View Full Version : Is the new ball causing poor shooting?

11-02-2021, 11:33 AM
Hadn't thought about this

After years of Spalding providing the NBA with its game balls, the league switched to Wilson. Wilson said they have tried to replicate the ball as well as possible, but players aren't buying it.

NBPA President C.J. McCollum of the Portland Trail Blazers said, "We're all still adjusting to (the new ball)." McCollum later added that he planned to discuss with players around the league to "get feedback" on the ball.

Paul George of the LA Clippers was more direct in his criticism of the Wilson ball. George said he wouldn't use the ball as an excuse, but that "it's a different basketball. It doesn't have the same touch and softness that the Spalding ball had."

Many around the league have suggested that the new Wilson ball has been a factor in shooting percentages dropping around the league to open the 2021-22 season. Several star players have gotten off to rough starts, but none have directly blamed the ball for their early-season shooting challenges.

11-02-2021, 11:36 AM
LeBJ got off to a BLISTERING start, so I aint buyin that bullshit.

11-02-2021, 11:38 AM
Hadn't thought about this

No it's clearly the rules. Anyone who plays ball at any kind of level knows its easy and quick to adjust to a different ball. That's a poor excuse and it clearly hasn't bothered pg any. He's having one of his best seasons stats wise

11-02-2021, 11:40 AM
No it's clearly the rules. Anyone who plays ball at any kind of level knows its easy and quick to adjust to a different ball. That's a poor excuse and it clearly hasn't bothered pg any. He's having one of his best seasons stats wise

all the more reason to believe him

11-02-2021, 11:40 AM
LeBJ got off to a BLISTERING start, so I aint buyin that bullshit.

maybe the balls don't hold up as long. spaulding leather ages well. some other balls I play with once and they lose all the grip

11-02-2021, 11:46 AM

it definitely looks like it has more shine and might get slippery when you have sweat on your fingers.

the old ball has that dry look like it absorbs moisture. last time the changed the ball there was a similar issue. Wilson probly cheaping out

11-02-2021, 11:49 AM
all the more reason to believe him

It's weak excuse. Again anyone who plays and is decent knows its easy to adjust to different basketballs. The 2 players mentioned in the article prove this. Both are having career best numbers this year. Sorry man that's a weak excuse.

11-02-2021, 11:50 AM
It's weak excuse. Again anyone who plays and is decent knows its easy to adjust to different basketballs. The 2 players mentioned in the article prove this. Both are having career best numbers this year. Sorry man that's a weak excuse.

thats the point, its literally not an excuse, because he is shooting well.

are you low iq or something

11-02-2021, 11:57 AM
thats the point, its literally not an excuse, because he is shooting well.

are you low iq or something

The fact they're shooting well is just showing that there's no direct correlation between ball preference and play. The reason why it's a weak excuse is because it's easy to adjust to different balls. Again anyone who played the game competitively knows this. How many games or runs did u use different balls? We didn't start using the same ball until college games. As a player you may like certain ball over others but it's not a good excuse for poor play. Yall sound like some millennial soft as bitches.

11-02-2021, 12:01 PM
Didn't the league attempt to change the ball about 10 or so years ago only to return to the older basketball like mid way through the season?

11-02-2021, 12:04 PM
Beal is shooting 16% on catch and shoot 3s. Never seen him this bad. The new rules aren't going to effect catch and shoot 3s.

11-02-2021, 12:09 PM
Didn't the league attempt to change the ball about 10 or so years ago only to return to the older basketball like mid way through the season?

Yeah in 06-07 season. They changed the ball at the start of the season and most players hated it so they changed it back halfway through the season.

This is actually a perfect example of how the ball dosn't matter because if it did that season everyone's efficiency would of been worse due to playing with a shit ball for half a season but most players shot around the same as they usually did. This is just a weak ass excuse.

11-02-2021, 12:09 PM
Last season 6 teams shot under 35% on 3s. So far this year there are 20. That is a big difference. I don't think the new rules will have much effect on 3 point shooting.

11-02-2021, 12:14 PM
Didn't the league attempt to change the ball about 10 or so years ago only to return to the older basketball like mid way through the season?

Found an old article. This was actually back in 2006. The league experimented with a new synthetic microfiber ball that the players hated. They were forced to go back to the old ball after December.


11-02-2021, 12:16 PM
Last season the worst 3pt shooting team was the Cavs at 33.6%. There are currently 13 teams shooting worse than that.

11-02-2021, 12:17 PM
Sample sizes so far this season are tiny to make any kind of conclusions. Maybe once we're at least 20-30 games in...

11-02-2021, 12:24 PM
Beal is shooting 16% on catch and shoot 3s. Never seen him this bad. The new rules aren't going to effect catch and shoot 3s.

Sure they can. this rule dosn't just hurt players because they're getting to line less. It also allows defenders to contest shots which obviously makes it more difficult for shooters. It's also effects players rhythm and confidence because now your not getting the same looks and seeing the ball go through the hoop as much so now when finally you do get open your not in as much rhythm as you normally would be.

Proponents of this era hilarious. A few years back the nba puts in rules to make scoring easier and players start scoring better and they say it isn't the rules it's the more skilled players. Now the nba puts in a rule to make scoring more difficult and players don't score as good and its not the rules it's the ball. Must be nice leaving in denial.

11-02-2021, 12:26 PM
Sample sizes so far this season are tiny to make any kind of conclusions. Maybe once we're at least 20-30 games in...

I agree but we also saw this in the Olympics. These same players were scoring less and getting to the line less because fiba play was much more physical than what they're used to

11-02-2021, 12:27 PM
Found an old article. This was actually back in 2006. The league experimented with a new synthetic microfiber ball that the players hated. They were forced to go back to the old ball after December.


Right but it didn't effect shooting for that year and way more players were complaining about that ball than they are this one.

11-02-2021, 12:28 PM
I agree but we also saw this in the Olympics. These same players were scoring less and getting to the line less because fiba play was much more physical than what they're used to

I'm not complaining because this season with the officiating changes, the games look much better. It's way more enjoyable to watch. However I do think players will adjust and we might see a slight but not any kind of big dip in efficiency. Just IMO but only time will tell.

11-02-2021, 12:32 PM
Sure they can. this rule dosn't just hurt players because they're getting to line less. It also allows defenders to contest shots which obviously makes it more difficult for shooters. It's also effects players rhythm and confidence because now your not getting the same looks and seeing the ball go through the hoop as much so now when finally you do get open your not in as much rhythm as you normally would be.

Proponents of this era hilarious. A few years back the nba puts in rules to make scoring easier and players start scoring better and they say it isn't the rules it's the more skilled players. Now the nba puts in a rule to make scoring more difficult and players don't score as good and its not the rules it's the ball. Must be nice leaving in denial.

You must not understand the new rules. They are intended to stop the offensive player from initiating contact with the defender to get to the foul line. It is still a foul to prevent a shooter from landing cleanly or to make contact with them if they are actually shooting.

It is the pump fake/jump into the defender/throw up a heave that is no longer going to get the whistle. That isnt going to have a material impact on 3 point shooting, especially catch and shoot 3s which are the majority of 3s.

11-02-2021, 12:34 PM
I'm not complaining because this season with the officiating changes, the games look much better. It's way more enjoyable to watch. However I do think players will adjust and we might see a slight but not any kind of big dip in efficiency. Just IMO but only time will tell.

Yeah i think they'll adjust also. Some of these guys are too good to be shooting this bad. I don't think it will ever go back to how it was though. Should be a happy medium hopefully

11-02-2021, 12:39 PM
Last year only 2 teams shot under 74% from the foul line. So far this year there are 12.

There are 4 teams currently shooting under 70% from the line.

11-02-2021, 12:40 PM
You must not understand the new rules. They are intended to stop the offensive player from initiating contact with the defender to get to the foul line. It is still a foul to prevent a shooter from landing cleanly or to make contact with them if they are actually shooting.

It is the pump fake/jump into the defender/throw up a heave that is no longer going to get the whistle. That isnt going to have a material impact on 3 point shooting, especially catch and shoot 3s which are the majority of 3s.

I disagree man. Defenders were scared to contest because once a defender is in the air a shooter could unnaturally jump foward or sideways into the defender and get to the line. Now they can't do that so defenders are playing tighter and contesting more. I've brought this up a few times in threads before this year about how hard it would be to stop any shooter as a defender being handcuffed defensively like that. I can't imagine gaurding my local pick up game star without being able to contest his shot let alone the best players in the world. Your underestimating this factor. Plus the refs are letting more physical defense in general. Even on drives and stuff. They're even allowing a little hand checking.

11-02-2021, 12:44 PM
Last year only 2 teams shot under 74% from the foul line. So far this year there are 12.

There are 4 teams currently shooting under 70% from the line.

Could this because less perimeter shooters are getting foul shots? They're usually the more efficient foul shooters. I don't know forsure because i didn't check but that would make more sense than the ball. I coukd shoot 8 of 10 foul shots with a rubber ball so i doubt it's the ball.

11-02-2021, 12:45 PM
I disagree man. Defenders were scared to contest because once a defender is in the air a shooter could unnaturally jump foward or sideways into the defender and get to the line. Now they can't do that so defenders are playing tighter and contesting more. I've brought this up a few times in threads before this year about how hard it would be to stop any shooter as a defender being handcuffed defensively like that. I can't imagine gaurding my local pick up game star without being able to contest his shot let alone the best players in the world. Your underestimating this factor. Plus the refs are letting more physical defense in general. Even on drives and stuff. They're even allowing a little hand checking.

So are the new rules causing guys to shoot poorly from the foul line? :oldlol:

11-02-2021, 12:56 PM
So are the new rules causing guys to shoot poorly from the foul line? :oldlol:

Already adress this. My guess woud be it's because the better foul shooters are getting less free throws so that's gonna drive the team foul shooting numbers lower. These perimeter players who are struggling from the field aren't struggling from the line. I wonder why that is?

11-02-2021, 01:17 PM
Already adress this. My guess woud be it's because the better foul shooters are getting less free throws so that's gonna drive the team foul shooting numbers lower. These perimeter players who are struggling from the field aren't struggling from the line. I wonder why that is?

Some guys struggling badly from the line. Kuzma is literally shooting over 20% worse than last season. Westbrook is also shooting 48%. Small sample size can obviously cause wild swings but that is a huge variance for guys who have been in the league for years.

3 point attempts are actually up from last year which wouldn't be the case if the defense was suddenly so much more intense. The reality is that scoring inside is tougher now as is getting to the foul line, hence more 3s which are tougher to defend.

11-02-2021, 01:29 PM
Some guys struggling badly from the line. Kuzma is literally shooting over 20% worse than last season. Westbrook is also shooting 48%. Small sample size can obviously cause wild swings but that is a huge variance for guys who have been in the league for years.

3 point attempts are actually up from last year which wouldn't be the case if the defense was suddenly so much more intense. The reality is that scoring inside is tougher now as is getting to the foul line, hence more 3s which are tougher to defend.

But Kuzma isn't shooting worse from the field so clearly it's not the ball other wise he'd be shooting poorly everywhere. Westbrook is the only guy who is and i think the general consensus with him even before all this is that he's in decline anyway. Almost every other shooter who is struggling from the field is as good or better from the line this year so clearly this ball theory is a bad one. Defense is just a little tougher this year overall. No big deal. Players will adjust as they usually do.

11-02-2021, 01:50 PM
But Kuzma isn't shooting worse from the field so clearly it's not the ball other wise he'd be shooting poorly everywhere. Westbrook is the only guy who is and i think the general consensus with him even before all this is that he's in decline anyway. Almost every other shooter who is struggling from the field is as good or better from the line this year so clearly this ball theory is a bad one. Defense is just a little tougher this year overall. No big deal. Players will adjust as they usually do.

Defense is not the reason Lillard is shooting 23% from 3. He shoots from the logo. He can get separation at any time.

The feel of the ball plays a much larger role when you are shooting from distance. Any slight variance in the feel of the ball can have an effect when you are trying to release quickly and shoot from long range. At the foul line you do have more time to make sure you have a good grip on the ball.

Most 3 point attempts aren't heavily contested, even for Steph. He does a lot of running in order to get separation. The new rules simply aren't going to effect 3 pt shooting numbers because most guys aren't taking heavily contested 3s. If a defender is running at them guys can just take a dribble to the side and then shoot or swing to an open man.

11-02-2021, 02:00 PM
Poor dumbdumb23

11-02-2021, 02:17 PM
Defense is not the reason Lillard is shooting 23% from 3. He shoots from the logo. He can get separation at any time.

The feel of the ball plays a much larger role when you are shooting from distance. Any slight variance in the feel of the ball can have an effect when you are trying to release quickly and shoot from long range. At the foul line you do have more time to make sure you have a good grip on the ball.

Most 3 point attempts aren't heavily contested, even for Steph. He does a lot of running in order to get separation. The new rules simply aren't going to effect 3 pt shooting numbers because most guys aren't taking heavily contested 3s. If a defender is running at them guys can just take a dribble to the side and then shoot or swing to an open man.

It's a weak excuse imo but we'll have to agree to disagree once again

11-02-2021, 02:19 PM
Poor dumbdumb23

RRRRRRRRR3 the stuttering mexican trans drug dealer with another non answer. When u finally have an intelligent take on the matter let me know. I won't hold my breath:facepalm

11-02-2021, 02:21 PM
Mexican kids definitely bullied dumbdumb23 in school, the lil guy is terrified of them.

Patrick Chewing
11-02-2021, 02:22 PM
RRR3 getting bodied in every thread as usual.

11-02-2021, 02:24 PM
Last season looking at wide open 3s (6 feet of separation or more) OKC had the worst percentage at 36.2%.


This year there are 15 teams shooting worse than 36.2%.

11-02-2021, 02:30 PM
Mexican kids definitely bullied dumbdumb23 in school, the lil guy is terrified of them.

Well there ain't no Mexicans where I'm from but if there were and they looked like you i'd certainly be freaked out. I mean damn man have u seen yourself? Your so weird looking you make the pic of shaq in your avatar look sexy. I bet a day after Halloween people are still asking you why you still have your costume on:oldlol:

11-02-2021, 02:31 PM
Grr I’m very mad and racist and mad


11-02-2021, 02:37 PM
Last season looking at wide open 3s (6 feet of separation or more) OKC had the worst percentage at 36.2%.


This year there are 15 teams shooting worse than 36.2%.

Again being out of rhythm is a more likely explanation than the ball. When your not getting the looks you want as often as you like when you finally do get those good looks your not in your rhythm. Again 2006 already proved there's no correlation between ball preference and shooting. There's likely a different explanation for why shooting has plummeted. I wonder if tougher defense could have something to do with it? Who knows maybe it's a combination. To say the rule has nothing to do with it all is just silly though. We know rule changes effect play. We've seen evidence of this in the past. There's absolutely no evidence that ball preference effects play.

11-02-2021, 02:46 PM
Again being out of rhythm is a more likely explanation than the ball. When your not getting the looks you want as often as you like when you finally do get those good looks your not in your rhythm. Again 2006 already proved there's no correlation between ball preference and shooting. There's likely a different explanation for why shooting has plummeted. I wonder if tougher defense could have something to do with it? Who knows maybe it's a combination. To say the rule has nothing to do with it all is just silly though. We know rule changes effect play. We've seen evidence of this in the past. There's absolutely no evidence that ball preference effects play.


An open shot is an open shot. Guys dont need to be "in rhythym" to make open shots. They are pros that practice their shooting before the games even start.

Guys will come off the bench and make open shots right away. Happens all the time.

Steve Kerr has the best 3pt percentage in league history while taking only 2 threes a game.

11-02-2021, 02:47 PM

An open shot is an open shot. Guys dont need to be "in rhythym" to make open shots. They are pros that practice their shooting before the games even start.

Guys will come off the bench and make open shots right away. Happens all the time.

Steve Kerr has the best 3pt percentage in league history while taking only 2 threes a game.

Out of rhythym :facepalm

Cool rhythm is a myth. Good to know.

11-02-2021, 02:56 PM
Cool rhythm is a myth. Good to know.

No you just don't understand it. It isn't something that effects the whole league at the same time lmao, especially when teams are getting MORE open 3s this year than they did last year.

Last year the median number of open 3s per game was 16. This year it is 17.5.

11-02-2021, 03:09 PM
No you just don't understand it. It isn't something that effects the whole league at the same time lmao, especially when teams are getting MORE open 3s this year than they did last year.

Last year the median number of open 3s per game was 16. This year it is 17.5.

Again i think you don't understand because anyone who plays ball at a high level knows the ball isn't much of a factor when it comes to shooting. Sure there's preference but it's easy to adjust. It's not the ball dude but if it makes you feel better you can think whatever you like

11-02-2021, 03:20 PM
Again i think you don't understand because anyone who plays ball at a high level knows the ball isn't much of a factor when it comes to shooting. Sure there's preference but it's easy to adjust. It's not the ball dude but if it makes you feel better you can think whatever you like

Pretty sure PG13 knows a bit about playing ball at a high level.

I played ball all the time until i was 40. But i wasnt taking NBA 3s. That is a long shot and a lot of guys are shooting well behind the line. A small difference in the ball can have a big impact from that distance. If it is slippery at all that is going to be a problem.

I was a good shooter, if not an elite one. One day back in college Scott Van Pelt called me the king of the jumper :oldlol:

Shooting is usually weak to start off the season but not this bad. The rules change isn't going to have a big effect on jumpers. It is going to make it much tougher to get to the foul line which was the big gripe about today's game. Any effect on jumpers will be marginal.

Defenders have always contested jumpers when they were close enough to do so. That is what made it so easy for the offensive players to get to the line. Just fake a defender off his feet and then jump into him. If guys were afraid to contest shots they wouldn't have been leaving their feet.

Spurs m8
11-02-2021, 03:33 PM
RRRRRRRRR3 the stuttering mexican trans drug dealer with another non answer. When u finally have an intelligent take on the matter let me know. I won't hold my breath:facepalm

This is so true

The dudes posting is so painful

Im Still Ballin
11-02-2021, 04:07 PM
Last season looking at wide open 3s (6 feet of separation or more) OKC had the worst percentage at 36.2%.


This year there are 15 teams shooting worse than 36.2%.

Interesting. Will monitor these stats as the season progresses.

11-02-2021, 04:07 PM
Pretty sure PG13 knows a bit about playing ball at a high level.

I played ball all the time until i was 40. But i wasnt taking NBA 3s. That is a long shot and a lot of guys are shooting well behind the line. A small difference in the ball can have a big impact from that distance. If it is slippery at all that is going to be a problem.

I was a good shooter, if not an elite one. One day back in college Scott Van Pelt called me the king of the jumper :oldlol:

Shooting is usually weak to start off the season but not this bad. The rules change isn't going to have a big effect on jumpers. It is going to make it much tougher to get to the foul line which was the big gripe about today's game. Any effect on jumpers will be marginal.

Defenders have always contested jumpers when they were close enough to do so. That is what made it so easy for the offensive players to get to the line. Just fake a defender off his feet and then jump into him. If guys were afraid to contest shots they wouldn't have been leaving their feet.

Right but the ball clearly isn't effecing pg. He's having one of his best shooting season ever. I've only heard 2 players say anything about this ball. Pg and and cj l. Both are shooting fine and cj even laughed at the idea that poor shooting was the balls fault. So your basing this on 2 players opinions neither who are struggling shooting the ball.

And players were clearly tentative to contest because of the rules. Yeah guys still jumped and contested but it was less than how the would if the rules were different.

Honestly i'm open to the ball taking some adjustment to get used to but to think this is the sole reason why players are shooting bad is silly. Like most things it's probably a combination of thing's. Rules, ball and start of the season. Time will tell what factor is more responsible than the others. These are the best shooters in the world. It shouldn't take them long to adjust to a new ball. I can adjust to a new ball in 10 min so it shouldn't take the best players in the world any longer. If 10 games from now efficiency dosn't change much that will mean it's not so much the ball or rust.

And btw the The wnba use the same ball and they've had nothing but good things to say. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/wnba/news/i-aint-gonna-lie-bro-the-new-basketball-is-everything-an-inside-look-at-the-wnbas-newest-ball/amp/

The ncaa has used a similar wilson ball and I've never heard any complaints from them either.

11-02-2021, 04:11 PM
This is so true

The dudes posting is so painful

He's so wack bro and i don't think i've ever seen him respond to any thread with intelligence or facts. It's always just troll responses or insults. Even when you challenge him to respond intelligently he won't. He's pathetic

Im Still Ballin
11-02-2021, 04:12 PM
What about a return to crowds? Last season included a lot of empty arenas.

11-02-2021, 04:27 PM
Right but the ball clearly isn't effecing pg. He's having one of his best shooting season ever. I've only heard 2 players say anything about this ball. Pg and and cj l. Both are shooting fine and cj even laughed at the idea that poor shooting was the balls fault. So your basing this on 2 players opinions neither who are struggling shooting the ball.

And players were clearly tentative to contest because of the rules. Yeah guys still jumped and contested but it was less than how the would if the rules were different.

Honestly i'm open to the ball taking some adjustment to get used to but to think this is the sole reason why players are shooting bad is silly. Like most things it's probably a combination of thing's. Rules, ball and start of the season. Time will tell what factor is more responsible than the others. These are the best shooters in the world. It shouldn't take them long to adjust to a new ball. I can adjust to a new ball in 10 min so it shouldn't take the best players in the world any longer. If 10 games from now efficiency dosn't change much that will mean it's not so much the ball or rust.

And btw the The wnba use the same ball and they've had nothing but good things to say. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/wnba/news/i-aint-gonna-lie-bro-the-new-basketball-is-everything-an-inside-look-at-the-wnbas-newest-ball/amp/

The ncaa has used a similar wilson ball and I've never heard any complaints from them either.

LMAO guys have always run hard at guys shooting 3s. You must not have watched the games if you think otherwise. They would be flying at guys routinely, they just had to make sure to jump to the side. They still have to worry about staying out of the shooters landing space.

The fact that there are more open 3s now than there were before shows where the rules are having an effect. Used to be guys could drive and if they got in trouble they could jump into someone and get to the line. Now they can't so they are settling for 3s more often. There are more open 3s now, but they are shooting worse. That isn't a rules issue.

Jumpers are what they are. There is no difference between taking a jumper now and last year. 3s were contested last year just like they are now. Running guys off the line has always been part of defensive game plans, it is just hard to do. Guys can just do a side dribble to evade a defender running at them or they can just swing the ball to someone more open.

It isn't effecting Paul but maybe he has large hands making it easier to get a good grip. Or maybe he did more practice with the ball prior to the season.

11-02-2021, 04:38 PM
LMAO guys have always run hard at guys shooting 3s. You must not have watched the games if you think otherwise. They would be flying at guys routinely, they just had to make sure to jump to the side. They still have to worry about staying out of the shooters landing space.

The fact that there are more open 3s now than there were before shows where the rules are having an effect. Used to be guys could drive and if they got in trouble they could jump into someone and get to the line. Now they can't so they are settling for 3s more often.

Jumpers are what they are. There is no difference between taking a jumper now and last year. 3s were contested last year just like they are now. Running guys off the line has always been part of defensive game plans, it is just hard to do. Guys can just do a side dribble to evade a defender running at them or they can just swing the ball to someone more open.

It isn't effecting Paul but maybe he has large hands making it easier to get a good grip. Or maybe he did more practice with the ball prior to the season.

This ball has been out for months now. They used it in summer league, pre season and for all their practices in between that. At this point they should be well adjusted to the ball. This is crazy man. Literally everytime i play basketball it's with a different ball. My shooting dosn't change from ball to ball. Neither does anyone else. Neither did it in 06 when way more players were complaining about the ball to the point where they got rid of it. It's not the ball. If i can adjust in minutes nba players can surely adjust with a couple months

11-02-2021, 04:41 PM
This ball has been out for months now. They used it in summer league, pre season and for all their practices in between that. At this point they should be well adjusted to the ball. This is crazy man. Literally everytime i play basketball it's with a different ball. My shooting dosn't change from ball to ball. Neither does anyone else. Neither did it in 06 when way more players were complaining about the ball to the point where they got rid of it. It's not the ball. If i can adjust in minutes nba players can surely adjust with a couple months

If a ball is a bit slippery they might not to be able to adjust. If it was you or me we could just find a ball that isnt slippery. They can't.

Rules arent going to affect open jumpers. That is just nuts. No matter what the rules are an open jumper is an open jumper just like it was decades ago.

11-02-2021, 04:46 PM
RRRRRRRRR3 the stuttering mexican trans drug dealer with another non answer. When u finally have an intelligent take on the matter let me know. I won't hold my breath:facepalm


RRR3 has this Jordan stan all mad now.

What's wrong with Mexicans?

11-02-2021, 04:47 PM
Poor dumbdumb23

Is it a surprise he is an anti vaxxer? :roll:

11-02-2021, 04:53 PM
If a ball is a bit slippery they might not to be able to adjust. If it was you or me we could just find a ball that isnt slippery. They can't.

Rules arent going to affect open jumpers. That is just nuts. No matter what the rules are an open jumper is an open jumper just like it was decades ago.

Right so the best players on the planet are affected but women and college kids aren't. Again we'll have to just agree to disagree.

11-02-2021, 04:54 PM
Is it a surprise he is an anti vaxxer? :roll:
I'm not antivax buddy. The vaccines are great for alot of people. I am anti stupid though. It's probably why i don't agree with bron stans:oldlol:

11-02-2021, 04:58 PM

RRR3 has this Jordan stan all mad now.

What's wrong with Mexicans?

Nothing man. I'm just messing with him because he's an insecure idiot. Nothing wrong with Mexicans. I don't even know if he is one he just looks like one. There is something wrong with a grown ass weirdo living at home who looks like a tranny and who braggs about selling drugs. You gonna defend that too:facepalm

11-02-2021, 04:59 PM
Right so the best players on the planet are affected but women and college kids aren't. Again we'll have to just agree to disagree.

The kids and the women aren't shooting from 23-30 feet, and of course you are assuming that they are using the exact same ball even though you have no clue whether that is actually the case.

There has only been one rules change that has had an effect on open jumpers and that is the 3 pt line which gives guys an extra point. There has never been any other rules change that has had an effect on the percentage guys shoot on open jumpers.

11-02-2021, 05:04 PM
What's the possibility of the league switching back? Would be interesting to see a turnaround if this truly has been the reason of the poor percentages thus far.

11-02-2021, 05:19 PM
The kids and the women aren't shooting from 23-30 feet, and of course you are assuming that they are using the exact same ball even though you have no clue whether that is actually the case.

There has only been one rules change that has had an effect on open jumpers and that is the 3 pt line which gives guys an extra point. There has never been any other rules change that has had an effect on the percentage guys shoot on open jumpers.

Dude the women aren't shooting from that gar because they aren't as strong. A 20 footer for a women or kid would be the equivalent though and they are doing just fine.

And just because you have no clue on something dosn't mean others don't https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/sports/story/2021-09-27/nba-switches-official-game-ball-to-wilson-brand%3f_amp=true. Article talks about breaking the balls in which by now they are already. Also talks about Wilson supplying the balls to g league, college and wnba.

Again it's not the ball man. If it is it's playing a very minimal role in the players shooting so far.

11-02-2021, 05:21 PM
What's the possibility of the league switching back? Would be interesting to see a turnaround if this truly has been the reason of the poor percentages thus far.

I don't think it's a good one the nba signed a huge deal with wilson. The ball is here to stay for a while

11-02-2021, 05:23 PM
Did you even read the article you posted?

it’s the first time in 37 years that an NBA team is starting a season with new balls that they have to break in,” Murphy said. “So that’s been the one thing that I think everybody recognizes and acknowledges so there are no complaints about the ball, it’s more like, ‘Gosh I got to get it broken in. I got to get it broken in. It feels good.’

“Those are the comments we’re hearing. ‘The ball feels OK but it needs to get broken in.’

11-02-2021, 05:28 PM
Did you even read the article you posted?

Then we should see an improvement back to normalcy within a number of games. The change in official ball and change in officiating are the culprits for now.

11-02-2021, 05:31 PM
Then we should see an improvement back to normalcy within a number of games. The change in official ball and change in officiating are the culprits for now.

How is the change in officiating going to effect guys shooting open 3s? That makes no sense.

The balls aren't going to get broken in very quickly when only one is being used in a game at one time.

11-02-2021, 05:41 PM
How is the change in officiating going to effect guys shooting open 3s? That makes no sense.

The balls aren't going to get broken in very quickly when only one is being used in a game at one time.

I dont know, it affects their overall confidence in shooting? When you don't shoot as well with contested shots then that may cascade to your overall volume of shots?

11-02-2021, 05:47 PM
I dont know, it affects their overall confidence in shooting? When you don't shoot as well with contested shots then that may cascade to your overall volume of shots?

Defenders have always contested jumpers. It isn't some new thing that all of a sudden guys are starting to contest shots league wide. It is the guys on offense that have to adjust to the new rules, not getting bailout calls.

Defenders still have to stay out of the shooters landing space which was a problem in previous seasons and still is now.

11-02-2021, 06:20 PM
Did you even read the article you posted?

Clearly. I brought up breaking in the ball when i sourced the article to you. It also said the ball broke in faster than expected and this article is from sep and the balls have getting broke in ever since. I guess u didn't read the whole article

11-02-2021, 06:56 PM
Didn't the league attempt to change the ball about 10 or so years ago only to return to the older basketball like mid way through the season?

Yes, dipshit.

11-02-2021, 07:00 PM
Clearly. I brought up breaking in the ball when i sourced the article to you. It also said the ball broke in faster than expected and this article is from sep and the balls have getting broke in ever since. I guess u didn't read the whole article

They just only use one ball in a game at a time which will obviously limit how fast balls can be broken in. It isn't hard to figure out this could be an issue and probably will be for awhile.

Secondly the article never said the balls were breaking in faster. They had a second hand quote from someone but that's it.

When people start shooting better after the All Star break your rules argument will look even dumber than it does now. When shooting gets back to normal next season what will you be saying then, that suddenly the league found their rhythm?


11-02-2021, 07:02 PM
The fact they're shooting well is just showing that there's no direct correlation between ball preference and play. The reason why it's a weak excuse is because it's easy to adjust to different balls. Again anyone who played the game competitively knows this. How many games or runs did u use different balls? We didn't start using the same ball until college games. As a player you may like certain ball over others but it's not a good excuse for poor play. Yall sound like some millennial soft as bitches.

nikka you literally said yourself its the rules that has players underperforming now you say they're shooting well there is no correlation

breh i cannot talk with 50 iq people

11-02-2021, 08:12 PM
I'm sure this will affect some players and some teams come playoff time.

11-02-2021, 10:11 PM
They just only use one ball in a game at a time which will obviously limit how fast balls can be broken in. It isn't hard to figure out this could be an issue and probably will be for awhile.

Secondly the article never said the balls were breaking in faster. They had a second hand quote from someone but that's it.

When people start shooting better after the All Star break your rules argument will look even dumber than it does now. When shooting gets back to normal next season what will you be saying then, that suddenly the league found their rhythm?


If the rules stay as they are and the refs Don't cave to all the crying then yes obviously i would have been wrong and i'll admit it. Will you do the same if the trend continues?

Qnd the article did mention the players saying the ball is breaking in quick. You obviously missed that part.

And again you must not have played very much because anyone who plays alot and who's decent knows its not hard to adjust to a new ball. Your talking Christmas break lol. It literally takes 10-20 min of shooting to adjust. It's honestly one of the weakest arguments I've heard for shooting poorly I've ever heard.

11-02-2021, 10:21 PM
nikka you literally said yourself its the rules that has players underperforming now you say they're shooting well there is no correlation

breh i cannot talk with 50 iq people

Well if you read the convo between me and tontoz you'd know that "they're" pertains to pg and cj. Not everyone is struggling. Some players are playing better or at least as good. Whether this is due to the rules or the ball is the debate. No what your talking about before you open your dick sucking lips.

11-02-2021, 10:34 PM
If the rules stay as they are and the refs Don't cave to all the crying then yes obviously i would have been wrong and i'll admit it. Will you do the same if the trend continues?

Qnd the article did mention the players saying the ball is breaking in quick. You obviously missed that part. .

No I just know the difference between actual quotes from players and a quote from a Wilson rep.

“Those are the comments we’re hearing. ‘The ball feels OK but it needs to get broken in.’ And on the plus side they’re saying things like, it seems to be breaking in quicker than the other guys’ did and stuff like that. I’m cautiously optimistic and excited.”

And when I was playing if we didn't like a ball we would use a different one. Typically there were several different balls on the court.

The feel of the ball is a lot more important shooting from 25 feet than 15 feet.