View Full Version : Lebron Era is over. He is now a Circus freak show much like kobe in his final years.

01-16-2022, 12:03 AM
The Lebron style of gameplay is antiquated and no longer works. Rabid build super teams have been exposed and old fashioned core team building is back in style. Lebron will continue to be an interesting and lucrative draw as he chases the scoring title, but it is clearly over. The game has passed him by.
If he were smart he would join the warriors as a role player and get a few more chips on his way out. Lebron is a problem alright, but he is a problem for team synergy. KD was right all along. Who wants to be part of a toxic work environment? Westbrook is the fall guy and he is clearly mentally broken. They traded away their young core to get him and he cannot be the savior they were looking for. They had GOOD players! Why was Rondo not played? They failed to utilize a great player for what reason?
This pathetic team was engineered by Lebron and he alone deserves the blame. Bronball is a relic of the past. Back to team synergy and exciting basketball.

01-16-2022, 12:08 AM
OP called Rondo a great player in 2022 lmfao.

01-16-2022, 02:01 PM
after Lebron's preseason favorites from 2011-2016 became Finals underdogs, he whined about Finals comp, thus weaponizing losing and having weaker teams than expected.

So Lebron is a fraud and his fans are sad victims.

01-16-2022, 02:04 PM
Anyone else looking forward to the day LeBron is gone from the league?

The dude took all integrity out of honest competition and shit on it. He's been a cancer to the sport.

01-16-2022, 02:11 PM
Anyone else looking forward to the day LeBron is gone from the league?

The dude took all integrity out of honest competition and shit on it. He's been a cancer to the sport.

Bran is the biggest cancer to the game

01-16-2022, 02:14 PM
Anyone else looking forward to the day LeBron is gone from the league?

The dude took all integrity out of honest competition and shit on it. He's been a cancer to the sport.

I am. I can’t wait for the colluding, Leshortcut and Lefake culture that he represented to go out of the door. I hope true competition comes back.

01-16-2022, 02:15 PM
Minor difference being LeBron's still playing at an elite level while Kobe was one of the worst players in the league.

Spurs m8
01-16-2022, 02:19 PM
I am. I can’t wait for the colluding, Leshortcut and Lefake culture that he represented to go out of the door. I hope true competition comes back.


And the ones before this.

He took out the competition and integrity of the league..

Biggest cancer to ever play the sport.

It amazes me people are impressed by this guy...says a lot about these types of people.

Full Court
01-16-2022, 02:22 PM

And the ones before this.

He took out the competition and integrity of the sport.

Biggest cancer to ever play in the league

Lebron himself doesn't nearly bother me nearly as much as his fans. They've changed sports fandom from team-oriented loyalty that celebrates winning to single player-oriented loyalty that rewards losing. I really hope it's a passing fad.

01-16-2022, 02:24 PM
Lebron himself doesn't nearly bother me nearly as much as his fans. They've changed sports fandom from team-oriented loyalty that celebrates winning to single player-oriented loyalty that rewards losing. I really hope it's a passing fad.

This is a good point, but the toxicity of Lebron stans was born out of MJ/Kobe stans hating on Lebron the moment he stepped into the NBA. It's all a big cycle that social media/tv talking heads have blown out of control.

And no, the "toxicity" of social media will never go away because it's already embued into society/technology.

01-16-2022, 02:25 PM
Ok cool. Let's talk about something else then.

Spurs m8
01-16-2022, 02:31 PM
Lebron himself doesn't nearly bother me nearly as much as his fans. They've changed sports fandom from team-oriented loyalty that celebrates winning to single player-oriented loyalty that rewards losing. I really hope it's a passing fad.


And they say "appreciate greatness"....

I do appreciate greatness....he ain't great.

Ugly game, entitled, always needs and runs to top tier help to win - while taking all the credit, passive aggressive clown when losing.

Then to top it off, knows he will never be GOAT, so spends his time selfishly stat padding, to try and manipulate the stupid into thinking he's impressive.

And as you said...breeds these weird obsessed type of loser fans...who have forgotten basketball is a team game about WINNING.


01-16-2022, 02:39 PM

And they say "appreciate greatness"....

I do appreciate greatness....he ain't great.

Ugly game, entitled, always needs and runs to top tier help to win - while taking all the credit, passive aggressive clown when losing.

Then to top it off, knows he will never be GOAT, so spends his time selfishly stat padding, to try and manipulate the stupid into thinking he's impressive.

And as you said...breeds these weird obsessed type of loser fans...who have forgotten basketball is a team game about WINNING.


I know a lot of trolling goes on here but you seem like you almost believe the things you say. Weird stuff.

01-16-2022, 03:14 PM
I know a lot of trolling goes on here but you seem like you almost believe the things you say. Weird stuff.

Nothing of what he said was wrong. That IS LeBron.

01-16-2022, 03:22 PM
Nothing of what he said was wrong. That IS LeBron.

I mean I agree that he's dramatic and self-centered and probably difficult to work with from a personality standpoint.

But dude seems to have convinced himself that Lebron isn't a great basketball player. That's the weird part.

Spurs m8
01-16-2022, 03:25 PM
I know a lot of trolling goes on here but you seem like you almost believe the things you say. Weird stuff.

Literally everything I said was true....

You stan a loser, congratulations, he pulled the wool over your eyes and you have questionable integrity....cool

01-16-2022, 03:27 PM
Literally everything I said was true....

You stan a loser, congratulations, he pulled the wool over your eyes and you have questionable integrity....cool

The Lebron stan accounts on here have shaken you to your very core. You have a complete inability to think about anything without that lens. And you're talking about integrity.


Spurs m8
01-16-2022, 03:29 PM
The Lebron stan accounts on here have shaken you to your very core. You have a complete inability to think about anything without that lens. And you're talking about integrity.


Once again...everything I said was true...and you or the alts can't defend it

Good onya, kid

01-16-2022, 03:33 PM
Once again...everything I said was true...and you or the alts can't defend it

Good onya, kid

In parts sure. As I've already said. But as I also already said, you seem to have convinced yourself that he isn't/wasn't a great basketball player. And that line of thinking has you living a far more miserable basketball fandom life than me.

Although the Hawks have truly made me want to pull my hair out with the way they've played defensively. Maybe I should stop watching but I probably won't.