View Full Version : Philly are missing Ben

Im Still Ballin
12-16-2021, 09:17 PM
Let's be honest

12-16-2021, 09:20 PM
No kidding.

Look how far their defense has tanked without him.

Surprised it took this situation for the true value of Simmons to even show.

12-16-2021, 09:22 PM
Ya think? What team is better without their 2nd highest paid player for the whole season?

Nobody ever said he made Philly worse, people say he limits their max potential over a proper 2nd option.

12-16-2021, 09:24 PM
Ya think? What team is better without their 2nd highest paid player for the whole season?

Nobody ever said he made Philly worse, people say he limits their max potential over a proper 2nd option.

What a revisionist take. All offseason and early in the season he was getting dragged through the mud and called overrated and was the reason they lost in the play offs.

Im Still Ballin
12-16-2021, 09:32 PM
CJ wouldn't even make them better than Ben would. Not even sure Lillard would either.

Honestly think Myles Turner would make Philly better than either of them. Would make their defense solid again, while providing spacing for Joel to work inside.

It'd be like a supercharged version of Sabonis-Turner.

The only question would be if Turner has the mobility to play alongside Embiid? Would it be another Horford situation?

12-16-2021, 09:33 PM
What a revisionist take. All offseason and early in the season he was getting dragged through the mud and called overrated and was the reason they lost in the play offs.

He was the reason! Lol @ the fact that you aren't getting the simple idea of what the team is needing.

If Embiid had Jimmy Butler instead of Simmons last year he cakewalks to the Finals.

Yes, the defense, passing, and rebounding of both Butler and Simmons are traits any team needs. The difference between them is Simmons is incapable of hitting free throws, jumpers, or continuing to be aggressive getting to the basket. Yes, Philly needs those positive things Simmons already brings, but they ALSO need scoring and to not play 4 on 5 with him shrinking the floor and shrinking mentally.

hold this L
12-16-2021, 09:37 PM
What a revisionist take. All offseason and early in the season he was getting dragged through the mud and called overrated and was the reason they lost in the play offs.

Because he was. He shot 4 shots in the 4th Q of 7 games. Doesn't change that he is still their 2nd best player and eating up 35m of their budget they could use elsewhere. Add to that with Embiid being out and with corona, it was going to show even more.

Mask the Embiid
12-16-2021, 09:40 PM
No we don’t.Tobias is just still struggling with covid after effects. The salary cap he’s taking up is hurting us more than him not playing…. Replace his cap with someone else and were just fine

Dr. Lemon
12-16-2021, 10:43 PM
Philly *is* missing Ben.

Im Still Ballin
12-16-2021, 10:50 PM
Philly *is* missing Ben.

Thanks, Dr. Lemon!

12-16-2021, 11:04 PM
No we don’t.Tobias is just still struggling with covid after effects. The salary cap he’s taking up is hurting us more than him not playing…. Replace his cap with someone else and were just fine


12-16-2021, 11:05 PM
Crazy how nobody is mad about Philly paying Tobias Harris, his max contract looks a lot worse than Ben’s save one series where he sold

12-16-2021, 11:05 PM
"We don't need Ben Simmons"


12-16-2021, 11:31 PM
He was the reason! Lol @ the fact that you aren't getting the simple idea of what the team is needing.

If Embiid had Jimmy Butler instead of Simmons last year he cakewalks to the Finals.

Yes, the defense, passing, and rebounding of both Butler and Simmons are traits any team needs. The difference between them is Simmons is incapable of hitting free throws, jumpers, or continuing to be aggressive getting to the basket. Yes, Philly needs those positive things Simmons already brings, but they ALSO need scoring and to not play 4 on 5 with him shrinking the floor and shrinking mentally.

Tobias was the reason. Simmons passed on an open layup, Tobias missed multiple layups and took horrible shots. Watch that game again.

12-16-2021, 11:39 PM
Tobias was the reason. Simmons passed on an open layup, Tobias missed multiple layups and took horrible shots. Watch that game again.

Now THIS is revisionist.

Tobias averaged 19.4/7.4/3.3 PPG/REB/AST on 48/36/84 shooting splits for the series. Yes he had a rough shooting night on game 7, but the source of the problem is he's having to be more aggressive than he should be because Simmons is completely ghost on offense.

Tobias is overpaid, Simmons is overpaid. The difference is Tobias did his job in the series, Simmons shat his diaper.

Im Still Ballin
12-17-2021, 12:04 AM
Ben brought 3 things that this team is currently missing:

- Defense
- Transition offense off of defensive stops
- Facilitation

Last year = 20.8 PPG from transition (18.4 possessions)
This year = 16.6 PPG from transition (13.8 possessions)

This year is scoring better per possession, but they're getting significantly fewer transition opportunities compared to last year:

Last year = 16.5% frequency (9th out of 30)
This year = 13.1% frequency (27th out of 30)

Ryoka Narusawa
12-17-2021, 12:36 AM
"We don't need Ben Simmons"



12-17-2021, 12:40 AM
Doc Rivers should suit up

12-17-2021, 11:16 AM
Let's be honest

huh - massey is 10x better than Simmons (.)

12-17-2021, 11:30 AM
sixers were 35-7 when embiid and simmons played last season. they should have talked to him privately after the playoffs not single him out through the media. the process in phi is done.

12-17-2021, 01:35 PM
sixers were 35-7 when embiid and simmons played last season. they should have talked to him privately after the playoffs not single him out through the media. the process in phi is done.
Nah the process is restarting.

hold this L
12-17-2021, 01:53 PM
sixers were 35-7 when embiid and simmons played last season. they should have talked to him privately after the playoffs not single him out through the media. the process in phi is done.

He's not the only one that got put down in the media, this has happened plenty of times. Kobe got insulted by the goat manager a long time ago and his reaction was that it is what it is and move on. Ben Simmons on the other hand, apparently is a higher caliber player that needs to be treated like this is a safe space in a college campus.

12-17-2021, 01:56 PM
He's not the only one that got put down in the media, this has happened plenty of times. Kobe got insulted by the goat manager a long time ago and his reaction was that it is what it is and move on. Ben Simmons on the other hand, apparently is a higher caliber player that needs to be treated like this is a safe space in a college campus.

This. People like simmons and kyrie make you appreciate true professionals that try to play all games and win.

12-17-2021, 02:02 PM
Now THIS is revisionist.

Tobias averaged 19.4/7.4/3.3 PPG/REB/AST on 48/36/84 shooting splits for the series. Yes he had a rough shooting night on game 7, but the source of the problem is he's having to be more aggressive than he should be because Simmons is completely ghost on offense.

Tobias is overpaid, Simmons is overpaid. The difference is Tobias did his job in the series, Simmons shat his diaper.

How so? Tobias missing layups cost the game but Ben had to be the martyr for passing on an open layup. That actually happened. You base a series on one play. But that particular game was on Tobias.

12-17-2021, 02:21 PM
He definitely helps a lot if you need to guard Durant.

12-17-2021, 03:23 PM
He definitely helps a lot if you need to guard Durant.

Of course. And to QB the defense. Can you imagine having Simmons and a leveled up Matysse on the floor at the same time??

12-17-2021, 05:39 PM
Agree. Ben adds juice in transition, playmaking, and of course defense. I wish both sides would just kiss and make up..... but this relationship is over & Ben won't play for the Sixers again. I expect trade talks to heat up considerably now that Philadelphia is fading in the playoff picture

12-17-2021, 08:14 PM
How so? Tobias missing layups cost the game but Ben had to be the martyr for passing on an open layup. That actually happened. You base a series on one play. But that particular game was on Tobias.

Tobias is not playing up , but below average... not sure why is even considered a 3rd option.

12-18-2021, 04:50 AM
Ben ruined the Sixers season.

Plain and simple.

He should just man the fucx up and say he is sorry and admit his mental health issues have effected his decision making.

I'm sure his teammates would be pissed but they would get over it pretty quick and would realize it is the best thing for them all.

The Philadelphia faithful can be harsh but we are are also the most fair fandom in the country. Nothing is insumatable and he could still come back and play and still request a trade and move on and do all the shit he wants for the future.

It will never happen, tho.

The simple fact is what is happening now is pretty much the worst for all parties involved. We are better of tanking the rest of the season now.

Waste of everything, especially considering how short a professional athletes career is, all over nothing but some sensitive feelings.

12-18-2021, 08:56 PM
Rivers shouldn't have job right now. Coaches should not throw players under the bus like that end of story. Management should of made trading Ben priority one last off-season and should also be updating their resumes. Holding out for an all-star plus every first round pick a team can legally part with for the next decade.

For the 50th millionth time. No team is going to part with half a decade of their future on a disgruntled power forward who is pretending he is a point guard. A point guard that can't shoot.

I give him credit he is a defensive weapon to the right coach. But... he is a point guard... that can't shoot. Let that sink in. Your best teams first or second best player and your entire future gambling on a point guard that clogs the paint. And playoff teams will just hack-a-ben or dare him to shoot and play 4 on 5.

Its insanity. Resolve this now or embied will follow him out the door and you will end up with the Tobias Harris and friends era. I don't feel sorry for philly, don't throw your guys under the bus in the media. Stay classy ffs. I don't like Ben's precedent. His agent needs to stop the rampant power plays before the next few years these stalemates erupt around the league.

12-18-2021, 10:35 PM
Ben ruined the Sixers season.

Plain and simple.

He should just man the fucx up and say he is sorry and admit his mental health issues have effected his decision making.

I'm sure his teammates would be pissed but they would get over it pretty quick and would realize it is the best thing for them all.

The Philadelphia faithful can be harsh but we are are also the most fair fandom in the country. Nothing is insumatable and he could still come back and play and still request a trade and move on and do all the shit he wants for the future.

It will never happen, tho.

The simple fact is what is happening now is pretty much the worst for all parties involved. We are better of tanking the rest of the season now.

Waste of everything, especially considering how short a professional athletes career is, all over nothing but some sensitive feelings.

Most fair?

You literally threw Simmons under the bus and never let up the second the play offs were over. Both the fan base and the organization drug Simmons publicly through the mud before he ever did a thing.

12-18-2021, 11:07 PM
. Nobody ever said he made Philly worse, people say he limits their max potential over a proper 2nd option.

For one….how did you miss all the people saying he made Philly worse?

Second….people are stupid. Losing a defender of his caliber makes it just as hard to win as losing a shooter. You don’t win without defense or shooting but shallow offense minded fans get caught up in points and ignore the other team scoring more than you is still an L even if you drop 30 and the team has 120.

Im Still Ballin
12-18-2021, 11:50 PM
They were good enough to win a championship. 35-7 when Ben and Joel both played, as mentioned earlier.

Hell, he played well outside of his free throw shooting in the playoffs. His on/off was +19.6 over 12 games and 402 minutes.

They just needed to stay put and run it back. They might not have been an outright favourite like GSW was in the past, but they were in the mix. They needed to remain consistent and show up year in year out like San Antonio used to... eventually things would fall into place for them. Just like it did for Dallas.

Dr. Lemon
12-18-2021, 11:56 PM
Benjamin was the glue that sealed the cracks for Philadelphia.

Now, the flaws can't stop seeping through.

Mask the Embiid
01-16-2022, 01:10 AM
"We don't need Ben Simmons"




Mask the Embiid
01-25-2022, 11:40 PM
No kidding.

Look how far their defense has tanked without him.

Surprised it took this situation for the true value of Simmons to even show.

What value ??? You play 4 on 5 with him on your team on offense. No amount of defense can overcome that unless you have klay steph and kd and can overcome playing 4 on 5… look at embiid when he gets to play 5 on 5 on offense!