View Full Version : Did anyone see Lebron scared to draw foul at end of game?

04-02-2022, 10:26 AM
He had 4 chances to jump into fly-by defenders but didn't - he isn't a pure scorer that knows how to do that and he's scared of FT line

He's simply a garbage scorer - robotic, herky-jerky, ugly, LOSING STYLE (big man ball-dominance)

These are all accurate descriptors

imagine being unable to score while the ball moves or within a good brand of ball - imagine having to play shit brand losing basketball to get 30 points.. How can you be #2 all-time if you can't fit with Westbrook or score a lot with a good brand of ball?.. How can you need so much help?.

He only takes open jumpers and expends the team's offense to get them - there's no ball movement - it's just Lebron expending the team's offense to get an open look

absolute GARBAGE jumpshooting skill compared to.... anyone... like Kobe, MJ, Dirk or even the Truth Paul Pierce had a far better jumper and was a superior scorer

04-02-2022, 10:30 AM
LeBron is bad at basketball. We know. Move on with your life.

04-02-2022, 10:37 AM

04-02-2022, 10:37 AM
LeBron is bad at basketball compared to goat-level players that had the necessary skills to play a good brand of ball and therefore not be so hard to build around.. Lebron's big man ball-dominance is the worst kind of ball-dominance that requires the most help and must be BABIED

Spot on

04-02-2022, 10:42 AM

Lebron's airball is symptom of a larger problem - he isn't a pure scorer and lacks elite jumpshooting skill, so he can't score 30 points within a good brand of ball..

Imagine a fraud that can't score 30 points without employing the worst brand ever that requires the most help ever

His AAU skillset can only play 1 way (big man ball-dominance), so his skillset must be BABIED with hand-picked teams (that still need more help.

Can you imagine Jeanie Buss right now? "HOW MUCH MORE HELP DO YOU NEED YOU BUM!! WE GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!!"

04-02-2022, 10:46 AM
Lebron's airball is symptom of a larger problem - he isn't a pure scorer and lacks elite jumpshooting skill, so he can't score 30 points within a good brand of ball..

2012 playoffs

04-02-2022, 11:16 AM
2012 playoffs

That was talent-based winning.. stealing Durant's organic chip by colluding with Wade.. Durant's talent was good enough and optimal enough to win almost immediately with Westbrick, which is goat-caliber ability... But Lebron's colluding ruined the natural competitive environment and stole organic rings from everyone ,(Durant, Duncan, Curry)

Btw, changed thread title