View Full Version : Kings, Hawks, Suns, Clippers and soon the Knicks will have 50+ year runs of losing.

03-31-2022, 11:15 AM
The way sports rewards high draft picks for failure you would think it’s hard to do. Only one cold-weather team there and it’s the biggest media market in the hemisphere. The Kings are I suppose what we started calling small market? But all considered those aren’t bad weather or small market cities. Some of it is just being stupid(the only reason the Hawks aren’t the Celtics is them letting Red go, not signing Cousy who they drafted, and then trading them Russell on top of it). All but the Hawks have figured it out now and then. Kings had like 4 years of contending. Knicks 6-7. Suns might win this year and contended with Barkley. Clippers would if healthy.

Shit just doesn’t fall into place.

Once the league is old enough we are absolutely gonna have Redsox and Cubs like situations where teams haven’t won in 100+ years and great grand parents will be hoping their descendants just get to see a finals game.

Makes me shake my head when I see things about the 08 Celtics milking that one ring. One ring is….pretty pretty good. It’s been 14 years. They might go 40 before they win again. Not because they aren’t good but because sports works that way.

Id have reunions and talk about my one ring too. I’m taking all my free dinners in the city(with a nice tip based on what would be the full price of the meal of course).

Whoever wins a ring for the Knicks will live off that fame for 50 years. Enjoy it. Fans are such ***** about other peoples accomplishments.

03-31-2022, 11:26 AM
great storyline to tell my kids why it's perfectly safe to get on an airplane

03-31-2022, 11:28 AM
great storyline to tell my kids why it's perfectly safe to get on an airplane
Bro, seriously, shut the fck up :lol You make these pointless comments in every thread.

03-31-2022, 11:35 AM
Wizards haven't had a 50 win season since the 70s :(

03-31-2022, 11:37 AM
great storyline to tell my kids why it's perfectly safe to get on an airplane


A few days earlier, Jimmy Krebs's new Ouija board had warned that the plane would crash, which was something they now remembered. As the engines droned on, the cabin got colder and quieter. The passengers wrapped themselves in blankets and measured their breathing in the unpressurized plane.

The flight to Minneapolis, normally two hours, stretched to three, then three and a half. Ice formed, first on the wings and windows, then in the cabin itself. Worry became fear. Knowing they were about out of fuel an nowhere near Minneapolis (pilot Vernon) Ullman decided to take the plane down and look for a place to land. As they descended, his copilot opened the cockpit window, reached out, and scraped the ice from the windshield. Fortunately, the terrain was flat. Shining the flashlight out of the cockpit window, the pilots spied a hamlet and a water tower, which read Carroll, Iowa. They would later discover that they had strayed about 150 miles off course, but at the moment that wasn't the issue. Ullman began buzzing the town, hoping to awaken someone who might turn on the lights at a local airstrip. It soon became obvious there was none...

...About 300 feet up, the plane began following a car on a road, its lights barely visible through the storm. But then the car headed up a hill, and Ullman abruptly pulled the plane up, sending jitters through the passengers. (Elgin) Baylor decided to take his blanket and lie down in the aisle at the back of the plane. If I'm going to die, I might as well die comfortably, he thought as he braced himself against the seat supports on either side. Krebs began making public vows. If the plane landed safely, he'd quit cheating at cards. He'd play hard on the court. And throw away his Ouija board.

The plane made several more passes, each one goosing the passengers' anxiety higher. At one point, Ullman pulled up to avoid high-tension wires. On the final try, the pilot cut the engines and the plane floated into a cornfield. The crop had been left uncut, and three feet of snow rested on top of the corn. Touchdown was pillow soft...

...The passengers cheered and upon emptying from the plane engaged in a joyful snowball fight. Soon they calmed down to realize they had a mile hike across the cornfield in crotch-deep snow to the road. Nobody seemed to mind..."

03-31-2022, 11:39 AM
That’s Kind of amazing. It’s one thing not to win or not make the finals. They haven’t won 60% of their games once in over 40 years. I feel like the Webber, Strickland, Howard team that may or may not also have had Rasheed and Ben Wallace could have held out a little longer and made it.

03-31-2022, 12:08 PM
Bro, seriously, shut the fck up :lol You make these pointless comments in every thread.

technically, you should ask me to stop typing, my mouth never moved once to speak while writing out this statement.

03-31-2022, 12:10 PM
Wizards haven't had a 50 win season since the 70s :(

they have had all star players though

03-31-2022, 12:18 PM
That’s Kind of amazing. It’s one thing not to win or not make the finals. They haven’t won 60% of their games once in over 40 years. I feel like the Webber, Strickland, Howard team that may or may not also have had Rasheed and Ben Wallace could have held out a little longer and made it.

They won over 45 only twice.

It never ceased to amaze me how Grunfeld was able to keep his GM job for so long. They eventually fired him after 16 years. Of course mgt sucked prior to that also.

03-31-2022, 12:52 PM
That’s Kind of amazing. It’s one thing not to win or not make the finals. They haven’t won 60% of their games once in over 40 years. I feel like the Webber, Strickland, Howard team that may or may not also have had Rasheed and Ben Wallace could have held out a little longer and made it.

I think they broke up that team due to off the court issues (I think Webber was caught with weed and stuff like that). They underperformed for years, though.

03-31-2022, 02:35 PM
The way sports rewards high draft picks for failure you would think it’s hard to do. Only one cold-weather team there and it’s the biggest media market in the hemisphere. The Kings are I suppose what we started calling small market? But all considered those aren’t bad weather or small market cities. Some of it is just being stupid(the only reason the Hawks aren’t the Celtics is them letting Red go, not signing Cousy who they drafted, and then trading them Russell on top of it). All but the Hawks have figured it out now and then. Kings had like 4 years of contending. Knicks 6-7. Suns might win this year and contended with Barkley. Clippers would if healthy.

Shit just doesn’t fall into place.

Once the league is old enough we are absolutely gonna have Redsox and Cubs like situations where teams haven’t won in 100+ years and great grand parents will be hoping their descendants just get to see a finals game.

Makes me shake my head when I see things about the 08 Celtics milking that one ring. One ring is….pretty pretty good. It’s been 14 years. They might go 40 before they win again. Not because they aren’t good but because sports works that way.

Id have reunions and talk about my one ring too. I’m taking all my free dinners in the city(with a nice tip based on what would be the full price of the meal of course).

Whoever wins a ring for the Knicks will live off that fame for 50 years. Enjoy it. Fans are such ***** about other peoples accomplishments.

You whole premise is flawed. Not winning a championship is not equivalent to 50 years of losing. It just points out there are a lot of factors that go into winning a championship.