View Full Version : Why doesn't the U.S..use the death penalty more?

02-09-2022, 11:34 AM

Terrifying moment homeless man cracks female Amazon staffer's skull with a baseball bat as she walks home in unprovoked attack in Seattle: Face-tattooed suspect, 31, finally in jail after 14-year crime spree that includes arrests for robbery and violence


What's the point of keeping this guy alive? Also, how is this guy not being charged with attempted murder. Absolutely insane he is only looking at 12 years, which he would only serve half.

The death penalty needs to be normalized. You'll see less crime because repeat criminals that are a danger to society will be dead and the rest will be too scared to violently assault people knowing they could get the death penalty.

On the bright side, maybe getting your head split open by a beaner that ended up here through illegal immigration will change the libtard's mind on letting wetbacks walk right in, instead of being forced to swim and possibly drown trying to get around a great big beautiful Trump wall.

Patrick Chewing
02-09-2022, 11:50 AM
The answer almost always comes back to Liberals being the cause of all our problems and the pussification of America.

Weak Liberal judges have enabled these criminals to remain on the streets. Also, the complete abandonement of mental health in this country. Because when a crazy person shoots up a school, it's the gun that's the problem, not the crazy person. The crazy person should be allowed to roam free on the streets.

02-09-2022, 11:51 AM
Because it happened in Seattle. A progressive left wing city that promotes lawlessness. Same city that let CHAZ be set up and run for months while rapes and robberies occurred.

02-09-2022, 12:18 PM
what happened to no cash bail... oh now these liberal politicians actually wanna serve justice cause the people they're protecting are attacking them now. woops

02-09-2022, 12:27 PM
i completely support the death penalty if it aplies to everyone equally. that means the officer holding floyd's neck would face death penalty. or the officers that brutally killed the innocent hostage that was kidnapped.

oh wait, i forgot bootlickers only talk about justice for civilians, never for people in uniform because they eat up the propaganda.

02-09-2022, 12:38 PM
the problem with the death penalty is I keep hearing about these random stories where guys are let out of prison after 20 years cause they messed up and got the wrong guy. can't bring people back from the dead. so it has to be clear cut evidence like that rittenhouse shit but instead of him doing self defense he just went around blasting peoples heads off for no reason... then ok its obvious he's guilty. but there's tons of cases that are just built on dna or witnesses or grainy surveillance footage. and mistakes happen. for those people they should get life in jail

there's no way of telling who that guy is swinging the bat. it's obvious they just found the right apartment and found the dudes bat. but what if it was his friends bat and he dropped it off there. it's unlikely but who knows

Chick Stern
02-09-2022, 12:42 PM
The death penalty is a failed policy.
- it does not discourage people from committing heinous crimes.
- it costs far more than life in prison.
- it wastes both court time and resources, and government time and resources.
- it is generally applied to people who murder. If killing is wrong, then isn’t killing wrong? Strong level of hypocracy. It also forces somebody else to kill.
- no human system has ever been 100% accurate, so there is a percentage of innocent people being killed.
- stats show that it is more often applied to non-whites, making it inherently racist and unjust.

02-09-2022, 12:48 PM
i completely support the death penalty if it aplies to everyone equally. that means the officer holding floyd's neck would face death penalty. or the officers that brutally killed the innocent hostage that was kidnapped.

oh wait, i forgot bootlickers only talk about justice for civilians, never for people in uniform because they eat up the propaganda.

Chauvin mishandled the situation but he clearly didn't intend to kill Floyd. Murder requires intent to murder. Chauvin was found guilty in a kangaroo court.

Now, the guy who shot the 5 year old in the head? Hang him.

02-09-2022, 01:29 PM
Chauvin mishandled the situation but he clearly didn't intend to kill Floyd. Murder requires intent to murder. Chauvin was found guilty in a kangaroo court.

Now, the guy who shot the 5 year old in the head? Hang him.

fair enough. the cops that shot the hostage though...they murdered him. you shouldn't be able to get off just because you're in uniform. we give police blanket waivers to be free from any liability. that shouldn't be the case, they serve the public...

Patrick Chewing
02-09-2022, 01:35 PM
i completely support the death penalty if it aplies to everyone equally. that means the officer holding floyd's neck would face death penalty. or the officers that brutally killed the innocent hostage that was kidnapped.

oh wait, i forgot bootlickers only talk about justice for civilians, never for people in uniform because they eat up the propaganda.

If you kill someone accidentally, you shouldn't face the death penalty. We know you hate cops even though you'll come right back and say you don't. Cops scare you. Admit it.

02-09-2022, 01:40 PM
If you kill someone accidentally, you shouldn't face the death penalty. We know you hate cops even though you'll come right back and say you don't. Cops scare you. Admit it.

so if a floyd had placed his knee on a cop and as a result, killed him, would it be manslaughter or murder?

i already know you will claim murder. it's called being a bootlicker. you are what you claim liberals are, you protect criminals actions.

02-09-2022, 01:44 PM
- it is generally applied to people who murder. If killing is wrong, then isn’t killing wrong? Strong level of hypocracy. It also forces somebody else to kill.

That is like middle school logic. Not all killing is wrong.

Patrick Chewing
02-09-2022, 01:45 PM
so if a floyd had placed his knee on a cop and as a result, killed him, would it be manslaughter or murder?

i already know you will claim murder. it's called being a bootlicker. you are what you claim liberals are, you protect criminals actions.

Was Floyd's intent to kill the cop? Was Chauvin's intent to kill Floyd? I'm sure if Chauvin had a vision of the future when he woke up that morning, he wouldn't have put his knee on his neck (which wasn't even the cause of his death). Your definition of murder is perverse. If I hit a golf ball and it slices pretty bad to the next hole and it hits someone on the head and kills them, am I to be tried and convicted of murder? Am I sentenced to die thereafter?

02-09-2022, 01:57 PM
Was Floyd's intent to kill the cop? Was Chauvin's intent to kill Floyd? I'm sure if Chauvin had a vision of the future when he woke up that morning, he wouldn't have put his knee on his neck (which wasn't even the cause of his death). Your definition of murder is perverse. If I hit a golf ball and it slices pretty bad to the next hole and it hits someone on the head and kills them, am I to be tried and convicted of murder? Am I sentenced to die thereafter?

if course it wasn't, but it took nationwide rioting for chauvin to face ANY sort of consequence for his actions. that's the problem, the system protects police.

Patrick Chewing
02-09-2022, 02:17 PM
if course it wasn't, but it took nationwide rioting for chauvin to face ANY sort of consequence for his actions. that's the problem, the system protects police.

I don't think that was the case. People were already rioting prior to the investigation into his death. You have to realize we're all being played man. The media creates the narrative that there are racist cops out there, or that cops get away with killing Blacks when time and time again the data shows that Blacks are killed by other Blacks more than any other demographic out there. So if social media and CNN blast how bad cops are 24/7, then of course the simple-minded fools in this country will believe it. Look at how that whole defund the police movement has backfired in their faces. There is now more crime and more death because of it. Not because cops are bad, but because people are bad. Because the only thing separating us from them is the police.

02-09-2022, 02:54 PM
I don't think that was the case. People were already rioting prior to the investigation into his death. You have to realize we're all being played man. The media creates the narrative that there are racist cops out there, or that cops get away with killing Blacks when time and time again the data shows that Blacks are killed by other Blacks more than any other demographic out there. So if social media and CNN blast how bad cops are 24/7, then of course the simple-minded fools in this country will believe it. Look at how that whole defund the police movement has backfired in their faces. There is now more crime and more death because of it. Not because cops are bad, but because people are bad. Because the only thing separating us from them is the police.

i'm not even going to defend the media's narrative. i don't believe most cops are racist. i think the job they carry out is difficult and they have to make split second decisions...the pleasantries take a backseat because of the nature of their job. so liberals automatically assume they are racist just because they don't treat criminals like royalty.

my argument is we have a police force in place to serve the public, when did it become more important for police to do whatever they feel is necessary even if it's harming/killing the public? if you have traveled around the world, you would observe that other countries can have a police force without them being militarized and so arrogant. they know their place. American cops think they are the most important authority on the planet.

02-09-2022, 03:03 PM
I support the death penalty in theory but not in practice, too many people on death row were found to later be not guilty of the crimes they were convicted of...and they were usually of the non-white variety.

Patrick Chewing
02-09-2022, 03:18 PM
my argument is we have a police force in place to serve the public, when did it become more important for police to do whatever they feel is necessary even if it's harming/killing the public?

How is this true? If police are killing the public, then where are the bodies? I just explained to you that Blacks are killed by Blacks and gun violence is up all over the country. It's not the police doing the shooting. Two NYPD officers shot and killed the other day. Where were you? You're cherry-picking a handful of incidents over the last few years and using that to say that there's some sort of crisis where police are just killing everybody. Just not true man.

02-09-2022, 03:34 PM
How is this true? If police are killing the public, then where are the bodies? I just explained to you that Blacks are killed by Blacks and gun violence is up all over the country. It's not the police doing the shooting. Two NYPD officers shot and killed the other day. Where were you? You're cherry-picking a handful of incidents over the last few years and using that to say that there's some sort of crisis where police are just killing everybody. Just not true man.
so it has to happen in a widescale for it to be addressed?

in that case, why are you bitching about two dead nypd officers? cops don't die in mass. they're not even in the top 5 most dangerous jobs in the country.

02-09-2022, 03:45 PM

Terrifying moment homeless man cracks female Amazon staffer's skull with a baseball bat as she walks home in unprovoked attack in Seattle: Face-tattooed suspect, 31, finally in jail after 14-year crime spree that includes arrests for robbery and violence


What's the point of keeping this guy alive? Also, how is this guy not being charged with attempted murder. Absolutely insane he is only looking at 12 years, which he would only serve half.

The death penalty needs to be normalized. You'll see less crime because repeat criminals that are a danger to society will be dead and the rest will be too scared to violently assault people knowing they could get the death penalty.

On the bright side, maybe getting your head split open by a beaner that ended up here through illegal immigration will change the libtard's mind on letting wetbacks walk right in, instead of being forced to swim and possibly drown trying to get around a great big beautiful Trump wall.

Hey Joey Turnbuckle got unbanned

Patrick Chewing
02-09-2022, 04:23 PM
so it has to happen in a widescale for it to be addressed?

in that case, why are you bitching about two dead nypd officers? cops don't die in mass. they're not even in the top 5 most dangerous jobs in the country.

You just proved my point. Cops don't kill en masse, and yet you want that to be addressed. Blacks kill each other en masse, and no one bats an eye.

I just want people like you to be consistent. Police shootings aren't a problem in this country. Mistakes will always happen. Bad apples are always in the bunch, but it's not the norm. However, on the flipside, crime and murder by every day citizens is a problem in this country. To focus on one or two police shootings a year and ignore the thousands that die every year by gun violence seems rather insane to me.

02-09-2022, 04:26 PM
You just proved my point. Cops don't kill en masse, and yet you want that to be addressed. Blacks kill each other en masse, and no one bats an eye.

I just want people like you to be consistent. Police shootings aren't a problem in this country. Mistakes will always happen. Bad apples are always in the bunch, but it's not the norm. However, on the flipside, crime and murder by every day citizens is a problem in this country. To focus on one or two police shootings a year and ignore the thousands that die every year by gun violence seems rather insane to me.

umm you are still missing the point. when a criminal kills a person, they get arrested and tried. when cops do it...well we just pretend it didn't happen. that's the problem. it shouldn't take country wide rioting to get the justice system to act on bad cops.

Patrick Chewing
02-09-2022, 04:44 PM
umm you are still missing the point. when a criminal kills a person, they get arrested and tried. when cops do it...well we just pretend it didn't happen. that's the problem.

Again, when does this happen and how often does this happen? And how often does a cop just flat out kill someone unjustly? I don't think this happens at all. I think people out there lie to you and you believe it. The cop that entered the wrong apartment: Tried and convicted. Derek Chauvin: Tried and convicted. The cop that used her gun instead of a taser: Tried and convicted. There are several more that I can't think of right now. But you're under this impression that it's an epidemic and that it happens every so often. It doesn't my man. Meanwhile, criminals roam the streets terrorizing anyone that they come across, and we have city leaders talking about less police on the streets.

Chick Stern
02-09-2022, 09:54 PM
That is like middle school logic. Not all killing is wrong.

What makes it right?

02-09-2022, 10:15 PM
Again, when does this happen and how often does this happen? And how often does a cop just flat out kill someone unjustly? I don't think this happens at all. I think people out there lie to you and you believe it. The cop that entered the wrong apartment: Tried and convicted. Derek Chauvin: Tried and convicted. The cop that used her gun instead of a taser: Tried and convicted. There are several more that I can't think of right now. But you're under this impression that it's an epidemic and that it happens every so often. It doesn't my man. Meanwhile, criminals roam the streets terrorizing anyone that they come across, and we have city leaders talking about less police on the streets.

you stupid dumb son of a bitch. police have been skewing details and purposely altering death classifications for DECADES and guess which ethnic groups are the main victims? minorities.

The study also suggests that local sheriffs, coroners, medical examiners and police themselves may play a role in skewing federal fatality data that obfuscates the severity of the police violence crisis. According to the team’s calculations, 55.5 percent of deaths caused by police were not reported as such between 1980 and 2018, including nearly 60 percent of cases where the victim was Black.


Lakers Legend#32
02-09-2022, 10:39 PM
MAGATS can't get enough killing.

Patrick Chewing
02-09-2022, 10:50 PM
you stupid dumb son of a bitch. police have been skewing details and purposely altering death classifications for DECADES and guess which ethnic groups are the main victims? minorities.


You're too much of a triggered fatty to have a rational conversation with. Keep believing the lie that cops are just out there killing people. I hope you become the victim of a crime one day. You better not punk out and call the cops.

02-09-2022, 10:54 PM
You're too much of a triggered fatty to have a rational conversation with. Keep believing the lie that cops are just out there killing people. I hope you become the victim of a crime one day. You better not punk out and call the cops.

i've proven you wrong at every turn.

you say it doesn't happen in mass scale, OK, but it STILL HAPPENS and they go unpunished. those recent cases of cops being punished are the result of CHANGE. a lot of pressure from the public changed that, otherwise those cops would go unchecked like they did for decades.

and the argument of cops being humans is bs bc very rarely do they cut minorities a break...bc you know, minorities are humans too. the cops that shot that hostage weren't even disciplined, like wtf. so what if that's a rare instance, there should be consequences.

and i just posted evidence of decades long corruption of police skewing stats to keep their racism under the rug...and all you have to say is i can't have a rational convo with you? more like you don't like the truth! you like your narrative only, not the truth.

Patrick Chewing
02-10-2022, 12:52 AM
You know what also happens, highweight? Parents drown their children in the tub. Angry incel boys like RRR3 kill their parents for turning off his internet. Shit happens. Shit happens every single second of every single day on this planet. The world isn't perfect. You getting riled up over like 0.003% of cases is hilarious. All it shows is that you have an agenda cause you're a failed cop yourself and you think being anti-cop is cool and trendy when in fact no one really gives a flying f*ck what your opinion is bro. Your anti-cop crusade is polluting your mind when there is bigger shit to worry about. Not about some cop that got away with it like 10 years ago.

Here you go bro, just for you:


02-11-2022, 12:46 AM
I am not getting into the argument of Patrick and highwhey ...

I am in favor of the death penalty but rules of it would need to be laid out in quite a bit of detail.
(that in it self could be the problem)
don't ask me about details , but an accidental homicide obviously would not qualify , but a guy like Domar to the other extreme would.

I feel that most people would think if a person were convicted to death , that there is a racial issue ( driving force).
Obviously most convicted and incriminated people are minorities , and percentage wise it would mean minorities would be convicted to death.
My opinion is that it doesn't matter if you are white , black, asian, latino --- if the conviction fits the crime , that is the penalty.

I am not in favor of slow deaths by injections.
Something like electrocution or cutting their head off would instill fear prior to a crime.
After all that is what the death penalty is supposed to do to a civilization; instill fear.

Chick Stern
02-11-2022, 01:43 AM
I am not getting into the argument of Patrick and highwhey ...

I am in favor of the death penalty but rules of it would need to be laid out in quite a bit of detail.
(that in it self could be the problem)
don't ask me about details , but an accidental homicide obviously would not qualify , but a guy like Domar to the other extreme would.

I feel that most people would think if a person were convicted to death , that there is a racial issue ( driving force).
Obviously most convicted and incriminated people are minorities , and percentage wise it would mean minorities would be convicted to death.
My opinion is that it doesn't matter if you are white , black, asian, latino --- if the conviction fits the crime , that is the penalty.

I am not in favor of slow deaths by injections.
Something like electrocution or cutting their head off would instill fear prior to a crime.
After all that is what the death penalty is supposed to do to a civilization; instill fear.

But it doesn’t instill fear. Nobody has ever said “I can’t do this, I’ll get the death penalty!”

Patrick Chewing
02-11-2022, 11:53 AM
But it doesn’t instill fear. Nobody has ever said “I can’t do this, I’ll get the death penalty!”

Public hangings would instill fear. There's a reason why it worked for thousands of years.

02-11-2022, 08:20 PM
But it doesn’t instill fear. Nobody has ever said “I can’t do this, I’ll get the death penalty!”

when I lived in Milwaukee and Chicago the death penalty was discussed as in : "I can do it , they won't kill me".

That would tell me you are wrong.
Fear is a factor.