View Full Version : (Video) Magic Johnson - Pushing to the Limit Ultimate Highlights. One favor from you?

01-09-2022, 08:24 AM
My dear friends on this forum, some of you knows me when I place my videos for various basketball players here, I am really giving myself totally into this videos, for example I gave everythin I can into this video for Magic, but for some reason I cannot get big audience like I use too before a year ago etc... Could you help me in any way you can? Posting somewhere on facebook or somethin, BUT ONLY IF YOU LIKE THE VIDEO OFCOURSE, please, only IF YOU LIKE IT:


Thank you in advance, greets from Europe.


P.S. Magic 4ever.

01-09-2022, 08:29 AM
One more thing and I hope you will understand this and respect: for me Jordan is THE GOAT, LeBron is GREAT, but...

FOR ME... I like Magic the most... for me he ... well, jesus christ... pure poetry of motion... MAGIC :D, and... Im always doin some videos for him whenever I can so that's why I asked this from you. :)

Round Mound
01-09-2022, 09:35 PM