you've been told all season long that we are a family. We don't air dirty laundry to the outside, much less to the media. If you got something to say you say it to the person. Then the ultimate betrayal came from your head coach and the team's star right at the moment you need their support the most. And none of your teammates would stand up for you. That sh!t cuts deep man.

A better question is to ask yourself if you are "that guy" at your workplace who nobody can criticize if you find Ben's behavior relatable and understandable.

09-28-2021, 12:18 PM
Guaranteed contracts. lol

09-28-2021, 03:59 PM
It's funny, I'm not even sure I would call it "wrath." It's just being real. The 76ers tried to trade him last year and, after Doc and Joel Embiid said what they said right after the 76ers were eliminated, he's really got no reason to think they truly want him there, so going back to the squad, etc., especially when he knows he won't take the needed steps to get better as a player and will be disliked by the 76ers fans forever, makes a ton of sense in my eyes. The Sixers can try whatever they want to, but the damage has been done, so I see no reason why Ben should pretend like there's a future for he and the squad. I also believe in kind of at least pretending to honor your contract. If he doesn't, they should take away his money. Things like this are getting out of hand. This is beyond player empowerment.

If that's the case, why would any team want him? An unimproved Ben Simmons from what he showed in the playoffs is a complete liability.


09-28-2021, 09:42 PM
A better question is to ask yourself if you are "that guy" at your workplace who nobody can criticize if you find Ben's behavior relatable and understandable.

Well if you read again, the problem isn't the critic itself. The critic itself was fine, too mild even.

09-29-2021, 03:46 AM
"Ultimate betrayal?" Did someone sleep with his wife?

Yourr about as salty as Simmons so I guess you know by experience

Real Men Wear Green
09-29-2021, 07:31 AM
Yourr about as salty as Simmons so I guess you know by experience

You are up at 3:46am EST just to attack me in a thread that is supposed to be about basketball and somehow I'm the salty one? Ok.

09-29-2021, 07:46 AM
is it too hard these days to take an obscene amount of money to play basketball?

especially when you suck at it?

09-29-2021, 10:29 AM
You are up at 3:46am EST just to attack me in a thread that is supposed to be about basketball and somehow I'm the salty one? Ok.

I'm in Vegas. Night was still young. Took a look at my phone.
You're still salty. It's an observation. One that probably stings because it's true.

09-29-2021, 10:43 AM
I personally think it's Clutch sports power move. They want to test what they can and can't do. And Ben Simmons is listening to them, and being too dumb to understand the damage he's doing to his career.

09-29-2021, 11:09 AM
No it’s not understandable. Doc rivers defended the guy all season long when he was getting killed for not shooting. He made one slip up at the end of the postseason. I know he’s light skin but damn. He’s also reportedly upset that Morey wanted James Harden and was going to ship Ben to Houston. For a guy who accomplished some things but not enough to warrant this type of behavior is hilarious.

He’s taking no responsibility for his performance. But all offseason is jacking up jumpers from all over the place. Yet when the real season arrives locks up. Not improving your game as a perimeter scorer is the ultimate betrayal to your team. Not attempting shots in the 4th is the ultimate betrayal.

09-29-2021, 12:07 PM
Sixers should take him out back and put him out of his misery.

09-29-2021, 01:21 PM
No it’s not understandable. Doc rivers defended the guy all season long when he was getting killed for not shooting. He made one slip up at the end of the postseason. I know he’s light skin but damn. He’s also reportedly upset that Morey wanted James Harden and was going to ship Ben to Houston. For a guy who accomplished some things but not enough to warrant this type of behavior is hilarious.

He’s taking no responsibility for his performance. But all offseason is jacking up jumpers from all over the place. Yet when the real season arrives locks up. Not improving your game as a perimeter scorer is the ultimate betrayal to your team. Not attempting shots in the 4th is the ultimate betrayal.

I think understandable is the question. Is he justified? He feels shunned. We are a notoriously unloyal fanbase unless you're a Iverson/Dawkins level icon. We shit on our players for miscues where other fanbases are a lot more flexible. We're allowed to be upset, but I can see why he doesn't want to return here

Real Men Wear Green
09-29-2021, 01:38 PM
I'm in Vegas. Night was still young. Took a look at my phone.
You're still salty. It's an observation. One that probably stings because it's true.

Have we ever had a conversation that wasn't pointless?

09-29-2021, 02:21 PM
I think understandable is the question. Is he justified? He feels shunned. We are a notoriously unloyal fanbase unless you're a Iverson/Dawkins level icon. We shit on our players for miscues where other fanbases are a lot more flexible. We're allowed to be upset, but I can see why he doesn't want to return here

Lou Williams and Elton Brand didn’t get this much flak. Igoudala did because he accepted a role he wasn’t fit for. So yea fans were harsh in realizing he’s not a franchise player. He’s a glue guy 3rd option who tried to be better and it wasn’t in him. The issue with Ben is almost similar but his criticism is based on not shooting or even lookin to score. He doesn’t help himself with his he responds, acts and the countless videos of him shooting his ass off in the offseason. Fans are only going to cut you so much slack. It’s intensified now because of how he’s reportedly been acting. Like what do you think a fan base will say when a guy like Ben says nah don’t waste your time to teammates who were willing to travel and have a meet up with him? Same shit Philly fans would.

Other fan bases wouldn’t be as flexible if the same situation occurred elsewhere.

Can I understand Ben feeling some type of way? Sure. I just can’t understand some of his actions/words because this franchise BENT OVER BACKWARDS to accommodate him like a franchise player. From Brett to Doc they coddled the guy and one of his breaking points is doc throwing him under the bus? Forgot Doc defending you. He doesn’t want to play for a fan base where he scored 0pts in the 4th all series. You can count on your hand how many times he ATTEMPTED to score (f*co shooting). So yeah I can’t understand how he doesn’t wanna play in front of fans who are frustrated and confused.

But hey more summer footage of him shooting 3’s, fadeaway mid range jumpers, attacking rim aggressively. That’ll get Philly fans on ya side...

Real Men Wear Green
09-29-2021, 02:47 PM
Can I understand Ben feeling some type of way? Sure. I just can’t understand some of his actions/words because this franchise BENT OVER BACKWARDS to accommodate him like a franchise player. From Brett to Doc they coddled the guy and one of his breaking points is doc throwing him under the bus? Forgot Doc defending you. He doesn’t want to play for a fan base where he scored 0pts in the 4th all series. You can count on your hand how many times he ATTEMPTED to score (f*co shooting). So yeah I can’t understand how he doesn’t wanna play in front of fans who are frustrated and confused.It's understandable. It's a sign of being too sensitive, excessively coddled and possibly that the shooting is related to deep psychological issues but its understandable.

09-29-2021, 03:12 PM
Lou Williams and Elton Brand didn’t get this much flak. Igoudala did because he accepted a role he wasn’t fit for. So yea fans were harsh in realizing he’s not a franchise player. He’s a glue guy 3rd option who tried to be better and it wasn’t in him. The issue with Ben is almost similar but his criticism is based on not shooting or even lookin to score. He doesn’t help himself with his he responds, acts and the countless videos of him shooting his ass off in the offseason. Fans are only going to cut you so much slack. It’s intensified now because of how he’s reportedly been acting. Like what do you think a fan base will say when a guy like Ben says nah don’t waste your time to teammates who were willing to travel and have a meet up with him? Same shit Philly fans would.

Other fan bases wouldn’t be as flexible if the same situation occurred elsewhere.

Can I understand Ben feeling some type of way? Sure. I just can’t understand some of his actions/words because this franchise BENT OVER BACKWARDS to accommodate him like a franchise player. From Brett to Doc they coddled the guy and one of his breaking points is doc throwing him under the bus? Forgot Doc defending you. He doesn’t want to play for a fan base where he scored 0pts in the 4th all series. You can count on your hand how many times he ATTEMPTED to score (f*co shooting). So yeah I can’t understand how he doesn’t wanna play in front of fans who are frustrated and confused.

But hey more summer footage of him shooting 3’s, fadeaway mid range jumpers, attacking rim aggressively. That’ll get Philly fans on ya side...

He's a kid that is wrapped up in social media. In probably the toughest sports markets in America. If anything he's going to take that criticism and grow elsewhere. Just not here.

Does he deserve to be criticized? Absolutely. But in the same light as Tobi. Is it enough to ostercize him? Perhaps. If anything I think he wasn't praised enough. But, hey, let's get him out of here and get good value in return. Not burn jerseys over it.

09-29-2021, 03:12 PM
Have we ever had a conversation that wasn't pointless?

I think we talked about shoes once.

09-29-2021, 03:28 PM
He's a kid that is wrapped up in social media. In probably the toughest sports markets in America. If anything he's going to take that criticism and grow elsewhere. Just not here.

Does he deserve to be criticized? Absolutely. But in the same light as Tobi. Is it enough to ostercize him? Perhaps. If anything I think he wasn't praised enough. But, hey, let's get him out of here and get good value in return. Not burn jerseys over it.

Yeah I’m not burning his jersey. Heck I’ve defended the guy. But the way he acts is just lame. He brings good value in spite of his offensive woes. So whatever trades occurs to lessen his loss we will need someone that can score. I’m not oblivious to what value he has for this team. But his attitude recently turned me off. He was better off not saying anything. Granted it’s reports but where there’s smoke there is fire.

Ben will excel in a situation where he’s the #3 option. Less pressure and expectation. All he has to do is defend and be the glue guy. The first 2 options most likely will be guys who can carry and shoulder the bulk of the offensive load.

09-29-2021, 03:29 PM
It's understandable. It's a sign of being too sensitive, excessively coddled and possibly that the shooting is related to deep psychological issues but its understandable.

I guess. I don’t squat when I piss so it’s difficult for me to do it and understand

09-29-2021, 03:49 PM
Yeah I’m not burning his jersey. Heck I’ve defended the guy. But the way he acts is just lame. He brings good value in spite of his offensive woes. So whatever trades occurs to lessen his loss we will need someone that can score. I’m not oblivious to what value he has for this team. But his attitude recently turned me off. He was better off not saying anything. Granted it’s reports but where there’s smoke there is fire.

Ben will excel in a situation where he’s the #3 option. Less pressure and expectation. All he has to do is defend and be the glue guy. The first 2 options most likely will be guys who can carry and shoulder the bulk of the offensive load.

Hes the poster child for the tik Tok generation. Pouty and easily triggered. He'd fit in well on ISH...

Having said that he did put us in rough shape to leverage that skill to get a good scorer. Morey got to exercise that favor card big time. We are definately gonna receive the short end no matter what the trade. Maybe Beal will continue chirping and Washington ships him.

09-29-2021, 04:42 PM
Hes the poster child for the tik Tok generation. Pouty and easily triggered. He'd fit in well on ISH...

Having said that he did put us in rough shape to leverage that skill to get a good scorer. Morey got to exercise that favor card big time. We are definately gonna receive the short end no matter what the trade. Maybe Beal will continue chirping and Washington ships him.

Yeah I’ll be shocked if we get the guard this team lacks. Those kind of players aren’t easily traded unless they force their way out. Our best bet was when Ben value was at its peak. But that’s clearly hindsight 20/20 because we expected him to at least improve as a scorer from an aggressive standpoint. So I’m curious why Denver is super interested and for who. They just maxed MJP so doubt he’s on the block. Murray is injured. So what’s left? Aaron Gordon and change? Yikes.

I just hope whatever deal we make it’s not one where it’s for picks and young players ie 2 steps back kind of move. I’ll be fine with a lateral deal given circumstances. Be shocked if we received great value for Ben. A

Side note as much shyt Ben has received and its warranted. Who now will be on the hot seat that I always was suspect of when we hired him? Doc Rivers. He’s really Brett Brown just darker. He hasn’t done much since Boston. And I mean getting past rd 2 of the playoffs.

09-29-2021, 05:42 PM
I guess. I don’t squat when I piss so it’s difficult for me to do it and understand

This wasn’t a personal shot at you RMWG. More so towards Ben and his recent actions.

Real Men Wear Green
09-29-2021, 06:13 PM
This wasn’t a personal shot at you RMWG. More so towards Ben and his recent actions.
Wasn't offended, I figured that out.

09-29-2021, 08:32 PM
Imagine, you've been told all season long that we are a family. We don't air dirty laundry to the outside, much less to the media. If you got something to say you say it to the person. Then the ultimate betrayal came from your head coach and the team's star right at the moment you need their support the most. And none of your teammates would stand up for you. That sh!t cuts deep man.

lol @ anyone that thinks professional sports is some sort of family

It may be that way in a few instances, but from my time spent in the ABA I can tell you it's anything but. I still remember my first practice and telling a guy, whom I thought was a friend, that I was getting winded and if they wanted to keep practice up ( we only had 10 guys that night for various reasons, aka 5 on 5 basketball ) he needed to chill out a bit. It was like our 5th game that night and I was working full time leading up to it so I wasn't yet in the shape that was needed. I didn't ask him to stop playing, just to ease up and let others on his team be more involved.

What's he do? Goes even harder after completely lying to me that he was just gonna work on his screens and off ball movement. From that day forward I realized something and came to a conclusion. This ain't no fcking team, it's every man for himself out there. That 2nd string point guard? His only job is to try and take away your starting job. If it was nba it's like trying to take your 50 million dollar contract and turn it into 10 million. It's a cut throat ruthless business of hired mercenaries, and nothing more.

The funny thing about that is he actually started playing worse, and I never looked or acted towards him the same after it. So no I don't blame simmons for acting this way, it's his money and he can do and act how he pleases. It's not a family, it's a business and the sixers and their fans can get the fck over it.

09-30-2021, 08:36 PM
Yeah I’ll be shocked if we get the guard this team lacks. Those kind of players aren’t easily traded unless they force their way out. Our best bet was when Ben value was at its peak. But that’s clearly hindsight 20/20 because we expected him to at least improve as a scorer from an aggressive standpoint. So I’m curious why Denver is super interested and for who. They just maxed MJP so doubt he’s on the block. Murray is injured. So what’s left? Aaron Gordon and change? Yikes.

I just hope whatever deal we make it’s not one where it’s for picks and young players ie 2 steps back kind of move. I’ll be fine with a lateral deal given circumstances. Be shocked if we received great value for Ben. A

Side note as much shyt Ben has received and its warranted. Who now will be on the hot seat that I always was suspect of when we hired him? Doc Rivers. He’s really Brett Brown just darker. He hasn’t done much since Boston. And I mean getting past rd 2 of the playoffs.

Brett Brown but darker.....literally lolol.
Doc Rivers is now the most scrutinized man in town. He's toast this year. I see a very different disfunctional team this year. What I always notice Embiid plays like a slouch without Ben. Unless a Beal/Lavine/Dame type players rolls through