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Doomsday Dallas
12-08-2021, 09:15 PM

video is only 1 minute and 37 seconds. Pay close attention.

completely forgot about this scene. Serious Helicopter Crash.

Been feeling pretty confident lately that this is how they will attempt to get The Don in 2023. Similar to Kobe.

We'll see how things play out.

Doomsday Dallas
12-08-2021, 09:42 PM
But the real twist here... in all this aftermath,... after Trump is gone and Democrats start to really take over (and run things poorly for several years, I might add).... who will the Red Team turn to?

In the MCU, They had to call in Captain Marvel for help right?

Ivanka 2028 or 2032 is a very real and legit possibility... and she is a true Marvel to behold, have you ever looked at her?

The Daughter of the Beast, covenant with Israel through marriage, very strong potential to be The Whore of Babylon. Finishing up her Father's work.


Think maybe we've been paying attention to the wrong Republican this entire time.

Ivanka is the one to watch out for. She holds all the cards.

12-08-2021, 10:35 PM
yeah, man.

Off the Court
12-08-2021, 11:23 PM
OP forget to take his meds again.

Doomsday Dallas
12-08-2021, 11:24 PM
yeah, man.

She's going to be queen of America's socialist empire here in about 10 years.

Dems will build it for her, they'll take 2020, 2024, and 2028... the Trump name will come back into political power in 2032. She'll be 51 years old. People will say enough is enough, and elect another Trump in revolt.

Then the prophecy will be complete. America will crumble under her reign. Probably nuked... Maybe an asteroid.



Serious Prophecy.


Doomsday Dallas
12-08-2021, 11:35 PM

Doomsday Dallas > Simpsons

Simpsons say 2028, I say 2032.

I'm right, they are wrong.

Fans of the iconic show have recently been drawn to a detail which features in Season 28, episode 4.

Titled ‘Treehouse of Horror XXVII’, the episode first aired on October 16th 2016.

The episode opens with the Simpsons walking down the street in their Halloween costumes and Bart asks: “Dad, why are you taking us Christmas tree shopping on halloween?”

Homer replies: “Because in America, everything’s way too early.” Dressed as Bender from Futurama, he opens up his costume to reveal a pin badge emblazoned with “Ivanka 2028”.

“See,” he says, laughing to himself.

We then cut and the gag isn’t followed up again.

The joke was particularly timely considering Donald Trump didn’t assume office until January 2017. So, the gag actually prefigured the Trump presidency.