View Full Version : Who wants to take this challenge

01-21-2022, 06:18 PM
Not looking at any naked women for a month? Purposely at least if someone posts something on inside hoops or something just look away immediately

01-21-2022, 07:28 PM
Why would anyone want to do that?

01-21-2022, 07:32 PM
This thread is proof that RacistGohan never has any women in his own bedroom. :facepalm

But that's the trend these days for leftists, because all the hot women are dating Republican men.

01-21-2022, 07:36 PM
This thread is proof that RacistGohan never has any women in his own bedroom. :facepalm

But that's the trend these days for leftists, because all the hot women are dating Republican men.

Well you sir have fun being disobedient to god but i try to obey. Looking at a women with lust is basically committing adultery

01-21-2022, 08:22 PM
This thread is proof that RacistGohan never has any women in his own bedroom. :facepalm

But that's the trend these days for leftists, because all the hot women are dating Republican men.

everything with AKA is based on racist and left wing ... so we know now he is a youth , trying to act grown up and calling everyone out.
Go back to your basement and hang your self ... punk.

Spurs m8
01-21-2022, 08:29 PM
What the hell is this thread?

Mr Gohan, what is the purpose of this challenge?

01-21-2022, 08:37 PM
What the hell is this thread?

Mr Gohan, what is the purpose of this challenge?

Its just to see if we could actually cope without women. If you get them in real life then thats cool im just saying dont look at them on the internet or magazines. You get it, no looking at women we dont know with lust. Thats their sacred parts whether they are stupid enough to show it or not

Spurs m8
01-21-2022, 09:37 PM
Ah okay, that clears it up a little more, kind of.

Well, good luck to you lads!

01-21-2022, 09:38 PM
everything with AKA is based on racist and left wing ... so we know now he is a youth , trying to act grown up and calling everyone out.
Go back to your basement and hang your self ... punk.


01-21-2022, 09:45 PM
everything with AKA is based on racist and left wing ... so we know now he is a youth , trying to act grown up and calling everyone out.
Go back to your basement and hang your self ... punk.

Damn cold world

Chick Stern
01-21-2022, 10:00 PM
OP =


01-21-2022, 11:41 PM
OP trying to save this forum:applause: