View Full Version : To all the LeBron Haters

03-06-2022, 12:20 AM
It’s funny how I see all these threads saying has LeBron fooled us? We’re the 2007 Cavs team really that bad? It’s rediculous to see the hate and anguish from everyone just because the Lakers are struggling. Guess what, if LeBron wasn’t on the Lakers, they would be in a MUCH worse position. Probably worst team in basketball, not just western conference. The fact that the man can put up 56 points at age 37, yet the Lakers barely win the game and none of his other teammates come close to scoring what he did tonight just says volume. Go ahead, keep blaming LeBron for your Lakers struggle, but the fact in the matter is that you all are in denial and just point the finger at LeBron when things aren’t going the way you want.

03-06-2022, 12:22 AM
Honestly even if we believe the haters and accept that LeBron does suck now (he doesn’t but let’s say for the sake of argument he does) is that supposed to be unusual for a 37 year old who’s played almost two decades lol?

03-06-2022, 12:23 AM
Basically you mean being the 9th seed when predicted to be the 2nd best odds to win it all right? https://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_2022_preseason_odds.html

Spurs m8
03-06-2022, 12:24 AM
Ummm what?

Hes leading his team to a play in spot - at best...and struggling even with that

No AD...no success out West.

He had one good game where he made a positive difference... ONE

So enjoy tonight and eat my scrotum

03-06-2022, 12:26 AM
It’s funny how I see all these threads saying has LeBron fooled us? We’re the 2007 Cavs team really that bad? It’s rediculous to see the hate and anguish from everyone just because the Lakers are struggling. Guess what, if LeBron wasn’t on the Lakers, they would be in a MUCH worse position. Probably worst team in basketball, not just western conference. The fact that the man can put up 56 points at age 37, yet the Lakers barely win the game and none of his other teammates come close to scoring what he did tonight just says volume. Go ahead, keep blaming LeBron for your Lakers struggle, but the fact in the matter is that you all are in denial and just point the finger at LeBron when things aren’t going the way you want.

Thank you for your logical analysis. Seeing a voice of reason is rare around here.

03-06-2022, 12:26 AM
He had one good game where he made a positive difference... ONE


03-06-2022, 12:32 AM
How many 37 year old ATGs have a habit of begging their coach to be left in the game when their 30 point game count is at risk so they can play against the opponents C team to score 5-10 more points? The list is short and the guys you can name are the names that Lebron stans want no association with, I assure you that.

Lebron is a great scorer and can have incredible impact when engaged, but he activates another mode when his team is sucking **** so he can try to absolve himself of any sliver of blame.

Full Court
03-06-2022, 12:32 AM
It’s funny how I see all these threads saying has LeBron fooled us? We’re the 2007 Cavs team really that bad? It’s rediculous to see the hate and anguish from everyone just because the Lakers are struggling. Guess what, if LeBron wasn’t on the Lakers, they would be in a MUCH worse position. Probably worst team in basketball, not just western conference. The fact that the man can put up 56 points at age 37, yet the Lakers barely win the game and none of his other teammates come close to scoring what he did tonight just says volume. Go ahead, keep blaming LeBron for your Lakers struggle, but the fact in the matter is that you all are in denial and just point the finger at LeBron when things aren’t going the way you want.

Hate to break it to you, but no Lebron, no difference.

One good game doesn't change that.

03-06-2022, 12:33 AM


03-06-2022, 01:01 AM
How many 37 year old ATGs have a habit of begging their coach to be left in the game when their 30 point game count is at risk so they can play against the opponents C team to score 5-10 more points? The list is short and the guys you can name are the names that Lebron stans want no association with, I assure you that.

Lebron is a great scorer and can have incredible impact when engaged, but he activates another mode when his team is sucking **** so he can try to absolve himself of any sliver of blame.
How many 37 year olds are competent players? Steaming.

03-06-2022, 01:02 AM
Imagine getting this worked up over a regular season game lmao.

03-06-2022, 01:03 AM
Hate to break it to you, but no Lebron, no difference.

One good game doesn't change that.

That’s where I disagree with you. I feel if Lakers didn’t have LeBron, they would be a lottery team, bottom of the west and wouldn’t even sniff a play-in spot. And it’s not one good game, LeBron has been playing well all season. If the Lakers had a winning record, LeBron would be in the MVP conversation with the stats he has put up all season.

03-06-2022, 01:04 AM
That’s where I disagree with you. I feel if Lakers didn’t have LeBron, they would be a lottery team, bottom of the west and wouldn’t even sniff a play-in spot. And it’s not one good game, LeBron has been playing well all season. If the Lakers had a winning record, LeBron would be in the MVP conversation with the stats he has put up all season.

03-06-2022, 01:05 AM
That’s where I disagree with you. I feel if Lakers didn’t have LeBron, they would be a lottery team, bottom of the west and wouldn’t even sniff a play-in spot. And it’s not one good game, LeBron has been playing well all season. If the Lakers had a winning record, LeBron would be in the MVP conversation with the stats he has put up all season.

Basically you mean being the 9th seed when predicted to be the 2nd best odds to win it all right? https://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_2022_preseason_odds.html

03-06-2022, 01:10 AM
How many 37 year olds are competent players? Steaming.
Sure, but that has absolutely zero to do with what I said and doesn't change the reality of what I said either.

03-06-2022, 01:11 AM
How many 37 year olds are competent players? Steaming.


03-06-2022, 01:11 AM
Sure, but that has absolutely zero to do with what I said and doesn't change the reality of what I said either.
It was a bunch of irrelevant melting. LeBron already is widely seen as a top 2 player ever, people are just mad about it still as if that will change anything.

03-06-2022, 01:14 AM
idiots in this thread really saying "one good game", let's ignore the fact that he's tied for scoring leader on the entire season

03-06-2022, 01:15 AM
idiots in this thread really saying "one good game", let's ignore the fact that he's tied for scoring leader on the entire season

The haters here really acting like he's playing like 2016 Kobe, lol.

03-06-2022, 01:16 AM
It was a bunch of irrelevant melting. LeBron already is widely seen as a top 2 player ever, people are just mad about it still as if that will change anything.
How many top 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 players at age 37 (or even close) regularly begged their coach to leave them in so they can accumulate stats. Hell, even just players that could be loosely considered "great players." I don't care about where they rank. Players that had long careers and were known as great scorers. Not some fool trying to round out their triple double and needing 2 more rebounds. I'm talking guys trying to hit an arbitrary point total to sustain a streak or add to their total of such games in a season. Has there been anyone as prolific at doing that as LeBarry? I'm genuinely curious.

Again, the names that will come up are not names that LeStans want to be associated with.


03-06-2022, 01:18 AM
How many top 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 players at age 37 (or even close) regularly begged their coach to leave them in so they can accumulate stats. Hell, even just players that could be loosely considered "great players." I don't care about where they rank. Players that had long careers and were known as great scorers. Not some fool trying to round out their triple double and needing 2 more rebounds. I'm talking guys trying to hit an arbitrary point total to sustain a streak or add to their total of such games in a season. Has there been anyone as prolific at doing that as LeBarry? I'm genuinely curious.

Again, the names that will come up are not names that LeStans want to be associated with.



03-06-2022, 01:22 AM
lol it's funny watching them pretend lebron is what kobe and mj actually were. me-first chuckers.

03-06-2022, 01:23 AM
How many top 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 players at age 37 (or even close) regularly begged their coach to leave them in so they can accumulate stats. Hell, even just players that could be loosely considered "great players." I don't care about where they rank. Players that had long careers and were known as great scorers. Not some fool trying to round out their triple double and needing 2 more rebounds. I'm talking guys trying to hit an arbitrary point total to sustain a streak or add to their total of such games in a season. Has there been anyone as prolific at doing that as LeBarry? I'm genuinely curious.

Again, the names that will come up are not names that LeStans want to be associated with.


All of them?

03-06-2022, 01:25 AM
All of them?

03-06-2022, 01:26 AM
How many top 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 players at age 37 (or even close) regularly begged their coach to leave them in so they can accumulate stats. Hell, even just players that could be loosely considered "great players." I don't care about where they rank. Players that had long careers and were known as great scorers. Not some fool trying to round out their triple double and needing 2 more rebounds. I'm talking guys trying to hit an arbitrary point total to sustain a streak or add to their total of such games in a season. Has there been anyone as prolific at doing that as LeBarry? I'm genuinely curious.

Again, the names that will come up are not names that LeStans want to be associated with.


Most NBA players don't even stay long enough to make it to age 37, let alone be able to score 56 points at that age. You're just proving how great LeBron is by stating those numbers.

03-06-2022, 01:38 AM
Pretty delusional to act like Kobe and MJ weren't padding their stats at the same age. Congrats on Duncan not doing it though I guess?

03-06-2022, 01:38 AM
Pretty delusional to act like Kobe and MJ weren't padding their stats at the same age. Congrats on Duncan not doing it though I guess? Stick to the Gobert hate, LeBron has so many fans that some of them will be able to dismantle your arguments unlike Rudy who just has xiao.

Spurs m8
03-06-2022, 01:47 AM
Most NBA players don't even stay long enough to make it to age 37, let alone be able to score 56 points at that age. You're just proving how great LeBron is by stating those numbers.

He had one good game, calm down, big boy.

He's been killing his team with selfish stats, no D, ghost in 4th performances, anti-clutch and bad leadership all season...hence why they are so far behind .500 and can't beat anyone good.

ONE game hahahahahaha

Enjoy it...but don't be silly about it

03-06-2022, 01:50 AM
He had one good game, calm down, big boy.

He's been killing his team with selfish stats, no D, ghost in 4th performances, anti-clutch and bad leadership all season...hence why they are so far behind .500 and can't beat anyone good.

ONE game hahahahahaha

Enjoy it...but don't be silly about it

He was averaging 29/8/6 on 61 TS% before this game even took place.

"One good game"

Fvcking clown.

03-06-2022, 01:51 AM
Pretty delusional to act like Kobe and MJ weren't padding their stats at the same age. Congrats on Duncan not doing it though I guess? Stick to the Gobert hate, LeBron has so many fans that some of them will be able to dismantle your arguments unlike Rudy who just has xiao.
I guess I should cut Lebron some slack. He has had more opportunities than those guys to pad his stats because under his leadership, his teams have been blown out more often.

03-06-2022, 01:54 AM
Pretty delusional to act like Kobe and MJ weren't padding their stats at the same age. Congrats on Duncan not doing it though I guess? Stick to the Gobert hate, LeBron has so many fans that some of them will be able to dismantle your arguments unlike Rudy who just has xiao.


03-06-2022, 02:01 AM
He had one good game, calm down, big boy.

He's been killing his team with selfish stats, no D, ghost in 4th performances, anti-clutch and bad leadership all season...hence why they are so far behind .500 and can't beat anyone good.

ONE game hahahahahaha

Enjoy it...but don't be silly about it

Again, it’s not just one game… google his stats right now for 2022. He’s putting up 29 pts, 8 rebounds, 6 assists. MVP type numbers if he’s on a team with a winning record. Take him off the Lakers team, and the Lakers are worse than the Rockets and Kings. He’s not the reason they are behind .500, one would expect the younger players on the team to carry the load, yet LeBron is still having to do it at age 37. It’s easy to point the finger, but hard to give credit for you LeBron haters. I know the Lakers will fall in the playoffs because Westbrook wasn’t a good fit and Davis being injured the majority of the time.. but it’s not because LeBron is lackluster.

03-06-2022, 06:09 AM
How many 37 year old ATGs have a habit of begging their coach to be left in the game when their 30 point game count is at risk so they can play against the opponents C team to score 5-10 more points? The list is short and the guys you can name are the names that Lebron stans want no association with, I assure you that.

Lebron is a great scorer and can have incredible impact when engaged, but he activates another mode when his team is sucking **** so he can try to absolve himself of any sliver of blame.

the sulking is bad but this team is bad and he's going after some important all time records it's really not that big a deal unless you dont like him to begin with. He's still not playing an absurd amount of minutes. He's not always engaged I would say but it's a bit absurd to expect him at 37 to give consistent effort for a whole season. I'm not like some of his stans here, he's not the best player in the league anymore but being top 5 at 37 has been done by like 2 other guys, it's a good boost to his resume as a player.

You can blame him for his front office stuff but that doesnt really matter in his resume as a player, it's just something to criticize him for granted a legitimate one. Russell Westbrook is 33, that's quite old for most stars besides lebron and he's not even a positive player anymore let alone an all star. Only positive players on this team and i'm being generous calling them positive may be monk and melo.

Spurs m8 is absolutely wrong saying bron has "killed" this team. They would be comically bad without him

03-06-2022, 06:43 AM
the sulking is bad but this team is bad and he's going after some important all time records it's really not that big a deal unless you dont like him to begin with. He's still not playing an absurd amount of minutes. He's not always engaged I would say but it's a bit absurd to expect him at 37 to give consistent effort for a whole season. I'm not like some of his stans here, he's not the best player in the league anymore but being top 5 at 37 has been done by like 2 other guys, it's a good boost to his resume as a player.

You can blame him for his front office stuff but that doesnt really matter in his resume as a player, it's just something to criticize him for granted a legitimate one. Russell Westbrook is 33, that's quite old for most stars besides lebron and he's not even a positive player anymore let alone an all star. Only positive players on this team and i'm being generous calling them positive may be monk and melo.

Spurs m8 is absolutely wrong saying bron has "killed" this team. They would be comically bad without him
This is the first time Melo's scored efficiently in a very long time, too, and I would argue it's because of LeBron. His defense is still trash too. LeBron and Davis are literally the only two people on this team who would be in the rotation of a contender (maybe Monk, but he never played much on the Hornets tbh), and Davis barely plays.

03-06-2022, 06:57 AM
This is the first time Melo's scored efficiently in a very long time, too, and I would argue it's because of LeBron. His defense is still trash too. LeBron and Davis are literally the only two people on this team who would be in the rotation of a contender (maybe Monk, but he never played much on the Hornets tbh), and Davis barely plays.

Yea can’t disagree. Also jokic and embiid have been better and haven’t missed games like bron either but people overlook their supporting casts are a lot more competent too. Davis is still good but as you said misses 40% of games and the rest of the team is putrid

03-06-2022, 07:03 AM
Yea can’t disagree. Also jokic and embiid have been better and haven’t missed games like bron either but people overlook their supporting casts are a lot more competent too. Davis is still good but as you said misses 40% of games and the rest of the team is putrid
He’s also not nearly as good a he was. 2020 AD would be welcome rn but he hasn’t been that guy. At all.

03-06-2022, 07:49 AM
AD seems like he's content now that he's got his chip. Winning a ring at 27 with his play you'd think he'd have vaulted to the next level and been challenging Giannis, Jokic and Embid as the best big-man MVP contenders.