View Full Version : Why doesn't Curry make a defensive attempt here - mass formation psychosis

03-07-2022, 10:18 AM
Curry should've been benched for this 100%:


he clearly ran AWAY from the offensive player out of fear instead of properly showing on the screen and moving TOWARDS the offensive player, like this:




Opponents are brainwashed by the media into bowing down to Lebron - so many players like Curry have a passive mentality towards him - they don't attack him, despite having a normal, aggressive mentality towards other players.


Notice the mentality of Isiah above (attack Jordan), versus the mentality of Curry (run away from Lebron like a matador... open the lane up for him - THE TAPE DON'T LIE - see the Curry gif above).. Curry is tentative towards Lebron, so his team follows.

Jordan had to deal with aggressive opponents that weren't paid much, while Lebron gets a mass formation of passive, brainwashed billionaire candidates, due to modern media.

It's pathetic because the media initially recoiled with horror at the "decision" to stack the deck - but they got on board quickly because they couldn't knock the game they cover and hurt ratings... So it's been a full-boar fraud since 2011 - since the "decision" to stack the deck.

03-07-2022, 10:51 AM
Good morning


03-07-2022, 10:55 AM
OP has Curry in his top 5 players ever list.

03-07-2022, 11:01 AM
OP has Curry in his top 5 players ever list.

You're aware that the 2011 Mavs and 2004 Pistons won with the best chemistry and brand of ball, not superior talent.. Similarly, the Spurs, Warriors and 90's Bulls developed the best brand of ball in the league.

That's how teams win organically - by developing the best brand of ball in the league.

Curry did that - he developed the best brand of ball and therefore learned how to win, which is superior to anyone that only learned how to team-hop (talent-based winning).

Since Curry knows how to win (brand of ball) and also defeat maximum defensive attention (carry scoring load in playoffs and Finals), he's superior to Lebron, who doesn't know how to win (brand of ball) and can't defeat max defensive attention (needs equal-scoring partners).. He lacks the elite jumpshooting skill to defeat maximum defensive attention (carry scoring load), so he needs equal-scoring partners and closers.

03-07-2022, 11:02 AM
OP has Curry in his top 5 players ever list.

Also showing gifs of Laimbeer and Mahorn stepping in on Jordan and comparing that with Curry stepping in on Lebron :lol

03-07-2022, 11:04 AM
You're aware that the 2011 Mavs and 2004 Pistons won with the best chemistry and brand of ball, not superior talent.. Similarly, the Spurs, Warriors and 90's Bulls developed the best brand of ball in the league.

Let's see.

2015 - Cavs were missing Irving & Love, Warriors obviously had superior talent
2017 - KD, Curry, Klay, & Dray
2018 - See above


03-07-2022, 11:06 AM
Also showing gifs of Laimbeer and Mahorn stepping in on Jordan and comparing that with Curry stepping in on Lebron :lol

Look at the Curry gif again - he literally opens the lane for Lebron - the only thing he's missing is his muleta

03-07-2022, 11:07 AM
You're aware that the 2011 Mavs and 2004 Pistons won with the best chemistry and brand of ball, not superior talent.. Similarly, the Spurs, Warriors and 90's Bulls developed the best brand of ball in the league.

That's how teams win organically - by developing the best brand of ball in the league.

Curry did that - he developed the best brand of ball and therefore learned how to win, which is superior to anyone that only learned how to team-hop (talent-based winning).

Since Curry knows how to win (brand of ball) and also defeat maximum defensive attention (carry scoring load in playoffs and Finals), he's superior to Lebron, who doesn't know how to win (brand of ball) and can't defeat max defensive attention (needs equal-scoring partners).. He lacks the elite jumpshooting skill to defeat maximum defensive attention (carry scoring load), so he needs equal-scoring partners and closers.
Yes, adding peak Kevin Durant to your 73 win team, literally the very thing you decry LeBron doing in this post, is developing the best brand of ball, I agree with you there. As is having your opponent miss 2 of their 3 best players for an entire Finals.

03-07-2022, 11:07 AM
Look at the Curry gif again - he literally opens the lane for Lebron - the only thing he's missing is his muleta

People actually respect Bron's passing skills, unlike Jordan.

03-07-2022, 11:10 AM
People actually respect Bron's passing skills, unlike Jordan.

It's a show on a screen - it's Curry's job to get in Lebron's way but he literally backs away - Kerr should've benched him immediately but Kerr is part of the mass formation

03-07-2022, 11:15 AM
Yes, adding peak Kevin Durant to your 73 win team, literally the very thing you decry LeBron doing in this post, is developing the best brand of ball, I agree with you there. As is having your opponent miss 2 of their 3 best players for an entire Finals.

Klay and Dray hadn't been all-stars heading into 2015 and the Warriors weren't considered talented - so they won 67 and became a juggernaut based on BRAND OF BALL - they had developed the best brand of ball in the league.

That's how teams win organically - by developing the best brand in the league - unfortunately, Lebron never learned superior brand (how to win) and only learned talent-based winning (team-hopping.. all-star team strategy).

03-07-2022, 11:20 AM
Look at the Curry gif again - he literally opens the lane for Lebron - the only thing he's missing is his muleta

I saw :lol

It was a bad play but getting in front of a guy running at you who weighs 70 more pounds than you is not the same as getting in front of someone who you yourself outweigh by 50 pounds. Not the same thing at all.

Hell, if Curry gets in the way there's a good chance we're looking at an And One. Still weak as hell looking..but yea.

03-07-2022, 11:20 AM
Klay and Dray hadn't been all-stars heading into 2015 and the Warriors weren't considered talented - so they won 67 and became a juggernaut based on BRAND OF BALL - they had developed the best brand of ball in the league.

That's how teams win organically - by developing the best brand in the league - unfortunately, Lebron never learned superior brand (how to win) and only learned talent-based winning (team-hopping.. all-star team strategy).
If the Celtics or Lakers were missing Pierce/Allen or Gasol/Odom, I'm sure LeBron would "learn superior brand (how to win)" as well. Let's also not forget every opponent they faced in 2015 had an injured PG.

03-07-2022, 11:27 AM
Let's see.

2015 - Cavs were missing Irving & Love, Warriors obviously had superior talent
2017 - KD, Curry, Klay, & Dray
2018 - See above

2017 Cavs has LeBron, Kyrie, Love and a ton of other good role players. Stop exaggerating and acting as if there was no weapons. That argument holds water in 2018. But not 2017.

03-07-2022, 11:31 AM
2017 Cavs has LeBron, Kyrie, Love and a ton of other good role players. Stop exaggerating and acting as if there was no weapons. That argument holds water in 2018. But not 2017.

Sorry, but comparing Bron, Kyrie, & Love to KD, Curry, Klay, & Draymond doesn't hold weight.

03-07-2022, 11:31 AM
So easy to score for lebron in today's game. Visually his game is worse but statistically he's better than his prime. Something's way off.

03-07-2022, 11:39 AM
Sorry, but comparing Bron, Kyrie, & Love to KD, Curry, Klay, & Draymond doesn't hold weight.

^^^ little or no talent deficit and it's standard to overcome minor differences like that, especially with a super-team of stars.

any loss with a super-team is bad

03-07-2022, 11:40 AM
If the Celtics or Lakers were missing Pierce/Allen or Gasol/Odom, I'm sure LeBron would "learn superior brand (how to win)" as well. Let's also not forget every opponent they faced in 2015 had an injured PG.

If Lebron wasn't a colluding bitch, Curry would've 4-peated from 15-18' without KD and be top 5 all-time (accordingly, I have him ranked #5)

Only Lebron's super-team colluding ruined Curry's natural organic path - so the injuries in 15' were karma, just like the choke in 11'...

Ultimately, Curry can't be expected to win organically if his main competition is stacking the deck - not everyone can do what Dirk did.. Lebron's colluding is like steroids - everyone must do it if 1 person is doing it

03-07-2022, 11:47 AM
I saw :lol

It was a bad play but getting in front of a guy running at you who weighs 70 more pounds than you is not the same as getting in front of someone who you yourself outweigh by 50 pounds. Not the same thing at all.

Hell, if Curry gets in the way there's a good chance we're looking at an And One. Still weak as hell looking..but yea.

AND1 plays don't occur 25 feet from the hoop where Curry was supposed to show

And are you saying Curry should get out of the way when a bigger player is coming at him?

You obviously never played - that isn't how the game works and no team would ever employ that strategy - look at Isiah attack the bigger Jordan in the OP and take the ball away

03-07-2022, 11:54 AM
I see Le Bron got his usual 4 steps too

Hey Yo
03-07-2022, 12:05 PM
Looked like miscommunication between Wiggins and Steph.

Wiggins stopped while Curry backed up to make way for Wiggins to continue defending James.

03-07-2022, 12:07 PM
If he doesn't tht gets a dunk. That's what happens when you've played correct team basketball your entire career.

03-07-2022, 12:08 PM
Looked like miscommunication between Wiggins and Steph.

Wiggins stopped while Curry backed up to make way for Wiggins to continue defending James.

Yeah that is exactly what happened. Nothing to see here. Lame thread.

03-07-2022, 01:26 PM
AND1 plays don't occur 25 feet from the hoop where Curry was supposed to show

And are you saying Curry should get out of the way when a bigger player is coming at him?

You obviously never played - that isn't how the game works and no team would ever employ that strategy - look at Isiah attack the bigger Jordan in the OP and take the ball away

No, that's not what I said. I'm making sense of Curry's decision, and already said that it was a bad play. Stop inventing arguments that others are making because you need something to say.

Bron had his head down at that point. If Curry gets in the way he's either going to have to completely wrap up or he's getting dragged to the basket. At best its a foul, at worst on And1.

Plus you could tell he was looking at THT (I think that's who that is), who would be wide open from 3 if Curry steps in front of Lebron.

03-07-2022, 01:30 PM
Looked like miscommunication between Wiggins and Steph.

Wiggins stopped while Curry backed up to make way for Wiggins to continue defending James.

Curry was trying to give wiggins the room to get in front of James, LeBron took advantage of the poor read and finished with a nasty dunk

Miscommunication never happened in the 90's :oldlol: OP is is a fukking nerd whose never played the sport. He can't decipher anything correctly

03-07-2022, 04:20 PM
Looked like miscommunication between Wiggins and Steph.

Wiggins stopped while Curry backed up to make way for Wiggins to continue defending James.

It's the most obvious play in basketball where Curry is supposed to step up there but he's tentative against Lebron - he doesn't have an attack dog mentality against him like teams had with Jordan - the OP gifs demonstrate the difference in mentality pretty clearly

MJ was so deadly that they tried to literally hurt him when he drove, but Lebron gets the matador treatment because the media brainwashes us

This is what happens now... Remember when Trump won in 2016 because he won 3 states by like 10,000 votes?... So on what planet was "widespread voter fraud" needed to swing the 2020 election?.. Just stuff a few thousand votes in 3 states and voila!... Trump taught everyone the playbook with his 16' win... But again, the media planted this idea in our subconscious that "widespread fraud" was needed to steal the election... Pretty clever and dark isn't it?... That's the kind of media-inspired group think that makes today's players cower from Lebron, while Jordan faced packs of attack dogs... The media wasn't as sophisticated back then

03-07-2022, 04:26 PM
It's the most obvious play in basketball where Curry is supposed to step up there but he's tentative against Lebron - he doesn't have an attack dog mentality against him like teams had with Jordan - the OP gifs demonstrate the difference in mentality pretty clearly

MJ was so deadly that they tried to literally hurt him when he drove, but Lebron gets the matador treatment because the media brainwashes us

This is what happens now... Remember when Trump won in 2016 because he won 3 states by like 10,000 votes?... So on what planet was "widespread voter fraud" needed to swing the 2020 election?.. Just stuff a few thousand votes in 3 states and voila!... Trump taught everyone the playbook with his 16' win... But again, the media planted this idea in our subconscious that "widespread fraud" was needed to steal the election... Pretty clever and dark isn't it?... That's the kind of media-inspired group think that makes today's players cower from Lebron, while Jordan faced packs of attack dogs... The media wasn't as sophisticated back then

You're actually trying to say that the play from the gif is media-influenced?

03-07-2022, 04:52 PM
You're actually trying to say that the play from the gif is media-influenced?

This is what happens now... Remember when Trump won in 2016 because he won 3 states by like 10,000 votes?... So on what planet was "widespread voter fraud" needed to swing the 2020 election?.. Just stuff a few thousand votes in 3 states and voila!... Trump taught everyone the playbook with his 16' win... But again, the media planted this idea in our subconscious that "widespread fraud" was needed to steal the election... Pretty clever and dark isn't it?... That's the kind of media-inspired group think that makes today's players cower from Lebron, while Jordan faced packs of attack dogs... The media wasn't as sophisticated back then

We know that Curry isn't a scared player.. He isn't a bitch.. Neither are other NBA players - but they sure treat Lebron with kid gloves... If Lebron gets hammered and falls down, the defender certainly did it by accident like momentum going the wrong water something - it's never intentional - they never attack him with "must-stop" mentality, let alone a "hurt him" mentality that MJ faced..

03-07-2022, 05:01 PM
This is what happens now... Remember when Trump won in 2016 because he won 3 states by like 10,000 votes?... So on what planet was "widespread voter fraud" needed to swing the 2020 election?.. Just stuff a few thousand votes in 3 states and voila!... Trump taught everyone the playbook with his 16' win... But again, the media planted this idea in our subconscious that "widespread fraud" was needed to steal the election... Pretty clever and dark isn't it?... That's the kind of media-inspired group think that makes today's players cower from Lebron, while Jordan faced packs of attack dogs... The media wasn't as sophisticated back then

We know that Curry isn't a scared player.. He isn't a bitch.. Neither are other NBA players - but they sure treat Lebron with kid gloves... If Lebron gets hammered and falls down, the defender certainly did it by accident like momentum going the wrong water something - it's never intentional - they never attack him with "must-stop" mentality, let alone a "hurt him" mentality that MJ faced..

This is so retarded. Even for you.

03-07-2022, 05:15 PM

03-07-2022, 05:28 PM
This is what happens now... Remember when Trump won in 2016 because he won 3 states by like 10,000 votes?... So on what planet was "widespread voter fraud" needed to swing the 2020 election?.. Just stuff a few thousand votes in 3 states and voila!... Trump taught everyone the playbook with his 16' win... But again, the media planted this idea in our subconscious that "widespread fraud" was needed to steal the election... Pretty clever and dark isn't it?... That's the kind of media-inspired group think that makes today's players cower from Lebron, while Jordan faced packs of attack dogs... The media wasn't as sophisticated back then

We know that Curry isn't a scared player.. He isn't a bitch.. Neither are other NBA players - but they sure treat Lebron with kid gloves... If Lebron gets hammered and falls down, the defender certainly did it by accident like momentum going the wrong water something - it's never intentional - they never attack him with "must-stop" mentality, let alone a "hurt him" mentality that MJ faced..
Even uses orange man donald trump as an example. :roll:

What a joke.

03-07-2022, 05:30 PM
Even uses orange man donald trump as an example. :roll:

What a joke.

Ironic that he mentions psychosis in the title :lol

03-07-2022, 05:34 PM
Ironic that he mentions psychosis in the title :lol

03-07-2022, 05:40 PM
This is so retarded. Even for you.

You know what's retarded?

Denying facts

Widespread fraud wasn't needed, so why does everyone say that?... Mass formation psychosis - that's how.

That's what today's media does - brainwash

So I can't knock Curry too much here - the media has convinced everyone that Lebron is far better than he really is - they've been executing this brainwashing since they were forced to accept the "decision" in 2011.. They couldn't keep knocking the colluding and the game they cover, so they were forced to accept it and therefore participate in the fraud

03-07-2022, 06:35 PM
You know what's retarded?

Denying facts

Widespread fraud wasn't needed, so why does everyone say that?... Mass formation psychosis - that's how.

That's what today's media does - brainwash

So I can't knock Curry too much here - the media has convinced everyone that Lebron is far better than he really is - they've been executing this brainwashing since they were forced to accept the "decision" in 2011.. They couldn't keep knocking the colluding and the game they cover, so they were forced to accept it and therefore participate in the fraud
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