View Full Version : Sometimes little things happen that bring down sadness out of nowhere

Long Duck Dong
03-23-2022, 03:45 AM
Will Butler has left Arcade Fire. He announced it on Saturday(apparently he left a year ago but just decided to announce it). I don't know why an aging band that has been dying a slow death for almost a decade has affected me so much. They weren't even one of my top 5 favorite bands of the early-mid 2000s. But this melancholy feeling has washed over me the last couple of days. Actually it kind of hurts, an ache in my chest and tightness of the throat. Almost like a mini version of being on the shit end of a break up with your girlfriend.

Do sometimes oddly unimportant things make you feel blue for a few days?




03-23-2022, 04:33 AM
the optimist said "it's mind vs. matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter." the realist responded 'but the mind HAS to matter.'