View Full Version : Kareem seems awfully jealous of LeBron eventually passing him in career points.

04-04-2022, 10:30 AM
"Some of the things he's done and said are really beneath him, as far as I can see," he told ESPN. "Some of the great things that he's done, he's standing on both sides of the fence almost, you know? It makes it hard for me to accept that when he's committed himself to a different take on everything. It's hard to figure out where he's standing. You've got to check him out every time."


He later backtracked his statement...

my respect and admiration has only grown for LeBron as I watched him champion worthwhile causes while maintaining his status as an elite athlete. As he closes is on my all-time scoring record, I have been a cheerleader urging him on, happy to pass the mantle to someone so worthy as an athlete and a person," he told the Los Angeles Times.

It reminds me of how Wilt Chamberlain hated Kareem throughout the 80's, which I believe had mostly to do with Kareem passing him in points.

04-04-2022, 10:31 AM

04-04-2022, 10:34 AM
Kareem is seriously a huge whiny ******. Dude never stops complaining about petty shit. He’s a bitch.

04-04-2022, 10:36 AM
Kareem is seriously a huge whiny ******. Dude never stops complaining about petty shit. He’s a bitch.

Except he's right.

04-04-2022, 10:40 AM
Except he's right.

Kareem should focus on basketball instead of crying about not agreeing with LeBrons politics

Lebron is an idiot a lot of the time. The cap is being pretty obvious here.

Keep it to basketball though

04-04-2022, 10:54 AM
Kareem should focus on basketball instead of crying about not agreeing with LeBrons politics

Lebron is an idiot a lot of the time. The cap is being pretty obvious here.

Keep it to basketball though

Everyone shouldn't have to be PC. Calling out Lebron for being a flip flopper who talks alot and stands for nothing. And doing it in the nicest possible way isn't objectionable. Meanwhile Kareem had nothing but praise for Lebron catching up and potentially surpassing him in points. OP's somehow turning that into Kareem being jealous of Lebron.

04-04-2022, 11:47 AM
Kareem should focus on basketball instead of crying about not agreeing with LeBrons politics

Lebron is an idiot a lot of the time. The cap is being pretty obvious here.

Keep it to basketball though
Why? They’re two adult men with more in common than most people they encounter including a platform they’ve both used politically, quite famously.

If LeBron doesn’t restrict his discussions to basketball (see “shut up and dribble”) then why should Kareem? If it bothers you cover your eyes and stick fingers in your ears so you don’t hear anything that may offend you

04-04-2022, 11:54 AM
Kareem is seriously a huge whiny ******. Dude never stops complaining about petty shit. He’s a bitch.

No one ever liked him, and he was a known D bag. Much rather see LeBron have this record than this clown, TBH. At least LeBron has more legitimate claim to second best player ever than Kareem.

04-04-2022, 12:15 PM
No one ever liked him, and he was a known D bag. Much rather see LeBron have this record than this clown, TBH. At least LeBron has more legitimate claim to second best player ever than Kareem.

Man, the more I think about this you're right, Abdul-Jabbar was a douche. Lebron's probably a really great guy. I'd rather see Lebron with the record than him.

04-04-2022, 12:19 PM
Man, the more I think about this you're right, Abdul-Jabbar was a douche. Lebron's probably a really great guy. I'd rather see Lebron with the record than him.
It’s not just that. I don’t consider LeBron a true winner. But compared to Kareem? He is.

LeBron a narcissist surrounded by yes men, and does some hideously moronic things but he yes seems like a much nicer human being than Kareem.

Much like Duncan had massive amounts of help but fans always seem to sweep their obvious short comings under the rug. And honestly for a guy who is considered second best ever, I could never imagine him pushing the actual GOAT, Jordan, in a playoff series. You know unless he has a top 15 guy like Oscar, and a Mt Rushmore guy like Magic, he’s IMO kind of overrated.

He’s not in my top 4 or top 5. I think he’s in the same class as Russell, Wilt, Shaq, Hakeem and Duncan tbh.

04-04-2022, 12:32 PM
Kareem is clearly jealous. He will never be relevant again in casual basketball circles once legoat passes him.

04-04-2022, 12:42 PM
It’s not just that. I don’t consider LeBron a true winner. But compared to Kareem? He is.

LeBron a narcissist surrounded by yes men, and does some hideously moronic things but he yes seems like a much nicer human being than Kareem.

Much like Duncan had massive amounts of help but fans always seem to sweep their obvious short comings under the rug. And honestly for a guy who is considered second best ever, I could never imagine him pushing the actual GOAT, Jordan, in a playoff series. You know unless he has a top 15 guy like Oscar, and a Mt Rushmore guy like Magic, he’s IMO kind of overrated.

He’s not in my top 4 or top 5. I think he’s in the same class as Russell, Wilt, Shaq, Hakeem and Duncan tbh.

I disagree. I think it just goes to show how much the media built an athlete's image back then and painted them however they wanted. It has less power now because it's less monolithic and you have more varied viewpoints. If you didn't play nice with them you were painted as a douche. Especially if you talked about controversial topics like Kareem did. Oscar got similar treatment for similar reasons albeit to a lesser extent. Hence his legacy is also underrated by everyone except those who played in his era.

I wonder how Muhammad Ali would have been portrayed if he wasn't so well liked by Howard Cosell and others with media influence. He was also portrayed unfavorably for a while. But he had much more charisma and could win over the public directly.

04-04-2022, 01:06 PM
Ali stood up for stuff and wasn’t viewed like this and that was during it. Kareem treated people like a douche. That’s why he’s viewed as such. Not because some false narrative spin against him. And if the latter occurred, it’s because he treated people like shit. He was known for being condescending, standoffish and a douche. And not even a lovable douche, like say Wilt Chamberlain. No one liked Kareem. Ugly game. Ugly looking. Ugly person.

04-04-2022, 01:26 PM
Feels more and more like Kareem was/is the Kyrie Irving of his generation.

Pretentious, self-absorbed, self-important political attention whore. Desperate to appear an intellectual heavyweight when in reality he’s a middleweight at best.

He’s been lucky the media has provided him in recent years a generous artificial sheen of being some profound social activist and thinker. But his true attention-starved nature is exposing itself. He wants people to hear him being some awkward version of what he thinks is righteous and intelligent, leading to continuous petty soapboxing and the steady mastication of sour grapes.

Kareem Irving.

04-04-2022, 07:20 PM
kareem might be a douche but he's pretty intelligent. He's not wrong in his walkback either but think he only said that because it came off as too harsh when he's still a fan. Lebron does play the PR game quite a but(and the China/morey stuff was not a good look)

Spurs m8
04-04-2022, 07:21 PM
The wording of thread title just sums up how girly op is

04-04-2022, 07:33 PM
The wording of thread title just sums up how girly op is

Says the guy who cried to mods like a little girl to have his user name changed like 10 times.

04-04-2022, 07:39 PM
In my first four or five years in the NBA, I so dominated scoring wise that even my strongest detractors had to concede that I could score almost whenever I wanted to.

An example of how I dominated was bought to light on January 9 1991 when Micheal Jordan scored his fifteen thousandth point all the papers praised his achievement and related that he reached that milestone in his 460th game faster then anyone else in NBA history besides your's truly.

Who did it in 358 games that's right 102 games quicker I was besieged by so many factions that I started to score less and less I did it only to appease my detractors not because of my inability to keep scoring.

There is no doubt that if I had chosen to keep scoring I could have and just as easily in my last years of play as in the beginning of my career.

I become a smarter player as I got older and my field goal percentage started to climb to unreal numbers also the center competition in my mind's eye became less and less formidable.

Russell was getting old and Kareem was not strong enough to keep me from going to the basket which I did more of in my later years than I was allowed to in my early years.

I want you all to realize that I dunked the basketball about half as many shots a game when I was really scoring points as Micheal Jordan does now as I mainly used fadeaway jump shots and finger rolls to score my shots

The point is I could have put the scoring record so far out of reach that Kareem would have to play thirty years not twenty years to break the record but I sacrificed all of that scoring ability for whatever my teams wanted of me.

I call that real unselfishness, not like that crap you hear announcers say when a player gives off a pass to a teammate my last game in the NBA was indicative of what I had allowed myself to become as a scorer I took one that's right one shot during the entire game.

There were many games during the last four or five years of my career when I took one or no shots but I led the NBA in rebounding and blocked shots and I established a shooting percentage record that may stand for many a year 72%.

What would you have done if you were the greatest scorer the game has ever seen would you stop shooting and pass the ball to some guy who on his best day couldn't score in an entire game what you averaged for one quarter for better or worse that's what I did.

At times I got a little angry when I read that I couldn't score anymore so I would go out and score 50 or 60 points just to show people I could still do it then I would go back to role-playing scoring twelve and thirteen points a contest.

04-04-2022, 07:43 PM
Kareem regardless if he wants to admit it or not feels subconsciously some resentment towards Lebron for taking his record away from him.

Wilt felt the exact same way when Kareem surpassed him to become the NBA's all-time leading scorer.

04-04-2022, 07:47 PM
Does total points even matter anyway? I never see someone making a case for tony parker as a top 10 goat because he has top 10 playoff points. It's meaningless. Judge a player based off their prime with at least 8-9 year sample size and thats it. Total points means jack shit.

04-04-2022, 07:50 PM
Does total points even matter anyway? I never see someone making a case for tony parker as a top 10 goat because he has top 10 playoff points. It's meaningless. Judge a player based off their prime with at least 8-9 year sample size and thats it. Total points means jack shit.
Says the lunatic who stans a guy that's already 11 years in the league. Yet still only has below 15k career points.

04-04-2022, 08:16 PM
Kareem regardless if he wants to admit it or not feels subconsciously some resentment towards Lebron for taking his record away from him.

Wilt felt the exact same way when Kareem surpassed him to become the NBA's all-time leading scorer.

can you blame him? being the nba's all time leader scorer is the greatest individual record a player can have.

04-04-2022, 09:26 PM
this thread title was my exact thoughts when originally reading this article lmao, anything to downplay him before the big pass.

04-04-2022, 09:32 PM
kareem wanted a black guy with self respect and conviction to pass him in scoring. someone who isn't on both sides of the fence in political issues depending on what benefits him financially

04-05-2022, 03:52 AM
I really thought that Kareem was more classy than this. Instead, he turned out to be:


04-05-2022, 04:19 AM
I really thought that Kareem was more classy than this. Instead, he turned out to be:


kareems a vaxxcuck like you. thats why he hates lebron. young black men don't trust the evil white man juice. their science is racism.

kareems old so he doesn't have much of a choice. but if he was lebrons age i have no doubt he would be against vaccines too for all the wrong reasons

if only one of them could just do some actual research then maybe i would have some respect for either guys stance on the issue

04-05-2022, 05:04 AM
Kareem has every right to throw shade at the spoiled Lebron because Kareem would have 50k points if he was allowed to jump from high school like Lebron

Lebron is a garbage scorer compared to Kareem because he has no go-to move and must employ a weaker brand of ball to score a lot that requires more help and wins less..

04-05-2022, 07:18 AM
Kareem at least has integrity to stand by his opinion no matter what. He did that even in his playing days. Even if someone has different opinions to you, I think it is easier to respect someone who is unapologetically themselves.

Bron is a corporate shill who protects himself and his own pockets, while driving whatever narrative suits him at the time. He truly does come across as an absolute ignoramus... For as much as he probably is the GOAT, he is shit tier level when it comes to speaking up about issues with any consistency and flip flops like a mofo.

04-05-2022, 07:49 AM
Keep in mind that if LeBron's career started in 1969 instead of 2003 where he would've averaged 35-40 ppg throughout the entire 70s, he would have broken Wilt's record well before Kareem broke it around 1984, and would've finished well beyond the 38K Kareem finished with in 1989.