View Full Version : What's missing from Lakers offense this year? The P&R.

02-13-2022, 12:49 AM
Maybe I am missing something obvious but the mainstay of the Lakers O this year in the half court is LeBron with the ball in the mid-post, most times back to the basket, sometimes facing the basket from the TT position. This is stagnant bball.

In the past, the Lakers ran a lot more P&R with AD or Dwight as the screener/roll man. Another mainstay of NBA offenses is the constant hand offs at the top of the key. These 2 actions foster flow and freedom of movement.

Why is this the case? Did Bron tell Vogel that is what he wants so he can get his? I am honestly asking. This action is more stagnant. Is Bron REALLY just trying to get his at this point?

02-13-2022, 12:52 AM
People have always conflated Lebron's ability to pass and dribble at 6'9" (a physical talent) with high IQ basketball

He's never played high IQ basketball and never had the best offense in the league despite frequently having the best offensive help many years (including this year)

He'd be just another career-losing ball-dominator if he hadn't colluded for super-teams after failing to win the East with homecourt in 09/10

02-13-2022, 12:56 AM
What's missing from the Lakers offense is less hoisting up 3s from LeBron, Westbrook, and Davis. Everything needs to be hard cuts off ball and playing in the post for LeBron and Davis when they have a mismatch.

02-13-2022, 01:02 AM
What's missing from the Lakers offense is less hoisting up 3s from LeBron, Westbrook, and Davis. Everything needs to be hard cuts off ball and playing in the post for LeBron and Davis when they have a mismatch.

That's not good enough. It's still stagnant bball, a "your turn, my turn" type deal. Bball O requires more FLOW and RHYTHM.

What's happening now is if Bron doesn't see an opportunity to score from the mid-post because a double is coming or a very good defender is holding him, he'll kick out and it will go to the weak side to AD or WB at 18-20 feet and they have to create. That's losing bball.

Full Court
02-13-2022, 01:03 AM
The main thing the Lakers are missing is defense.

However, on the offensive end, what's missing is getting the ball to the right player in the clutch for game-tying or winning shots.

02-13-2022, 01:08 AM
That's not good enough. It's still stagnant bball, a "your turn, my turn" type deal. Bball O requires more FLOW and RHYTHM.

What's happening now is if Bron doesn't see an opportunity to score from the mid-post because a double is coming or a very good defender is holding him, he'll kick out and it will go to the weak side to AD or WB at 18-20 feet and they have to create. That's losing bball.
Not a low post isolation. They should be initiated off of swinging the ball when small guys are fronting them.

It's catch and go. Immediately make the move to lay it in or hook/float over the top. If they double find the open man.

02-13-2022, 01:11 AM
What's missing from the Lakers offense is less hoisting up 3s from LeBron, Westbrook, and Davis. Everything needs to be hard cuts off ball and playing in the post for LeBron and Davis when they have a mismatch.

If your best player won't take contested jumpers or run off screens, then your offense isn't capable of reaching a top level, even with the most offensive help in the league

For Lebron to get stats, teams must play a certain way that marginalizes teammates - there's nothing that can be done except hope there's enough talent to win - he's a talent-based winner, so don't expect the team to improve brand of ball

02-13-2022, 01:13 AM
One theory I have is that because Bron has been more effective as a scorer from the mid-post recently, he did indeed tell Vogel this is what he wants to run from now on. Or else how else can you explain the absence of the P&R and the hand off action at the top of the key which are literally the two mainstays of the NBA today? The later fosters natural flow and rhythm while the former is stagnant bball.

Also, MJ/Kobe also operated from the mid-post in the triangle. But they played in a system where the off ball players had constant movement. There was a chemistry to it all. Plus, MJ/Kobe had GOAT tier back to the basket games. Bron just got good at it recently.

02-13-2022, 01:13 AM
Talent-based winners can't improve their brand of ball

If Lebron could improve a team's brand of ball, he would never have team-hopped.

Organic winners develop superior brand than their peers (Spurs, Warriors, 90's Bulls), whereas Lebron simply amasses enough talent to win (all-star team strategy)

02-13-2022, 01:33 AM
It doesn't matter if Lebron is posting or dribbling - if his hold-time is a point guard level as a frontcourt player, then it's an uphill battle for teammates and the team because everyone else has a few minutes less hold-time per game

Unfortunately, Lebron doesn't run off screens or take contested jumpers (needs set up time) so he can't have low hold-time

02-13-2022, 01:58 AM
Maybe I am missing something obvious but the mainstay of the Lakers O this year in the half court is LeBron with the ball in the mid-post, most times back to the basket, sometimes facing the basket from the TT position. This is stagnant bball.

In the past, the Lakers ran a lot more P&R with AD or Dwight as the screener/roll man. Another mainstay of NBA offenses is the constant hand offs at the top of the key. These 2 actions foster flow and freedom of movement.

Why is this the case? Did Bron tell Vogel that is what he wants so he can get his? I am honestly asking. This action is more stagnant. Is Bron REALLY just trying to get his at this point?

Bron campaigned to get Westbrook on purpose so he could use him as a scapegoat so he can just accumulate stats without winning.

Think about it. Every single person immediately scratched their heads as soon as the deal was announced. Lebron knew what he was doing all along. Lebron isn’t this dumb when it comes to basketball. There was no way LeBron thought this would actually work, this was done so he could stat pad in peace and be shielded from criticism.

02-13-2022, 04:53 AM
Lakers don't run enough half court sets to slow things down a bit (would cut down on turnovers and allow more pick and rolls to establish). Lakers need more ball movement and better movement from those without the ball. More screens could help to try to get more mismatches. I feel there is too much iso ball, which does not lead to as much winning basketball as ball movement.

More posting up would be nice too, - I don't know why they hoist up so many low percentage shots. Lakers have become too predictable.. There is so much wrong that I'm seeing with Lakers. I don't know if it will ever change. I don't know if it's a personnel thing or coaching issue or LeBron wanting it more as someone mentioned above or all of the above, but it needs to change if the Lakers want to win more games.

02-13-2022, 05:23 AM
too many guys that need the ball in their hand with AD/Lebron/Westbrook

you can only have 2 of them on the floor at a time. none of them are good catch and shoot players either

they need better balance/spacing/direction... but defense is their biggest flaw