View Full Version : Why do black Americans dominate the NBA

12-26-2021, 11:10 PM
Are genetics the primary factor

12-26-2021, 11:15 PM
Oh no!

While this is obviously a sincere question from a genuinely curious poster, I fear it may provoke controversial responses which the OP clearly has not foreseen in creating this thread.

12-26-2021, 11:16 PM
It has the lowest paywall of the major sports in the US. It's also why soccer(football) is the biggest sport in the world. You can play it anywhere, you don't need special equipment and you can do it with a small group of people.

12-26-2021, 11:20 PM
It has the lowest paywall of the major sports in the US. It's also why soccer(football) is the biggest sport in the world. You can play it anywhere, you don't need special equipment and you can do it with a small group of people.

So its easily accessible to anyone. I agree

Why do blacks dominate though, if it's easily accessible to anyone

A lot of the best players come from affluent families who have the money to further their kids development, so you would think there would be more whites or Chinese

12-26-2021, 11:22 PM
I guess society realized blacks were more athletic then whites about 40 years ago. Since then its just been a trend.

Half whites seem to be really dominant as well though. Curry is a perfect example, trae as well.

Full white Americans are just dorks for the lack of better term. Their good at things like pitching in baseball or quarterback in football, also good at being coaches like that dork Steve Kerr. Not athletes though.

But a mixed white and black can be incredibly dominant from curry to Mahomes in football

12-26-2021, 11:27 PM
I guess society realized blacks were more athletic then whites about 40 years ago. Since then its just been a trend.

Half whites seem to be really dominant as well though. Curry is a perfect example, trae as well.

Full white Americans are just dorks for the lack of better term. Their good at things like pitching in baseball or quarterback in football, also good at being coaches like that dork Steve Kerr. Not athletes though.

But a mixed white and black can be incredibly dominant from curry to Mahomes in football
What do whites dominate in this world

12-26-2021, 11:41 PM
What do whites dominate in this world

Because Kawhi Not???



No but seriously, OP did create this thread so he could respond to his own question with a different user account.

Cheers, everybody. :cheers:

Edit: I misread “what do” as “why do” hence the Kawhi Not response.

Everything else I said applies tho.

Cheers everybody.

12-27-2021, 12:38 AM
Do you know the most expensive sports to play are ice hockey, sking, snowboarding. Do you think it's coiencedence that less than 2% of black atlhletes percipate in those sports.
Basketball and Football have historic significance in the black community because they were the first sports that white colleges offered scholorships for on a large scale to black students. We can easily reach the wrong conclusions because we focus on something as simple as skin color instead of looking at deeper causation. Especially since it's only been since 1950 that blacks were allowed to play in the NBA.
The race question is a big rabbit hole, there are many others like why does China dominate table tennis? Why is India dominant in Cricket? and on and on.

12-27-2021, 12:42 AM
So its easily accessible to anyone. I agree

Why do blacks dominate though, if it's easily accessible to anyone

A lot of the best players come from affluent families who have the money to further their kids development, so you would think there would be more whites or Chinese

Europeans from poor places also dominate you are now seeing a bunch of 2nd generation players coming in thanks to the training and teaching of their parents

12-27-2021, 12:46 AM
Swimming doesn't have many elite black athletes I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.

12-27-2021, 12:54 AM
Genetics and cultural.

African American has the genetics advantage to excel in any sports that require athleticism and explosiveness. It just so happen basketball is culturally very popular amongst this group.

12-27-2021, 12:56 AM
Swimming doesn't have many elite black athletes I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.

It's proportionate



12-27-2021, 01:13 AM
It's proportionate



Good one :roll:

12-27-2021, 10:04 AM
I guess society realized blacks were more athletic then whites about 40 years ago. Since then its just been a trend.

Half whites seem to be really dominant as well though. Curry is a perfect example, trae as well.

Full white Americans are just dorks for the lack of better term. Their good at things like pitching in baseball or quarterback in football, also good at being coaches like that dork Steve Kerr. Not athletes though.

But a mixed white and black can be incredibly dominant from curry to Mahomes in football

Light skin blacks aren’t always or even typically half white/half black. Curry is not mixed race, his mother is creole and his dad is black.

There are a lot of great athletes of any race in any position (see Luka Doncic or Julian Edelman) black people have been successful in sports such as football and basketball due to the lack of financial barriers to entry that would be more pronounced in a sport like hockey. Lacking opportunities in other areas you have a greater percentage of black people vying for these athletic careers than nonblack participants who have alternative paths to success.

12-27-2021, 10:25 AM
What do whites dominate in this world

hope this isn’t a serious question

12-27-2021, 12:30 PM
I think its cultural. Plenty of good young athletes don't try basketball, but pretty much every good young black athlete in the USA is pushed to try basketball. Black Americans used to dominate in baseball, until it stopped being popular in the culture. I don't think it's genetic. For guards especially, without the cultural push to stay with the sport, most people under 6'5" give up dreams of pro-hoops in high school. That's why a lot of the white American guards you see are coaches sons. They have something pushing them to stay with the sport besides having rare size. (Simply put, a 6'1" athletic and talented white 15 year old will probably give up basketball and pursue another sport, whereas the equivalent black teen is more likely to stick with it in the US).

My one genetic conspiracy theory is that white guys have smaller butts and it leads to lower back problems after hooping for years. Less cushion for falls.

12-27-2021, 12:48 PM
Most American white NBA guys are forwards and bigs. Guys who (compared to the total population) have freakish height. No matter where they grew up, somebody pushed them to basketball because they were tall. If they were competing with 10x as many people for spots as a 6'-6'3" guard, they would probably have pursued a different sport.

I went to church with a family that had 4 kids. 3 girls got college scholarships for volleyball and/or field hockey. The one brother grew to be 6'10". No basketball players in the extended family, and no real love for the sport ...but they pushed him into it and he ends up an end of the bench guy on a D1 team. If he was 6'4" he'd have never touched a basketball, he'd probably have played lacrosse.

12-27-2021, 01:05 PM
The real answer would get you banned

12-27-2021, 01:06 PM
What do whites dominate in this world

Power, wealth, influence.

12-27-2021, 01:19 PM
Most American white NBA guys are forwards and bigs. Guys who (compared to the total population) have freakish height. No matter where they grew up, somebody pushed them to basketball because they were tall. If they were competing with 10x as many people for spots as a 6'-6'3" guard, they would probably have pursued a different sport.

I went to church with a family that had 4 kids. 3 girls got college scholarships for volleyball and/or field hockey. The one brother grew to be 6'10". No basketball players in the extended family, and no real love for the sport ...but they pushed him into it and he ends up an end of the bench guy on a D1 team. If he was 6'4" he'd have never touched a basketball, he'd probably have played lacrosse.

Quality post

12-27-2021, 01:30 PM
People with West Africa origin are more explosive, this is a known fact. They also get tired more easily. East Africans, especially Kenyans are great at marathon running but they suck at sprinting. This is like a power vs endurance trade off. This also exists in MMA. Most powerful guys with knockout power get tired faster. With that said culture is definitely a factor too. Jamaica dominates sprinting but their athletes mostly have West African roots. They do better because they are better at recognizing talent, coaching, training etc...

12-27-2021, 01:47 PM
Power, wealth, influence.

u forgot IQ

Mr. Woke
12-27-2021, 04:46 PM
Black Americans (on average) are more talented athletically than white Americans and have a greater aptitude for the game of basketball.

12-27-2021, 05:25 PM
The real and most overlooked factor in this debate IMO is wingspan. Africans factually have longer wingspans than Europeans, due to natural selection for surface area in hotter climates.

Explosiveness is not that big a deal in basketball. The greatest point guards are rarely top athletes. Magic, Stockton, Kidd, Nash, Paul etc. Big dunks and flashy crossovers make the highlight reels, they dont determine game outcomes. “Fast twitch muscles” are immaterial.

But you need at least a majority of your team to be good defenders/rebounders to be competitive. Thats where the disparity comes in. Offense is more about skill and teamwork, which can be acquired/improved. Defense is where physical advantages change the dynamic. Long arms are a huge advantage in disrupting dribblers and contesting shots. If youve ever played against someone who’s very long (no lebron pun intended) you know how much harder it is just to get a clean look against them.

12-27-2021, 06:07 PM
There are physical differences between people, just a fact. If you look at native Africans they don't really dominate soccer despite it being the most popular sport in Africa. And native African countries don't do well in the Olympics either against world competition, except for Kenyans and marathon running. African Americans and Jamaicans on the other hand dominate on international stages because of what happened with the whole artificial selection process that occured where physical prowess was selected as the primary trait for reproduction, and amplified over 100s of years.

12-27-2021, 06:11 PM
honestly.. its more than obvious it's due to racism. white Europeans have no trouble breaking into the nba
and becoming great. just white Americans struggle. it's obvious they're just not given the opportunity to succeed. AAU teams are biased towards black players. great white players get frozen out of offenses when they make college teams. they're just labeled basic role players from the start. then we see guys like dirk/luka/jokic come over and just straight up dominate. makes no sense

12-27-2021, 06:25 PM
honestly.. its more than obvious it's due to racism. white Europeans have no trouble breaking into the nba
and becoming great. just white Americans struggle. it's obvious they're just not given the opportunity to succeed. AAU teams are biased towards black players. great white players get frozen out of offenses when they make college teams. they're just labeled basic role players from the start. then we see guys like dirk/luka/jokic come over and just straight up dominate. makes no sense

Those are eastern European countries which average the biggest people in the world. Look at Jokic and luka. They're fat and tall, just have great skill, tough, and have superb IQ and decision making. Dirk dominated almost exclusively on his GOAT shooting ability as well. None of those guys are good because of being freak athletes. Larry Bird, Stockton, Walton, Mullin, and Nash you can throw in there as well. All of the GOAT white players strengths were their shooting ability and decision making. There's never been a white Shaq or white Lebron.

La Frescobaldi
12-27-2021, 06:38 PM
The real and most overlooked factor in this debate IMO is wingspan. Africans factually have longer wingspans than Europeans, due to natural selection for surface area in hotter climates.

Explosiveness is not that big a deal in basketball. The greatest point guards are rarely top athletes. Magic, Stockton, Kidd, Nash, Paul etc. Big dunks and flashy crossovers make the highlight reels, they dont determine game outcomes. “Fast twitch muscles” are immaterial.

But you need at least a majority of your team to be good defenders/rebounders to be competitive. Thats where the disparity comes in. Offense is more about skill and teamwork, which can be acquired/improved. Defense is where physical advantages change the dynamic. Long arms are a huge advantage in disrupting dribblers and contesting shots. If youve ever played against someone who’s very long (no lebron pun intended) you know how much harder it is just to get a clean look against them.

5 - 10% luck and networking
5 - 10% training and coaching
40 - 50% desire to excel
40% fast twitch musculature

Im Still Ballin
12-27-2021, 08:08 PM
Read this 1971 Sports Illustrated article about why Blacks dominate sports in America.


This sort of article would never be published in today's world.

Key points:

- Blacks have proportionately shorter torsos, longer legs and narrower pelvises
- Denser, heavier, wider bones
- More muscle in the upper arm and upper leg
- Less bodyfat
- Potentially larger adrenal glands
- Different fat distribution -- less in the limbs

This is not so much a matter of height and weight as of body proportions. Researchers have found that the black American, on the average, tends to have a shorter trunk, a more slender pelvis, longer arms (especially forearms) and longer legs (especially from the knees down) than his white counterpart. His bones are denser, and therefore heavier, than those of whites. He has more muscle in the upper arms and legs, less in the calves. There is reason to believe that his fat distribution is patterned differently from that of the white man—leaner extremities but not much difference in the trunk. And there is a trifle of evidence—this aspect has been studied so little that it still is in the highly speculative state—that the black man's adrenal glands, a vital factor in many sports, are larger than the white man's.

- Hyperextensive joints
- More tendons and less muscle
- Are naturally loose/relaxed under pressure

There's also the slavery explanation. Apparently only 50% of slaves captured in Africa, made it to America. Some talk of selective breeding too...

The whole article is fascinating.

12-27-2021, 08:16 PM
It's proportionate



They represent more than the average. Blacks are only 13% in america and its 25% of the swim team

12-27-2021, 08:23 PM
Why do blacks 'dominate' porn?


Mr. Woke
12-27-2021, 11:47 PM
honestly.. its more than obvious it's due to racism. white Europeans have no trouble breaking into the nba
and becoming great. just white Americans struggle. it's obvious they're just not given the opportunity to succeed. AAU teams are biased towards black players. great white players get frozen out of offenses when they make college teams. they're just labeled basic role players from the start. then we see guys like dirk/luka/jokic come over and just straight up dominate. makes no sense

That makes zero sense.

You are a bitch made conservacuck who loves to play the victim. Why do conservacucks desperately want to be victims?

12-28-2021, 10:03 AM
There are physical differences between people, just a fact. If you look at native Africans they don't really dominate soccer despite it being the most popular sport in Africa. And native African countries don't do well in the Olympics either against world competition, except for Kenyans and marathon running. African Americans and Jamaicans on the other hand dominate on international stages because of what happened with the whole artificial selection process that occured where physical prowess was selected as the primary trait for reproduction, and amplified over 100s of years.

I agree.

I am from Jamaica, and there are disproportionately higher great athletes (especially sprinters - see Usain Bolt) from such a small country.

I am asian and have a long trunk and short legs - when I buy (women's) swimsuits, I have to buy one size up because of longer body trunk. Blacks (and whites) have much longer legs.

12-28-2021, 10:23 AM

12-28-2021, 10:32 AM
I agree.

I am from Jamaica, and there are disproportionately higher great athletes (especially sprinters - see Usain Bolt) from such a small country.

I am asian and have a long trunk and short legs - when I buy (women's) swimsuits, I have to buy one size up because of longer body trunk. Blacks (and whites) have much longer legs.

Jamaica has great sprinters but what about other sports like basketball and football? Jamaica is great at track and field because they focus on that discipline, I,m sure they could do well in other sports if the right development programs were in place.

The stereotype of black men is that they are bigger and taller than other races in America. In reality there are more taller white men on average than any other race in the US. Asian on average are shorter in the US but keep in mind the tallest person in the world is Asian so there is alot more going on than just skin color.

12-28-2021, 11:10 AM
Jamaica has great sprinters but what about other sports like basketball and football? Jamaica is great at track and field because they focus on that discipline, I,m sure they could do well in other sports if the right development programs were in place.

The stereotype of black men is that they are bigger and taller than other races in America. In reality there are more taller white men on average than any other race in the US. Asian on average are shorter in the US but keep in mind the tallest person in the world is Asian so there is alot more going on than just skin color.

Well, of course, the chances of the tallest person in the world being from Asia is very high - China has 17.8% of the world's population, India 17.7% - that's more than 1/3 of world population from just 2 Asian countries.

Jamaica was a British colony - girls play netball (in high school), boys play cricket. Kids don't play basketball or (America) football - they do play soccer though. The skills from track and field - running, jumping, strength - translate to almost every sport.

12-28-2021, 11:37 AM
Well, of course, the chances of the tallest person in the world being from Asia is very high - China has 17.8% of the world's population, India 17.7% - that's more than 1/3 of world population from just 2 Asian countries.

Jamaica was a British colony - girls play netball (in high school), boys play cricket. Kids don't play basketball or (America) football - they do play soccer though. The skills from track and field - running, jumping, strength - translate to almost every sport.

You are underscoring my point, there are many factors that outside of race like geography, diet, cultue, social norms and general population.
Simply by the numbers, eastern asia should dominate everything however modern DNA sequencing is revealing that the 5 recognized races are far more similar than original thought.
My point is you have to look deeper than skin color to understand why more American black players play in the NBA.


12-28-2021, 11:40 AM
So its easily accessible to anyone. I agree

Why do blacks dominate though, if it's easily accessible to anyone

A lot of the best players come from affluent families who have the money to further their kids development, so you would think there would be more whites or Chinese

this is a great response. if it's readily available to anyone, why do blacks dominate?

it's available to the rich, the poor, whites, blacks, asians, hispanic, european.

so why?

12-28-2021, 11:42 AM
Those are eastern European countries which average the biggest people in the world. Look at Jokic and luka. They're fat and tall, just have great skill, tough, and have superb IQ and decision making. Dirk dominated almost exclusively on his GOAT shooting ability as well. None of those guys are good because of being freak athletes. Larry Bird, Stockton, Walton, Mullin, and Nash you can throw in there as well. All of the GOAT white players strengths were their shooting ability and decision making. There's never been a white Shaq or white Lebron.

yeah there's no big white Americans lol

12-28-2021, 11:45 AM
That makes zero sense.

You are a bitch made conservacuck who loves to play the victim. Why do conservacucks desperately want to be victims?

yeah conservatives play the victim. that's what we're known for. we're always blaming the black man for our struggles in life. why didn't we get that job.. blacky ...thats why.

we wuz kangz

12-28-2021, 11:55 AM
this is a great response. if it's readily available to anyone, why do blacks dominate?

it's available to the rich, the poor, whites, blacks, asians, hispanic, european.

so why?

Imho, blacks would dominate every sport (save small-sized ones like gymnastics, figure skating, diving, jockeying) given the opportunity. Basketball is cheap - all is needed is a ball and a hoop - same for sprinting, long distancing running (Kenyans). Golf, tennis, etc are not - require money for equipment, fees, etc.

As stated before, are there any white Shaqs, Wilts, Giannis', etc.? White basketball players are usually skilled - not physical - and combining skill with physical - well, that's unstoppable. But there are other factors in winning - team mates, coaching, front office, drafting, etc.

12-28-2021, 12:00 PM
Imho, blacks would dominate every sport (save small-sized ones like gymnastics, figure skating, diving, jockeying) given the opportunity. Basketball is cheap - all is needed is a ball and a hoop - same for sprinting, long distancing running (Kenyans). Golf, tennis, etc are not - require money for equipment, fees, etc.

As stated before, are there any white Shaqs, Wilts, Giannis', etc.? White basketball players are usually skilled - not physical - and combining skill with physical - well, that's unstoppable. But there are other factors in winning - team mates, coaching, front office, drafting, etc.

figure skating? no way. skating is almost 100% skill. athleticism and size are not important.

soccer is also cheap. why don't blacks dominate soccer?

12-28-2021, 12:15 PM
figure skating? no way. skating is almost 100% skill. athleticism and size are not important.

soccer is also cheap. why don't blacks dominate soccer?

figure skating - SAVE meaning EXCEPT. Those sports need small (in size) - Asians, on average, are smaller.

Other than US on a whole doesn't play/emphasize soccer (not as much college opportunity, national league, financial incentive, etc.) - soccer does need a lot of space - I don't suppose there are a lot of soccer fields (except in the South) compared to gym/playground/city basketball courts.

12-28-2021, 12:25 PM
figure skating - SAVE meaning EXCEPT. Those sports need small (in size) - Asians, on average, are smaller.

Other than US on a whole doesn't play/emphasize soccer (not as much college opportunity, national league, financial incentive, etc.) - soccer does need a lot of space - I don't suppose there are a lot of soccer fields (except in the South) compared to gym/playground/city basketball courts.

there are almost 2 million black people in England. i think it's about the same in France. both soccer nations.

also, soccer is very popular in Africa.

12-28-2021, 12:29 PM
i think it comes down to skill vs athleticism.

sports that require a lot of athleticism and size (football, basketball) will be dominated by blacks.

sports that are more skill heavy (hockey, soccer, tennis, golf) will not.

that's not to say you can't succeed in basketball without much athleticism. Curry is a perfect example. but his skill level is leaps and bounds above everyone else.

12-28-2021, 12:40 PM
i think it comes down to skill vs athleticism.

sports that require a lot of athleticism and size (football, basketball) will be dominated by blacks.

sports that are more skill heavy (hockey, soccer, tennis, golf) will not.

that's not to say you can't succeed in basketball without much athleticism. Curry is a perfect example. but his skill level is leaps and bounds above everyone else.

Curry is still more athletic than his white counterparts, I believe I've seen videos of him doing 360 dunks with ease

That kinda proves a broader point when curry isn't considered very athletic compared to his peers.... black genetics are real

Also, I didn't mean to stir any controversy. It's nice to have honest discussions without people getting all sensitive

Some races have distinct genetic differences, and they're plainly obvious. The fact we live in a world where people deny this is quite amusing. I know talking about differences in IQ and the brain is where people lose their shit... lol

12-28-2021, 12:40 PM
Imho, blacks would dominate every sport (save small-sized ones like gymnastics, figure skating, diving, jockeying) given the opportunity. Basketball is cheap - all is needed is a ball and a hoop - same for sprinting, long distancing running (Kenyans). Golf, tennis, etc are not - require money for equipment, fees, etc.

As stated before, are there any white Shaqs, Wilts, Giannis', etc.? White basketball players are usually skilled - not physical - and combining skill with physical - well, that's unstoppable. But there are other factors in winning - team mates, coaching, front office, drafting, etc.

you ever heard of baseball, hockey, soccer, golf lol.. wtf dude.. and in football white guys control the game from the QB position. basketball is literally the only major sport black people dominate

nobodies stopping them from playing other sports

12-28-2021, 12:45 PM
i think it comes down to skill vs athleticism.

sports that require a lot of athleticism and size (football, basketball) will be dominated by blacks.

sports that are more skill heavy (hockey, soccer, tennis, golf) will not.

that's not to say you can't succeed in basketball without much athleticism. Curry is a perfect example. but his skill level is leaps and bounds above everyone else.

This doesn't explain why a lot of the top baseball players used to be black Americans, but no longer.

What DOES explain that is that little black kids aren't playing youth baseball at the same rate they used to. It's just not popular anymore, basketball is.

12-28-2021, 12:54 PM
This doesn't explain why a lot of the top baseball players used to be black Americans, but no longer.

What DOES explain that is that little black kids aren't playing youth baseball at the same rate they used to. It's just not popular anymore, basketball is.

Athleticism and explosiveness is still prevelant in baseball, home run hitting and base stealing, outfielding and gunning a ball

The skills are harder to learn than basketball but athleticism is very important in baseball as well

12-28-2021, 12:56 PM
This doesn't explain why a lot of the top baseball players used to be black Americans, but no longer.

What DOES explain that is that little black kids aren't playing youth baseball at the same rate they used to. It's just not popular anymore, basketball is.

Baseball has plenty of athletic advantage to it. Why do you think Barry bonds and all those other guys in the steroid era started shattering HR records after juicing? Strength is incredibly important and for fielding speed is very important.

12-28-2021, 01:01 PM
there are almost 2 million black people in England. i think it's about the same in France. both soccer nations.

also, soccer is very popular in Africa.

I was commenting on the US/soccer. Of course, if countries are die-hard (whatever) sport fans - the kids emulate.

Yes, soccer is very popular in Africa - I suppose someone like Hakeem didn't gain any advantage from his height and (RELATIVE lack of) feet agility in soccer as compared to basketball.

12-28-2021, 01:14 PM
I was commenting on the US/soccer. Of course, if countries are die-hard (whatever) sport fans - the kids emulate.

Yes, soccer is very popular in Africa - I suppose someone like Hakeem didn't gain any advantage from his height and (RELATIVE lack of) feet agility in soccer as compared to basketball.

Actually, he did. Olajuwon was a very good soccer goalkeeper before learning basketball.

12-28-2021, 01:23 PM
Baseball has plenty of athletic advantage to it. Why do you think Barry bonds and all those other guys in the steroid era started shattering HR records after juicing? Strength is incredibly important and for fielding speed is very important.

You can also be 5'6" and make the MLB.

Where are the Bonds, Griffeys, etc of this era?

12-28-2021, 01:40 PM
You can also be 5'6" and make the MLB.

Where are the Bonds, Griffeys, etc of this era?

Aaron Judge is like 6'7 260 lol... Stanton is 6'6. Trout is 6'3. Even Jeter who I didnt think was a big guy is apparently 6'3. A rod 6'3 and on and on. Most great players are big guys and the average height in the MLB according to Google is over 6 feet tall. That midget on the Astros is an anomaly. But anomalies happen in NBA too Stockton holds some of the best records ever and is built like a middle school history teacher.

12-28-2021, 03:01 PM
Actually, he did. Olajuwon was a very good soccer goalkeeper before learning basketball.

I know he was but obviously chose basketball over soccer.

12-28-2021, 03:09 PM
Aaron Judge is like 6'7 260 lol... Stanton is 6'6. Trout is 6'3. Even Jeter who I didnt think was a big guy is apparently 6'3. A rod 6'3 and on and on. Most great players are big guys and the average height in the MLB according to Google is over 6 feet tall. That midget on the Astros is an anomaly. But anomalies happen in NBA too Stockton holds some of the best records ever and is built like a middle school history teacher.

It seems athletes of every sport have gotten bigger. Rod Laver of 2 Grand Slam fame (1960s) was only 5'8". The standard height of tennis players was 6'1" (Federer, Nadal, Sampras). Now the youngsters > or = 6'4" and move like gazelles (movement being the major problem of [previous/older] tennis players).

12-28-2021, 03:24 PM
Whites are inferior /thread

12-28-2021, 03:31 PM
Whites are inferior /thread

You can make this joke because you're black. Its socially more acceptable for you to make a racist joke

That's fascinating

12-28-2021, 04:50 PM
Curry is still more athletic than his white counterparts, I believe I've seen videos of him doing 360 dunks with ease

That kinda proves a broader point when curry isn't considered very athletic compared to his peers.... black genetics are real

Also, I didn't mean to stir any controversy. It's nice to have honest discussions without people getting all sensitive

Some races have distinct genetic differences, and they're plainly obvious. The fact we live in a world where people deny this is quite amusing. I know talking about differences in IQ and the brain is where people lose their shit... lol

Curry is the same height as Lin. Lin is 10x more athletic than Curry.

i don't think anyone would consider Curry athletic in the NBA.

also white players (when in their prime) that were more athletic than Curry:

the italian guy on the Bucks

12-28-2021, 04:58 PM
This doesn't explain why a lot of the top baseball players used to be black Americans, but no longer.

What DOES explain that is that little black kids aren't playing youth baseball at the same rate they used to. It's just not popular anymore, basketball is.

basketball is popular in europe and china too. why aren't there more chinese players in the nba? i bet there are more kids in china playing basketball than in the usa.

baseball has become a league of pitching and home runs. that's all they care about. hitting is highly skill based and requires very little athleticism, but more hand eye co-ordination. pitching is mechanical and is learned.

shohei otani is 6'4". but i'm willing to bet my house that he can't dunk.

12-28-2021, 04:59 PM
You can also be 5'6" and make the MLB.

Where are the Bonds, Griffeys, etc of this era?

mugsy bogues says hi

12-28-2021, 05:01 PM
Aaron Judge is like 6'7 260 lol... Stanton is 6'6. Trout is 6'3. Even Jeter who I didnt think was a big guy is apparently 6'3. A rod 6'3 and on and on. Most great players are big guys and the average height in the MLB according to Google is over 6 feet tall. That midget on the Astros is an anomaly. But anomalies happen in NBA too Stockton holds some of the best records ever and is built like a middle school history teacher.

i bet all those guys you just listed can't/couldn't dunk. even judge.

take a lineup of football players with the same heights you just listed. i'll be every single one can dunk.

12-28-2021, 05:29 PM
i bet all those guys you just listed can't/couldn't dunk. even judge.

take a lineup of football players with the same heights you just listed. i'll be every single one can dunk.

They play a sport with zero jumping involved in it lol. Jumping is probably the most overrated trait of athleticism. If it wasn't James White would be the GOAT. Strength, speed, quickness. and agility are all far more important.

12-28-2021, 05:37 PM
They represent more than the average. Blacks are only 13% in america and its 25% of the swim team

And then you cut it in half because of Team/Individuals

12-28-2021, 05:38 PM
Curry is the same height as Lin. Lin is 10x more athletic than Curry.

i don't think anyone would consider Curry athletic in the NBA.

also white players (when in their prime) that were more athletic than Curry:

the italian guy on the Bucks

This is absolute nonsense. Jeremy Lin is nowhere near as agile, quick, fast, or strong as Curry. Like what? The dude can barely get by anybody or even get open meanwhile Curry is beating doubles everywhere off ball and on.

Lin made his name under dantoni with the Knicks running pick and rolls and jacking long 3s which happened to go in for like 1 year or 2. And then everybody freaked out that a small Asian could look that good at ball. Prior to that only 7'6 Yao Ming looked good. Lin was absolutely not the athlete Curry was. Dude is straight skinny fat... weighs nothing but still has no definition. He was a one hit wonder.

12-28-2021, 06:15 PM
This is absolute nonsense. Jeremy Lin is nowhere near as agile, quick, fast, or strong as Curry. Like what? The dude can barely get by anybody or even get open meanwhile Curry is beating doubles everywhere off ball and on.

Lin made his name under dantoni with the Knicks running pick and rolls and jacking long 3s which happened to go in for like 1 year or 2. And then everybody freaked out that a small Asian could look that good at ball. Prior to that only 7'6 Yao Ming looked good. Lin was absolutely not the athlete Curry was. Dude is straight skinny fat... weighs nothing but still has no definition. He was a one hit wonder.

Curry’s faster with the ball, that’s it. And it’s because he has better handles.

Speed, agility, jumping, Lin is more athletic. Go watch his highlights, it’s all there.

12-28-2021, 06:31 PM
Curry is the same height as Lin. Lin is 10x more athletic than Curry.

i don't think anyone would consider Curry athletic in the NBA.

also white players (when in their prime) that were more athletic than Curry:

the italian guy on the Bucks

Curry is very agile and fluid, with great stamina and underrated strength

He's not thr most explosive but he's more athletic than all of those guys yiu mentioned

Your ability to judge athleticism is very poor

12-28-2021, 06:56 PM
Curry is very agile and fluid, with great stamina and underrated strength

He's not thr most explosive but he's more athletic than all of those guys yiu mentioned

Your ability to judge athleticism is very poor

Curry’s a golfer.

All those guys I mentioned destroy him in every other real sport, guaranteed

12-28-2021, 07:14 PM
This is absolute nonsense. Jeremy Lin is nowhere near as agile, quick, fast, or strong as Curry. Like what? The dude can barely get by anybody or even get open meanwhile Curry is beating doubles everywhere off ball and on.

Lin made his name under dantoni with the Knicks running pick and rolls and jacking long 3s which happened to go in for like 1 year or 2. And then everybody freaked out that a small Asian could look that good at ball. Prior to that only 7'6 Yao Ming looked good. Lin was absolutely not the athlete Curry was. Dude is straight skinny fat... weighs nothing but still has no definition. He was a one hit wonder.


12-28-2021, 07:20 PM
Curry’s a golfer.

All those guys I mentioned destroy him in every other real sport, guaranteed

MJ's a golfer too - do they destroy him in every other real sport?

12-28-2021, 07:23 PM

They have similar jumping ability but Curry is much more agile and fluid... its clear as day


Im certain hes stronger than lin as well

12-28-2021, 07:41 PM
They have similar jumping ability but Curry is much more agile and fluid... its clear as day


Im certain hes stronger than lin as well

I stand corrected on the speed. Looked up the combine results and Lin is faster. He actually put up sprint speeds up there with rose and wall.

Curry did bench 185 for 10 reps though which for his size was well above average. Derozan could only do 5 reps for reference. Harden was benching more than centers with 17 reps. :lol

Either way, I agree there is an element of agility and quickness Curry seems to have in game over Lin. Although perhaps its possible he's just tricking guys to get his way with good feigns.

12-28-2021, 08:46 PM
I stand corrected on the speed. Looked up the combine results and Lin is faster. He actually put up sprint speeds up there with rose and wall.

Curry did bench 185 for 10 reps though which for his size was well above average. Derozan could only do 5 reps for reference. Harden was benching more than centers with 17 reps. :lol

Either way, I agree there is an element of agility and quickness Curry seems to have in game over Lin. Although perhaps its possible he's just tricking guys to get his way with good feigns.

yeah, i don't doubt that Curry's stronger. but i don't really consider strength a big part of athleticism.

for sure, Curry's quickness is with the ball. i'm sure he's more agile than anyone (except maybe Kyrie) with the ball. and yes, his use of feigns definitely add to the illusion of his quickness.

btw, Derozan may not be that strong, but he is damn athletic.

01-27-2022, 06:16 AM
Cause they're black

01-27-2022, 10:33 AM
Maybe black players just spend more money on VC for their MyPlayer

01-27-2022, 10:35 AM
Nah fr though, god simply created black folks to be superior at American sports so we could get comedy gold like this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUu0GuW1WYQ)

01-27-2022, 03:02 PM
Oh no!

While this is obviously a sincere question from a genuinely curious poster, I fear it may provoke controversial responses which the OP clearly has not foreseen in creating this thread.

You see, it goes back all the way to a couple hundred years ago...


01-27-2022, 05:01 PM
seems clear to me we needs affirmative action and quotas for whites.