View Full Version : BREAKING: SCOTUS blocks Biden's vaccine mandate

01-13-2022, 10:35 PM

eat sh*t vaxxtards :roll:

01-13-2022, 10:44 PM
Nobody should be surprised. If they understood anything about the constitution, they would know the mandate over private businesses would not last.

I told you morons that the courts will not allow it over private companies. Federal government can't mandate private companies in that manner. All Feds can do is pull federal funding if the private company is getting any. Otherwise, these mandates would only apply for federal employees. They can't order state employees either with federal mandates. Federal government has jurisdiction over federal employees, period.

01-13-2022, 10:49 PM
Nobody should be surprised. If they understood anything about the constitution, they would know the mandate over private businesses would not last.

I told you morons that the courts will not allow it over private companies. Federal government can't mandate private companies in that manner. All Feds can do is pull federal funding if the private company is getting any. Otherwise, these mandates would only apply for federal employees. They can't order state employees either with federal mandates. Federal government has jurisdiction over federal employees, period.

https://c.tenor.com/IkHYcPzFzuIAAAAM/didnt-read.gif :roll:

01-13-2022, 10:57 PM
https://c.tenor.com/IkHYcPzFzuIAAAAM/didnt-read.gif :roll:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Vax cucks absolutely fuming right now

01-13-2022, 11:01 PM
Horrible, horrible day for the vax cucks. Or tards, like keep-itreal calls them.

I'm glad to see that keep-itreal has not fallen for the government's and mainstream media's fear campaign that has others on ISH absolutely petrified of the corona. A fear that has them absolutely furious at those who are not vaccinated. Wanting to bring them to their knees, make them suffer and unable to even make a living.

Considering that keep-itreal has talked about being afraid of getting into fist fights, and being afraid of this and that. It shows that he's braver than he thinks.

01-13-2022, 11:42 PM
Horrible, horrible day for the vax cucks. Or tards, like keep-itreal calls them.

I'm glad to see that keep-itreal has not fallen for the government's and mainstream media's fear campaign that has others on ISH absolutely petrified of the corona. A fear that has them absolutely furious at those who are not vaccinated. Wanting to bring them to their knees, make them suffer and unable to even make a living.

Considering that keep-itreal has talked about being afraid of getting into fist fights, and being afraid of this and that. It shows that he's braver than he thinks.

there's no one here like that.

01-13-2022, 11:54 PM
Nobody should be surprised. If they understood anything about the constitution, they would know the mandate over private businesses would not last.

I told you morons that the courts will not allow it over private companies. Federal government can't mandate private companies in that manner. All Feds can do is pull federal funding if the private company is getting any. Otherwise, these mandates would only apply for federal employees. They can't order state employees either with federal mandates. Federal government has jurisdiction over federal employees, period.

But they can mandate wages and hiring practices?

Seems inconsistent.

Patrick Chewing
01-13-2022, 11:55 PM
Another MASSIVE L for the losers who voted for Biden. Eat a bag of d*cks, blade!!!


01-14-2022, 12:07 AM
there's no one here like that.

let him live his fantasy :ohwell:

01-14-2022, 12:07 AM
there's no one here like that.


01-14-2022, 12:11 AM
https://c.tenor.com/IkHYcPzFzuIAAAAM/didnt-read.gif :roll:


01-14-2022, 03:19 AM
Good, I wasn't gonna comply anyways. I got infected and have natural antibodies and on top of that, I got vaccinated but I ain't taking no damn boosters every couple of months when a new strain comes out. I don't take the annual flu shot so why tf should I get boosters?

01-14-2022, 03:20 AM

01-14-2022, 03:38 AM
https://c.tenor.com/IkHYcPzFzuIAAAAM/didnt-read.gif :roll:


01-14-2022, 09:57 AM
But they can mandate wages and hiring practices?

Seems inconsistent.

Yup... If you go on indeed.com tons of office jobs say you need to be vaxxed to apply. I even saw one that was 100% remote that required it.


Not to mention like 100 major companies already mandated it in September-October. I hope with this ruling anybody who got fired sues the ever living shit out of them.

The Pfizer CEO just announced that the initial two shots offer little protection against the current variant. So what's the logic in even taking them now?

The narrative is falling apart. Losers and suckers like Blade HOLD THIS L.


01-14-2022, 10:19 AM
I'm so glad that my employer never mandated this shit. I'm one of the lucky ones, and am grateful.

Off the Court
01-14-2022, 11:21 AM
Reinforcing what myself and others have been saying for a while. That no one in here will ever be mandated. Even if this had passed it wasn't even a mandate as it allowed employees to test instead.

Huge W for this forum if it results in less vaccine threads but I won't hold my breath.

01-14-2022, 11:42 AM

01-14-2022, 03:01 PM
Yup... If you go on indeed.com tons of office jobs say you need to be vaxxed to apply. I even saw one that was 100% remote that required it.


Not to mention like 100 major companies already mandated it in September-October. I hope with this ruling anybody who got fired sues the ever living shit out of them.

The Pfizer CEO just announced that the initial two shots offer little protection against the current variant. So what's the logic in even taking them now?

The narrative is falling apart. Losers and suckers like Blade HOLD THIS L.


Again, private companies can mandate over their own employees. Are you stupid or what?

Federal government can legally mandate over federal employees, private employers can legally mandate over their private employees, state governments can legally mandate over their state employees.

Federal laws allow the following protections only for all workers:

-Not be harassed or discriminated against (treated less favorably) because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, disability, age (40 or older) or genetic information (including family medical history).
Receive equal pay for equal work.

-Receive reasonable accommodations (changes to the way things are normally done at work) that are needed because of their medical condition or religious beliefs , if required by law.

-Expect that any medical information or genetic information that they share with their employer will be kept confidential.

-Report discrimination, participate in a discrimination investigation or lawsuit, or oppose discrimination (for example, threaten to file a discrimination complaint), without being retaliated against (punished) for doing so.https://www.eeoc.gov/employers/small-business/employee-rights

So what is included under religious beliefs discrimination?

The EEOC has said in its compliance manual on religious discrimination that the definition of "religion" extends to traditional religions as well as religious beliefs that are "new, uncommon, not part of a formal church or sect, only subscribed to by a small number of people, or that seem illogical or unreasonable to others."

"Beliefs pertaining only to economic, social, personal preferences, or political ideals typically are not considered religious for purposes of Title VII," Cohen said.

"If the objection refers to vague constitutional rights or political views or natural law, then the employer may reasonably conclude that the objection is not based in religion and may be overruled," George said.

"Concerns about vaccine safety, toxicity, efficacy, the trustworthiness of the media, government or the pharmaceutical industry are not religious beliefs," said Richard Reice, an attorney with Kauff McGuire & Margolis in New York City.

However, if you do get fired over vaccination, you have the right to litigation against the company. Let's see how that goes. Then it goes to the court, and the court decides. I don't expect the employees to win the cases though because the company is allowed to mandate their own employees at any time. This SCOTUS ruling says the federal government cannot mandate private employees, and this law had not even gone into practice yet afaik. If any company had a mandate, it was by their own doing, which is legal at any time.

Hold what L? I have been saying for a few months now that federal government cannot mandate federal employees. It's the constitution. The court will deem it unconstitutional, and they did exactly what we should expect.

01-14-2022, 03:05 PM
Reinforcing what myself and others have been saying for a while. That no one in here will ever be mandated. Even if this had passed it wasn't even a mandate as it allowed employees to test instead.

Huge W for this forum if it results in less vaccine threads but I won't hold my breath.

It won't. They will move onto the next narrative. The regular vaccine threads will continue. It's to be expected with people as foolish as tpols.

01-14-2022, 03:07 PM
No they absolutely cannot. If the supreme court says mandates are illegal that opens the door for medical discrimination lawsuits. And they're coming. Night night blade. You've been taking huge Ls and acting like you're on the other side. :roll:

01-14-2022, 03:14 PM
No they absolutely cannot. If the supreme court says mandates are illegal that opens the door for medical discrimination lawsuits. And they're coming. Night night blade. You've been taking huge Ls and acting like you're on the other side. :roll:

The Supreme Court said federal mandates over private companies are illegal and not all mandates. Look it up, dumbass. The SCOTUS upheld the mandate over medical employees getting federal funds.

The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration from enforcing its sweeping vaccine-or-test requirements for large private companies, but allowed a vaccine mandate to stand for medical facilities that take Medicare or Medicaid payments.

01-14-2022, 03:34 PM
Yea it makes sense that hospitals mandate a vaccine although I don't agree with mandating this one since it has no long term clinical trials and is shady as ****... but nurses and doctors have a precedent to have certain vaccines because they're around sick people all the time. Regular 9-5 office jobs have NEVER required vaccines lol... Or should I say 99% of them because you'll try and dig up an extreme outlier. And there's beyond 0 logic for a remote worker who comes into 0 physical contact with anybody to have it.

Hold your L tight blade. Embrace it with love. Its yours. I know its been a rough day for you, but everything is going to be OK little buddy.

Off the Court
01-14-2022, 03:51 PM
I can't even tell what you are arguing in here tfools. Are you saying that businesses and states can't mandate if they want on their own?

01-14-2022, 05:11 PM
Nobody should be surprised. If they understood anything about the constitution, they would know the mandate over private businesses would not last.

I told you morons that the courts will not allow it over private companies. Federal government can't mandate private companies in that manner. All Feds can do is pull federal funding if the private company is getting any. Otherwise, these mandates would only apply for federal employees. They can't order state employees either with federal mandates. Federal government has jurisdiction over federal employees, period.

Wrong as always:lol. Imagine being as retarded as this recluse

01-14-2022, 06:42 PM
I can't even tell what you are arguing in here tfools. Are you saying that businesses and states can't mandate if they want on their own?

What are the rules? Who decides wage laws and hiring practices and health mandates, business or government?

There should only be one answer, and you can have an opinion on which it should be. You can't just arbitrarily decide business has rights in this case but not in another case.

The cognitive dissonance employed by most of the public is incredible. They just argue whichever idea suits their personal interests at a given moment, without the slightest shame in continuously flip flopping on what the "principle" involved is.

Long Duck Dong
01-14-2022, 07:14 PM
The libtards here can't grasp the fact that their party trying this overreaching authoritarian bullshit is almost as bad as if they were able to do it.

The left in love with not only globalist white elites telling people how to behave but applying force to bend them to their will as well.

Off the Court
01-14-2022, 07:18 PM
What are the rules? Who decides wage laws and hiring practices and health mandates, business or government?

There should only be one answer, and you can have an opinion on which it should be. You can't just arbitrarily decide business has rights in this case but not in another case.

The cognitive dissonance employed by most of the public is incredible. They just argue whichever idea suits their personal interests at a given moment, without the slightest shame in continuously flip flopping on what the "principle" involved is.
Business have the right to do as they please unless the Federal Government overrides them with a federal law. It's consistent and the law proposed here by Biden was shot down.

It's not that black and white or "all or nothing" deal. Some issues are more important than others. Just because one individual believes that businesses should have the right to to make their employees wear a mask if they want to doesn't mean that same person must to believe that businesses should also have the right to use slavery as a form of labor. Extreme example but you get the point.

01-14-2022, 07:52 PM
Business have the right to do as they please unless the Federal Government overrides them with a federal law. It's consistent and the law proposed here by Biden was shot down.

It's not that black and white or "all or nothing" deal. Some issues are more important than others. Just because one individual believes that businesses should have the right to to make their employees wear a mask if they want to doesn't mean that same person must to believe that businesses should also have the right to use slavery as a form of labor. Extreme example but you get the point.

Thats because slavery is EXPRESSLY forbidden in the Constitution. The 10th amendment grants states jurisdiction on issues not expressed in the constitution. Federal wage laws and federal hiring practices and so on are completely unconstitutional and always have been. But giving those powers to states creates a threat of a state succeeding with populist practices and inspiring others to follow suit. By establishing federal conformity, people never know what theyre missing. And they use morality to justify these infringements, pretending wage laws help workers, or discrimination laws are about “justice.”

What it’s really about is giving big business an edge over mom and pop. It always has been. The media disguises it as “morality,” and lower intellects like jizzo, rmwg, rr3 and itsmillertime lap it up because they dont possess internal cognition.

Covid is just a whole bunch more business as usual. And the same usual suspects are gobbling it up, because that’s what they were born to do. That is the purpose they serve. To be ground chuck for Big Corp and somehow believe it’s being done for their benefit :oldlol:

01-14-2022, 08:27 PM
Yea it makes sense that hospitals mandate a vaccine although I don't agree with mandating this one since it has no long term clinical trials and is shady as ****... but nurses and doctors have a precedent to have certain vaccines because they're around sick people all the time. Regular 9-5 office jobs have NEVER required vaccines lol... Or should I say 99% of them because you'll try and dig up an extreme outlier. And there's beyond 0 logic for a remote worker who comes into 0 physical contact with anybody to have it.

Hold your L tight blade. Embrace it with love. Its yours. I know its been a rough day for you, but everything is going to be OK little buddy.

I'm not saying they all are or aren't. I'm not saying they should or shouldn't. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. All I'm saying is they are allowed to if they choose. That's it. I never claimed or said anything otherwise.

Off the Court
01-14-2022, 08:28 PM
Thats because slavery is EXPRESSLY forbidden in the Constitution. The 10th amendment grants states jurisdiction on issues not expressed in the constitution. Federal wage laws and federal hiring practices and so on are completely unconstitutional and always have been. But giving those powers to states creates a threat of a state succeeding with populist practices and inspiring others to follow suit. By establishing federal conformity, people never know what theyre missing. And they use morality to justify these infringements, pretending wage laws help workers, or discrimination laws are about “justice.”

What it’s really about is giving big business an edge over mom and pop. It always has been. The media disguises it as “morality,” and lower intellects like jizzo, rmwg, rr3 and itsmillertime lap it up because they dont possess internal cognition.

Covid is just a whole bunch more business as usual. And the same usual suspects are gobbling it up, because that’s what they were born to do. That is the purpose they serve. To be ground chuck for Big Corp and somehow believe it’s being done for their benefit :oldlol:
Slavery was just an extreme example to make it evident that not all business rights are equal. A more realistic example would be someone who believes businesses should have the right to enforce masks but not have the right to inject a vaccine as the latter crosses a line that masks don't. It would not be contradicting to have that opinion.

01-14-2022, 11:36 PM
Nobody should be surprised. If they understood anything about the constitution, they would know the mandate over private businesses would not last.

Ah, a constitutional scholar on the forum.

Where in the constitution grants the federal gov't the authority to purchase, distribute, and administer vaccines?

Patrick Chewing
01-15-2022, 12:22 AM
No they absolutely cannot. If the supreme court says mandates are illegal that opens the door for medical discrimination lawsuits. And they're coming. Night night blade. You've been taking huge Ls and acting like you're on the other side. :roll:

Blade is the Ike Clanton of ISH.

01-15-2022, 12:29 AM
Slavery was just an extreme example to make it evident that not all business rights are equal. A more realistic example would be someone who believes businesses should have the right to enforce masks but not have the right to inject a vaccine as the latter crosses a line that masks don't. It would not be contradicting to have that opinion.

That would all be for state and local level government to decide. Frankly half the reason federal administrations do unconstitutional shit is because the legal lobby makes money off these lengthy and pricey court challenges. The illegality of a federal vax mandate is obvious to anyone with even the most cursory knowledge of government. Theres no way the Biden admin believed it was justified legally, and moreover theres no way they CARE if Americans are healthy, protected, or whatever a vax is purported to do. This is all politics and money, and obviously the Biden base isnt going to call him out for it because theyd rather see Dems do wrong than risk Republicans looking right. Thats human nature at work.

But the point is, we have other very clearly unconstitutional federal laws in place right now. And the court has no problem with it, which suggests the court plays ball, and these jurists, hand-picked by presidential administrations have an understanding of which policies they need to let slide for the sake of the machine, and which theyre “allowed” to overrule.

01-15-2022, 01:24 AM


Lakers Legend#32
01-15-2022, 03:42 AM
I want to everybody to remember that SCOTUS has said that government doesn't have the authority to make people wear masks (during a pandemic) when it will later say that "it does" have the authority to force women to give birth against their will.

01-15-2022, 07:35 AM
I want to everybody to remember that SCOTUS has said that government doesn't have the authority to make people wear masks (during a pandemic) when it will later say that "it does" have the authority to force women to give birth against their will.

Murder is already illegal.

And preventing people from being forced to get a covid injection is right in line with preventing people from injecting drugs themselves with drugs and taking drugs to murder... babies.

01-17-2022, 09:41 PM
Murder is already illegal.

And preventing people from being forced to get a covid injection is right in line with preventing people from injecting drugs themselves with drugs and taking drugs to murder... babies.

Supreme court not making vaccines mandatory because people shouldn’t tell others what they should or shouldn’t do with their bodies but then not blocking Texas from prohibiting abortion is the very definition of being a hypocrite lol. Doesn’t matter how anyone tries to spin it. I don’t give a **** personally but at least be consistent or be viewed as a joke of a court system.

01-17-2022, 10:04 PM
Supreme court not making vaccines mandatory because people shouldn’t tell others what they should or shouldn’t do with their bodies but then not blocking Texas from prohibiting abortion is the very definition of being a hypocrite lol. Doesn’t matter how anyone tries to spin it. I don’t give a **** personally but at least be consistent or be viewed as a joke of a court system.

It's not hypocritical. The entire debate about abortion is that there is a baby in there.

Only the fringe most extreme liberal of liberals would agree to abort a baby at 9 months so it's very clear right off the bat that it's not just a woman's body. What about 8? What about 7? Do you see the problem? What is the precise moment that it stops being just "her body?" Because that seems to be the point of disagreement between people and I'm not even sure there is a definitive "correct" answer.

01-17-2022, 10:14 PM




Lakers Legend#32
01-17-2022, 11:01 PM
The "pro-life" cons in this site are so disingenuous.

01-18-2022, 01:00 AM
The "pro-life" cons in this site are so disingenuous.

Truth be told, they are pro-life only when it comes to unborn babies. They don't give a shit about people who are already alive. They are against universal healthcare, against clean renewable energy (they prefer coal/oil that makes people sick), against unions that fight for their workers, against minimum wages, opposed to contraceptives, opposed to people marrying whoever they want, opposed to LGBT rights, etc. All things that makes you feel like they enjoy living a miserable life. They are pretty much fighting against their own interests and don't seem to even realize it. It's sad if you ask me.

01-18-2022, 04:36 AM
Truth be told, they are pro-life only when it comes to unborn babies. They don't give a shit about people who are already alive. They are against universal healthcare, against clean renewable energy (they prefer coal/oil that makes people sick), against unions that fight for their workers, against minimum wages, opposed to contraceptives, opposed to people marrying whoever they want, opposed to LGBT rights, etc. All things that makes you feel like they enjoy living a miserable life. They are pretty much fighting against their own interests and don't seem to even realize it. It's sad if you ask me.

Universal healthcare? Lol you idiot, Biden and co aren’t giving you that :lol

So concerned with lgbtblah blah bs all the time, how is that even relevant to you anyway?

Biden’s been the supposed president for 12 months now, and you’re still a miserable lonely crybaby blaming trump for your shitty existence :roll:

01-18-2022, 08:33 AM
Universal healthcare? Lol you idiot, Biden and co aren’t giving you that :lol

So concerned with lgbtblah blah bs all the time, how is that even relevant to you anyway?

Biden’s been the supposed president for 12 months now, and you’re still a miserable lonely crybaby blaming trump for your shitty existence :roll:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

01-18-2022, 08:44 AM
Truth be told, they are pro-life only when it comes to unborn babies. They don't give a shit about people who are already alive. They are against universal healthcare, against clean renewable energy (they prefer coal/oil that makes people sick), against unions that fight for their workers, against minimum wages, opposed to contraceptives, opposed to people marrying whoever they want, opposed to LGBT rights, etc. All things that makes you feel like they enjoy living a miserable life. They are pretty much fighting against their own interests and don't seem to even realize it. It's sad if you ask me.

Not everyone has those views across the board that you claim. Political views often come with a ton of nuance.

When does a baby become beyond the point of abortion, in your opinion? And what is your scientific reasoning for arriving at said point? Or are you someone that's ok with a 9 month abortion? lol.

I mean if you want to go that extreme, you can even say that after a baby is born, so long as that umbilical cord is attached, it's still part of the "woman's body" so she should be able to choose to slit its throat or snap its spine there when it's outside of the womb, right? Her body, her choice!

I mean a baby isn't even really that aware of their surroundings until about 4+ months post birth, so maybe that's the limit.

BTW if you can't see the difference between murdering an unborn baby who has no say in anything whatsoever and reaching into everyone else's pockets to fund your political views for adults that are far more often than not able to generate their own income, well, you're far more lost than I ever thought possible.

Here's a hint... life isn't fair. Get the **** over it. We should rely on local communities and volunteering to fix problems on an individual level, not the federal ****ing government you idiotic swine.

01-18-2022, 02:22 PM
Not everyone has those views across the board that you claim. Political views often come with a ton of nuance.

When does a baby become beyond the point of abortion, in your opinion? And what is your scientific reasoning for arriving at said point? Or are you someone that's ok with a 9 month abortion? lol.

I mean if you want to go that extreme, you can even say that after a baby is born, so long as that umbilical cord is attached, it's still part of the "woman's body" so she should be able to choose to slit its throat or snap its spine there when it's outside of the womb, right? Her body, her choice!

I mean a baby isn't even really that aware of their surroundings until about 4+ months post birth, so maybe that's the limit.

BTW if you can't see the difference between murdering an unborn baby who has no say in anything whatsoever and reaching into everyone else's pockets to fund your political views for adults that are far more often than not able to generate their own income, well, you're far more lost than I ever thought possible.

Here's a hint... life isn't fair. Get the **** over it. We should rely on local communities and volunteering to fix problems on an individual level, not the federal ****ing government you idiotic swine.

My point was technically not even about abortion per say. I only used abortion to get my point across. My point was that conservatives preach about "pro-life" when it comes to unborn babies but at the same time are opposed to things meant to improve the life of people already born and existing.

My point is about the irony and hypocrisy behind that. They are opposed to funding for social programs including food stamps, medicaid, providing funding for healthy foods in schools, even public schools (they prefer a grant even if someone chose private schools), etc as long as they get their massive taxcuts, ramp-ups in military spending, massive social cuts, etc. Not all conservatives are the same but enough share these ideas that pretty much go against their own interests.

01-18-2022, 02:53 PM
My point was technically not even about abortion per say. I only used abortion to get my point across. My point was that conservatives preach about "pro-life" when it comes to unborn babies but at the same time are opposed to things meant to improve the life of people already born and existing.

My point is about the irony and hypocrisy behind that. They are opposed to funding for social programs including food stamps, medicaid, providing funding for healthy foods in schools, even public schools (they prefer a grant even if someone chose private schools), etc as long as they get their massive taxcuts, ramp-ups in military spending, massive social cuts, etc. Not all conservatives are the same but enough share these ideas that pretty much go against their own interests.

BTW if you can't see the difference between murdering an unborn baby who has no say in anything whatsoever and reaching into everyone else's pockets to fund your political views for adults that are far more often than not able to generate their own income, well, you're far more lost than I ever thought possible.


There is no irony or hypocrisy in that. The baby has no voice. People that are already "existing" as you put it have a voice. Period. The fact that you can't make this connection in your head makes me sad for you.

01-18-2022, 03:00 PM

There is no irony or hypocrisy in that. The baby has no voice. People that are already "existing" as you put it have a voice. Period. The fact that you can't make this connection in your head makes me sad for you.

Dude he's just cheerleading whatever his team tells him. That's it. Classic sheep. I used to like trump but had a hunch and for sure can see he's a scumbag in the political theatre too. They're all on the same team. Blade is too dumb to see that and is vigorously attached to his side.

01-18-2022, 03:24 PM

There is no irony or hypocrisy in that. The baby has no voice. People that are already "existing" as you put it have a voice. Period. The fact that you can't make this connection in your head makes me sad for you.

So because people have a voice, conservatives are fine with throwing them under the bus?

The fact that you are unable to mentally comprehend what I'm saying here epitomizes the very point I'm trying to make. If you cannot see the hypocrisy and irony in that, then I'm wasting my time here.

01-18-2022, 03:26 PM
Truth be told, they are pro-life only when it comes to unborn babies. They don't give a shit about people who are already alive. They are against universal healthcare, against clean renewable energy (they prefer coal/oil that makes people sick), against unions that fight for their workers, against minimum wages, opposed to contraceptives, opposed to people marrying whoever they want, opposed to LGBT rights, etc. All things that makes you feel like they enjoy living a miserable life. They are pretty much fighting against their own interests and don't seem to even realize it. It's sad if you ask me.

I'm against abortion and do support universal healthcare and programs to help single mothers, support unions, pro renewable energy but yeah, I'm opposed to LBGTs, don't get me wrong, gay folks deserve the same rights as everyone but I don't agree that there are 8,743 different genders.

01-18-2022, 03:29 PM
So because people have a voice, conservatives are fine with throwing them under the bus?

The fact that you are unable to mentally comprehend what I'm saying here epitomizes the very point I'm trying to make. If you cannot see the hypocrisy and irony in that, then I'm wasting my time here.

Is this post real? lol.

01-18-2022, 03:40 PM
I'm against abortion and do support universal healthcare and programs to help single mothers, support unions, pro renewable energy but yeah, I'm opposed to LBGTs, don't get me wrong, gay folks deserve the same rights as everyone but I don't agree that there are 8,743 different genders.

You know what? I will express where I actually stand on abortion for the first time so we have no ambiguity. I don't want people assuming x, y or z. Especially buffoons like shogon.

I don't actively support abortion beyond a certain time. I never studied the issue closely enough to know when the fetus has actual heart beat, which is the point I would consider "too late". Someone else here might have an idea of when that point is, but that's where I would say is the point of no-return except for very specific circumstances (mother's health in danger, child developing some extreme disease with no cure/treatment).

Anyways, to your point.. I don't think you are a social conservative. I am not going to get into the whole gender stuff because even I don't understand all that 8,000 genders stuff. However, I have no issue with gay people marrying if they so choose, have zero issue with providing them rights afforded to anyone else. There is absolutely nothing wrong with someone being born how they are and being treated with respect for that. Gayness exists not just in human species, but it does exist in many other animals as well. I studied evolutionary biology and studied that phenomena in many many other species of animals.

So that's where I stand.

Edit: brain activity is difficult to detect so let's go with heart beat. I think that should be very easy to detect. Probably at 2 month mark for the fetus, it should be universal across the board. So that point I would stop except for specific circumstances I mentioned above.

01-18-2022, 03:49 PM
Remember, even Obama was opposed to gay marriages, LGBT, etc. He changed on that years later, and I'm not so sure he really did. Maybe just publicly and not privately.

One of the advantages I have is that I'm not beholden to any religion. I am not religious and don't have the whole nonsense emotional aspect to mesh with like Obama or TheMan, other very religious people. In my experience, I have noticed religious people tend to hold some of these views, and they tend to stem from emotion much more so than ration or logic.

01-18-2022, 04:32 PM
Is this post real? lol.


I sometimes wonder if bladefd is one of the most elaborate gimmick troll accounts on ish.

But to be honest that’s just some extremely wishful thinking. He actually is this much of a dipshit.

Scary stuff.

Lakers Legend#32
01-18-2022, 04:45 PM
Truth be told, they are pro-life only when it comes to unborn babies. They don't give a shit about people who are already alive. They are against universal healthcare, against clean renewable energy (they prefer coal/oil that makes people sick), against unions that fight for their workers, against minimum wages, opposed to contraceptives, opposed to people marrying whoever they want, opposed to LGBT rights, etc. All things that makes you feel like they enjoy living a miserable life. They are pretty much fighting against their own interests and don't seem to even realize it. It's sad if you ask me.

But it's the Culture Wars that are the only thing Cons care about. F things that would actually make my life better, the War on Christmas is the only thing that matters to them.

01-18-2022, 05:35 PM
Remember, even Obama was opposed to gay marriages, LGBT, etc. He changed on that years later, and I'm not so sure he really did. Maybe just publicly and not privately.

One of the advantages I have is that I'm not beholden to any religion. I am not religious and don't have the whole nonsense emotional aspect to mesh with like Obama or TheMan, other very religious people. In my experience, I have noticed religious people tend to hold some of these views, and they tend to stem from emotion much more so than ration or logic.

But don't you worship the vaccines? That's very much like a religion. The whole emotional aspect.

01-18-2022, 08:26 PM

I sometimes wonder if bladefd is one of the most elaborate gimmick troll accounts on ish.

But to be honest that’s just some extremely wishful thinking. He actually is this much of a dipshit.

Scary stuff.

It’s scary just how many people are as stupid as blade..

He just digs deeper every time he’s wrong. Which is always, it’s almost an achievement to have the wrong take on every topic :oldlol:

01-20-2022, 12:36 AM
Nobody should be surprised. If they understood anything about the constitution, they would know the mandate over private businesses would not last.

Ah, a constitutional scholar on the forum.

Where in the constitution grants the federal gov't the authority to purchase, distribute, and administer vaccines?

Well, Blade? Going to enlighten us about the Constitution?

01-20-2022, 12:39 AM
And did the SCOTUS rule it constitutional for Biden to mandate the vaccine for certain healthcare workers? If so, where in the Constitution grants the federal gov't the authority to do that?

Patrick Chewing
01-20-2022, 03:03 AM
Well, Blade? Going to enlighten us about the Constitution?

blade has a GED-level education at best. It's wishful thinking.

01-20-2022, 03:38 AM
Ah, you asked me a question? I skip over blocked posts.

To answer it.. Here is the opening line to the US constitution:

"We the People of the United States in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION for the United States of America."

Welfare: the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.

Public health, such as vaccine funding to promote health, absolutely falls into general welfare, as does the ability to tax, ability to maintain infrastructure, ability to oversee agriculture, social security, medicare, health/military research, etc. It would be considered for the national welfare of the people. As long as it does not impede on the rights afforded to state governments and private businesses.

01-20-2022, 01:37 PM
Then why does Article 1, Section 8, list all the specifics regarding general Welfare?

@fultz. It sounds like the federal minimum wage law is constitutional because it "promotes the general Welfare." Maybe Biden can up it to $20/hr as long as it promotes the general Welfare, no?

And did the SCOTUS rule it constitutional for Biden to mandate the vaccine for certain healthcare workers? If so, where in the Constitution grants the federal gov't the authority to do that?

And blade, are you also saying that Biden's vaccine mandate falls under the general Welfare clause for certain healthcare workers, but doesn't fall under the general Welfare clause for other workers?

01-20-2022, 02:36 PM
Theyre purposely creating nursing shortages to push the "oVerWhElMing tHe hOsPiTaLs!" Every major site is shifting opinion though. I was on the Canada subreddit and even the vaxxed super left leaning liberals are calling bullshit and getting the most votes. Twitter and obviously youtube as well. They can't effectively censor if too many people call it out as being about money, power and control. Klaus said were going to have a cyber pandemic in the future where they shut the grid down purposely and swoop in with mandated solution. So I guess that's the next plan when this one falls apart.

01-20-2022, 03:24 PM
Theyre purposely creating nursing shortages to push the "oVerWhElMing tHe hOsPiTaLs!" Every major site is shifting opinion though. I was on the Canada subreddit and even the vaxxed super left leaning liberals are calling bullshit and getting the most votes. Twitter and obviously youtube as well. They can't effectively censor if too many people call it out as being about money, power and control. Klaus said were going to have a cyber pandemic in the future where they shut the grid down purposely and swoop in with mandated solution. So I guess that's the next plan when this one falls apart.

Those pushing this narrative crumble and disappear when questioned.

For example, baudkarma disappeared after a few questions here: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?494617-I-ve-had-covid-for-3-days-now-and-it-s-kind-of-a-joke&p=14367070&viewfull=1#post14367070

Loco 50 disappeared here: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?500139-CDC-Model-Suggests-US-Covid-Cases-At-200-Million&p=14502460&viewfull=1#post14502460

This site is full of houdinis.

Off the Court
01-20-2022, 03:35 PM
Theyre purposely creating nursing shortages.

Over the entire country? How are they doing that exactly? Nurse wages are rising to try and attract more help.

Not everything is a global conspiracy to trick you and not every hospital is run by liberals. The reason they are quitting is because they are done treating morons like you.

01-20-2022, 03:56 PM
Over the entire country? How are they doing that exactly? Nurse wages are rising to try and attract more help.

Not everything is a global conspiracy to trick you and not every hospital is run by liberals. The reason they are quitting is because they are done treating morons like you.

How long has the US had a nursing shortage? I bet you can find articles from 20+ years ago talking about a nursing shortage and things the gov't is doing to alleviate it.

Thanks to Donald Trump's National State of Emergency / Trump's War on Covid-19 (which you are a huge supporter of), we've allocated $10+ trillion USD to fight the virus. Here are the results so far:



Last week we hit an all-time high in "Covid-19 hospitalizations" and we have staffed beds available has been steadily declining over the past year...

Still waiting for the cumulative number of infections prevented by NPIs so far... (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?500139-CDC-Model-Suggests-US-Covid-Cases-At-200-Million&p=14502460&viewfull=1#post14502460) :ohwell:

01-20-2022, 08:26 PM
Remember, even Obama was opposed to gay marriages, LGBT, etc. He changed on that years later, and I'm not so sure he really did. Maybe just publicly and not privately.

One of the advantages I have is that I'm not beholden to any religion. I am not religious and don't have the whole nonsense emotional aspect to mesh with like Obama or TheMan, other very religious people. In my experience, I have noticed religious people tend to hold some of these views, and they tend to stem from emotion much more so than ration or logic.

I don't consider myself very religious, I go to mass every Sunday (try to at least), I don't even own a Bible. I just try to be a good person and I believe in God :confusedshrug:

01-20-2022, 08:30 PM
Over the entire country? How are they doing that exactly? Nurse wages are rising to try and attract more help.

Not everything is a global conspiracy to trick you and not every hospital is run by liberals. The reason they are quitting is because they are done treating morons like you.

I haven't seen a nurse since 2018. So they haven't been treating me at all. Vac injured on the other hand are being treated all around the world.

01-21-2022, 04:43 AM
Nursing shortages all around the globe it seems. Governments have been cutting funding to health for the last decade, shocking who knew!:oldlol:

The icing on the cake, nurses fired for not getting the jab, nurses with Covid allowed back to work :lol

You have to be a special kind of stupid (blade) to still believe any of the total bs Covid narrative.
Wake up to yourself moron

01-22-2022, 09:20 AM
The healthcare system and its shortcomings in the US is a web of shit and I'm not someone to listen to on the matter.

However, COVID aside, the biggest reason there are nursing shortages is because hospitals have increasingly become "for profit" above all else over the years. The job was extremely stressful in the U.S., even before COVID hysteria hit. Extremely. Annual budget cuts lead to dwindling staffing lead to burnouts lead to people quitting/shortages.

There's a ton of nuance here and a lot of intricacy that I'm not qualified to speak on in terms of seeking the root issue(s), but again, COVID aside, that's what's going on, generally speaking. When identifying systemic issues it's almost always not any 'one' thing, and I'm sure in this case it's not one thing you can point to specifically, either.

01-25-2022, 01:07 AM
Then why does Article 1, Section 8, list all the specifics regarding general Welfare?

@fultz. It sounds like the federal minimum wage law is constitutional because it "promotes the general Welfare." Maybe Biden can up it to $20/hr as long as it promotes the general Welfare, no?

And blade, are you also saying that Biden's vaccine mandate falls under the general Welfare clause for certain healthcare workers, but doesn't fall under the general Welfare clause for other workers?

blade has a GED-level education at best. It's wishful thinking.

He sounded like he knew; does anyone else on the forum know the answers to these questions?

02-14-2022, 10:14 PM
He sounded like he knew; does anyone else on the forum know the answers to these questions?

No other constitutional scholars on the forum besides bladefd (who seems to be lacking in his knowledge of the constitution atm)?

03-04-2022, 02:45 AM
No other constitutional scholars on the forum besides bladefd (who seems to be lacking in his knowledge of the constitution atm)?


03-23-2022, 09:31 PM