View Full Version : Why not? Klay for Simmons

01-19-2022, 01:15 AM
Yes Klay is a Big Part of the Warriors Lore now. But This warriors team is not the team it once was. Klay has been away for 2 years. It is likely he returns to form given more time and because his style of play is not heavily reliant on athleticism.

The team is still built around Curry on the Offense and Dray is still the Glue Guy and you have an aging Iggy that can only give you limited productive minutes but other than that, the team has gotten significantly younger. You have an emerging all star in Poole,a great 3&D guy in Wiggins and GP2 & Lee as decent players off the bench. Then theres 2 promising rookies Kuminga and Moody. Plus still waiting on Wiseman to return from injury. It almost like the team has been constructed not reliant on Klay coming back at all. In fact, Klays return has somewhat caused a disruption in their rotations. Simmons could still play with this core for the next 4 years while still in his prime which he is already under contact for.

Klay still has value and he can help the organisation by aquiring Simmons who can help the Warriors in their obvious weakness which is Size. Simmons will need to play Center/Forward and his passing ability will fit nicely with the Warriors. He also provides great defense and can handle any dominant Bigs in the League. Simmons will not need to shoot either. There are plenty in the Warriors that can shoot.

The future of the Warriors could look somethine like this assuming Curry continues to play till his late 30s.

C: Simmons
PF: Kuminga
SF: Wiggins
SG: Poole
PG: Curry
6th man: Wiseman

The 76ers wanted a wing that can shoot. Well, Klay Thompson is their guy. He also brings plenty of championship experience with him. At the very least, Klay continues to play with Curry. Seth Curry.


01-19-2022, 01:16 AM

hold this L
01-19-2022, 01:17 AM
Warriors have the best defense in the league while struggling with offense and you want to make it significantly worse?

01-19-2022, 01:18 AM
Simmons takes the ball out of Curry’s hands tho. Not sure that makes sense.*

*in the regular season.

01-19-2022, 01:20 AM
Why would the Warriors do that when they already have Curry & Green running the offense most of the time? Only benefit Simmons would bring is probably his defense, but the Warriors when healthy are already a very good defensive team. Not to mention Klay is pretty much the perfect SG you can put around Curry, his threat as a shooter opens things up for Curry, I can imagine with Simmons & Curry in the lineup together you would see teams ignore Simmons because he can't shoot and focus more on Curry, making life harder for him.

01-19-2022, 01:21 AM
Simmons takes the ball out of Curry’s hands tho. Not sure that makes sense.*

*in the regular season.


01-19-2022, 01:21 AM
Klay is very fundamental to his team. In his two-season absence, the warriors haven't made the playoffs for that period.

01-19-2022, 01:32 AM
Warriors have the best defense in the league while struggling with offense and you want to make it significantly worse?

I know but this warriors team will struggle with dominant Bigs. Its okay in the regular season but once in the playoffs, who do they have to defend Jokic or Ayton in the West. Then if they make the finals theres the posibility of Giannis, KD or Embiid. This Warriors team needs Size to defend these guys. Simmons was a Top 3 DPOY Candidate last season.

Simmons takes the ball out of Curry’s hands tho. Not sure that makes sense.*

*in the regular season.

Well Simmons needs to change his Role in thr Warriors. They are bringing him in for his Defense and slashing. He will not be the primary ball handler in this team.

01-19-2022, 01:34 AM
Even if we assume this is going to work wonderfully on paper, there are just things you don't do. Imagine the disgust of the Warriors players if the organization decide to do this. That is not how you build loyalty. Team chemistry will suffer, everyone else will jump ship as soon as they can and free agents are not going to want to play there for years. The risk is too much for some marginal gain Ben Simmons provides.

01-19-2022, 01:39 AM
Why would the Warriors do that when they already have Curry & Green running the offense most of the time? Only benefit Simmons would bring is probably his defense, but the Warriors when healthy are already a very good defensive team. Not to mention Klay is pretty much the perfect SG you can put around Curry, his threat as a shooter opens things up for Curry, I can imagine with Simmons & Curry in the lineup together you would see teams ignore Simmons because he can't shoot and focus more on Curry, making life harder for him.

Youre exactly right. Simmons will need to change his game and just focus on defense, put backs, and ocassionally slash. He's also a gifted passer and all movement is key for the warriors. Simmons should not handle the ball primarily for this team.

Even if we assume this is going to work wonderfully on paper, there are just things you don't do. Imagine the disgust of the Warriors players if the organization decide to do this. That is not how you build loyalty. Team chemistry will suffer, everyone else will jump ship as soon as they can and free agents are not going to want to play there for years. The risk is too much for some marginal gain Ben Simmons provides.

And I guess this is probably a good response of why I posted this. To talk about issues like this. A good way to view a situation like this is when KG and Pierce left the Celtics after their stint there. Could the same be replicated in this instance? There was no bad blood between the organisation when that happened.

hold this L
01-19-2022, 01:39 AM
I know but this warriors team will struggle with dominant Bigs. Its okay in the regular season but once in the playoffs, who do they have to defend Jokic or Ayton in the West. Then if they make the finals theres the posibility of Giannis, KD or Embiid. This Warriors team needs Size to defend these guys. Simmons was a Top 3 DPOY Candidate last season.

Well Simmons needs to change his Role in thr Warriors. They are bringing him in for his Defense and slashing. He will not be the primary ball handler in this team.

People have been complaining about size for the Warriors since the 14-15 season. They have a #2 pick whose a 7 footer. Simmons doesn't work for the Warriors. His role would be what Dray already does, secondary playmaker with elite defense. Having him out there is making the job for every shooter difficult since now there will be another player with a ton of minutes not being guarded on the court.

Warriors need offense right now. They can beat Suns because they can let Ayton average 25 and slow down everyone else. Same with the Bucks, let Giannis run wild and stop Middleton. Sixers worry me about as much as an ant would if it walked next to me.

Youre exactly right. Simmons will need to change his game and just focus on defense, put backs, and ocassionally slash. He's also a gifted passer and all movement is key for the warriors. Simmons should not handle the ball primarily for this team.

Which is not the primary need of the Warriors. They need shooting and scoring right now. The offense has fallen to 25th in the last 10+ games. Also one of the worst FT teams, which makes it even worse getting Simmons and sending the 2nd best FT shooter on the team away.

01-19-2022, 01:52 AM
People have been complaining about size for the Warriors since the 14-15 season. They have a #2 pick whose a 7 footer. Simmons doesn't work for the Warriors. His role would be what Dray already does, secondary playmaker with elite defense. Having him out there is making the job for every shooter difficult since now there will be another player with a ton of minutes not being guarded on the court.

Warriors need offense right now. They can beat Suns because they can let Ayton average 25 and slow down everyone else. Same with the Bucks, let Giannis run wild and stop Middleton. Sixers worry me about as much as an ant would if it walked next to me.

Which is not the primary need of the Warriors. They need shooting and scoring right now. The offense has fallen to 25th in the last 10+ games. Also one of the worst FT teams, which makes it even worse getting Simmons and sending the 2nd best FT shooter on the team away.

Well that 2015 Team had size. They had Bogut, Lee and Green rotating at C/PF providing Defense and rebounds. This current team are very under sized. At least the KD/Curry warriors could justout score their opponents.

I feel like this Warriors team if left as is will be exposed in the playoffs by Teams with dominant bigs. I feel like Poole can provide what Klay brought to the team. Not as good as Klay once was, but hes okay. Klays contract also eats up a huge chunk of the salary cap and given you have Poole, you could Focus that salary towards a gaping need on the roster.

01-19-2022, 01:58 AM
And I guess this is probably a good response of why I posted this. To talk about issues like this. A good way to view a situation like this is when KG and Pierce left the Celtics after their stint there. Could the same be replicated in this instance? There was no bad blood between the organisation when that happened.

Not sure why that would be a good way to view a situation like this.

01-19-2022, 02:02 AM
Aside from klay's recovery, the warriors are very lucky to have andre iguodala back in the team as well. This was the team before kd shamelessly took over six years ago. Anyway, they've dominated the early part of the season and are likely to make the playoffs again with their presence since the 2019 finals. Without those two tho, the warriors were only 9th seed at best (which they got due to embarrassing b2b losses in the play-ins) under the steve kerr era. People should've been moving on from this team already in terms of looking at them as perennial title contenders but the two players above when active in the roster just potentially keep them relevant in the league.

01-19-2022, 02:04 AM
Aside from klay's recovery, the warriors are very lucky to have andre iguodala back in the team as well. This was the team before kd shamelessly took over six years ago. Anyway, they've dominated the early part of the season and are likely to make the playoffs again with their presence since the 2019 finals. Without those two tho, the warriors were only 9th seed at best (which they got due to embarrassing b2b losses in the play-ins) under the steve kerr era. People should've been moving on from this team already in terms of looking at them as perennial title contenders but the two players above when active in the roster just potentially keep them relevant in the league.

01-19-2022, 02:52 AM
Aside from klay's recovery, the warriors are very lucky to have andre iguodala back in the team as well. This was the team before kd shamelessly took over six years ago. Anyway, they've dominated the early part of the season and are likely to make the playoffs again with their presence since the 2019 finals. Without those two tho, the warriors were only 9th seed at best (which they got due to embarrassing b2b losses in the play-ins) under the steve kerr era. People should've been moving on from this team already in terms of looking at them as perennial title contenders but the two players above when active in the roster just potentially keep them relevant in the league.

To be fair the Warriors were the 8th seed last year and the play in thing screwed them over. But even if they did make it in they were far from contending. This year the Warriors appear to be dominating the Regular season and this would of happened with or without Klay.

I expect this Warriors team to be a playoff team and a Contender in some years for the rest of the 20s. I just hope they address the C/PF position. And with Dray injured for the next 4 weeks they will be needing more depth at the C/PF even more.

01-19-2022, 03:20 AM
What about Chiozza for Simmons?

hold this L
01-19-2022, 02:50 PM
Well that 2015 Team had size. They had Bogut, Lee and Green rotating at C/PF providing Defense and rebounds. This current team are very under sized. At least the KD/Curry warriors could justout score their opponents.

I feel like this Warriors team if left as is will be exposed in the playoffs by Teams with dominant bigs. I feel like Poole can provide what Klay brought to the team. Not as good as Klay once was, but hes okay. Klays contract also eats up a huge chunk of the salary cap and given you have Poole, you could Focus that salary towards a gaping need on the roster.

They have a 7 footer that's coming back. And the best lineup for the Warriors was the small ball lineup during that PS run, which had only Green at the 5.

01-19-2022, 03:26 PM
Simmons and Draymond don’t really make sense together.

01-19-2022, 06:21 PM
Even if we assume this is going to work wonderfully on paper, there are just things you don't do. Imagine the disgust of the Warriors players if the organization decide to do this. That is not how you build loyalty. Team chemistry will suffer, everyone else will jump ship as soon as they can and free agents are not going to want to play there for years. The risk is too much for some marginal gain Ben Simmons provides.


That's exactly it. Like OP said, Klay has become part of GSW lore now. He retires a Warrior and gets his jersey hung up there with Steph and Draymond.

Mask the Embiid
01-19-2022, 06:23 PM
a man can dream....a man can dream