View Full Version : Libtard Popovic values wine over human beings

01-10-2022, 06:18 AM
This applies to the majority of libtard NBA players as well.

Look at the money they waste on nonsense while acting like they are hurt by slavery of the past.... meanwhile they drink $10k bottles daily or at the clubs instead of using the money to help poor people. And how are they going to pretend they care about (black) slaves of the past in America while wearing their Nikes made by modern day foreign slaves, including children.

NBA... home of the low IQ hypocrite sociopath racist libtards.

Spurs m8
01-10-2022, 06:23 AM
LeSlaveOwner can confirm

01-10-2022, 01:45 PM
PLENTY of NBA players give back to their communities.

Just because it’s not on whatever news source you consume doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

01-10-2022, 02:07 PM
Most every NBA player participated in NBA Cares or does their own philanthropic work on the side. Why not instead of criticize wealthy people who actually help others for what you perceive they could be doing with their hard earned money pull yourself up by your bootstraps, make some money and be the change you want to see?

01-10-2022, 02:31 PM
Popovich is a marginal coach and an assh*le who got to his legacy on the backs of truly great players, yet made himself a center of attention like it was his accomplishments.

01-10-2022, 02:33 PM
it is kind of funny how liberal celebrities tell everyone to stop poluting. then they fly around on personal jets every other day and probly drink nothing but bottled water. eat nothing but take out and toss out probly 1000 plastic containers for that each year. then toss out anything they wore more than once or twice. then even when they do think they're helping the planet by eating vegan they probly throw out pounds of food every week that goes bad and it comes from a farmer that kills thousands of smaller animals to keep them.from eating their crops