View Full Version : Addicting YouTube Channel

12-10-2021, 10:22 AM
It's probably not healthy, but I've been kind of addicted to this YouTube channel called JCS Criminal Pyschology. The videos are usually 30 to 60 minutes long going into detail about criminals that usually lie about murdering someone, and they show the interrogation footage and break down what is going on over the course of the suspect breaking down. Super intereseting to watch IMO.

The guy goes into detail about Casey Anthony after her daughter was missing for 31 days, the grandmother calls police to let ttem know what she just found out her granddaughter is missing and Casey knew about this for 31 days, then eventually they find the girl's body. Totally blows my f*cking mind a jury found her not guilty on everything.

Anyway, here's mt favorite so far. A husbands wife was killed with a shotgun, then after she was killed with the gun the attacker took the butt of the gun and bashed her head in repeateldy and there was a bite mark left on the victim's body AFTER she was killed. THis happened back in the 80s, before DNA...eventually the case went cold, then they opened up the cold case recently becuase of DNA advancements...come to find out one of teh suspects they determined back then that had nothing to do with it was cleared...that suspect (which did do the crime) worked for the police department at the time and was having an affair with the husbad, and was still working for the department when they reopened the case. They videotapped her pretending to ask questions about the wife and husband in regards to another crime they were pretending, theny they dumped on her.

Imagine, killing someone, and getting away with it for over 25 years. Then one random day you're brought into a room and questions about a name you've tried to erase from your mind for 25 years pretending you don't remember your relationships...


...there's also another case where a husband killed his wife and two daughters. Took a poly, stiraght up failed that ****er horribly, and still denied it even with evidence. It's like people live in another universe sometimes.

12-10-2021, 09:50 PM
In case you don't know, he does have another YouTube channel with a few more breakdowns:


And there are several homage channels as well. Simplifying lengthy interrogations through narration has become a mini genre on YouTube. Something intriguing seeing how monsters try to paint a narrative and talk their way back to freedom.

Chick Stern
12-12-2021, 11:50 AM
polygraphs are worthless, except to get a perp to believe they have revealed something