View Full Version : Since Lebron came to the West, he's missed the playoffs twice

Walk on Water
04-06-2022, 06:38 AM
That's pretty pathetic. This goes to show you how weak it was in the East, when he could make the Finals 10 times. The first year that he missed the playoffs wasn't entirely due to injury. Look at this year- Lebron can't even make the playoffs playing with Russell Westbrook and 3 other hall of famers.

I feel bad for the Laker fans. He brought a pandemic title. The other years were pretty embarrassing.

This is what happens in the Wild, Wild West.

Spurs m8
04-06-2022, 06:44 AM
Yep...we always said it...and the West isn't what it used to be, either.

Out of the 3 proper seasons he's been out West...

2 missed playoffs

2 first round wins (won by AD scoring over 30 both times)...then epic losses

No AD, no success out West.

04-06-2022, 06:44 AM
top 11 cemented

04-06-2022, 07:08 AM
The most annoying narrative to come out of the LeBron-Lakers era is that he can't win in the West, even though:

A) He literally won a championship in the West

B) He's won 62% of his career games against the West

C) He's won 62% of his games against the West with the Lakers

Full Court
04-06-2022, 07:11 AM
Yep...we always said it...and the West isn't what it used to be, either.

Out of the 3 proper seasons he's been out West...

2 missed playoffs

2 first round wins (won by AD scoring over 30 both times)...then epic losses

No AD, no success out West.

Exactly. Right now the East is the stacked conference. And Bronie STILL can't make the play-in.

04-06-2022, 07:36 AM
He isn't that guy

04-06-2022, 07:50 AM
In the 15 seasons LeBron played in the east, 8 of them his teams had better records against the west than they did against the east, vs 7 seasons the other way around.
Therefore, your weak attempt at a smear campaign has already been debunked, and it won't become any more valid, no matter how many alts you create or how many self-agreeing posts you make with those alts. :roll:

04-06-2022, 08:11 AM
In the 15 seasons LeBron played in the east, 8 of them his teams had better records against the west than they did against the east, vs 7 seasons the other way around.
Therefore, your weak attempt at a smear campaign has already been debunked, and it won't become any more valid, no matter how many alts you create or how many self-agreeing posts you make with those alts. :roll:

We saw his 2nd stint in Cleveland. He was a lock to make the Finals every year because of how pathetic his Conference was and the splits show that they were a mediocre .500 team vs the West (16 - 14 in '17, 15 - 15 in '18) while they dominated the East his last 2 years there. We don't have to include his peak years from the late '00s/early '10s when he played on 60+ win teams that dominated everyone in the RS to make a point here.

04-06-2022, 08:16 AM
And won the championship and played injured with a bunch of bums 90% of the time lol

04-06-2022, 08:26 AM
He did win a championship & FMVP too

04-06-2022, 08:57 AM
He did win a championship & FMVP too

Wilt as a Laker:

1972 NBA Champion

1972 Finals MVP

4x All star

4 Finals Appearances in 5 years

4 Rebounding Titles

3x FG% Leader

1 All NBA second team

2 NBA All-Defensive First Team

Lebron as a Laker

2020 NBA Champion

2020 Finals MVP

1 assist title

4x all-star

1 scoring title.

1 All NBA first team

1 All NBA second team

Laker Wilt vs Laker Lebron is a very interesting debate.

Wilt is considered by many people to be a Laker legend despite only winning one title and FMVP.

And I suppose Lebron will be also considered by many people to be a Laker legend as he bought us a title while winning the finals MVP.

Plus he is going to break the all-time scoring record as a Laker which will be an iconic moment in NBA history

04-06-2022, 09:08 AM
Wilt as a Laker:

1972 NBA Champion

1972 Finals MVP

4x All star

4 Finals Appearances in 5 years

4 Rebounding Titles

3x FG% Leader

1 All NBA second team

2 NBA All-Defensive First Team

Lebron as a Laker

2020 NBA Champion

2020 Finals MVP

1 assist title

4x all-star

1 scoring title.

1 All NBA first team

1 All NBA second team

Laker Wilt vs Laker Lebron is a very interesting debate.

Wilt is considered by many people to be a Laker legend despite only winning one title and FMVP.

And I suppose Lebron will be also considered by many people to be a Laker legend as he bought us a title while winning the finals MVP.

Plus he is going to break the all-time scoring record as a Laker which will be an iconic moment in NBA history
Well, as a laker, your post also shows that wilt lost more finals than kong did too.

04-06-2022, 12:08 PM
All Mickey Mouse jokes aside, the 2020 title alone makes his LA stint successful. That's what history will highlight first about his time donning the Purple & Gold.

That being said, you can definitely argue the rest of the years as considerable underachievements.

He's failed to win a single playoffs series in three of his four seasons out West, this coming on the heels of eight-consecutive Finals out East. Even when accounting for injuries and square-pegged rosters, it's hard to argue that's not disappointing by GOAT standards. Fair or not, it also reinforces the conference-disparity arguments, and these years will probably be used as counterexamples to the "LeBron can carry anyone to the Finals" narratives.

It doesn't really tarnish his legacy or demote him on an all-time scale; it's too late for that at this stage and age of his career. But it undermines his Eastern Conference success further, and it's not a great look in the GOAT debate to say the least. It's just how it is for top-tier GOAT candidates, where every disappointment gets scrutinized to the nth degree.

Walk on Water
04-06-2022, 12:54 PM
In the 15 seasons LeBron played in the east, 8 of them his teams had better records against the west than they did against the east, vs 7 seasons the other way around.
Therefore, your weak attempt at a smear campaign has already been debunked, and it won't become any more valid, no matter how many alts you create or how many self-agreeing posts you make with those alts. :roll:

He just missed the play in. Do I need to say more? Just give it up. Lebron and the Lakers are the laughing stock of the NBA right now. Quit defending the bum. Just quit.