View Full Version : LeBron haters told us Kyle Kuzma would be a star without LeBron...

12-19-2021, 05:50 AM
Meanwhile he's doing worse across the board without LeSpoonfeeder getting him easy looks :oldlol:

Last year with LeGenerosity: 12.9 PPG on 54.6 TS % in 28.7 MPG (16.1 PTS per 36)

This year: 12.6 PPG on 51.6 TS% in 32.3 MPG (14.1 PTS per 36)

All-star numbers for sure :lol

12-19-2021, 07:15 AM
Almost forgot, his on/off is -9.4. Almost like he's a bad player...

12-19-2021, 07:21 AM
This is Lebron's fault too.

12-19-2021, 07:53 AM
What about assists and rebounds?

12-19-2021, 08:40 AM
What about assists and rebounds?
What does that have to do with anything you tard? He's not averaging nearly enough in either category to offset his dreadful scoring. All-star doe :yaohappy:

12-19-2021, 09:26 AM
You’re telling me Lebron won a title with this piece of shit getting major minutes? Just GOAT things I suppose :applause:

Full Court
12-19-2021, 09:57 AM
But to be fair, Lebron's defense has drastically suffered without Kuzma pushing him into the players he's supposed to be guarding.

12-19-2021, 10:00 AM

12-19-2021, 10:02 AM
You’re telling me Lebron won a title with this piece of shit getting major minutes? Just GOAT things I suppose :applause:
As the third option, no less. Imagine winning a ring with one of the worst players in the league as your third option :biggums:

Indian guy
12-19-2021, 10:32 AM
It's such a bizarre opinion to have to begin with. How does one watch Kuzma at any point of his career and see star potential? He simply doesn't have the talent for one - 6'10 guy who lacks the strength to play inside, not a good shooter to excel outside and doesn't have the athleticism to play on the perimeter. His ceiling at best is a stretch 4 or a 3&D guy and maybe he'll improve his skills enough to the point where he can be a valuable role player one day. As of right now though he's a bad combination of limited ability + low IQ. Truly one of the dumbest players I've ever seen on the court.

12-19-2021, 10:36 AM
every player is great before lebron plays with them. then they turn to dust. he's pure cancer

kuzma was sick before bran ball infected him

12-19-2021, 10:56 AM
It's such a bizarre opinion to have to begin with. How does one watch Kuzma at any point of his career and see star potential? He simply doesn't have the talent for one - 6'10 guy who lacks the strength to play inside, not a good shooter to excel outside and doesn't have the athleticism to play on the perimeter. His ceiling at best is a stretch 4 or a 3&D guy and maybe he'll improve his skills enough to the point where he can be a valuable role player one day. As of right now though he's a bad combination of limited ability + low IQ. Truly one of the dumbest players I've ever seen on the court.
He’s really not good at anything besides cutting.

12-19-2021, 10:56 AM
I’m severely brain damaged
Kuzma was always shit

Full Court
12-19-2021, 11:29 AM


You're a witty one, cupcake.

12-19-2021, 11:34 AM
He is playing worse than his rookie season.

12-19-2021, 12:25 PM
He’s damaged goods like the others after playing with lebron for more than a year. As bad as kyries attitude is, he is atill mentally strong to have not gotten his game diminished after playing with lebron for so long.

Full Court
12-19-2021, 01:25 PM
He’s damaged goods like the others after playing with lebron for more than a year. As bad as kyries attitude is, he is atill mentally strong to have not gotten his game diminished after playing with lebron for so long.

I really don't think you can blame Labrone for the lackluster way Kuzma's career is turning out. He had a great year in 2020, but that was pretty much it. His problem is that he got caught up in too many other things, and I don't think his focus on basketball is there. He'll end up being a bunch of wasted potential.

Caruso and Lonzo Ball seem to be thriving post-Labrone.

12-19-2021, 02:01 PM
For players on the fringe of becoming stars, the differences between them are small, so budding stars can easily fall back to the pack if they lose critical development years regressing in a spot-up role.

Kuzma was infact a budding star (https://i.makeagif.com/media/3-24-2021/pPs2wv.gif) and ahead of the curve compared to his fellow rookies, but he immediately starting declining when Lebron arrived in 2019 across the board (lower PER, BPM, VORP, WS/48).. He continued declining each year in Lebron-ball and by the time he left, he'd fallen back to the pack and was no longer ahead of the curve.

That's what happens on the pro level where the margins between players are thin and a few lost years will relegate a budding star to also-ran status.. There are infact TONS of examples of this happening to young players that miss or regress a few years for one reason or another.

12-19-2021, 02:02 PM
sob sob sob…stop owning me, RRR3 :cry:
No, not until you stop polluting the board.

12-19-2021, 02:21 PM
No, not until you stop polluting the board.

lol good one..

but the reality is that players who are easily superstars like Zion or David Robinson might be able to miss a few years and still be stars..

But for players that are fighting to make the cut - they have very slim margin between them and a few lost development years spells doom, like we saw with Kuzma.. It almost happened to Ingram too, who similarly had a 1-year drop acroos the board in advanced stats alongside Lebron.. Fortunately, Ingram escaped in time to resume his upward trajectory.

12-19-2021, 02:59 PM
I mean it RRR3 keep on exposing my stupidity and I’ll report you to Jeff you big meanie :mad:

12-19-2021, 04:18 PM

Players that aren't shoe-ins to be stars and could go either way can't waste critical development years regressing and moving back to the pack like Kuzma did during his years with Lebron.

No young player has ever seen statistical growth during a tenure with Lebron, so Lebron never grew any player.. :confusedshrug:...

it's because his skill restriction to ball-dominance imposes spot-up roles that stall young players, thereby needing ready-made stars to win (team-hopping, talent-based winning).. Talent-based winning loses to organic chemistry, so Lebron has a lottery record against Spurs, Mavs and Warriors.

Full Court
12-19-2021, 04:43 PM
sob sob sob…stop owning me, RRR3

No, not until you stop polluting the board.

This is the kind of low IQ response low IQ posters like RRR3 do when they can't put together a coherent, intelligent argument. They resort to changing a quote and then responding to what they changed it to. What a tool.

Full Court
12-19-2021, 04:45 PM
I mean it RRR3 keep on exposing my stupidity and I’ll report you to Jeff you big meanie


What a moron this guy is. RRR3 has to be the biggest idiot on ISH. And that's saying something, because there are some dummmmmb posters on here.