View Full Version : Hilarious Kevin McHale story from a 2004 forum post

Im Still Ballin
02-01-2022, 01:29 AM
I know I've made a lot of posts about this guy but he continues to fascinate me. Truly one of the more unique physical talents.


McHale story:

During the first couple of years the Heat started playing, I used to be able to get 5th row tickets from a friend I played basketball with. He couldn't make alot of the games so I was always going to the Miami Arena. The night the Celtics were in town, I took my old man since he had always liked the Celtics in the Celtics/Lakers matchups.

Well, we get there pretty early and who do we see shooting free throws by himself? Kevin McHale, that's who. Anyways he is shooting free throws for about 20 minutes and hitting nothing but net. I don't recall seeing him miss even one. One of the shots curls the net over the rim. I'm thinking, damn I hate when that happens because I have to get a running jump to pull it down. At the time, I could only touch the rim, so when the net would get curled up I would challenge myself to pull it down on my own.

Funny thing is, McHale casually walks up to the rim, reaches straight up, mind you his arms went on forever, and casually pulls down the net withouth even getting on his tip-toes. I looked over to my dad and we both were laughing at how easily someone could do that. We started yelling to McHale how his arms were as long as his legs. He even smiled at us for trying to "heckle" him even though it was all in good fun.

McHale went on to score 20+ points that night. He dominated Miami's front line which back then consisted of Rony Seikaly, Grant Long and a few scrubs like Alec Kessler!

With an estimated 9'5"-9'6" standing reach, I 100% believe this story.
