View Full Version : alpha grandma beats the shit out of libtard trying to steal groceries

02-02-2022, 02:29 AM


seeee... i don't just pick on the colored's

Patrick Chewing
02-02-2022, 11:39 AM
The perp in the video reminds me of ItsMillerTime. And you know he supports BLM big time.

02-02-2022, 01:45 PM
And you can tell he's a liberal because....?

Also, how does he plan on getting away with a full grocery cart if he's riding a bicycle?

02-02-2022, 01:51 PM
And you can tell he's a liberal because....?

Also, how does he plan on getting away with a full grocery cart if he's riding a bicycle?

yeah he definitely voted to strengthen laws and decrease government handouts in favor of tax breaks for the wealthy and is probly just a kleptomaniac. he's definitely either rich or a hard working individual. likely of good faith with personal accountability

oh wait did you think the difference between liberal and conservative just meant "not racist" and "racist" like the media spins it?

02-02-2022, 01:57 PM
yeah he definitely voted to strengthen laws and decrease government handouts in favor of tax breaks for the wealthy and is probly just a kleptomaniac. he's definitely either rich or a hard working individual. likely of good faith with personal accountability

oh wait did you think the difference between liberal and conservative just meant "not racist" and "racist" like the media spins it?:applause:

Patrick Chewing
02-02-2022, 02:06 PM
yeah he definitely voted to strengthen laws and decrease government handouts in favor of tax breaks for the wealthy and is probly just a kleptomaniac. he's definitely either rich or a hard working individual. likely of good faith with personal accountability

oh wait did you think the difference between liberal and conservative just meant "not racist" and "racist" like the media spins it?


Conservatives don't stoop to such levels. When Liberals are always preaching about defund the police, and about income inequality, you know damn well that someone who loots is most likely an angry Liberal angry at the "system" when they really should be angry at themselves for being a lazy loser that's incapable of landing a decent job. Work and responsibilities are hard for the average Liberal nowadays. Why not just take from someone else instead, either by force or by wealth redistribution.

02-02-2022, 02:41 PM

Conservatives don't stoop to such levels. When Liberals are always preaching about defund the police, and about income inequality, you know damn well that someone who loots is most likely an angry Liberal angry at the "system" when they really should be angry at themselves for being a lazy loser that's incapable of landing a decent job. Work and responsibilities are hard for the average Liberal nowadays. Why not just take from someone else instead, either by force or by wealth redistribution.

Not trying to bust balls, but didn't you go to jail for stealing?

Patrick Chewing
02-02-2022, 02:51 PM
Not trying to bust balls, but didn't you go to jail for stealing?

That was a White Collar Crime. Embezzlement. Like I said, we don't stoop to such levels.

02-02-2022, 03:06 PM
That was a White Collar Crime. Embezzlement. Like I said, we don't stoop to such levels.

So you stole.

Patrick Chewing
02-02-2022, 03:25 PM
So you stole.

Sorry, you're just not going to get to a "gotcha" point with me.

Stealing thousands of dollars electronically some 15 years ago while working at a Fortune 500 company is not the same as looting stores today cause I'm "oppressed" or because Capitalism is evil.

Both are wrong, yes. But the looting is happening today. Across the entire country just about. Bringing up a past crime by one man, in this instance, myself, doesn't negate or diminish what is transpiring today.

02-02-2022, 03:31 PM
And you can tell he's a liberal because....?
Because he's OP.

02-02-2022, 03:41 PM
its not stealing if nobodies really effected by it

when you loot stores you bring down your community. if you can steal the rich white people way and skim a little off the top of some company that's already scamming people then that's just playing the game of life. it's risky so it has to be worth it. to someone like me I wouldn't do it for anything less that 10 million. it would have to be life changing money. it's different for everyone I guess depending on how financially set you are.

what I sure as hell won't do is bring down my community by looting stores and terrorizing citizens for some garbage bags and batteries. then you're lowering your standards and risking it all for basically nothing. stuff you coulda bought working a part time shift on a Sunday pushing buttons on a cash register. it's about integrity.. like if a bit of money goes missing in some corporation they just write it off and do a bail out or file for a 20th bankruptcy at worst. but most likely the c.e.os and other investors won't notice the money being gone or won't care.

people like the guy in that video however are the types that burn down local businesses, scare minimum wage workers and people that live close by lose out and have to have added security or have less products stocked that they need. and a lot of the time in smaller stores they're franchised out to individual owners and when their places are looted they're only covered for 300$ at a time. and then it's just that one hard working guy that pays the bill. in this case you got a guy trying to shove old ladies out of the way. like man.. that woman shouldn't have to put up with that shit. neither should the manager of that place that will likely get fired if it keeps happening. or the security guards might lose their jobs fir being completely useless. other people will get profiled. it just brings down everyone. and it also perpetuates the idea that more and more people can consider just looting instead of working. it's a free ticket cause they won't arrest you.

rich people steal all the time. but it's usually crafty and cunning. almost like an oceans 11 type thing. and in that case you just have to applaud their resilience and drive and capability of carrying out a well choreographed genius plan..any dumb **** can just walk out of a store with a shopping cart

like my grandfather did insider trading. that's a form of theft. but he earned that right by going through the proper channels of becoming part of the elite. it was a position he attained through military service and freemasonry. he didn't just wake up one morning and smoke a bong and say "im gonna make millions on trading stocks and investing"

that's how liberal pieces of shit think.