View Full Version : Has the clown, know as Kyrie, gotten the shot yet?

10-06-2021, 03:14 PM
I have not heard in the last few days, has Kyrie finally put on his big boy pants or is he still doing the head case thing?

10-06-2021, 03:17 PM
Kyrie doesn't have any big boy pants, he just borrowed Lebron's for a couple years.

10-06-2021, 03:21 PM
not gotten the jab and won't

he's keeping his big boy pants on (believe me, not getting the jab takes a lot more courage than getting it)

10-06-2021, 03:26 PM
I have not heard in the last few days, has Kyrie finally put on his big boy pants or is he still doing the head case thing?

Who knows and who cares. It's nobody's business but his

10-06-2021, 03:33 PM
Who knows and who cares. It's nobody's business but his

Kind of agree. If Nets are okay with him playing half the games (until maybe the law changes), who are we to care about it?

Wall looks like he's going to sit the whole season while making $44M, and not many people are talking about it.

Mask the Embiid
10-06-2021, 03:35 PM
I have not heard in the last few days, has Kyrie finally put on his big boy pants or is he still doing the head case thing?

why do you care so much about another man's body?

10-06-2021, 03:43 PM
Not yet.

Its not a deal until game 1 of season which is a few weeks from now.

I think he will cave and do it then.

10-06-2021, 03:44 PM
Once the season starts I hope the mods start to either lock or sticky these threads. I honestly don't wanna hear about the vaccine all season, it's already an incredibly tired topic.

10-06-2021, 03:52 PM
Kind of agree. If Nets are okay with him playing half the games (until maybe the law changes), who are we to care about it?

Wall looks like he's going to sit the whole season while making $44M, and not many people are talking about it.

Yeah true. I mean i understand why the nets and their fans would care. Missing half the games is a big deal. They're gonna need kyrie to win. I just don't know why anyone would blame kyrie for that. Blame the government for making a madate that makes zero sense. Blame the nba for not having enough balls to ignore the mandate. Don't blame kyrie though. All he's doing is making a personal medical decision.

10-06-2021, 03:54 PM
Kyrie will miss at least 47 games this seasons (included to Knick home games and all California team games.)
At least he will have plenty rest.
Imagine Kyrie missing game 7 of the Finals because he hasn't been vaccinated.

10-06-2021, 04:01 PM
Kyrie will miss at least 47 games this seasons (included to Knick home games and all California team games.)
At least he will have plenty rest.
Imagine Kyrie missing game 7 of the Finals because he hasn't been vaccinated.

This is perfect for Kyrie because it artificially gives him rest, which he needs - I've posted on this site many times that they should play Kyrie 2 weeks and then 1 week off... all year.... this accomplishes that and more...

I love it - and he can make up the lost income by getting a little more aggressive with his investment portfolio and pulling the trigger on some of the opportunities that have been on the table for him

10-06-2021, 04:11 PM
Yeah true. I mean i understand why the nets and their fans would care. Missing half the games is a big deal. They're gonna need kyrie to win. I just don't know why anyone would blame kyrie for that. Blame the government for making a madate that makes zero sense. Blame the nba for not having enough balls to ignore the mandate. Don't blame kyrie though. All he's doing is making a personal medical decision.

You figure public health is trite do ya?


10-06-2021, 04:14 PM
You figure public health is trite do ya?

Dumbdumb23 is incredibly stupid go easy on him.

Real Men Wear Green
10-06-2021, 04:18 PM
If he doesn't vaccinate KD has to let the team trade him. They can't win a championship with a star player that misses over half the season can't play every other game or at home games. This is stupid.

10-06-2021, 04:24 PM
anyone in their 20s or 30s getting a covid shot is a clown

if your work fires you for not getting it take them and the city to court

10-06-2021, 04:27 PM
If he doesn't vaccinate KD has to let the team trade him. They can't win a championship with a star player that misses over half the season can't play every other game or at home games. This is stupid.
Didn't he say he'd retire if the Nets traded him? Hard to get a buyer for that :lol And honestly, the Nets could definitely still win a title without Kyrie if Durant & Harden stay healthy. If Harden was healthy I have no doubt they would've cruised to a title last season. But if you're referring to the potential off the court problems that could arise from a situation like this, that's a different story.

Since I can't imagine a team trading for Kyrie at this point, it seems like their best option is to just let him miss half the games. It looks like that's their best play as of now.

10-06-2021, 04:28 PM
So this is the new kind of Load Management, eh? :D

10-06-2021, 04:31 PM
You figure public health is trite do ya?


Nope not all i just don't see how Kyrie not being vaccinated is a health safety issue. We now know that the vaccine dosn't stop or even reduce infection or transmission so him spreading the virus argument is out the window. Kyrie is 29 and a healthy athlete so he's extremely low risk. It's not healthy 29 year olds being hospitalized at a significant rate so overwhelming the hospital is weak argument. So would you like to explain exactly how kyrie is a public health threat or do you just do like everyone else and make claims that aren't based in reality?

10-06-2021, 04:35 PM
Dumbdumb23 is incredibly stupid go easy on him.

Good ol rrr3 with nothing intelligent to add once again. Since you decided to jump in maybe you can finally actually answer a question with something intelligent.

Tell me exactly how is kyrie a health risk?

10-06-2021, 04:36 PM
Answer to the OP: because natural immunity is better

The real question is why are people being forced to get lesser protection (the vaccine)?

10-06-2021, 04:39 PM
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence the dumbest ****ing people on the board are all anti-vax :lol

10-06-2021, 04:41 PM
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence the dumbest ****ing people on the board are all anti-vax :lol

It's no surprise that the people who think the LESSER protection is BETTER.... are all lefraud supporters

10-06-2021, 04:42 PM
anyone in their 20s or 30s getting a covid shot is a clown

if your work fires you for not getting it take them and the city to court

Nah it just depends man. If your young and healthy your good. Your extremely low risk. That said if you want to get it go for it. That's your own buisness. If your immune compromised or unhealthy than your higher risk and should probably get it. It's the old and unhealthy that are contributing to an already overwhelmed medical system. They're the ones that should be taking more precautions like vaccines, mask and social distancing.

10-06-2021, 04:43 PM
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence the dumbest ****ing people on the board are all anti-vax :lol

Still waiting for an actual intelligent answer to my question. I won't hold my breath though:facepalm

10-06-2021, 04:43 PM
It's no surprise that the people who think the LESSER protection is BETTER.... are all lefraud supporters
You’re absolutely insane.

10-06-2021, 04:44 PM
Yeah true. I mean i understand why the nets and their fans would care. Missing half the games is a big deal. They're gonna need kyrie to win. I just don't know why anyone would blame kyrie for that. Blame the government for making a madate that makes zero sense. Blame the nba for not having enough balls to ignore the mandate. Don't blame kyrie though. All he's doing is making a personal medical decision.

You can't ignore a government mandate...

10-06-2021, 04:44 PM
You’re absolutely insane.

The same media that perpetrated the Lebron goat fraud, are the same ones telling everyone to get lesser protection (vaccine) or saying Trump colluded with Russia, or convincing us that we were bombarded with Russia stuff on Facebook (i don't remember a single piece of russia information)

it's all lies... so you guys have very low character and don't even realize it - you think it's all for the greater good (aka we can tell lies to defeat an evil guy like Trump) but that's the same logic slaveowners used to enslave blacks (it's for the greater good to build this nation)

10-06-2021, 04:44 PM
It's no surprise that the people who think the LESSER protection is BETTER.... are all lefraud supporters

The same media that perpetrated the Lebron goat fraud, are the same ones telling everyone to get lesser protection or saying Russia convinced everyone on Facebook to vote Trump

it's all lies... you guys have very low character and don't even realize it - you think it's all for the greater good (aka we can tell lies to defeat an evil guy like Trump) but that's the same logic slaveowners used to enslave blacks (it's for the greater good to build this nation)

Imagine being this stupid.

10-06-2021, 04:46 PM
You can't ignore a government mandate...
You think he actually knows that? These people struggle with basic addition.

10-06-2021, 04:48 PM

Real Men Wear Green
10-06-2021, 04:48 PM
Didn't he say he'd retire if the Nets traded him? Hard to get a buyer for that :lol And honestly, the Nets could definitely still win a title without Kyrie if Durant & Harden stay healthy. If Harden was healthy I have no doubt they would've cruised to a title last season. But if you're referring to the potential off the court problems that could arise from a situation like this, that's a different story.

Since I can't imagine a team trading for Kyrie at this point, it seems like their best option is to just let him miss half the games. It looks like that's their best play as of now.
Trading for him is a tank move but if you're headed for 35 wins and have a big contract on the books you can ship him off for Irving, lose hard, and bank on the world letting up on covid restrictions in a year. I wouldn't want him either but whenever he comes back he's good for 25 and 6.

10-06-2021, 04:49 PM
Trading for him is a tank move but if you're headed for 35 wins and have a big contract on the books you can ship him off for Irving, lose hard, and bank on the world letting up on covid restrictions in a year. I wouldn't want him either but whenever he comes back he's good for 25 and 6.
IF he comes back. Kyrie isn’t Wiggins, there’s a legit chance he simply won’t play.

10-06-2021, 04:50 PM
You can't ignore a government mandate...

It's hard for one company but if everyone ignored it the government would have to cave. The people have the power. We just rarely use it.

Plus if big money making entities like the nba went against it the government would have to take notice and respect it.

10-06-2021, 04:50 PM
Imagine being this stupid.

You can always tell who is on the right side of an argument by looking at the side that is saying "nany nany boo boo you're stupid" (that's what you're doing with your post above)

compared to the side that is spitting facts and having an actual discussion (that's what I'm doing in my post that you quoted)...

natural immunity IS better protection... deal with it or get the vaccine if you're worried... otherwise, stop spreading misinformation and shaming people

10-06-2021, 04:50 PM
You think he actually knows that? These people struggle with basic addition.

Still waiting:oldlol:

10-06-2021, 04:55 PM
You think he actually knows that? These people struggle with basic addition.

Come on you self admitted troll. For once answer a question intelligently.

If the vaccinated transmit and spread the virus as much as the non vaccinated and healthy 29 year olds aren't the ones overwhelming the hospitals how is kyrie a health risk issue?

10-06-2021, 04:57 PM
This sap needs to get traded!

10-06-2021, 05:39 PM
Good ol rrr3 with nothing intelligent to add once again. Since you decided to jump in maybe you can finally actually answer a question with something intelligent.

Tell me exactly how is kyrie a health risk?

No. He can't.

10-06-2021, 05:54 PM
No. He can't.

Hahaha yeah i know. I mean trying to get an intelligent response from him is like trying to get blood from a stone. I knew he wouldn't respond but it's still fun exposing this nitwit :oldlol:

10-06-2021, 05:59 PM
Tbh i think he should just retire at this point.

10-06-2021, 06:41 PM
Who knows and who cares. It's nobody's business but his

It’s the business of Nets season ticket holders/fans who will be short one of the big three they anticipated this season at home games.

10-06-2021, 07:00 PM
anyone in their 20s or 30s getting a covid shot is a clown

if your work fires you for not getting it take them and the city to court

Great idea! :facepalm

people are so freakin' dumb.

10-06-2021, 07:07 PM
It’s the business of Nets season ticket holders/fans who will be short one of the big three they anticipated this season at home games.

Yeah they're the only ones that have a reason to be upset but they should be mad at the government not kyrie.

10-06-2021, 07:14 PM
the vaccine dosn't stop or even reduce infection or transmission... So would you like to explain exactly how kyrie is a public health threat or do you just do like everyone else and make claims that aren't based in reality?

dude, are you serious? Are you this poorly informed?

Come on, turn off the alternate news garbage and turn on the real news. Thanks

Honest, this is the stupidest post I have yet to read on the subject anywhere on the internet.

and what does being 29 years old have to do with him spreading the disease????

So sad, seriously.

10-06-2021, 07:19 PM
Come on you self admitted troll. For once answer a question intelligently.

If the vaccinated transmit and spread the virus as much as the non vaccinated and healthy 29 year olds aren't the ones overwhelming the hospitals how is kyrie a health risk issue?
His literal only answer is too call other people stupid whilst having absolutely nothing of value to say in response

10-06-2021, 07:20 PM
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence the dumbest ****ing people on the board are all anti-vax :lol

That's right.

The dumbest people on this planet congregating together on the vaccine issue.

It was no surprise.

10-06-2021, 07:27 PM
Answer to the OP: because natural immunity is better

The real question is why are people being forced to get lesser protection (the vaccine)?

another post that is about as cerebral as a rock.

OK, short lesson, natural immunity varies from person to person. There is no uniform level of protection to those that have been exposed.
Letting the virus run through society so all have had Covid would result in tens of millions of lives lost and would do unsustainable harm to the economy.

and lastly, the vaccination offer protection against most variants. Have Covid only gives you immunity to the strain you had.

You know, I seldom post here or in places like it. This has been enlightening. Frightening too, if you folks really believe the stuff you post.

Come on, this info is not hard to source, do yourself and family a favor, all of you, learn the bases of Covid and the vaccine. Thanks all.

10-06-2021, 07:34 PM
It's hard for one company but if everyone ignored it the government would have to cave. The people have the power. We just rarely use it.

Plus if big money making entities like the nba went against it the government would have to take notice and respect it.

That would be great! Then sociaty would collapse.

I just can't belive the level of ignorance on display in this thread.

10-06-2021, 07:47 PM
That would be great! Then sociaty would collapse.

I just can't belive the level of ignorance on display in this thread.

No it wouldn't. I'm not talking about ignoring the government on everything or most things. I'm just talking about ignoring a ignorant, dangerous, illegal rule like this.

U sound like a tool dude. The government can be and has been wrong. It's up to the people to hold them accountable

10-06-2021, 08:01 PM
This ****in' guy :facepalm

Bronbron23 really chose this hill to die on. :oldlol:

10-06-2021, 08:07 PM
The whole purpose of a vaccine is to expose your immune system to the pathogen and create antibodies against it. If you already had COVID? You already have antibodies. It really isn't hard.

When they murdered Jesus they put a crown of thorns on his head, pardoned legit killers over him, and mocked him as he was marched to his execution.

Seeing similar behavior leveled at Kyrie for speaking the truth in the face of extreme oppression.

10-06-2021, 08:08 PM
No it wouldn't. I'm not talking about ignoring the government on everything or most things. I'm just talking about ignoring a ignorant, dangerous, illegal rule like this.

U sound like a tool dude. The government can be and has been wrong. It's up to the people to hold them accountable

If it worked, people would apply it to other things until sociaty collapsed. Get serious.

You work within the system to change it or you are a danger to that sociaty. This is basic. WTF were you even advocating? The posts here are so ignorant I can't even recall what it was you wanted to subvert government for.

10-06-2021, 08:12 PM
The whole purpose of a vaccine is to expose your immune system to the pathogen and create antibodies against it. If you already had COVID? You already have antibodies. It really isn't hard.

When they murdered Jesus they put a crown of thorns on his head, pardoned legit killers over him, and mocked him as he was marched to his execution. Seeing similar behavior leveled at Kyrie for speaking the truth in the face of extreme oppression.

OMG, another rocket scientist weighs in. :facepalm


This is a real mind meld.

No joke, I hear about the dumb shit folks say on the internet all the time but now, to witness it, it's fascinating. Absolutely fascinating.

This is no place for the reasoned, that's for sure.

peace out and good luck in life to you

10-06-2021, 08:13 PM
You want government handouts but you want to control the government. Can’t have both

10-06-2021, 08:19 PM
OMG, another rocket scientist weighs in. :facepalm


This is a real mind meld.

No joke, I hear about the dumb shit folks say on the internet all the time but now, to witness it, it's fascinating. Absolutely fascinating.

This is no place for the reasoned, that's for sure.

peace out and good luck in life to you

You dodged the initial answer dummy. Anybody with exposure and naturally built antibodies has the same level of immune protection as somebody who took the mRNA shot. Natural immunity in classic virology is actually better. It means you came in contact with the real thing and beat it. Not some weakened version of it.

Of course this "vaccine" doesn't contain any of the real pathogen at all. Its an entirely different type of untested technology.

10-06-2021, 08:23 PM
If it worked, people would apply it to other things until sociaty collapsed. Get serious.

You work within the system to change it or you are a danger to that sociaty. This is basic. WTF were you even advocating? The posts here are so ignorant I can't even recall what it was you wanted to subvert government for.

Yes i agree you work within the system as much as possible but when the system abuses their power like they are now you fight back. Holy f*ck plenty of issues have been solved by taking actions considered outside the system. Are u serious?

As far as what i was saying. All i asked was how exactly is Kyrie not being vaccinated a health risk? If the vaccinated transmit and spread the virus as much as the non vaxxed and healthy 29 year olds aren't the ones overwhelming the hospitals how is Kyrie a health risk?

10-06-2021, 08:30 PM
Yes i agree you work within the system as much as possible but when the system abuses their power like they are now you fight back. Holy f*ck plenty of issues have been solved by taking actions considered outside the system. Are u serious?

As far as what i was saying. All i asked was how exactly is Kyrie not being vaccinated a health risk? If the vaccinated transmit and spread the virus as much as the non vaxxed and healthy 29 year olds aren't the ones overwhelming the hospitals how is Kyrie a health risk?

You're talking to a retard who doesn't even know how to spell the word "society". He spelled it wrong twice in one post lmao. That ain't a typo.

10-06-2021, 08:33 PM
You dodged the initial answer dummy. Anybody with exposure and naturally built antibodies has the same level of immune protection as somebody who took the mRNA shot. Natural immunity in classic virology is actually better.

see my earlier post, you are mistaken

so far the vaccines offer protection vs all circulating strains. (to varying degrees)

If you acquire a Covid infection and are fortunate enough to recover your immunity is limited to the strain you had.

Also, bear in mind, your immunity may be very weak or very strong. It is dependent on the viral load you fight off. So, if you have a mild case of Covid, you have little protection and if you were on life support and live, you likely have a very stout immunity, to the one strain.

Now factor in the societal cost of Covid along with the serious nature of the personal suffering and it's obvious, only a dolt would refuse vaccination. BTW, the best protected is someone who had Covid and after a few months when their antibodies fall, then take the vaccine.

10-06-2021, 08:40 PM
how exactly is Kyrie not being vaccinated a health risk? If the vaccinated transmit and spread the virus as much as the non vaxxed and healthy 29 year olds aren't the ones overwhelming the hospitals how is Kyrie a health risk?

This is a logical fallacy, a false premise. The vaccinated do not spread the virus as much as the unvaccinated because they don't get it as often. Also, the level of spread is dependent on the viral load of the infected person and the vaccinated, in general, have lower viral load.

You cannot make exceptions for one spoiled brat or you have to make exceptions for every spoiled brat. This would make mandates meaningless words.

So far the mandates have been extremely effective. All we will see is their proliferation.

10-06-2021, 08:51 PM
The same media that perpetrated the Lebron goat fraud, are the same ones telling everyone to get lesser protection (vaccine) or saying Trump colluded with Russia, or convincing us that we were bombarded with Russia stuff on Facebook (i don't remember a single piece of russia information)

it's all lies... so you guys have very low character and don't even realize it - you think it's all for the greater good (aka we can tell lies to defeat an evil guy like Trump) but that's the same logic slaveowners used to enslave blacks (it's for the greater good to build this nation)

Are you really a black American? If yes, are both your parents black Americans?

10-06-2021, 08:53 PM
Are you really a black American?

African Americans have the highest skepticism towards the mRNA injection. They haven't forgotten the historically, recently conducted Tuskegee experiments. Among many other atrocities.

10-06-2021, 10:53 PM
This is a logical fallacy, a false premise. The vaccinated do not spread the virus as much as the unvaccinated because they don't get it as often. Also, the level of spread is dependent on the viral load of the infected person and the vaccinated, in general, have lower viral load.

You cannot make exceptions for one spoiled brat or you have to make exceptions for every spoiled brat. This would make mandates meaningless words.

So far the mandates have been extremely effective. All we will see is their proliferation.

Nope that's what the media and people like you are saying but your wrong. What your saying is actual false. Even the cdc and fauci are now admitting this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mP9iHyj1uiU

Go to 40 second mark if u wanna skip to how your wrong about the viral load. That was maybe true for alpha but alpha has been pretty much taken over by delta and with delta there's absolutely no difference. Good try though

And it's not about making exceptions. I don't even like kyrie. He's a nut job but it doesn't change the fact that he's not wrong here.

As far as the mandates working. They're absolutely working but let's be clear on who they're working on. It's the old and unhealthy that they're primarily working on. Younger healthy people aren't the ones being hospitalized and dying at a significant rate. They could of just vaccinated the old and unhealthy and pretty much got the same result. People with antibodies and young people don't need to be vaccinated

10-07-2021, 08:16 AM
I stumbled into getting the shots, others looked out for my better interests, not sure what I would have done otherwise.

I see thousands of health care workers are willing to be fired and won't back down...

I can't not let that tell me something...

10-07-2021, 08:38 AM
Are you really a black American? If yes, are both your parents black Americans?
there’s barely any black people on this site lol

10-07-2021, 11:03 AM
another post that is about as cerebral as a rock.

OK, short lesson, natural immunity varies from person to person. There is no uniform level of protection to those that have been exposed.
Letting the virus run through society so all have had Covid would result in tens of millions of lives lost and would do unsustainable harm to the economy.

and lastly, the vaccination offer protection against most variants. Have Covid only gives you immunity to the strain you had.

You know, I seldom post here or in places like it. This has been enlightening. Frightening too, if you folks really believe the stuff you post.

Come on, this info is not hard to source, do yourself and family a favor, all of you, learn the bases of Covid and the vaccine. Thanks all.

LOL! so much false info in that post, please keep your short lesson to yourself. The vaccine is supposed to boost your immune system and create a response when exposed with an antigen. It doesn't create a brand new immune system for people that are vaccinated. That means that the vaccine won't have a uniform level of protection for everyone either because it's still dependent on the health, age and natural immune system of each person. This should be common knowledge

Also claiming that vaccine offers protection against more variants doesn't make any sense. You do understand that the mRNA vaccine were designed to target 2 sepcific spike proteins of the virus as opposed to a natural infection which exposes your immune system to the whole virus, thus creating a broader range of protection even when exposed to new strains. This is why we see a drop in effectiveness of the vaccine against the Delta variant while the people who recovered from a past infection still maintain a high level of protection for the most part.


Nussenzweig’s group has published data showing people who recover from a SARS-CoV-2 infection continue to develop increasing numbers and types of coronavirus-targeting antibodies for up to 1 year. By contrast, he says, twice-vaccinated people stop seeing increases “in the potency or breadth of the overall memory antibody compartment” a few months after their second dose.

For many infectious diseases, naturally acquired immunity is known to be more powerful than vaccine-induced immunity and it often lasts a lifetime. Other coronaviruses that cause the serious human diseases severe acute respiratory syndrome and Middle East respiratory syndrome trigger robust and persistent immune responses. At the same time, several other human coronaviruses, which usually cause little more than colds, are known to reinfect people regularly.

10-07-2021, 11:06 AM
LOL! so much false info in that post, please keep your short lesson to yourself. The vaccine is supposed to boost your immune system and create a response when exposed with an antigen. It doesn't create a brand new immune system for people that are vaccinated. That means that the vaccine won't have a uniform level of protection for everyone either because it's still dependent on the health, age and natural immune system of each person. This should be common knowledge

Also you claiming that vaccine offers you protection against more variants doesn't make any sense. You do understand that the mRNA vaccine were designed to target 2 sepcific spike proteins of the virus as opposed to a natural infection which exposes your immune system to the whole virus, thus creating a broader range of protection even when exposed to new strains. This is why you see a drop in effectiveness of the vaccine against the Delta variant while the people who recovered from a past infection still maintain a high level of protection for the most part.


I could humbly suggest people with interest give even a 5-minute review of a summary of the smallpox and polio vaccines as they were developed and introduced, and the good and bad and deadly effects that occurred, and should have been 100% expected with the current problem

boasting during every NBA/NFL commercial break that a given vaccine is 100% SAFE AND SECURE AND EFFECTIVE was a rancid lie

10-07-2021, 11:29 AM
anyone in their 20s or 30s getting a covid shot is a clown

if your work fires you for not getting it take them and the city to courtYou realize not all people have mommy and daddy’s money to live off of right? Suing someone takes about a year or more. How do you suggest they pay their bills in the meantime? And that’s considering they even win, which they won’t. You don’t think companies run this shit through their lawyers to make sure they can’t get sued first?

10-07-2021, 12:03 PM
Nah it just depends man. If your young and healthy your good. Your extremely low risk. That said if you want to get it go for it. That's your own buisness. If your immune compromised or unhealthy than your higher risk and should probably get it. It's the old and unhealthy that are contributing to an already overwhelmed medical system. They're the ones that should be taking more precautions like vaccines, mask and social distancing.

obviously if you're 400 pounds and smoke every day and you have heart problems then get the shot. but covid is only speeding up the process of you dying by like 5 years. you're already dead. it's probly just doing the world and you a favor

10-07-2021, 01:14 PM
obviously if you're 400 pounds and smoke every day and you have heart problems then get the shot. but covid is only speeding up the process of you dying by like 5 years. you're already dead. it's probly just doing the world and you a favor

Lol i suppose but i wouldn't mind having an extra 5 years. I don't know i'm caught somewhere in the middle of this whole thing. I think the hardcore pro vaxxers are stupid sheep and the hardcore antivaxers are ignorant nut jobs. Like most arguments i think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I'm actually ok with mandates if it's gonna help an overwhelmed medical system i just think those mandates should make sense and right now they don't really make any.