View Full Version : Since Canada is requiring vaccination can’t the League force the Raptors

04-03-2022, 04:50 PM
To play in Florida?

04-03-2022, 04:56 PM
To play in Florida?

I'm in Canada dude and i Don't think they're forcing it anymore. You Don't need proof of vaccination anymore.

04-03-2022, 05:39 PM
they dropped all the mandates including masks... for now

04-03-2022, 05:46 PM
they dropped all the mandates including masks... for now

Yeah for now. Masks aren't mandated but a bunch of idiots are still wearing them. I get old or immune compromised people wearing n95 masks but most people are wearing cloth or basic medical masks that do very little. I'm usually one of the few people anywhere not wearing a mask.

04-03-2022, 05:59 PM
Yeah for now. Masks aren't mandated but a bunch of idiots are still wearing them. I get old or immune compromised people wearing n95 masks but most people are wearing cloth or basic medical masks that do very little. I'm usually one of the few people anywhere not wearing a mask.

they were inside any public area till like 3 weeks ago

04-03-2022, 06:45 PM
Yeah for now. Masks aren't mandated but a bunch of idiots are still wearing them. I get old or immune compromised people wearing n95 masks but most people are wearing cloth or basic medical masks that do very little. I'm usually one of the few people anywhere not wearing a mask.

Why do you care if other people are wearing it or not? Maybe they are immune compromised. Maybe they have unvaccinated kids at home? Maybe they take care of their elderly parents and don't want to take a chance of getting sick?

Typical selfish anti-masker who just thinks of themselves.

04-03-2022, 06:47 PM
Like it matters. When your best player is siakam, you're forced to stop playing by the 1st round anyway

04-03-2022, 07:45 PM
Why do you care if other people are wearing it or not? Maybe they are immune compromised. Maybe they have unvaccinated kids at home? Maybe they take care of their elderly parents and don't want to take a chance of getting sick?

Typical selfish anti-masker who just thinks of themselves.

Nope obviously you have a hard time understanding basic English. I said i get people wearing n95 masks. That's because they work and high risk individuals or those with high risk individuals at home may want to wear them. What's stupid is people wearing cloth masks. They aren't effective so you're basically just wearing it because you're an idiot that obeys without questioning shit.

04-03-2022, 07:46 PM
they were inside any public area till like 3 weeks ago

Yeah finally they changed that. Probably won't last though. Canadians have become a bunch of pathetic idiots begging for control

04-03-2022, 07:51 PM
Nope obviously you have a hard time understanding basic English. I said i get people wearing n95 masks. That's because they work and high risk individuals or those with high risk individuals at home may want to wear them. What's stupid is people wearing cloth masks. They aren't effective so you're basically just wearing it because you're an idiot that obeys without questioning shit.

The govt tells you to take off the mask and you instantly obey like the sheep that you are.

I'd rather hide my face from their surveillance. Stop listening to the govt without questioning shit. Don't forget, the govt told us NOT to wear masks when the pandemic started.

04-03-2022, 07:54 PM
Nope obviously you have a hard time understanding basic English. I said i get people wearing n95 masks. That's because they work and high risk individuals or those with high risk individuals at home may want to wear them. What's stupid is people wearing cloth masks. They aren't effective so you're basically just wearing it because you're an idiot that obeys without questioning shit.

why stop there. if you're gonna be paranoid about the flu just go all out and buy one of these


04-03-2022, 07:58 PM
The govt tells you to take off the mask and you instantly obey like the sheep that you are.

I'd rather hide my face from their surveillance. Stop listening to the govt without questioning shit. Don't forget, the govt told us NOT to wear masks when the pandemic started.

I'm not wearing my mask because i never wanted to in the first place. Government never told me not to i just finally have the option and choose not to. It's all b.s to begin with. Here children still have to wear masks in school meanwhile adults can party, go to restaurants, bars and games without masks. The shit makes no sense.

04-03-2022, 07:58 PM
why stop there. if you're gonna be paranoid about the flu just go all out and buy one of these


Wouldn't be surprised if that's where we end up. People are so stupid as a group

04-03-2022, 08:02 PM
I'm not wearing my mask because i never wanted to in the first place. Government never told me not to i just finally have the option and choose not to. It's all b.s to begin with. Here children still have to wear masks in school meanwhile adults can party, go to restaurants, bars and games without masks. The shit makes no sense.

So what does it mean if I've been wearing masks before Covid? The Canadian govt told us not to wear a facemask but I wore it anyway. You were listening to their lies more than I was.

At this point I don't give a fk if I see people wearing a mask or not. Difference between you and me is I wouldn't be judging someone and calling them idiots if they wear a mask or not. Do whatever you're comfortable with and just live your life.

04-03-2022, 08:16 PM
The govt tells you to take off the mask and you instantly obey like the sheep that you are.

I'd rather hide my face from their surveillance. Stop listening to the govt without questioning shit. Don't forget, the govt told us NOT to wear masks when the pandemic started.

:roll: @ you trying to turn the tables on some I know you are but what am I? 3rd grade shit... smh. People that aren't wearing masks have been doing so all along. They didn't stop just because authorities told them to when they snapped their fingers. The woven fibers that make up masks are not enough to stop VIRUSES from passing through. Viruses are infinitely smaller than the gaps between the weaves.

04-03-2022, 08:21 PM
:roll: @ you trying to turn the tables on some I know you are but what am I? 3rd grade shit... smh. People that aren't wearing masks have been doing so all along. They didn't stop just because authorities told them to when they snapped their fingers. The woven fibers that make up masks are not enough to stop VIRUSES from passing through. Viruses are infinitely smaller than the gaps between the weaves.
How's ivermectin going out for ya thurston?

04-03-2022, 10:18 PM
So what does it mean if I've been wearing masks before Covid? The Canadian govt told us not to wear a facemask but I wore it anyway. You were listening to their lies more than I was.

At this point I don't give a fk if I see people wearing a mask or not. Difference between you and me is I wouldn't be judging someone and calling them idiots if they wear a mask or not. Do whatever you're comfortable with and just live your life.

If you were wearing a mask that actually works before or during covid that's fine because it makes sense. I'm not judging people who wear masks that work i'm judging people who wear masks that are useless. Cloth masks don't do anything against covid. That's why it's dumb af to wear one now that you don't have to. Not sure what's so hard to understand about that.