View Full Version : How many threads about LeBron has 3braincells made?

11-27-2021, 04:19 PM
Gotta be over 1000 now right?

11-27-2021, 04:44 PM
Over 1400. 1391 that aren’t deleted on one name alone. He has two main accounts and then at least 2 major alts I can think of but I don’t feel like finding the numbers on those. Call it 1500 total and you might actually be short.

11-27-2021, 04:58 PM
Kill the hyperbole

11-27-2021, 05:00 PM
Over 1400. 1391 that aren’t deleted on one name alone. He has two main accounts and then at least 2 major alts I can think of but I don’t feel like finding the numbers on those. Call it 1500 total and you might actually be short.

11-27-2021, 05:08 PM
Kill the hyperbole

Near as I can tell 1391 is the actual number not counting alts like his trada one and others he uses while banned. Also doesnt count all the deleted ones which I can still see but list out of order and would require a lot more effort to count.

11-27-2021, 05:16 PM
Over 1400. 1391 that aren’t deleted on one name alone. He has two main accounts and then at least 2 major alts I can think of but I don’t feel like finding the numbers on those. Call it 1500 total and you might actually be short.

He's the babe Ruth of LeBron hating. Undisputed champion playa hater.


Pimps back in the day probably argued who had more women. Now we argue over stats.

11-27-2021, 05:35 PM
That's serial killer behaviour.

11-27-2021, 05:42 PM
He's like that LeBron superfan making retarded topics.

Just on the opposite spectrum

11-27-2021, 05:53 PM
He's the babe Ruth of LeBron hating. Undisputed champion playa hater.


Pimps back in the day probably argued who had more women. Now we argue over stats.

Nah Babe Ruth was good at what he did. He didn’t just do a lot of it. There comes a point you just lose all credibility and become a sideshow. I’d listen to a guy tell me why he hates quentin tarantino. If that’s all he talks about every time I see him not only would I stop listening I’d hope to stop bumping into him. It’s just off putting weirdo behavior.

To be an effective hater you have to seem sane enough for someone to value your opinions. Good haters have to be subtle or at least not seem crazy.

You are obviously a Lebron hater but it’s not all you are. I don’t know how anyone does it this long for free.

11-27-2021, 05:59 PM
Nah Babe Ruth was good at what he did. He didn’t just do a lot of it. There comes a point you just lose all credibility and become a sideshow. I’d listen to a guy tell me why he hates quentin tarantino. If that’s all he talks about every time I see him not only would I stop listening I’d hope to stop bumping into him. It’s just off putting weirdo behavior.

To be an effective hater you have to seem sane enough for someone to value your opinions. Good haters have to be subtle or at least not seem crazy.

You are obviously a Lebron hater but it’s not all you are. I don’t know how anyone does it this long for free.

One sorry ass muthafukka no doubt.

11-27-2021, 06:00 PM
He's like that LeBron superfan making retarded topics.

Just on the opposite spectrum

Both sides claim the other side is why they exist as a means of deflecting from their own insanity. Kinda like protesters and and counter protestors. Your town have a planned parenthood or some kinda place that does pregnancy care? They do abortions….and all kinds of other stuff. You get care to stay healthy. General baby related medical shit. Vitamins. Ultrasounds. But since they do abortions psychos stand out front and yell at women going in as if they must be there for an abortion. It rubs people wrong so you get counter protesting of pro choice people yelling at the psychos about choice.

Drive by these places it’s a war zone of signs and yelling. Both sides acting like they have to resist the evil of the other side.

It escalates because people just cannot look at crazy….and go about their business. Some people have to engage it…now there’s two nuts instead of one.

Society does not need either side and sports doesn’t either.

Spurs m8
11-27-2021, 06:03 PM
How many threads about 3ball have YOU made?

11-27-2021, 06:11 PM
Near as I can tell 1391 is the actual number not counting alts like his trada one and others he uses while banned. Also doesnt count all the deleted ones which I can still see but list out of order and would require a lot more effort to count.

So 1391 is the count of threads started or threads about LeBron? A thread defaming Pippen isn't automatically a LeBron thread either.

11-27-2021, 06:19 PM
Near as I can tell 1391 is the actual number not counting alts like his trada one and others he uses while banned. Also doesnt count all the deleted ones which I can still see but list out of order and would require a lot more effort to count.
What are his alts besides trada?

11-27-2021, 06:26 PM
How long has he been around?

I remember posters always talking about Kobe vs MJ for during the mid and late 00s. But he wasn't around then. At least, I don't remember.

And LeBron didn't really get this much goat talk until 2016 I think?

But I think I remember him doing a topic where he claim MJ was a better shooter than Curry or something because in 16, Curry popularity and hype just sky rocketed.

I think it's been about six-seven years? That's a long time hatin, lol. I'm wondering what will happen when LeBron retires tho. Who is the next person to hate?

11-27-2021, 06:33 PM
So 1391 is the count of threads started or threads about LeBron? A thread defaming Pippen isn't automatically a LeBron thread either.

It’s all the exact same thing. The Lebron lovers make a topic on how great Pippen is then play the “I didn’t even bring up Jordan/Lebron…you did!” game.

It is absolutely a mental condition going both ways.

11-27-2021, 06:36 PM
Over 1400. 1391 that aren’t deleted on one name alone. He has two main accounts and then at least 2 major alts I can think of but I don’t feel like finding the numbers on those. Call it 1500 total and you might actually be short.

So I'm the world authority on the topic - no one has analyzed the topic more

11-27-2021, 06:40 PM
Over 1400. 1391 that aren’t deleted on one name alone. He has two main accounts and then at least 2 major alts I can think of but I don’t feel like finding the numbers on those. Call it 1500 total and you might actually be short.

Yikes. That's ground for a mental problem.

11-27-2021, 06:43 PM
It’s all the exact same thing. The Lebron lovers make a topic on how great Pippen is then play the “I didn’t even bring up Jordan/Lebron…you did!” game.

It is absolutely a mental condition going both ways.


11-27-2021, 06:45 PM
Yikes. That's ground for a mental problem.

Oh look here, a soft actor

11-27-2021, 06:55 PM
It’s all the exact same thing. The Lebron lovers make a topic on how great Pippen is then play the “I didn’t even bring up Jordan/Lebron…you did!” game.

It is absolutely a mental condition going both ways.

Where do we draw the line between delusional fanship of Jordan and delusional hatred of LeBron then? I think he suffers from both, but they are mutually exclusive concepts.

11-27-2021, 07:02 PM
How long has he been around?

I remember posters always talking about Kobe vs MJ for during the mid and late 00s. But he wasn't around then. At least, I don't remember.

And LeBron didn't really get this much goat talk until 2016 I think?

But I think I remember him doing a topic where he claim MJ was a better shooter than Curry or something because in 16, Curry popularity and hype just sky rocketed.

I think it's been about six-seven years? That's a long time hatin, lol. I'm wondering what will happen when LeBron retires tho. Who is the next person to hate?

His account join date is 02-20-2014


11-27-2021, 07:30 PM
So I'm the world authority on the topic - no one has analyzed the topic more


11-27-2021, 07:35 PM

Who's a better authority?... Skip Bayless?... Shannon Sharpe... Nick Wright?... Sam Smith?...

I'd ragdoll each of them

11-27-2021, 07:36 PM
So I'm the world authority on the topic - no one has analyzed the topic more
Your analysis is dogshit

11-27-2021, 07:58 PM
Your analysis is dogshit

JJ Redick analysis: Lebron is feared because I was scared to take a charge on him (he literally said that) and also the Pistons used to beat up MJ

3ball analysis: Tons of guys are bigger and more difficult to take charges on than Lebron, while the Bad Boys feared MJ by designing their entire team to stop him (Jordan Rules), including constant double-teams because his teammates weren't comparable threats.. Otoh, Lebron doesn't get doubled and usually has a more feared teammate in the clutch.

11-27-2021, 08:02 PM
d-duh-uhhh I’m a retard

11-27-2021, 08:12 PM
3ball is the OG GOAT of this forum, he's like jordan. On the biggest stage, he NEVER loses.

I'm the new goat of this forum like Kawhi. Had the goat playoff run in 2019 of all sports history.

We be keeping the lebron bums in their place, it's healthy for the forum.

11-27-2021, 08:39 PM
3ball is the OG GOAT of this forum, he's like jordan. On the biggest stage, he NEVER loses.

I'm the new goat of this forum like Kawhi. Had the goat playoff run in 2019 of all sports history.

We be keeping the lebron bums in their place, it's healthy for the forum.

People tend to win games where they make up and then constantly change the rules.

It’s literally what children do.

11-27-2021, 08:55 PM
I like how we just gloss over the fact that "3ba11" isn't even the original 3ball.

This guy is literally "Wheels" or some similar idiot just pretending to be and copying and pasting the original's posts. :facepalm

11-27-2021, 09:49 PM
I like how we just gloss over the fact that "3ba11" isn't even the original 3ball.

This guy is literally "Wheels" or some similar idiot just pretending to be and copying and pasting the original's posts. :facepalm


11-27-2021, 09:50 PM
I think it's been about six-seven years? That's a long time hatin, lol. I'm wondering what will happen when LeBron retires tho. Who is the next person to hate?

He started attacking Doncic out of nowhere a few months ago. Seemed shook.