View Full Version : Who is MVP of the 2021-22 NBA season?

03-02-2022, 01:43 AM
There are around 20 games left in the regular season (give or take a few games per team).

Who is MVP of the 2021-22 NBA season so far?

And a runner up or two.

03-02-2022, 02:25 AM

03-02-2022, 02:31 AM

03-02-2022, 08:07 AM

Full Court
03-02-2022, 08:11 AM

03-02-2022, 09:46 AM

They will probably give it to EmBum because politics since Joker won it last year and no way they would let a white European win the award twice in a row in a predominantly African American league

03-02-2022, 09:51 AM
embiid is going to win mvp.

03-02-2022, 10:04 AM

They will probably give it to EmBum because politics since Joker won it last year and no way they would let a white European win the award twice in a row in a predominantly African American league
Nash & Dirk were the MVP 3 years in a row.

03-02-2022, 10:12 AM
den is a 6th seed...13 games back. phi is a 3 seed...2 games back. that's the real reason jokic isn't winning it again.

03-02-2022, 10:19 AM
Nash & Dirk were the MVP 3 years in a row.

15 years ago was a much different social/political environment tho tbh.

The concentration of resources at the top has accelerated like never before, and all those wealthy global overlords are white. They need poor blacks to keep workin and voting from the bottom, so they have cranked up the corporate/media heat on creating the illusion of “lifting black voices” and finding “justice for floyd george” and all these empty narratives that disguise the fact blacks as a collective have no autonomy or control of their own economy. Thats what the wholeeeeeee BLM narrative is about. It’s political deception from the top. They dont want the focus shifting to what Disney’s corporate board actually LOOKS like (very pale indeed) so they push movies like Black Is King and peddle woke black blah blah like Undefeated on ESPN.

I think it’s sad personally and I wish the black community would push back on it, but the understanding, the desire just isnt there in most. Which is natural, most people of all races have no real fight, no ambition, no... alphaness. They let others decide what happens around them, then just flap their gums about whatever deflection “issues” the mainstream media bird feeds them to talk about. Bunch of cattle just grazing mindlessly on the pasture with no real purpose but waiting to eventually die.

There will be a feeling in the media - full of empty corporate yes men doing the bidding of a few oligarchs - that we need to let blacks feel like basketball is still “theirs” (even tho a sport obviously doesnt belong to any race, yet a lot of people think basketball is somehow a “black thing”) and there will be pressure to make sure the message is still clear to poor, financially dependent, horrifically educated, violence-riddled, blighted black communities:

“Black is Still King of Basketball!”

03-02-2022, 10:28 AM
15 years ago was a much different social/political environment tho tbh.

The concentration of resources at the top has accelerated like never before, and all those wealthy global overlords are white. They need poor blacks to keep workin and voting from the bottom, so they have cranked up the corporate/media heat on creating the illusion of “lifting black voices” and finding “justice for floyd george” and all these empty narratives that disguise the fact blacks as a collective have no autonomy or control of their own economy. Thats what the wholeeeeeee BLM narrative is about. It’s political deception from the top. They dont want the focus shifting to what Disney’s corporate board actually LOOKS like (very pale indeed) so they push movies like Black Is King and peddle woke black blah blah like Undefeated on ESPN.

I think it’s sad personally and I wish the black community would push back on it, but the understanding, the desire just isnt there in most. Which is natural, most people of all races have no real fight, no ambition, no... alphaness. They let others decide what happens around them, then just flap their gums about whatever deflection “issues” the mainstream media bird feeds them to talk about. Bunch of cattle just grazing mindlessly on the pasture with no real purpose but waiting to eventually die.

There will be a feeling in the media - full of empty corporate yes men doing the bidding of a few oligarchs - that we need to let blacks feel like basketball is still “theirs” (even tho a sport obviously doesnt belong to any race, yet a lot of people think basketball is somehow a “black thing”) and there will be pressure to make sure the message is still clear to poor, violence-riddles, blighted black communities:

“Black is Still King of Basketball!”
I agree as a black man, just so long as we have Beyonce shaking her ass in the new Lion King it’s okay if nothing progresses in our communities. I prefer segregation, why the **** do I care if there are negros in Lord of the Rings a book written by a white man who in all likelihood gated blacks?

Give us negro league basketball with all black owners, coaches, managers, athletic trainers, black owned facilities. I hate the idea that the closer we get in proximity to white people and tokenism is superior to having our own damn shit.

03-02-2022, 10:35 AM
I agree as a black man, just so long as we have Beyonce shaking her ass in the new Lion King it’s okay if nothing progresses in our communities. I prefer segregation, why the **** do I care if there are negros in Lord of the Rings a book written by a white man who in all likelihood gated blacks?

Give us negro league basketball with all black owners, coaches, managers, athletic trainers, black owned facilities. I hate the idea that the closer we get in proximity to white people and tokenism is superior to having our own damn shit.

Just like in Rome. When they conquered a territory they “bussed” a bunch of the population to other places to create melting pots of petty conflict rather than allow potential bastions of unity and independence to fester. Gotta keep tribute from every corner flowing back to Caesar. Whether in Gaul or Tatar or Jerusalem... theyre all working for Caesar :)

Or in early America where theyd keep plantations full of Africans from different tribes so theyd have difficulty communicating with one another.

The media loves to see everyday whites and blacks arguing about George Floyd and fake social justice issues happening in a system we have no control over.

We’re all on their plantation :)

03-02-2022, 10:58 AM
Just like in Rome. When they conquered a territory they “bussed” a bunch of the population to other places to create melting pots of petty conflict rather than allow potential bastions of unity and independence to fester. Gotta keep tribute from every corner flowing back to Caesar. Whether in Gaul or Tatar or Jerusalem... theyre all working for Caesar :)

Or in early America where theyd keep plantations full of Africans from different tribes so theyd have difficulty communicating with one another.

The media loves to see everyday whites and blacks arguing about George Floyd and fake social justice issues happening in a system we have no control over.

We’re all on their plantation :)
God created us all in our own special intricate beautifully designed way, in my opinion mixing everything up is an insult to creation itself.

The first thing a black man does he gets a little money he wants to get him a white woman, a big house in a white neighborhood, pass away and leave all his money to another community (Kobe or Michael Jackson). When my father was a kid guys like James Brown and Jackie Robinson lived amongst the community

Im not promoting any hate or disrespect but love forself, brothers wanna grow up to be Like Mike so bad but Mike doesn’t even like Mike

03-02-2022, 11:13 AM
God created us all in our own special intricate beautifully designed way, in my opinion mixing everything up is an insult to creation itself.

The first thing a black man does he gets a little money he wants to get him a white woman, a big house in a white neighborhood, pass away and leave all his money to another community (Kobe or Michael Jackson). When my father was a kid guys like James Brown and Jackie Robinson lived amongst the community

Im not promoting any hate or disrespect but love forself, brothers wanna grow up to be Like Mike so bad but Mike doesn’t even like Mike

Well black Civil Rights leaders of that era tended to get killed and Black Wall Street got burned, which Im sure was all a accident and coincidence done by random disgruntled white ppl. Yeah it just happened to put the whole black community in the white pockets of Big Fed but I know for sure banks and the CIA dont do corrupt shit like that, yeah they did Tuskeegee and MK Ultra and trained Osama Bin Laden, but tbh it’s only billy ray and bubba who are the bad scary guys, and their nefarious leader Don “Orange” Trump, I can always trust Democrats and guys like Colin Kappernick who are paid by white companies to discuss black issues. Covid and BLM are real things that I need to take seriously. People who say they arent are my enemies.

Trust me bc I believe what the media says and what people at my office water cooler are saying. I know what they tell me smart people are supposed to think and I know thats my cue to believe it cuz Im kinda a smart guy ya see and Id like for people to know it.

Btw it’s nice to meet ya my name is Rr3, RMWG, Overdrive, Loco50, ItsMillerTime, Lakers Legend, Burninghammer, Jtotheizzo, Ridonks, Jailblazers, Deucewallruses, etc ;)

03-02-2022, 11:23 AM
den is a 6th seed...13 games back. phi is a 3 seed...2 games back. that's the real reason jokic isn't winning it again.

Denver is only 1.5 games behind Philly in spite of missing the 2nd and 3rd options all season. Philly would be the 5 seed in the west.

If the season ended today it would be a close vote between Embiid and Jokic.