View Full Version : Graphic: Embalmers finds veins filled with never before seen rubbery clots

02-06-2022, 10:18 PM
A very compelling interview.

I can't embed the video, since it's from Rumble. And such videos that paint the vaccines in a negative light are not allowed on YouTube.


This is what he's allegedly finding in blood veins.



He believes that the endothelial cells that line the all blood vessels throughout the vascular system are taking up the genes from the spike protein in the mRNA from the vaxx. These endothelial cells, in turn, start to produce more of these spike proteins, which then start to protrude from the endothelial cell walls of the blood vessels.

When platelets in the bloodstream brush against these spikes along the vessel walls, their blood clotting factors are activated. Then, the natural killer lymphocytes (NK) come along, whose job it is to provide rapid responses to virus-infected cells and to other intracellular pathogens. These NKs are then triggered to release cytokines to kill the infected cells.

Dr Ruby thinks this is a plausible explanation and that once we get the chemical analysis, we’ll understand a lot more but the mysterious white clots appear to be an immune response and it’s the reason why blood thinners aren’t alleviating the clotting problems being experienced by the vaxxed.


02-06-2022, 10:27 PM

Honor Boost
02-08-2022, 03:29 AM
im not vaxxed

in 4 later

02-08-2022, 04:01 AM
I saw this one blood clot, unrelated to this, and for the past 3 hours or so I have this disgusted horrible feeling. I've never had a visual disturb me before.

A common joke is of throwing up after seeing say a horribly ugly person naked, but that's just mostly an exaggeration for comedic effect. I have this nauseous feeling.


02-08-2022, 02:54 PM
It’s very troubling.

Most reasonable explanation, is that our bodies are seeking to isolate these new s-proteins (whether by natural infection or vaccine administration), but our bodies are doing things to counteract, that cause problems of their own. It’s untreaded territory.

Many think that these vaccines and/or the virus itself, may contain forms of unnaturally replicating substances.

Many on the fringe, think that these traits may even stem from the nanotechnology and virology work done by Charles Lieber, prior to his arrest in January of 2020. Many in that fringe believe this virus to be operating with natural matter, but on the principles of nanotechnology.

Whatever the reason for all the very unusual clotting problems, it’s very concerning. I don’t want to believe that big pharma is knowingly and intentionally trying it selectively play eugenics with earth.

M more rational underlying suspicion, is that the vaccine manufacturers knew something was very very wrong with this new technology (mRNA shots), but have wanted this technology to work so badly, because of its potential applicability to a very wide range of disease prevention, and it’s very high profit potential.