View Full Version : Have we ever seen a 37 year old as good as LeBron?

01-01-2022, 08:45 PM

He’s actually improving

We’ve seen glimpses from MJ or the mailman but it wasn’t sustained

Spurs m8
01-01-2022, 08:52 PM
Jesus christ you need a life

It's beyond pathetic

01-01-2022, 10:42 PM
we've seen nothing like this from anyone in nba history. it's a blessing and a miracle.


01-01-2022, 10:50 PM
We have never seen a guy be below .500 thru New Years all while having another 3 top 75 players all time on the squad with two of them in there absolute primes/peaks

01-01-2022, 10:53 PM

01-01-2022, 10:57 PM
Stockton and Malone were it. Basically still in their primes.

01-01-2022, 10:59 PM


01-01-2022, 11:29 PM
Hello did you see iverson in turkey????

01-01-2022, 11:56 PM
Stockton and Malone were it. Basically still in their primes.

Um no. Not even close. :oldlol:

01-02-2022, 12:24 AM
Stockton and Malone were it. Basically still in their primes.
They were on a much lower level than LeBron to begin with though.

01-02-2022, 12:29 AM
Easily pre injury 2002 jordan who was 39 btw and actually winning. Next question

01-02-2022, 01:04 AM
They were on a much lower level than LeBron to begin with though.

No Malone is pretty much old LeBron level.

LeBron’s really not been shit since 2016 or 2017 depending on how you look at it. Relatively speaking. Speaking relative to MVP’s and MVP level players. Past or present.

Quit on defense in 2018
Injured 2019
Coasted at a normal superstar level and dominated in the 2020 playoffs - good for him, but was he actually better than 2020 Harden? Kawhi? Giannis? Even AD? No. Arguable anyway. I really don’t think he was better than Harden for sure but whatever.

I’m not gonna go into that because let’s be serious here, despite having strong opinions on Peak Harden, no ****ing body ever paid any attention to him after 2018. So it would be a very dishonest argument to deal with.

2021 he coasted and it backfired on him. Just a shitty season.

I mean, Malone would’ve won some MVP’s if not for peak Shaq.

LeBron stopped being truly special on playing level sometimes in the early 2010’s. Special as in being able to do what Jokic is right now. Just crucifying teams start to finish an entire season.

I mean really LeBron is only playing this hard because LA stinks. I think he’d be fine in the playoff is but we’ll see. This is the first year he’s actually played as hard as an old-ass Malone or Stockton in the RS since 2015 or 2016. Not played well, or dominated, but just really played hard. I don’t really think coasting seasons are that special.

And really I prefer Kawhi’s coasting years of 2017 and 2019 over old ass LeBron. Just a preference. Max effort Kawhi > Max effort old LeBron

01-02-2022, 01:09 AM

01-02-2022, 01:56 AM
age 37... young tom


Spurs m8
01-02-2022, 01:59 AM
Well this thread has been a massive backfire.

I'm sure he's spending all of his time thinking of the next damage control thread

01-02-2022, 02:03 AM

01-02-2022, 02:16 AM
Maybe Kareem who had some crazy playoff series from age 36-39. But yea what Lebron is doing at his age is remarkable.

01-02-2022, 02:31 AM
GOAT longevity player.

01-02-2022, 03:05 AM
Kareem won FMVP at age 38.

Spurs m8
01-02-2022, 03:10 AM
Jesus how much can this thread continue to backfire?

01-02-2022, 03:34 AM
Lebron is playing on MVP Karl Malone level. I don't think he can sustain it though. I suspect he'll drop off somewhere around mid-season or get injured.

01-02-2022, 07:16 AM
Lebron is playing on MVP Karl Malone level. I don't think he can sustain it though. I suspect he'll drop off somewhere around mid-season or get injured.

If we're judging him by how he's done historically, there's no way he will drop off in the second half, because he has always played better in the second half of the season. His numbers will drop when Always Damaged returns, but they will increase once again after Always Damaged gets injured again after playing 10 games or so.

01-02-2022, 07:18 AM
age 37... young tom



Wow, what a moron. Comparing someone who has to take 7-8 steps back and throw the ball every 30 seconds to all the running and jumping LeBron constantly has to do. :facepalm

01-02-2022, 08:04 AM
No Malone is pretty much old LeBron level.

LeBron’s really not been shit since 2016 or 2017 depending on how you look at it. Relatively speaking. Speaking relative to MVP’s and MVP level players. Past or present.

Quit on defense in 2018
Injured 2019
Coasted at a normal superstar level and dominated in the 2020 playoffs - good for him, but was he actually better than 2020 Harden? Kawhi? Giannis? Even AD? No. Arguable anyway. I really don’t think he was better than Harden for sure but whatever.

I’m not gonna go into that because let’s be serious here, despite having strong opinions on Peak Harden, no ****ing body ever paid any attention to him after 2018. So it would be a very dishonest argument to deal with.

2021 he coasted and it backfired on him. Just a shitty season.

I mean, Malone would’ve won some MVP’s if not for peak Shaq.

LeBron stopped being truly special on playing level sometimes in the early 2010’s. Special as in being able to do what Jokic is right now. Just crucifying teams start to finish an entire season.

I mean really LeBron is only playing this hard because LA stinks. I think he’d be fine in the playoff is but we’ll see. This is the first year he’s actually played as hard as an old-ass Malone or Stockton in the RS since 2015 or 2016. Not played well, or dominated, but just really played hard. I don’t really think coasting seasons are that special.

And really I prefer Kawhi’s coasting years of 2017 and 2019 over old ass LeBron. Just a preference. Max effort Kawhi > Max effort old LeBron

:oldlol: Bron got these bois up at night writing lengthy 3 am novels about him. Meltdown

01-02-2022, 08:33 AM
Easily pre injury 2002 jordan who was 39 btw and actually winning. Next question

mj was 38 and not even close to as good. he only shot 50% or higher in 13 of 53 games before the injury. lebron's already shot 50% or higher in 15 of 25 games.

01-02-2022, 09:11 AM
mj was 38 and not even close to as good. he only shot 50% or higher in 13 of 53 games before the injury. lebron's already shot 50% or higher in 15 of 25 games.

Comparing a tough defensive era to this no D era.

Makes sense. :confusedshrug:

01-02-2022, 09:17 AM
Kareem won FMVP at age 38.

Funny how they ignore this. Kareem winning and looking like the best player despite prime Bird, Magic, and McHale on the same court at the same time.

But who knows maybe the inferior player can surprise and look better than Jimmy Butler if he can make the playoffs this year.

01-02-2022, 09:22 AM

Wow, what a moron. Comparing someone who has to take 7-8 steps back and throw the ball every 30 seconds to all the running and jumping LeBron constantly has to do. :facepalm

being a QB is infinitely more difficult a job than playing shooting hoops lol

you know what happens when a basketball player is covered or runs the wrong route. you just wait a few seconds till he gets open

you know.what happens if a QB does that. he gets thrown on his ass.

and in the nba you can literally run the same 2-3 plays all game. in football you have to memorize hundreds

in football you have to have an arm like a dominant mlb pitcher. in the nba you can be a great passer with zero arm strength like lamelo ball

in football you can't just flop for a foul or go to a free throw line.

100% of the plays go through Tom and his decision making

lebron probly does 1/3rd of the game

ok lebrons more athletic. that never goes very far in football. athletic QBs get figured it pretty quick. it's a game of chess. you can't just bully ball your way fir 70% of your points like lebron

01-02-2022, 09:29 AM
being a QB is infinitely more difficult a job than playing shooting hoops lol

you know what happens when a basketball player is covered or runs the wrong route. you just wait a few seconds till he gets open

you know.what happens if a QB does that. he gets thrown on his ass.

and in the nba you can literally run the same 2-3 plays all game. in football you have to memorize hundreds

in football you have to have an arm like a dominant mlb pitcher. in the nba you can be a great passer with zero arm strength like lamelo ball

in football you can't just flop for a foul or go to a free throw line.

100% of the plays go through Tom and his decision making

lebron probly does 1/3rd of the game

ok lebrons more athletic. that never goes very far in football. athletic QBs get figured it pretty quick. it's a game of chess. you can't just bully ball your way fir 70% of your points like lebron

lol brady doesn't move outside the pocket. he's dependent on having an excellent o-line or he's getting taken off the field on a stretcher.

01-02-2022, 09:34 AM
being a QB is infinitely more difficult a job than playing shooting hoops lol

you know what happens when a basketball player is covered or runs the wrong route. you just wait a few seconds till he gets open

you know.what happens if a QB does that.

and in the nba you can literally run the same 2-3 plays all game. in football you have to memorize hundreds

in football you have to have an arm like a dominant mlb pitcher. in the nba you can be a great passer with zero arm strength like lamelo ball

in football you can't just flop for a foul or go to a free throw line.

100% of the plays go through Tom and his decision making

lebron probly does 1/3rd of the game

ok lebrons more athletic. that never goes very far in football. athletic QBs get figured it pretty quick. it's a game of chess. you can't just bully ball your way fir 70% of your points like lebron

So much desperation. :oldlol:

This is the extent of Brady's physical activity on an average play:


With 30 second breaks in-between. And a shitload of other breaks, time-outs, two minute warnings, etc. Not to mention the fact that Brady only plays about 50% of a football game, whereas LeBron plays about 80% of a basketball game.

Your body ages faster than your mind.
Your legs age faster than your arms.

Brady is able to exploit these medical facts with a good offensive line. In an era where QBs are more protected than some holy archeological site. :oldlol:

GTFO with this apples vs oranges shit. Might as well have taken some archer or skeet shooter who has won gold in 8 consecutive olympics until he was 58 years old or some shit and said he was more dominant than LeBron. :roll:

01-02-2022, 09:44 AM
lol brady doesn't move outside the pocket. he's dependent on having an excellent o-line or he's getting taken off the field on a stretcher.

imagine if all lebron needed was some good screens and not 2 or 3 other hall of famers. brady won superbowls with literal trash receivers at times.

and all you're doing is trying to make an argument for athletic QBs being more dynamic. saying "oh brady would get tackled if not for good blockers" isn't exactly making a p*ssy sport like basketball look amazing. lebron falls to the floor and cries when someone breathes on him

01-02-2022, 09:45 AM
So much desperation. :oldlol:

This is the extent of Brady's physical activity on an average play:


With 30 second breaks in-between. And a shitload of other breaks, time-outs, two minute warnings, etc. Not to mention the fact that Brady only plays about 50% of a football game, whereas LeBron plays about 80% of a basketball game.

Your body ages faster than your mind.
Your legs age faster than your arms.

Brady is able to exploit these medical facts with a good offensive line. In an era where QBs are more protected than some holy archeological site. :oldlol:

GTFO with this apples vs oranges shit. Might as well have taken some archer or skeet shooter who has won gold in 8 consecutive olympics until he was 58 years old or some shit and said he was more dominant than LeBron. :roll:

I've played football and basketball competitively. it is 1000000 billion times more stressful standing in the pocket than anywhere on a basketball court. it's not even remotely comparable

01-02-2022, 09:50 AM
imagine if all lebron needed was some good screens and not 2 or 3 other hall of famers. brady won superbowls with literal trash receivers at times.

and all you're doing is trying to make an argument for athletic QBs being more dynamic. saying "oh brady would get tackled if not for good blockers" isn't exactly making a p*ssy sport like basketball look amazing. lebron falls to the floor and cries when someone breathes on him

i'm saying it's easier to be effective at an advanced age when you barely have to move.

01-02-2022, 09:52 AM
kind of like people trying to argue what kareem did at an older age was as impressive as lebron when he's 7'2 and rarely ventured outside the paint.

01-02-2022, 09:53 AM
i'm saying it's easier to be effective at an advanced age when you barely have to move.

I guess that's why there's so many other 44 year old QBs and 44 year old designated hitters in baseball and 44 year old golfers winning majors and 44 year old goalies in hockey and 44 year old centers in basketball. Shaq looked amazing in his advanced age. he moved around like Brady. remember him in Boston. so dominant.

and theres a bunch of muscle that goes into throwing a football.

there's quick twitch, recovery and you gotta be able to.take bumps so you can't just be some twig.

your reaction time and all these other things go with age. I wouldn't be surprised if ballads was on the same kind of healing/youth roids as lebron tbh

01-02-2022, 09:54 AM
I've played football and basketball competitively. it is 1000000 billion times more stressful standing in the pocket than anywhere on a basketball court. it's not even remotely comparable

Stress is a mental state. And Brady is able to overcome it because he is mentally sharp. Nobody is disputing that.
But if he was in a situation where he physically had to run and had to jump as constantly as a basketball player has to, he would've retired years ago and you know it.

01-02-2022, 09:56 AM
I guess that's why there's so many other 44 year old QBs and 44 year old designated hitters in baseball and 44 year old golfers winning majors and 44 year old goalies in hockey and 44 year old centers in basketball. Shaq looked amazing in his advanced age. he moved around like Brady. remember him in Boston. so dominant.

brees was 42. favre was 41. moon was 43. a qb playing into their 40s isn't something new.

01-02-2022, 09:59 AM
Stress is a mental state. And Brady is able to overcome it because he is mentally sharp. Nobody is disputing that.
But if he was in a situation where he physically had to run and had to jump as constantly as a basketball player has to, he would've retired years ago and you know it.

like I just said there's a ton of physicality that goes into playing QB. it's not just about running around. and if lebron got tackled to the ground 1000 times he would probly be in a wheel chair by now

01-02-2022, 10:02 AM
brees was 42. favre was 41. moon was 43. a qb playing into their 40s isn't something new.

how many mvps, super bowl rings or super bowl mvps did those guys get in their 40s ..

and like 30 guys played into their 40s in basketball

01-02-2022, 10:06 AM
like I just said there's a ton of physicality that goes into playing QB. it's not just about running around. and if lebron got tackled to the ground 1000 times he would probly be in a wheel chair by now

1000 times? You're kidding, right? Brady gets sacked/tackled 1.3 times per game this season. And opponents are only allowed to tackle him just enough for the play to end. And if those who tackle him use even 1% more force than necessary they get punished.

And on top of that you still have situations like this controversial one from earlier this season where refs step in to protect him even though he's fair game:


01-02-2022, 10:06 AM
how many mvps, super bowl rings or super bowl mvps did those guys get in their 40s ..

and like 30 guys played into their 40s in basketball

brady plays one side of the ball. comparing his success to another qb is pointless. and the nba players were role players in their 40s. not starting qbs.

01-02-2022, 10:08 AM
how many mvps, super bowl rings or super bowl mvps did those guys get in their 40s ..

and like 30 guys played into their 40s in basketball

Great. Compare Brady to those quarterbacks and compare his longevity to the longevity of other quarterbacks.
Don't compare him to a basketball player.

Spurs m8
01-02-2022, 03:01 PM
Comparing a tough defensive era to this no D era.

Makes sense. :confusedshrug:

Johnny embarrassing himself...what's new?

Spurs m8
01-02-2022, 03:06 PM
Imagine LeFeather on a football field


01-02-2022, 03:24 PM

01-02-2022, 03:46 PM
1000 times? You're kidding, right? Brady gets sacked/tackled 1.3 times per game this season. And opponents are only allowed to tackle him just enough for the play to end. And if those who tackle him use even 1% more force than necessary they get punished.

And on top of that you still have situations like this controversial one from earlier this season where refs step in to protect him even though he's fair game:


brady was sacked 527 times. that's not counting getting hit while or after throwing the football moron. stop talking about football please

01-02-2022, 03:47 PM
Don't compare him to a basketball player.

agreed. basketball players don't do 1/3rd what a quarterback does. the closest thing to Brady is wilt or mikan and even they didn't do as much in their prime as a top level QB does

01-02-2022, 03:51 PM
brady won a sb throwing 0 tds and 1 int.


01-02-2022, 04:35 PM
With or without steroids?

01-02-2022, 04:36 PM
With or without steroids?

Pictures for confirmation?

01-02-2022, 05:52 PM
brady won a sb throwing 0 tds and 1 int.


he got 262 yards and set his team up for 1 TD and 2 field goals. he coulda got a TD but instead handed it off to Sony Michel on the 2 yard line. it was a tough defensive battle but he did out duel Jared Goff. reading the defense and putting the ball in your running backs hands is necessary sometimes. tom is basically a coach on the field. every play is called through him the entire game. no nba player does this. not even lebron the stagnating ball pounding stat padder

and you act like more often than not brady isn't making game winning drives to win most of his superbowls. how many super bowl mvps does he have? more than anyone?

Hey Yo
01-02-2022, 05:56 PM
agreed. basketball players don't do 1/3rd what a quarterback does. the closest thing to Brady is wilt or mikan and even they didn't do as much in their prime as a top level QB does


01-02-2022, 10:23 PM
he got 262 yards and set his team up for 1 TD and 2 field goals. he coulda got a TD but instead handed it off to Sony Michel on the 2 yard line. it was a tough defensive battle but he did out duel Jared Goff. reading the defense and putting the ball in your running backs hands is necessary sometimes. tom is basically a coach on the field. every play is called through him the entire game. no nba player does this. not even lebron the stagnating ball pounding stat padder

and you act like more often than not brady isn't making game winning drives to win most of his superbowls. how many super bowl mvps does he have? more than anyone?

he led his team to 13 points. that's like an nba pg running an offense that scores 40 points in gm 7 of the finals. while checking out every defensive possession and watching his teammates hold the other team to 20. that's how dumb this argument is.

01-02-2022, 11:00 PM
he led his team to 13 points. that's like an nba pg running an offense that scores 40 points in gm 7 of the finals. while checking out every defensive possession and watching his teammates hold the other team to 20. that's how dumb this argument is.

I compare it to kobes game 7 going 6 for 24 and paul/ray combining for 8 for 30

both QBs faced incredible defense.

Jordan's 96 finals was basically the same.

lebron had a moment like that in 2007 and 2011. only difference is he quit and pouted instead of grinding it out like kobe, Mike and Brady

you lose little boy. now go back to jewgeneral or gamefags

01-02-2022, 11:05 PM
Why does Brady get a pass for team hopping? Dude joined the most stacked offense in the NFL.

01-03-2022, 02:22 AM
brady was sacked 527 times. that's not counting getting hit while or after throwing the football moron. stop talking about football please

He is getting tackled in the lightest way possible with rules that protect the quarterback as much as possible 1.3 times per game. While wearing padding to protect every part of his body. And having 7 days of rest between games.

Stop talking period, moron.

01-03-2022, 02:26 AM
Why does Brady get a pass for team hopping? Dude joined the most stacked offense in the NFL.

Another thing he avoids is getting criticized for the Patriots having a losing season the season after he left. Shouldn't he have left a "winning culture" with the Patriots if he's so great?

01-03-2022, 02:26 AM
With or without steroids?

02-28-2022, 01:52 AM
Thread Cliffs

Yes there have been better 37 year olds because being 1st option on a champion super-team ahead of Magic/Worthy and winning FMVP (Kareem) is far more impressive than stat-padding for a lottery team

Ultimately, Lebron will be a stat-padder when he overtakes Kareem's longevity record, while Kareem broke the record without "chasing"

02-28-2022, 03:52 AM
37 year-old LeBron is averaging 6 more points than anyone else in history at his age did. :eek:
And he's doing it while shooting over 50%. :applause:

02-28-2022, 12:22 PM
Nope but we've seen a 22-35 year old that was as good or better. We also saw a 40 year old who will undoubtedly be better. Bron at 40 most likely will be significantly worse than mj at 40

02-28-2022, 12:47 PM
Nope but we've seen a 22-35 year old that was as good or better. We also saw a 40 year old who will undoubtedly be better. Bron at 40 most likely will be significantly worse than mj at 40

Bron's logging alot of meaningless minutes. That achilles can pop at any time.

02-28-2022, 12:58 PM
Bron's logging alot of meaningless minutes. That achilles can pop at any time.

Yeah i wouldn't be surprised if a major injury ends his career soon

02-28-2022, 01:58 PM
They were on a much lower level than LeBron to begin with though.

Was Malone, though, really? At 37, Malone played 81 games, put up 23/8/5/1/1 on 50%. He also he led his team to 53 wins in a stacked conference. Not to mention that was the height of the defensive era where teams averaged just 94.8 PPG.

02-28-2022, 03:31 PM

02-28-2022, 09:37 PM
Lebron is the GOAT longevity player. Of course he's the best at his age. What kind of stupid question is this?

03-01-2022, 10:00 AM
In terms of current value as player sure! But Kareem at 38 averaged 23.4 for the season. And won Finals MVP that year! So in terms of solo greatness AND team success, Kareem STILL had the best OVERALL SEASON for a player 37 or older.

03-01-2022, 10:59 AM
Kareem won FMVP at 38. Duncan should have won FMVP at 37 with a 30 pt 17 reb 61.9%FG close-out game if not for that epic choke by Manu & Kawhi. He also had 24/12/2 4 steals 1 block in Game 7.

03-01-2022, 09:55 PM
In football, the real football there have been quite a few:

Stanley Matthews;
Gigi Buffon; among others...

Full Court
03-01-2022, 11:05 PM
Was Malone, though, really? At 37, Malone played 81 games, put up 23/8/5/1/1 on 50%. He also he led his team to 53 wins in a stacked conference. Not to mention that was the height of the defensive era where teams averaged just 94.8 PPG.

Since when did Bronies value winning though? :lol

Great point though. I'd take 37-year old Malone over 37-year old Bronie any day. I just wouldn't let Malone around my daughter...

Full Court
03-01-2022, 11:07 PM
Kareem won FMVP at 38. Duncan should have won FMVP at 37 with a 30 pt 17 reb 61.9%FG close-out game if not for that epic choke by Manu & Kawhi. He also had 24/12/2 4 steals 1 block in Game 7.

Great points as well. I'd take 37-year old Kareem and 37-year old Duncan over 37-year old Bronie, hands down.

Talk about an OP backfire! :lol

03-02-2022, 08:59 AM
Since when did Bronies value winning though? :lol

Great point though. I'd take 37-year old Malone over 37-year old Bronie any day. I just wouldn't let Malone around my daughter...

Yea, I guess we'd have to see how the rest of the season plays out. The play in still gives LA a chance. If LA is healthy come playoff time, then they stand a real good chance. AD is really the key to all of this. He's the youngest of the big 3 and when he's healthy, he's money.

We saw what he did in 2020 and even in limited action this year, he put up 23/10/3/2 on 54%. In the last 9 games prior to the injury, he was putting up 23/10/3/3 on 60%. He needs to be their number one option honestly.